2023-09-07   Provision of Survey Navigation Software Firmware Licensing, Support and Maintenance for the Marine and Coastal unit... (Department of the Environment Climate and Communications)
Provision of Iicensing, support, maintenance, associated hardware warranty and physical dongle upgrades for survey navigation software and firmware for the Marine and Coastal unit of the Geological Survey Ireland . View the procurement »
2023-08-09   Deepwater Multibeam Echosounder (Marine Institute_1141)
The Marine Institute requests tender for a new Deepwater Multibeam Echosounder with operational capability to a minimum of 3000m for the RV Tom Crean. A detailed technical description is available in the attached tender documents. View the procurement »
2023-08-04   Multi-supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of legacy marine data and rights to publish legacy marine data... (Department of the Environment Climate and Communications)
The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) is seeking to establish a sustainable Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement to meet marine data procurement requirements to support the development of the Designated Marine Area Plans in Ireland’s marine space. To support the development of the first area identified for designation under the Offshore Wind Phase Two policy and framework off Ireland’s South Coast, the State will undertake comprehensive surveying activities within the defined … View the procurement »
2023-06-15   Water Level Sensors, Water Level/Rainfall Logging and Telemetry Data Transfer Equipment (Office of Public Works OPW)
The supply of Water Level Sensors, Water Level/Rainfall Logging and Telemetry Data Transfer Equipment, in the following estimated quantities: 1. Up to two hundred (200) pressure sensor units as specified in Appendix 1 of this Request for Tenders with the option for additional units to a maximum of four hundred (400) in total 2. Up to two hundred (200) data loggers as specified in Appendix 1 of this Request for Tenders with the option for additional units to a maximum of four hundred (400) in total View the procurement »
2023-05-31   ADCP Instruments for deep water observations (Marine Institute_1141)
The Marine Institute requires ADCP sensors that are able to survive unattended and provide accurate and precise data for minimum periods of 18 months operation in open Atlantic Ocean conditions. A single supplier framework agreement will be awarded for a 4-year period to the successful tenderer. A detailed technical description is available in the attached tender documents. View the procurement »
2023-05-05   Pilot Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme LiDAR Survey Autumn 2023 (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Pilot Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme LiDAR Survey Autumn 2023 The provision of LiDAR surveying services including the provision of the following deliverables: - LiDAR Point Cloud Data - Digital Surface Models - Digital Terrain Models - Tile Indices - Quality Control Outputs - Survey Report View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: BSF Swissphoto GmbH
2023-04-18   LA2412C TCD - RFT for the Supply of an Optically Pumped Magnetoencephalography (OPM MEG) solution (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the Supply of a Magnetoencephalography system with optically pumped magnetometers (OPM-MEG) to provide images of the brain. A state-of-the-art OPM-MEG scanner is required by academic, clinical and industrial users across Ireland and international partners. Several critical subject groups are not able to lie still and so a helmet-sensor based approach inside a shielded room (such as OPM MEG) allows movement without degradation of the MEG Signal. To facilitate cutting-edge research, … View the procurement »
2023-04-12   Contractor support to implement and refine automated/manual processes to create a fully connected river network for... (Environmental Protection Agency)
The EPA Catchments Unit is tendering for contractor support to implement and refine existing automated and manual processes to create a fully connected river network for Ireland. This will enhance the modelling and assessment capabilities of the EPA for water and other environmental domains and will be used by other external stakeholders. It will build on recent developments like the National Land Cover map and use of the Ordinance Survey’s PRIME2 datasets for mapping. A pilot has already been completed … View the procurement »
2023-01-27   23/008 - Single Supplier Contract to deliver the IW ArcGIS Enterprise and Desktop Upgrade (Uisce Éireann)
23/008 - Single Supplier Contract to deliver the IW ArcGIS Enterprise and Desktop Upgrade View the procurement »
2022-12-19   Coastal Aerial LiDAR & Imagery Survey 2023 – East to South Coast of Ireland (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Coastal Aerial LiDAR & Imagery Survey 2023 – East to South Coast of Ireland The capture of aerial LiDAR survey data and Aerial Photography along the East and South coasts of Ireland over an area of approximately 1708km2, and the provision of classified and processed data from the survey. The survey periods will be restricted to maximise survey coverage in the intertidal area. The survey will also require capture of Ground Check Point Data. The required deliverables will include the following: - LiDAR … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: BSF Swissphoto GmbH
2022-11-22   22/047 - Single Supplier Contract to deliver the IW ArcGIS Enterprise and Desktop Upgrade (Irish Water)
22/047 - Single Supplier Contract to deliver the IW ArcGIS Enterprise and Desktop Upgrade View the procurement »
2022-09-30   Marine Geoscience Services to Geological Survey Ireland (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
