2023-07-03   AU2456F- Request For Tenders To Establish a Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the Provision of Assistive... (Education Procurement Service EPS)
University of Galway wish to procure a wide range of Assistive Technology equipment and software programmers to enable students with disabilities to actively participate in their education, engage fully in their learning and enhance their educational experience. Students are supported to choose the Assistive Technology solution that effectively meets their individual needs. Examples of specialised equipment include: Recording Devices, Ergonomic devices, Visual Impaired Hardware, and Scanning devices. … View the procurement »
2022-11-04   RFT for Provision of Tools and Hardware Supplies to the Garda College (An Garda Síochána)
RFT for Provision of Tools and Hardware Supplies to the Garda College View the procurement »
2022-09-21   Request for Tender to establish a Single-Supplier Framework for the provision of Power Distribution Units (Office of the Revenue Commissioners)
It is intended that this invitation to tender will give rise to a Framework Contract for the following: 350 PDUs over a term of 24 months with a possible extension of 12 months. The initial order will be for 100 units and a maximum of 30 units will be ordered at any given time for delivery to the Revenue Data Centre. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Datarch Ltd
2022-08-11   DVCSDHW2022 - DVCSD Security Equipment Firewalls (Department of Transport)
This equipment will be used for replace existing firewalls as part of a tech refresh View the procurement »
2022-06-30   RFT for the supply of Repair and Maintenance services for Data Processing (Computer) Equipment (Department of Social Protection)
The repair and maintenance (including ALL parts and labour) of the Department’s data processing equipment and peripherals. The Department's PC, data network and voice infrastructure is covered by separate maintenance contracts. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Hewlett Packard Enterprise Ireland Limited
2022-06-03   Supply, Delivery, Installation/Assembly and Commissioning of Equipment required for CMETB (Cavan and Monaghan Education & Training Board)
Supply, Delivery, Installation/Assembly and Commissioning of Equipment required for schools/centres under the auspices of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board View the procurement »
2022-03-30   For the supply of Hardware & Software Storage Management Service for the University of Limerick (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The University of Limerick Information Technology Division (ITD), ) is responsible for the provision and support of computer systems, networking, and audio visual and media services in the University. ITD provides, manages, maintains, and operates a range of both networking and associated infra- structural services to a diverse community of academics, researchers, management staff, administrators, and students (under / postgraduate) throughout the entire establishment. The maintenance (hardware and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Arkphire Ireland
2022-03-28   Provision of IT perimeter security system and managed support services (Food Safety Authority of Ireland)
The Contracting Authority is seeking responses from suitably qualified services providers for a single most economically advantageous tender for the supply, install, configuration and support of an IT perimeter security system as detailed within this Request for Tender (RFT) document. A detailed and highly available 24*7 fully managed support service on the supplied hardware and software and service level agreement (SLA) with the successful Tenderer must also be established. The support will be required … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Integrity360
2021-11-15   The Department of Transport invites tenders from companies interested in tendering for the provision of... (Department of Transport)
The Department of Transport invites tenders from companies interested in tendering for the provision of Infrastructure managed services to support and maintain the NVDF‟s current ICT Infrastructure and managed services. View the procurement »
2021-09-03   RFT for the provision of a Visitor Management System for the Houses of the Oireachtas (Houses of the Oireachtas Service)
The Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Authority) invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified candidates for the establishment of a single party framework agreement for the provision of a Visitor Management System (VMS) and related Services for the Houses of the Oireachtas. The Contracting Authority is responsible for the running of the Houses of the Oireachtas, or Irish Parliament, (Dáil Éireann, Seanad Éireann and Oireachtas Committees), and acts … View the procurement »
2021-08-17   Provision of, installation, configuration and support of a Backup Solution (Legal Aid Board)
The Legal Aid Board was established under the Civil Legal Aid Act, 1995. The Act makes provision for the granting by the State of legal aid and advice to persons of insufficient means in civil cases. The Family Mediation Service (FMS) is a state run service to help couples who have decided to separate or divorce, or who have already separated, to negotiate their own terms of agreement. It has been in operation since 1986 and has been part of the Legal Aid Board since 2011. Please note that the Legal Aid … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Dell
