2018-08-14Provision of Support and Maintenance for Checkpoint Firewall (An Post)
An Post has a number of Checkpoint Firewalls and a number of Checkpoint Endpoint Protection Products. An Post now wishes to tender for maintenance and support of the Checkpoint Products in the User Centers outlined below:
— It is anticipated that all of the below requirements will have the same commencement date for support and maintenance,
—User Centre details are detailed in the ITT Document.
Note: We may not continue with the Checkpoint Endpoint products so they may be removed from this process at any …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Integrity360
2018-07-30IT System Support, Maintenance and Software Development for SEAI Retrofit Programmes (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland)
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) has a mission to play a leading role in transforming Ireland into a society based on sustainable energy structures, technologies and practices.
The objective of this RFT is to identify one suitably resourced multi-disciplined IT service provider to provide IT system support, maintenance and software development for SEAI retrofit programmes.
The primary requirements of the successful Service provider under this contract can be classified as:
— provision …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Version1 Software Ltd
2018-07-20Development of a Safety Regulation System for IAA (Irish Aviation Authority)
To design, build and deliver a software solution known as Safety Regulation System (SRS) for the IAA (Irish Aviation Authority). The system accepts applications for any type of approval, certificate or license and issues all certificates, licences and approvals in a digital form with appropriate digital signature. The system will accept statements and evidence through digital means including the use of digital signature. A mobile application to allow individuals to access their individual accounts and to …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Enterprise Registry Solutions Ltd
2018-06-28Provision of Engineering Resources for ITS (National Transport Authority)
The National Transport Authority is seeking a supplier to provide experienced engineering resources for the Integrated Ticketing System (ITS).
The scope of this tender covers all of the technology projects within the NTA. These currently include the following:
1) Public Transport Ticketing Systems;
2) Taxi Regulation System;
3) National Journey Planning System;
4) Real Time Passenger Information;
5) Rural Transport;
6) Internal Corporate Systems.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:ErgoServices Ltd (t/a Ergo)
2018-06-19Provision of Software Test Resources (National Transport Authority)
The Authority is seeking a supplier to provide software test resources for projects in the NTA. The scope of this tender covers all of the technology projects within the NTA. These currently include the following:
1) Public Transport Ticketing Systems;
2) Taxi Regulation System;
3) National Journey Planning System;
4) Real Time Passenger Information;
5) Rural Transport;
6) Internal Corporate Systems.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Ammeon
2018-06-11ICT Managed Service (Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Irish Sea Fisheries Board (BIM))
BIM invites tenders for a Managed Service — ICT Helpdesk, Infrastructure, Monitoring and Support Service. This contract will be for up to a maximum of five (5) years. A performance review will be carried out every six (6) months and BIM reserve the right to cancel the contract at any point giving one month notice.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Nostra Systems Ltd
2018-05-14Vulnerability and Security Configuration Assessment (VA) Solution (EirGrid plc)
EirGrid operates and maintains an extensive and complex range of enterprise (IT) systems, including mission critical IT systems that operate critical national infrastructure. Enterprise vulnerability management is a key element in ensuring the successful secure operation of these systems. To enhance its existing enterprise vulnerability management program EirGrid has a requirement for the delivery of an enterprise class Vulnerability and security configuration assessment solution. EirGrid envisages this …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Capgemini Sogeti Ireland
2018-05-02Marketing Technology Systems Integration Services (Tourism Ireland Limited)
Tourism Ireland is seeking to appoint a Provider of systems integration services for its current and future marketing technology stack. The Provider will manage evaluation, acquisition, integration and establishment of marketing technology systems and services as required by Tourism Ireland. The Provider will act as a ‘smart customer’ on behalf of Tourism Ireland, evaluating and recommending appropriate marketing technology and services to meet Tourism Ireland’s business requirements and integrate …
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2018-04-26Small Business and Innovation Research (SBIR) Unheard Voices (Fingal County Council)
Please see ITT FCC Final 24.4.2018 for further details. Smart Dublin will only accept electronic submissions via etenders, please see OJEU notice for further details.
As this is pre-commercial procurement, if prompted for a monetary value at any point, please use 0,00 EUR.
Clarifications / Queries will be answered in the SBIR_05_FAQs document (attached).