Marine geoscience services to support Geological Survey Ireland's Marine & Coastal Unit for INFOMAR (Integrated Mapping for the Sustainable Development of Ireland's Marine Resource), EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data Network), CVI (Coastal Vulnerability Index) Programme, ESA (European Space Agency) Coastal Erosion from Space and the INFOMAR Postgraduate Training Module View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ros Na Mara
2022-08-18   Supply and Delivery of 3D Scanner, Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) Rover, Scanning Total Station and... (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Supply and Delivery of 3D Scanner, Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) Rover, Scanning Total Station and Modular Rail Trolley Surveying System (4 lots) to Dublin, Ireland View the procurement »
2022-07-07   Tender for automatic Bioaerosol collection system for real-time measurement (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann wishes to purchase an automatic Bioaerosol collection system for real-time measurement of bioaerosol particles, the technical specifications of which are provided in the Appendix A1 “Technical specifications document”. The initial procurement will be for 1 instrument for a trial/Proof of Concept (POC) purposes. If deemed successful, the client proposes to purchase further systems through this RFT and set up a national network of up to 20 monitoring instruments. Tenders are also invited to bid … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Swisens AG
2022-07-01   provision of expert services in support of SEAI’s Research and policy Insights Directorate (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland)
The objective of this RFT is to establish a framework for expert services in support of SEAI’s Research and policy Insights Directorate. This RFT is issued with the objective of to establish frameworks of experts comprising of the following: Lot 1: Sustainable energy policy research and advice. Lot 2: Energy model development and support. Lot 3: Sustainable Energy Finance and programme / policy impact evaluation (including Cost Benefit Analysis). Lot 4: Framework for the Provision of Market Research … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Azorom Behaviour & Attitudes Marketing Research Behavioural Insights Ltd BVG Associates Byrne O Cleirigh Cambridge Economics/CEPA LLP Compass Informatics Limited CRA INTERNATIONAL (UK) LIMITED Economic and Social Research Institute Economic Consulting Associates Limited Energy Systems Catapult Services Limited Exceedence Limited Frontier Economics Ltd Frontier Economics Ltd. Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions Gemserv Limited Indecon International Consultants Interactions Research Ipsos MRBI/MRBI Market Research Limited Kpmg MCO Projects Ltd Mullan Grid Consulting Limited RED C Research and Marketing Limited REMTec Consulting RICARDO-AEA Ltd Ricardo-AEA Ltd. RPS Group Ltd. The Behaviouralist Limited Tyndall National Institute Winning Moves
2022-06-17   Technical/scientific support to NPWS in the development of GIS based data collation, analysis & management tools for... (Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage)
The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) within the Heritage Division of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) has the responsibility for the protection and conservation of Ireland’s natural heritage and biodiversity at national government level. Bord na Móna Peatlands Enhanced Decommissioning, Rehabilitation and Restoration Scheme (EDRRS) and the role of NPWS as scheme regulator The Peatlands EDRRS was approved in 2020. The Scheme is administered by the Department of the … View the procurement »
2022-05-25   Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme LiDAR Survey Autumn 2022 (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme LiDAR Survey Autumn 2022 The provision of LiDAR surveying services including the provision of the following deliverables: - LiDAR point cloud data - Digital Surface Models - Digital Terrain Models - Tile Indices - Quality control outputs - Survey report View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Bluesky International Ltd
2022-03-29   Request for tenders for the supply, delivery and installation of Engineering Laboratory Equipment in IT Sligo (ITSLIGO)
The Institute of Technology Sligo (IT Sligo) is seeking to procure new laboratory equipment, for educational purposes for the Faculty of Engineering and Design in the fields of Hydraulic Engineering, Wind and Hydro Energy, Thermodynamics, and Fluid Mechanics. This Equipment will be used for training, from novice to expert level. Therefore, it must be easy to use, strongly made, and capable of withstanding rough handling and heavy-duty use. The build quality should provide years of excellent service, with … View the procurement »
2022-03-25   DIAS Wide-Band Magnetotelluric Instrument Pool (MASTER: Magnetotelluric Acquisition Systems for Terrestrial Earth Research (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies)
.As can be seen from Appendix B (Specification and Requirements) of the tender document we are looking for sets of one type of instrument: We are looking for quotes for 8, 10 or 12 wide-band MT induction coil magnetometer type systems. A separate tender submission should be submitted for each Lot applied for. DIAS would like to procure a number of these systems and will not know until all bids are in and evaluated exactly how many can be acquired from available funds. The supply of higher quantities may … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Phoenix Geophysics Ltd
