2017-04-28Request for Tender for The Provision of Vending Machine Services (excluding Cold Drinks Vending) for University of... (The Office of Government Procurement)
Dublin University, Trinity College Dublin (the Contracting Authority) requires a full vending machine service, to include snacks and hot drinks vending, but excluding cold drinks vending, as well as the supply and installation of vending machines, cleaning and maintenance of said machines, management, supply and/or procurement of products/ingredients to stock/replenish these machines
and collection of cash takings. Seventeen vending machines in total will be required, distributed in buildings across the …
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2017-04-20Enteral Feeding Systems-Request for Written Submission (Health Service Executive (HSE))
In preparation for the publication of a new tender for Enteral Feeding Systems, the HSE invites interested parties to make a written submission, including if appropriate, soft copy product brochures/specifications and/or relevant research in relation to provision of Enteral Feeding Systems that are inter-operable with the principle enteral feed container designs currently available in Ireland i.e. screw type and spike type containers.
Please refer to the attached document for further information
The …
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2016-07-18Single Party Framework Agreement for the Managed Supply of Food, Beverages and Catering Consumables (Beaumont Hospital)
Beaumont Hospital's annual expenditure in respect of food and beverage supplies is in excess of 2 000 000 EUR. Currently, provisions are procured from a high number of disparate suppliers. This competition will result in the appointment of a single primary supplier, which will leverage efficiencies across all areas of the Hospital's food and beverage expenditure and will reduce the administrative burden associated with managing numerous different supply chains. This appointment will take the form of a …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:BWG Food Service
2016-01-13Provision of catering and hospitality services to EirGrid and SONI Ltd (EirGrid plc)
EirGrid is seeking to tender for the supply of catering services for its Head Office in Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 and for hospitality and catering services to be provided at SONI Ltd, Castlereagh House,12 Manse Road, Belfast, BT6 9RT.
The contract will cover the provision of catering services for staff, visitors and guests of EirGrid and SONI at these premises and will comprise the following:
(a) Staff catering facility- EirGrid;
(b) Hospitality Catering Services to support meetings and other events held in …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:BaxterStorey
2014-06-25Frozen Foods FC 06 2014 - Supply and Delivery of Frozen Foods to Defence Forces Ireland (Defence Forces Ireland)
This is a high value contract and the winning tenderer will have an opportunity to work with a customer who has overhauled their supply function in order to extract efficiencies from 17 locations. The Defence Forces ration system feeds soldiers involved in security duties, operational deployments, training and intensive exercises. Soldiers entitled to rations are allocated a ration rate of EUR 4.20 per day (breakfast EUR 1.05, lunch EUR 1.05 and dinner EUR 2.10). The contract is expected to run from 01 …
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2014-06-13Bread Products Tender 2014 (Irish Prison Service)
Tender competition is for the supply and delivery of various specified bread products to the Irish Prison Service. The tender is divided into four Lots - Lot 1 (All Dublin Prisons & Shelton Abbey), Lot 2 (Midlands & Portlaoise Prisons), Lot 3 (Southern – Cork & Limerick Prisons) & Lot 4 (North West – Castlerea & Loughan House). Interested tenderers are invited to tender for one or more lots.
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2014-06-06FC/01/2014 – Supply of Bread to Irish Defence Forces (Defence Forces Ireland)
You are invited to tender for the supply of Bread Products to The Defence Forces.
The Defence Forces is made up of seventeen (17) locations.
The contract will be for two years and is expected to run from 1.9.2014 to 31.8.2016 with an option to extend for a further year subject to review.
The estimated value of the contract is circa EUR450,000 over three(3) years.