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2018-03-27Ervia Payroll Solution (Ervia)
Ervia is undertaking a competitive tender process to implement and deliver a payroll and a pension solution for Ervia. This will replace the existing solutions used by Ervia. The selected solution will need to seamlessly integrate with a new HRIS (Human Resources Information System) solution, which is currently out for tender (tender reference 17/232 HR Solution). The solution must be fully legislatively compliant, with a predominant focus on Irish payroll legislation.
The solutions will need to have an …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Core Computer Consultants Ltd T/A Core HR
2017-12-21HR Solution (Ervia)
The solution will be delivered in a phased approach, the contents of each phase will be subject to the agreement but should include the following modules:
1. Transactional HR including Core HR/personnel, time & attendance, pension & benefits administration, case management & document management capabilities.
2. Recruitment/applicant tracking system (ATS) including onboarding activities
3. Talent management including performance management, succession planning, learning management system (LMS), skills & …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:IBM Ireland Ltd
2017-12-19Expert Advice and Support in the Implementation of IBM Tririga in the Office of Public Works (Office of Public Works (OPW))
The OPW, Estate Management System Unit, requires quality assurance, expert advice and support in relation to the implementation of IBM's TRIRIGA Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) particularly in the following areas: Tririga System Architecture, Tririga Data Model, Tririga Maintenance Management functionality, Tririga Facilities Management functionality, Tririga Lease Management functionality, Tririga Real Estate Management functionality, Tririga Space Management functionality, Tririga Project …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:IBM Ireland
2017-12-01Data Protection Leakage Solution (Ervia)
A Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) Solution to detect and prevent Data-in-Motion DLP incidents in relation to data leaving Ervia’s systems and networks over web, email, removable media and printing. The proposed solution must be capable of data discovery/ identification of predefined data, automatic blocking of target DLP data, end user notifications, quarantining, automated incident workflows and DLP MI reporting. The proposed solution must have the ability to expand fully into data-at-rest at a later …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Zinopy
2017-11-15Provision of Support and Maintenance of the Rural Transport ITMS Booking System (National Transport Authority)
The National Transport Authority seeks an experienced IT Service Provider who can provide technical support and expertise to maintain and develop ICT elements of the Authority's ITMS business systems. The Authority will require a range of support services, some of which will be on an on-going basis and others as needs arise. This contract will involve the provision of operation support and development services for ITMS and any other business systems that may be selected by the Authority in future.
The …
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2017-09-06Data Protection Leakage Solution (Ervia)
This will be a Contract agreement to provide the following:
a) A Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) Solution to detect and prevent Data-in-Motion DLP incidents in relation to data leaving Ervia's systems and networks over web, email, removable media and printing, with the ability to expand into Data-at-Rest at a later date;
b) Professional Services to install and configure the proposed DLP Solution; and
c) DLP Training Services to train Ervia resources on the DLP Solution.
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2017-08-18Electronic Logbook Recording System (ERS) Support Services for the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority (Sea Fisheries Protection Authority)
He Authority intends to establish a Contract with one service provider to supply Electronic Logbook Recording System (ERS) Support Services to Irish fishing vessels based in the ports primarily in the South East of Ireland.
The successful tenderer will be required to manage and maintain existing laptops and if necessary provide like for like replacement where applicable.
The successful Tenderer will be required to visit vessels which require support or upgrades to the ieCatch software when instructed to …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Cluain Daingean Ltd
2017-07-07Provision of Middle-ware Support Services (National Transport Authority)
The Authority is seeking the services of the Middle-ware Support Specialist in the Leap Card Project.
Descriptions of the particular service requirements are outlined in the Tender documents. The Service Requirements are including, but are not limited to Analysis, Planning, Implementation.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Zarrdia Limited
2017-06-26BMS026C- RFT Supply and Implementation of a Centralised Library Management System for the HSE (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The proposed system is an integrated library management solution to coordinate and track physical and virtual library resources across all library sites in the HSE. Physical resources include books, print journals and multimedia items held in libraries and loaned to HSE staff. Virtual resources include subscription-based access to electronic books, journals, bibliographic databases and point-of-care clinical reference tools. A library management system (LMS) is an integrated system designed to …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Interleaf Technology Ltd