2022-03-16   An Area Monitoring System Service (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders for the provision of an Area Monitoring System. Within the context of the Common Agricultural Policy, Article 70 of Regulation 2021/2116 requires the establishment of an Area Monitoring System (AMS) by 1st January 2023. Article 65 of 2021/2116 defines an area monitoring system as a procedure of regular and systematic observation, tracking and assessment of agricultural activities and practices on agricultural areas by Copernicus Sentinels … View the procurement »
2022-02-18   To establish a Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for the Supply and Delivery of water/hydrological monitoring... (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
This document constitutes an invitation to tender for the 4 Lots of equipment detailed below to Teagasc. Teagasc – the Agriculture and Food Development Authority – is the national body providing integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture and food industry and rural communities: The requirements are as follows: • Multi-Channel Probe and Meter Systems • Soil Moisture sensors • Water Table sensors • Flow Monitoring Equipment View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Campbell Scientific Ltd Carl Stuart Limited Van Walt Ireland Ltd
2022-02-11   The Provision of a Single Party Framework in respect of Dublin City Council’s Corporate GIS Infrastructure for the... (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council (DCC) wishes to invite tenders using the Open Procedure to establish a Single Party Framework Agreement for the provision of Support, Maintenance, Licences and Professional Services for DCCs’ Corporate GIS environment. This environment encompasses existing software platform and customised solutions. The software platform includes Hexagon’s M..App Enterprise Platform (including customised Workflows), FME Desktop, FME Server, and Integrated Mapping application built on Location Publisher. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: IMGS
2022-02-10   Software & Firmware Licensing, Support & Maintenance for GSI Marine Survey Operations & Data Delivery (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications as represented by Geological Survey Ireland (a division of his Department) requires the supply of software packages, support, maintenance and firmware upgrades and replacements, which require annual support, subscription fees and upgrades. The software packages comprise survey navigation, acquisiton and processing packages and are used for the acquisition and delivery of accurate seabed data as part of the Government's INFOMAR (Integrated … View the procurement »
2021-12-23   Drone Survey & Visual Asset Inspections - Shannon Estuary North Embankments (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Drone Survey & Visual Asset Inspections - Shannon Estuary North Embankments View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: RAB Consultants Ltd
2021-11-30   Coastal Aerial LiDAR Survey 2022 - West to North Coast of Ireland (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Coastal Aerial LiDAR Survey 2022 - West to North Coast of Ireland View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Fugro NL Land
2021-11-19   Supply & Delivery of 3D Universal Total Stations (Training & Support to be included) (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
This is a call to competition by IE for the procurement of the Supply & Delivery of 3D Universal Total Stations (Training & Support to be included)Supply, Delivery & Training / Support of 3D Universal Total Stations to Portarlington Railway Station, Co. Laois . (the “Contract”). View the procurement »
2021-10-29   Medium Wave Hyperspectral Camera for Geological Survey Ireland’s Operating Core Scanner (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, as represented by the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI), seeks the provision of a medium wave hyperspectral camera for use in the existing core scanner within GSI. Provision of the camera includes integration of the camera with the existing setup and training of staff in image acquisition and processing. Provision of the camera includes provision of initial warranty and parts and maintenance service over 5 years between November 2021 and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Terra-Core International Corporation
2021-09-29   Services to Review the Methodologies Available for Coastal Erosion Hazard Mapping (Office of Public Works (OPW))
A review of the methodologies available for mapping the hazard associated with coastal erosion at national scale and separately at local scale. The methodologies to be assessed shall be capable of estimating the future position of the coastline for the present day sea levels and future sea levels, including allowances for sea level rise. The review shall include a detailed literature review, screening assessment of the methodologies identified, detailed review of the potentially suitable methodologies … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Jacobs Engineering Ireland Ltd
2021-09-08   Provision and Operation of Next Generation Automatic Vehicle Location Systems and Services (National Transport Authority)
The NTA intends to significantly expand and improve public transport services in the coming years and is doing so through initiatives such as BusConnects and Connecting Ireland. There will be additional services/routes and vehicles, and higher customer expectations for reliability of journey times, interchange and durations, and so the need for tools to assist with the provision of good quality services as well as to deliver reliable Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) will only increase in the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Trapeze Group UK Limited
2021-08-04   Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Xylem Analytics UK Ltd.
