Procurements: Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy (page 4)
2018-01-29Stock Gas 18/19 (Ervia)
The Contracting Entity is undertaking a competitive tender process using a single stage Open procedure to award a contract.
The Contracting Entity is seeking to purchase gas for its own use as stock for the operation of the Transportation System.
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2017-12-20Provision of electricity and or gas to the DAA at Dublin and Cork Airports (daa plc)
The purpose of this tender is to identify the most economically advantageous tender for the supply of electricity and natural gas to the DAA. In doing this, we have set out in the attached documents/spreadsheets the requirements of the DAA at the respective Cork & Dublin Airport sites.
Separate contracts may be entered into for the supply of electricity and for the supply of natural gas. A contract for a minimum of 24 months will be awarded based on the submissions from this tender. A mini-tender may be …
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2017-11-15Single Supplier Framework for the Provision of Fuel Card Services (The Office of Government Procurement)
The provision of a fuel, automotive products and Fuel Charge Card Services (the ‘Fuel Charge Card Services’). The Services are to include a Fuel Charge Card mechanism, whereby holders of the fuel charge card can also purchase automotive fuel products(unleaded petrol, road diesel/derv and green diesel/agri diesel), lubricant products and car washing facilities, the management and co-ordination of the fuel charge card services.
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2017-11-08EPL atmospheric abatement systems (Bord Na Mona)
In order to meet new BAT ELV's applying in 2020 expressions of interest are requested from suitably qualified companies to ideally upgrade, compliment or replace existing abatement technologies in order to guarantee compliance with new atmospheric emissions for specified fuel mixes.
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2017-08-21Lubricants, AntiFreeze & Greases Contract 2017 (Bord Na Mona)
Supply of engine, hydraulic, industrial gear, automotive and transmission oils in both bulk and barrels ( annual usage approximately 250 000 litres total). Supply of antifreeze in IBC's and barrels (annual usage approximately 45 000 litres). Supply of grease in drums and barrels (annual usage approximately 25 000 kgs). Supply of AdBlue.
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2017-06-24Supply of Natural Gas (An Post)
An Post is seeking to enter into a Contract with a single supplier to meet its requirements for supply of: Natural Gas to approximately seventy four (74) An Post sites nationally.
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2017-06-01Stock 17/18 (Ervia)
The Contracting Entity is undertaking a competitive tender process using a single stage Open procedure to award a contract.
The Contracting Entity is seeking to purchase gas for its own use as stock for the operation of the Transportation System.
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2017-04-24Balancing Buy and Sell Gas Contract 17/18 (Ervia)
The Contracting Entity requires a contract to buy gas at short notice, enabling the Contracting Entity to take balancing actions to ensure the physical balance of the transportation system. The Contracting Entity also requires a contract to sell gas from the transportation system,thus enabling the Contracting Entity to take balancing actions to ensure the physical balance of the transportation system. Lot 1 refers to the Balancing Buy Contract and Lot 2 refers to the Balancing Sell Contract. Tenderers …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Bord Gáis Energy LtdElectroroute Energy Trading ltd
2017-03-06Energy Supplier (EirGrid plc)
EirGrid intends to award contracts for the provision of the following supplies using the following Lots;
Lot 1 — Electricity for EirGrid in Republic of Ireland;
Lot 2 — Electricity for SONI in Northern Ireland;
Lot 3 — Gas for EirGrid in Republic of Ireland;
Lot 4 — Gas for SONI in Northern Ireland.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:EnergiaLCC Limited
2016-11-22Tender for the provision of Wood Chip Processing and Logistics Services in the South West for Coillte (Coillte Teoranta)
Coillte is seeking to appoint a contractor to manage a biomass fuel supply depot and to supply wood chip processing and logistics services in the South West region of Ireland to facilitate its existing customer base. The production and utilisation of heat is a critical element for our client, based in Killorglin, Co. Kerry who have selected a woodchip boiler solution in order to reduce their annual fossil fuel requirements and enhance their overall environmental sustainability.
The contractor appointed …
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2016-11-10Supply of Workshop Consumables (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnród Éireann (IE) has a 3 year requirement for a specialist company to provide engineering workshop consumables to its engineering facilities and operational offices nationwide.
The contract will cover the following product types (but not limited to);
1. Abrasives (sand-paper, grinding discs, cutting discs etc.)
2. Adhesives (glues, epoxy resin, mastics, sealants etc.)
3. Lubricants (anti-seize compounds, greases, WD40 etc.)
4. Batteries (AA, AAA, D, C etc.)
5. Hand tools (Shovels, Paint Brushes, …
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2016-11-10Supplier Lite Service Provider Cullenagh Wind Farm (Coillte Teoranta)
Coillte are seeking expressions of Interest for Supplier Lite Services in respect of our Cullenagh Wind Farm.
Please find attached a summary document providing an outline of requirements. All interested parties must complete the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire attached and take note of the deadline for receipt of submissions.
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2016-11-01Provision of Natural Gas to Ervia (Ervia)
Ervia is tendering to establish a Framework for the provision of Natural Gas Supply to Ervia and each of its group companies.
The duration of the contract is for a three (3) year fixed term (with the option (at Ervia's discretion) to extend by two further periods of twelve months each on the terms set out in the Contract).