2021-05-07   IT Infrastructure Upgrade and Support (Daughters of Charity Disability Support Services CLG)
The Daughters of Charity Disability Support Services CLG (DOCDSS) provides supports to persons with an intellectual disability in Dublin, Limerick and Tipperary. The DOCDSS have a high dependence on IT for the support of the organisation and now plan to invest in replacement of its IT and network infrastructure. The IT and Network support requirements of the DOCDSS have also continued to evolve over the last number of years. We now need to consolidate our historic multi-site server infrastructure in a … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Cased Dimensions Ltd
2021-03-12   Full on Course Graphics Solution for Tote Ireland (Horse Racing Ireland (HRI))
There is a requirement for a racecourse based system to deliver on course information and graphics to be delivered to all 26 Irish racecourses for Tote Ireland. The system must be capable to deliver all defined channels to both fixed and temporary locations. The supplier must be able to provide a total solution including all aspects of infrastructure, hardware, software, remote monitoring, deployment and commissioning. For full detailed specification of requirements please see the tender documentation. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Bosca Technologies DAC
2020-09-09   Framework Agreement for Provision of Single Sign On (SSO) Solution (The Adelaide and Meath Hospital, Dublin Incorporating The National Children's Hospital (AMNCH))
The Adelaide and Meath Hospital, Dublin incorporating the National Children’s Hospital (AMNCH) and the Health Service Executive (HSE) are Irish Healthcare organisations. The objective is to establish a multi-supplier framework agreement appointing qualified and competent service providers to meet the contracting authorities requirements, and intends to invite submissions from companies/organisations with expertise and capability relating to the delivery and provision of a National Single Sign On (SSO) … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: PFH Technology Group Worldline IT Services UK Ltd
2020-08-07   Request for Tender for the Supply of High Specification PCs and Laptops to An Garda Síochána (An Garda Síochána)
Request for tender for the supply of high specification PCs and laptops to An Garda Síochána. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Capita Managed IT Solutions
2020-07-20   Tools and Hardware for the Irish Public Sector (The Office of Government Procurement)
The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (the ‘Contracting Authority’) is issuing this request for tenders (‘RFT’) as a central purchasing body for use by the framework clients (defined below). The Office of Government Procurement (the ‘OGP’) is an office within the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform tasked with sourcing goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the OGP. The Contracting Authority invites tenders … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: A.R Brownlow Ltd Industrial and Farm Machinery Ltd Perenco Ltd
2020-06-25   Provision of External ICT Senior Engineer (Systems Admimistrator Office 365) for Waterford and Wexford Education and... (Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board)
Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board WWETB) (the ‘Contracting Authority’) invites tenders (‘Tenders’) to this request for tenders (‘RFT’) from economic operators (‘Tenderers’) for the appointment to a single supplier framework agreement for the provision of an External ICT senior engineer (Systems Administrator Office 365) in Appendix 1 to this RFT (the ‘Services’). This public procurement competition relates to the establishment of a single party framework (‘Framework’) for the Provision … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Cpl
2020-03-05   The Supply, Implementation, Commissioning and Support of a Replacement SAN Solution for Beaumont Hospital (Beaumont Hospital)
Initially, the successful tenderer will be required to supply, implement and commission the required solution. The successful tenderer’s obligations in this regard shall include the design, configuration, implementation, testing and handover of the solution. Following the expiry of a warranty period of twelve months’ duration, a support and maintenance contract of 4 years’ duration will be entered into with the successful tenderer, giving an initial contract duration of 5 years. The contracting authority … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Triangle Computer Services (Ireland) Ltd
2020-02-19   Equipment and Service to Upgrade to All Flash SAN (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Equipment and service to upgrade to All Flash SAN. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Logicalis Technology Ltd
2019-02-28   DVCSDHW2019 — DVCSD Network Equipment (Switches and Firewalls) (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport)
This equipment will be used for a new application programming infrastructure solution for the NVDF. This platform is expected to continue to meet emerging business requirements into the foreseeable future so reserved capacity is also required. The solution will take into consideration a modular design that will facilitate independent component (software and hardware) level scaling to cater for any undefined future requirements. View the procurement »