2021-07-21   Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for the Provision of a Technical Services Framework for Open Data and Data... (Department of Public Expenditure and Reform)
The Contracting Authority invites tenders (‘Tenders’) from economic operators (‘Tenderers’) for appointment to a multi-supplier framework agreement for the provision of a technical services framework for open data and data management for the Irish Public Sector (‘the Framework Agreement’) for the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1 of the RFT (the ‘Services’). In summary, the open data and data management services and comprise of the following three (3) categories: 1) Data … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Derilinx Limited Keitaro LTD UrbanTide Ltd
2021-07-19   Services to Review the Methodologies Available for Coastal Erosion Hazard Mapping (Office of Public Works (OPW))
A review of the methodologies available for mapping the hazard associated with coastal erosion at national scale and separately at local scale. The methodologies to be assessed shall be capable of estimating the future position of the coastline for the present day sea levels and future sea levels, including allowances for sea level rise. The review shall include a detailed literature review, screening assessment of the methodologies identified, detailed review of the potentially suitable methodologies … View the procurement »
2021-04-19   Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Building Surveying Services Established on Foot of an Initial Contract for... (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council (DCC) intents to establish a multi-party framework agreement for various types of building surveying services via an open tender procedure. The initial contract ‘Libraries and Offices Surveying Pilot Project’ will establish the framework agreement for potential future mini – competitions. The initial contract will be awarded to the tenderer with the most economically advantageous tender for the ‘Libraries and Offices Surveying Pilot Project’. The framework members will also be ranked, … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Moore MacDonald & Partners Ltd O'Connor Sutton Cronin & Associates (M&E) Ltd. ORS
2021-01-15   Remote Sensing Controls of Area-based Schemes and the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) Rebuild Project (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The objective of the current RFT is to contract: A. The determination of land eligibility for the various area-based schemes by remote sensing controls as set down in the EU Commission Guidance for On-the-Spot Checks and Area Measurement – DSCG/2014/32 – Final Rev 4 – Year 2018 Valid for campaign 2020, including the updating of the Land Parcel Identification System, for approx. 7 000 basic payment scheme/other area-based schemes applications to be submitted in 2021; and B. To review, transform and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: The Icon Group Ltd
2020-12-21   A service for the Update and Maintenance of a Land Parcel Identification System and Other Digitising Services (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The objective of this RFT is to contract the updating and maintenance of the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS), including the LPIS Rebuild, for the 2021 Basic Payment Scheme application period as specified in the tender documents. The work shall be carried out under the direction of the Department and will require consultation with Department Staff and other contractors/consultants where necessary. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Mallon Technology Ltd
2020-10-23   The Purpose of this Request for Tenders (RFT) is to Award a Contract for the Development of a New Core Operational ICT System (Valuation Office)
Request for tenders for the provision of a solution to support the assessment of valuation of non-domestic property for taxation purposes and for supporting associated case management and workflow processes known internally as — Project AXIA. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: BearingPoint Ireland
2020-10-01   Feasibility Study for Upgrade to Multibeam Echo Sounders on Irish Navy P60 Class OPV-90 Ships (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service requests tender from economic operators for the supply of a feasibility study for the upgrade to Multibeam Echo Sounders on Irish Navy P60 Class OPV-90 Ships. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Longitude Engineering
2020-05-21   18/251 DX and TX Pressure Reduction Systems Framework (Ervia)
A framework agreement in multiple lots for the manufacturing and/or supply of pressure reduction systems and associated equipment for Gas Networks Ireland. DX and TX pressure reduction systems. The scope of this framework consists of but is not limited to the procurement and quality assurance of materials and components, fabrication, welding, non-destructive testing(including radiography), pressure testing, assembly, painting, delivery and provision of documentation for various gas metering installations … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Hanley Controls (Clonmel) Ltd Murphy International Limited NATURAL GAS SOLUTIONS UK LIMITED Pietro Fiorentini SpA Saith Limited
2020-03-30   Single Operator Framework for GIS Consultancy Services to Build and Maintain a State Asset Database (Land Development Agency)
The contracting authority proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of a single operator framework agreement for GIS consultancy services to build and maintain a state asset database. View the procurement »
