2018-04-23RFT for Provision, Support and Maintenance of Query Management, Knowledge Management and Telephony Solution (Road Safety Authority (RSA))
The RSA invites responses to this tender for the supply and support of an integrated Query Management, Knowledge Management and VoIP Telephony Solution. The objectives are to establish the Customer Call Centre as a centre of excellence for handling queries from customers and the public, and to deliver a modern VoIP Telephony Solution for organisation-wide communications which removes the reliance on fixed line ISDN services. The solution will transform our operational processes for managing customer …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Provident CRM Ltd
2018-04-20The supply of Facial Image Matching Software (Department of Social Protection)
In 2012, The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) undertook a procurement process to tender for the supply, configuration and integration of facial image matching software and provision of support as part of the SAFE registration process. This system now needs to be replaced to improve performance and functionality to include an improved algorithm in line with current market standards and expectations.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:GemaltoThales DIS UK Ltd (Formally Gemalto UK...
2018-03-23Web Archiving Services in the National Library of Ireland (National Library of Ireland)
The mission of the National Library of Ireland (NLI) is to collect, protect and make available the recorded memory of Ireland including books, manuscripts, newspapers, photographs, prints, maps, drawings, ephemera, music and digital media. The National Library is open, free of charge, to all those who wish to consult the collections for material not otherwise available through the public library service or an academic library.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Internet Archive
2018-03-05RFT 10134 — Framework Agreement for Digital Dictation/ Voice Recognition System (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The Health Service Executive (HSE) and organisations funded by the HSE invites proposals from suitably qualified suppliers of digital dictation/ voice recognition systems for inclusion in a competition for appointment to a Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for the supply, installation, integration, implementation and on-going support of a Digital Dictation/ Voice Recognition System.
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2018-02-14Supply of a Planning Platform for Public Transport Networks in Ireland (National Transport Authority)
The Authority wishes to invite tenders for the provision of a Planning Platform for Public Transport Network Services in Ireland that will afford users the ability to quickly map out existing and planned transport routes (including associated timetables/schedules) and services while simultaneously providing an understanding of their estimated costs and usage (trips) having considered all relevant factors and information including demographics of a proposed change. Furthermore, the Planning Platform must …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Remix Software, Inc.
2017-05-19RFT for the Supply of Nanophotolithography Equipment Pharmaceutical and Molecular Biotechnology Research Centre,... (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
PMBRC (Pharmaceutical and Molecular Biotechnology Research Centre) is an applied research centre which aims to support the sustainable growth of the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry in the south east of Ireland. Situated in the heart of the region on the WIT campus, the centre seeks to stimulate research and innovation, allowing companies to embed R&D into their activities.
An emerging area of research is development of multiplexed sensor technologies based on plasmonic nanostructures. This tender …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Eulitha AG
2017-03-29Request for Tender for the provision of an eDiscovery software solution (Department of Finance)
The Contracting Authority requires an eDiscovery platform solution to be put in place on the premises of the Contracting Authority, or other authorised location in Ireland, to aid in data and information retrieval which requires documents to be effectively and efficiently searched, identified, reviewed, collated and formatted, together with ancillary services as described in the RFT documentation.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Texuna
2016-09-24Asset management system (Waterways Ireland)
(Please note: Accelerated restricted procurement procedure has been adopted for
this tender).
The contract is for analysis, design, development and implementation of the
software, services and mobile element of an Infrastructural Asset Management
System for Waterways Ireland; including the ongoing support.
REF PQQ 4.7 for detail.
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2016-09-20Provision of an online Booking Bystem (National Museum of Ireland)
The provision and commissioning of an online booking system to manage
bookings for public and schools engagement programmes across the 4 public
sites of the National Musuem of Ireland. The training of staff on the system, and
the maintenance and upgrading of the system for a period of 5 years are also
essential elements of the supply contract.
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2016-09-02Archive Catalogue Software System (Central Bank of Ireland)
Under the terms of the Central Bank of Ireland (‘the Central Bank’) Archive Policy,
the ownership of all Central Bank registered files and other historical artefacts,
over thirty (30) years old, are automatically transferred to the Central Bank
Archive (‘the Archive’) which has been approved to be opened to the public under
controlled procedures. The Bank has undertaken to launch an Archive Reading
room in the new North Wall Quay building where these materials will be available
for consultation by …
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2016-08-10Provision of Document/Image management systems (An Post)
An Post are seeking an enterprise wide solution, initially to replace their current
document imaging repository system. This current system (Alchemy) stores in
excess of 64M document images comprising approximately 1.5TB of storage.
Additionally An Post seek that the solution is sufficiently capable of supporting
multiple projects/systems requirements for document storage, retrieval and image
data capture processes.
Images are stored within the current solution through interfacing with OpenText
Teleforms …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Inpute Technologies
2016-05-20The provision of document scanning and indexing services and a document management system to the Department of... (Department of Health)
The provision of Document Scanning and Indexing Services and a Document Management System to the Department of Health and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs for approximately 6 000 files/approximately 800 000 pages; the disassembly and reassembly of these files; the production of a searchable (file content) index and the provision of document management software with document gathering, analysis and reporting capacity to facilitate discovery of records to a legal standard.
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2016-05-17Supply of a Log Harvesting Telemetry System to the Coillte Group (Coillte Teoranta)
The Coillte group request expressions of interest from suitably qualified
candidates for a Telemetry system capable of collecting live production data from
its contractor harvesting fleet, integrating the data from the disparate sources into
a central repository facilitating live monitoring and reporting of harvest processes.
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2016-02-08Weather Services (Raidio Teilifis Eireann ( RTÉ ))
RTÉ are seeking companies who can supply weather services across broadcast (Television and Radio) and online platforms (web, applications, mobile). It will be necessary to provide meteorological data, data interpretation (including broadcast quality graphics, scripts and forecasts), professional meteorology presentation staff and industry leading innovation in terms of forecasting techniques, forecast presentation and the provision of high-quality, accurate and timely content for all platforms.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:CahyronMet Eireann
2015-11-27Transcription Service (The Adelaide and Meath Hospital, Dublin Incorporating The National Children's Hospital)
The Adelaide and Meath Hospital, Dublin, incorporating the National Children's Hospital (AMNCH) and (also known as Tallaght Hospital) invites potential Transcription Service Providers for Hospital medical letters, with a proven high quality of service. The transcribed dictations must be compatible with all relevant hospital systems (refer to published requirements), and must be delivered to a consistently high standard and expedient turnaround.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Dictate IT Ltd
2015-11-11Mobile Data Collection Platform (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) is seeking a partner to implement a range of field work management applications with a data collection system at its core. It is planned to implement the system with approximately 500 users, initially. The core system will link to SAP, SharePoint and other IT systems using a-synchronous connections (via API), and will initially be focused on 6 elements:
i. Work Order Management Application;
ii. Data Collection Tools;
iii. Form Creation;
iv. Lone Work Systems;
v. GIS and GPS …
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2015-08-19Request for Tenders for the Provision of Translation Software which is Memory Based, including Related Maintenance... (Houses of the Oireachtas Service)
This public procurement competition relates to the supply of a dedicated translation software solution which is memory-based (“the Application“) that will support the workflow of the Contracting Authority‘s inhouse Translation Section, Rannóg an Aistriúcháin.
The Application will support pre-translation to sign-off, by providing an environment for the processing, translation, editing and delivery of documents in common formats, with the support of customisable translation memories and term bases. A …
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