Ervia wishes to appoint a supplier for the provision of natural gas throughout its building portfolio. Initially this includes 13 gas user points, with a total annual natural gas …
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2016-08-29Lubricants, AntiFreeze and greases Contract 2016 (Bord Na Mona)
Supply of engine, hydraulic, industrial gear, automotive and transmission oils in
both bulk and barrels ( annual usage approximately 230 000 litres total). Supply of
antifreeze in IBC's and barrels (annual usage approximately 25 000 litres). Supply
of grease in drums and barrels (annual usage approximately 25 000 kgs).
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2016-08-17Invitation to Tender for the supply of Heating Oil to IT Tralee (Institute of Technology Tralee)
The Institute of
Technology Tralee
has a requirement
for the supply of
Domestic Heating Oil
at both its North
Campus based in
Dromtacker, Tralee,
Co. Kerry and its
South Campus based
in Clash, Tralee,
Co. Kerry. The
Institute uses
Kerosene Oil on both
its North Campus and
South Campus.
Full details are
available in the
tender document
attached to this
notice and which are
available for
download from the
Irish Government
Procurement Website
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2016-06-14Supply of Electricity to Ervia (Ervia)
Each Lot described below is split into an Sub-Lot A and Sub-Lot B where Sub-Lot A is a 3 year fixed term (with the option (at Ervia's discretion) to extend by 2 further periods of 12 months each on the terms set out in the Contract) and Sub-Lot B is a 2 year fixed term (with the option (at Ervia's discretion) to extend by 2 further periods of 12 months each on the terms set out in the Contract):
Lot 1 includes all half hourly metered supplies in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), and includes sub categories …
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2016-05-23Provision of Electricity for NSCDA (Operations) Ltd (NSCDA (Operations) Ltd)
This Request for Tender (RFT) outlines the key requirements for the supply of electricity to 12 electricity accounts (2 x MV, 1 x LVMD QH, 3 x LVME NQH, 4 x General Purpose and 1 x General Purpose Night and 1 x Domestic) on behalf of NSCDA (Operations) Ltd for the National Sports Campus (NSC).
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2016-04-20DS3 System Services Interim Arrangements (EirGrid plc)
This RFP is issued in accordance with Council Directive 2014/2517/EC under the negotiated procedure and represents part of a structured process to aid EirGrid Plc (‘EirGrid’) and SONI Limited (‘SONI’) in the selection of firms to be appointed to the Interim Framework Agreements for the provision of DS3 System Services in Ireland and Northern Ireland respectively.
A separate Interim Framework Agreement is being put in place for both EirGrid (as contracting entity for the Interim Framework Agreement …
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2016-04-15Supply of Coolant (Bus Eireann/Irish Bus)
The Contracting Authority proposes awarding a Contract for the Supply of Coolant for all our Bus and Coach vehicles over a 3 year period. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to extend this Contract(s) for a further period of 12 or 24 months.
The purpose of this PQQ is to obtain sufficient information to enable the Contracting Authority to evaluate the suitability of Applicants. The intention will be to arrive at a Tender Panel of potential suppliers/service providers for formal Invitation to …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Irish CommericalsTedcastleWestward Scania
2015-11-04Fuel Management and Distribution Services (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) are seeking expressions of interest from specialised companies with a proven track record of undertaking large scale fuel delivery and management contracts. The scope of the proposed contract will cover the following;
1. Irish Rail Fuel Distribution Depot in Alexandra Road, Dublin Port.
This will involve attendance and supervision during all fuel offloading from ship including deliveries at night, weekend and on bank holidays. Supervision of tanker loading for trucks delivering to …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Reynolds Logistics Ltd
2015-08-29LESC District Energy System (University College Cork (UCC))
University College Cork will utilise the National Energy Services framework set up by Sustainability Authority of Ireland (SEAI) in order to seek proposals from the energy services market that will fund an upgrade of the existing heating system via energy performance related payments or local energy supply contracts. A contract for installation and construction works to a new CHP energy centre followed by ongoing operation and maintenance of the energy centre together with the supply of energy to the …
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2015-08-26SWSOS Operations and Maintenance Contract (Ervia)
The scope of work will involve all activities associated with the local operation, maintenance and emergency response of the above high pressure transmission pipeline system and installations, in accordance with all relevant gas industry/statutory regulations including but not limited to I.G.E.M.TD1/TD9/TD13; G.S.(M)R/96; P.S.R./96, and GNI UK procedures; relevant environmental licence regulations and legislation.
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2015-08-26Northern Ireland Operations and Maintenance Contract (Ervia)
The scope of work will involve all activities associated with the local operation and maintenance of the above Transmission pipeline System and installations up to an operating pressure of 75 bar in accordance with all relevant gas industry/statutory regulations including but not limited to I.G.E.M.TD1/TD9/TD13; G.S.(M)R/96; P.S.R./96, and GNI UK Procedures; relevant environmental licence regulations and legislation.
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2015-08-05Supply of Heating and Domestic Hot Water to Cromcastle Court (Dublin City Council)
Tenders are invited for a service provider to enter into a fixed term agreement to provide heating and domestic hot water to apartments in Cromcastle Court.
It is expected that the proposal from the successful service provider, shall include a commitment to the upgrade of the existing heating system or the installation of a new system of boilers and hot water tanks to increase the energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of heat and hot water.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Heat Angels & Co Ltd