2020-01-21   LEE828C — Teagasc — Supply of a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Eddy Covariance System (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the supply of an Eddy Covariance (EC) system for Teagasc Environmental Soils and Land Use Department, consisting in the full sensor infrastructure (hardware and software) needed for the correct measurement and calculation of terrestrial carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) fluxes and, optionally, greenhouse gas methane (CH4), using the EC method. The remit of this project is to provide essential equipment required to meet current greenhouse gas flux research activities in Teagasc … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: LI-COR Biosciences UK Ltd
2019-12-04   Maintenance and Management Services and Development of South Dublin County Councils Ducting Infrastructure Network (South Dublin County Council)
Services for the maintenance, management and further strategic expansion and development of South Dublin County Councils Ducting Infrastructure Network. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Novegen Ltd
2019-11-26   Veat Notice for support and Potential further development of existing Azimap GIS system (Kildare County Council)
Kildare County Council intend to enter into a contract with a supplier of a GIS platform (Geographical Information Systems), Mallon Technology. The contract is for Azimap software and application support services. Also, with the option of development in Azimap technology. This contract is for the period of (2020-2022). View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Mallon Technology
2019-11-12   Supply of Laboratory and Research Consumables and Equipment to Irish Public Sector Bodies (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The supply of laboratory and research consumables and equipment to Irish Public Sector Bodies. The framework agreement will be divided into lots (each a ‘Lot’) as described below. Each lot will result in a separate framework agreement (each a ‘Framework Agreement’). View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Accuscience Ireland Ltd Analab Analab Ltd Apex Scientific Ltd Bio-Sciences Ltd Carl Stuart Ltd Cruinn Diagnostics Davidson and Hardy Ltd Fisher Scientific Lennox Laboratory Supplies Ltd Mason Technology Medical Supply Company Ltd Perkin Elmer Ireland Sarstedt Ltd Sigma-Aldrich Company Ltd Sparks Lab Supplies VWR International Ltd
2019-06-27   Long Range Omni-Directional Scientific Fisheries Sonar (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi state body, wishes to invite tenders for the supply of a Long Range Omni Directional Scientific Fisheries Sonar for the Institute’s planned new replacement vessel for the RV Celtic Voyager. A detailed technical description is available in the attached invitation to tender document. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Barry Electronics Ltd
2019-06-21   Common Data Environment Solution — MetroLink (Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII))
The Common Data Environment (CDE) Solution will be used for the management of project and asset related information that will be utilised by TII for the duration of the MetroLink Project as part of the design, construction, operation and maintenance phases of the project. In addition, applicants should note that the Authority may require the winning tenderer to provide a CDE Solution for other Transport Infrastructure Ireland projects as required. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Bentley Systems International Limited
2019-05-30   Glider Platforms and Associated Sensors (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to put a contract in place for the supply of autonomous underwater gliders and associated sensors/equipment for the Irish Glider Programme under a single supplier framework to run from August 2019 to August 2023. This tender is in 1 lot: The aim is to procure up to 2 Glider AUV Platforms including associated sensors/equipment for the Irish Glider Programme in 2019. Additional gliders, servicing, associated sensors/equipment and parts may be purchased throughout the 4-year … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Teledyne Webb Research, a Business Unit...
2019-05-30   Supply of pCO2 and pH Sensors (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to put a contract in place for the supply of weather and seawater properties monitoring instrumentation for the Irish Marine Data Buoy Observation Network under a single supplier framework to run from August 2019 to August 2023. This tender is divided into 2 lots. Tenderers are invited to bid for one or more lots. Each lot will be independently evaluated. — Lot 1: Ocean Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide (pCO2) Sensors, — Lot 2: Ocean Potential for Hydrogen (pH) Sensors. A … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Planet Ocean Ltd
2019-05-03   Energy Management Systems Framework (Ervia)
A Framework Agreement in multiple Lots for the manufacturing and/or supply of Energy Measurement Systems and associated equipment for Gas Networks Ireland. Lot 1 – A Single Party Framework for the supply of G4, G10 and G16 Diaphragm Meters for custody transfer measurement of natural gas in cubic metres, and associated spares. Lot 2 – A Single Party Framework for the supply of Rotary Positive Displacement (RPD) meters for custody transfer measurement of natural gas. Lot 3 – A Single Party Framework for … View the procurement »