In general, the requirement of the contract is to provide Bread Products to all Seventeen (17) military locations as and when required. The …
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2014-05-28School Meals 2014-15 (Longford and Westmeath Education & Training Board)
Provision of school meals to 6 schools and 1 youthreach centre in the Longford/Westmeath ETB catchment area, as per requirements of the individual schools/centres. Please note that this is a one year contract with the option for an extension, subject to funding and satisfactory performance of service providers. All documents relating to this tender are available on www.etenders.gov.ie Transaction ID no 83340
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2014-05-23Single party framework agreement for the supply & delivery of sandwiches, fruit & milk for the urban school meals scheme 2014 (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, Fingal County Council and South Dublin County Council jointly invite tenders from competent and experienced firms for the supply and delivery of food (sandwiches, fruit and milk) for the Urban School Meals Scheme operating within the four local authorities for the School Year 2013-2014 (September-June). Tenderers must bid to supply all of the items. Bids for individual elements of the contract will be deemed invalid and will not be considered. …
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2014-05-16GM1403 – Tender for the establishment of a multi-party framework for the provision of fairtrade or equivalent... (Galway Mayo Institute of Technology)
GMIT Catering Co. Ltd (hereafter referred to as Buyer) is undertaking a competitive tendering process, to establish a multi-party framework agreement to meet its requirements for the provision of Tea and Coffee, ancillary products & equipment.
It is anticipated that the initial contract will be awarded to the most economically advantageous response received and an initial contract of 2 years will be awarded to the highest scoring member admitted to the framework.
At the end of a two year period a further …
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2014-05-09Tender for Travel Retail Third Party Supply Agreement (Shannon Airport Authority plc)
Shannon Airport Authority wants to enter into a Supply Agreement with an international Travel Retail operator (Supply Partner) for the sourcing and supply of leading Travel Retail category products and brands to the SAA Travel Retail stores, including the Customs Border Protection (CBP) stores, all located airside at Shannon Airport
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2014-03-14ENQEIR409 - Provision of Local Reserve (EirGrid plc)
The risk of a local shortage of generation adequacy is caused by restrictions on the transmission network. The Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation (NIAUR) has written to SONI requesting it to explore arrangements, such as putting in place relevant System Support Services, to alleviate some or all of the risk identified. NIAUR has noted that any such arrangements should be time limited and that any additional costs of putting in place such measures should be reasonable and proportionate. …
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2014-02-20Expression of Interest for the Supply and Delivery of Frozen Food Products (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The tender competition being used for this tender is a Restricted Procedure (two stage process) Stage one Expressions of interest are sought and a pre-qualifying questionnaire (PQQ) completed. Companies will then be evaluated on the selection criteria laid down in the PQQ. Companies who have passed the criteria will be issued a tender Stage Two A tender will be issued to companies that pass the PQQ stage. When tenders are returned they will be evaluated as per the criteria in the tender document i.e. …
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2013-08-28ENQEIR336 - Short Term Active Response (EirGrid plc)
STAR is an interruptible load type service in Ireland by which electricity consumers agree to have either their entire load or a portion of their load disconnected, without notice, during an under-frequency incident. STAR assists in the recovery of the power system frequency to normal operating conditions following the loss of a major generation in-feed to the power system. The TSO makes payment for the service based on the level of load that an electricity consumer makes available for interruption.
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2013-08-23HSE 3152 - Invitation to Tender to operate a retail shop and café in the Galway University Hospitals (Health Service Executive (HSE))
Galway University Hospitals (University Hospital Galway and Merlin Park University Hospital) wishes to appoint a Service Provider who will be responsible for operating the retail unit and café located in the hospitals.
The contract will be operated as a lease on a profit share basis between the Service Provider and the hospitals. The tender will include a requirement for tenderers to offer funding proposals for an investment necessary for the refurbishment of a shop and entrance area of University …
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2012-08-20Convenience Store Concession - Cork Airport (Dublin Airport Authority plc (DAA))
DAA is inviting proposals from Retail Operators for a Convenience Store unit in Cork Airport Terminal. This unit is located on Level 1 between Departures check-in and Arrivals adjacent to the main Airport Information Desk.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=486992.
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2012-07-27Single Supplier Framework Agreement Cash and Carry Services (COPE Foundation)
Singe supplier framework agreement for the provision of cash and carry service to all locations specified within Cork City and County.
Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=474312.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Musgrave Foodservice
2012-06-22Provision of Stock Counting Services for Dublin, Cork and Shannon Airport (Dublin Airport Authority plc (DAA))
The Dublin Airport Authority wish to engage a suitably qualified provider for the provision of stock counting services for Dublin, Cork and Shannon Airport. This will involve the planning, execution of a full and comprehensive stock take of all retail stock. This task will be undertaken in conjunction with both an Inventory Management personal and Retail teams at each of the Airports.
Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site …
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