2018-12-04   Supply of Servers and Support Services (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The Department’s plans around developing its ICT services and infrastructure including the upgrade of Servers and software to the latest versions and technologies, as and when appropriate usually in line with a hardware refresh. Accordingly, the Department seeks to engage a company to supply servers for the range of technologies for the coming 3 year period. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Total ICT Services Ltd
2018-09-27   Single Provider Framework for Provision of Enterprise Hardware, Software, Support and Monitoring, Security and... (Pobal)
Single provider framework for provision of enterprise hardware, software, support and monitoring, security and associated services for existing and Futu. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Logicalis Solutions Limited
2018-09-08   Request for Tenders for the Establishment of Single Provider Framework for provision of Enterprise Hardware,... (Pobal)
Request for Tenders for the Establishment of Single Provider Framework for provision of Enterprise Hardware, Software, Support and Monitoring, Security and Associated Services for Existing and Fu. View the procurement »
2018-08-21   Servers and Backup Hardware and Associated Services (Defence Forces Ireland)
The Irish Defence Forces request submissions for the replacement and upgrade of its current fleet of Blade Servers and Backup Hardware. This request consists of a combination of low, mid and high specification servers, back up tape libraries and Network attached storage (NAS) devices. In addition to the supply of these devices the Irish Defence Forces also require extended warranties and proactive support and maintenance to be detailed within the RFT response. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: PFH Technology Group Ltd
2018-06-28   IAA ICT Hardware — The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) is replacing servers and workstations in it's ATCC's (Irish Aviation Authority)
The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) is replacing servers and workstations as a preventative maintenance measure for the COOPANS Air Traffic Management (ATM) System that is currently in service in the IAA’s ATCC’s (Air Traffic Control Centres) at Dublin, Shannon and Cork. The specification of the replacement servers and workstations has been agreed with the COOPANS system supplier, Thales. Installation of the servers and workstations shall be performed by the IAA. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Evros Technology Group
2017-09-13   Fisheries Data Capture Devices and Accessories (Sea Fisheries Protection Authority)
In 2009, to support the introduction of the Electronic Recording and Reporting System (ERS) in Ireland, the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority (‘the Authority’) installed ERS terminals on board approximately 200 Irish fishing vessels to facilitate the input of logbook data. This also included providing the Irish Sea Fisheries Protection Officers with a minimum of 100 DCDs to automatically capture ERS data on board fishing vessels and populate inspection forms. The Authority now requires replacement … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Datapac Limited
2017-09-13   Fisheries Data Entry Devices (Sea Fisheries Protection Authority)
In 2009 with the introduction of the EU Control Regulation (Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 of 20 November 2009) a requirement existed for the phased introduction of Electronic Logbooks (ERS) for Irish Fishing Vessels. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Butler Technologies
2017-08-18   Electronic Logbook Recording System (ERS) Support Services for the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority (Sea Fisheries Protection Authority)
He Authority intends to establish a Contract with one service provider to supply Electronic Logbook Recording System (ERS) Support Services to Irish fishing vessels based in the ports primarily in the South East of Ireland. The successful tenderer will be required to manage and maintain existing laptops and if necessary provide like for like replacement where applicable. The successful Tenderer will be required to visit vessels which require support or upgrades to the ieCatch software when instructed to … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Cluain Daingean Ltd
2017-08-10   GRETB ICT Managed Services (Galway Roscommon Education & Training Board)
Please see attached Pre-Qualification Questionnaire Response Document to establish a Single Supplier Framework Agreement for the Provision of ICT Managed Services for Galway and Roscommon Education and Training Board. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Capita Managed IT Solutions
2017-05-17   Single-Party Framework Agreement for the Supply of Building Materials, Fixings and Components (Beaumont Hospital)
Beaumont Hospital intends to establish a single party framework agreement for the supply of a range of fixings, building materials and miscellaneous products required to repair and maintain the fabric of an acute hospital. The successful framework member will also be required to source and deliver (at times urgently) an ad-hoc range of additional related products, regardless of whether such additional are items stocked normally by the tenderer. Please consult the Invitation to Tender document, available … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: J&F Supplies
2017-03-02   Repair and Maintenance services for Data Processing (Computer) equipment (Department of Social Protection)
The repair and maintenance (including ALL parts and labour) of the Department's data processing equipment and peripherals. The Department's PC, data network and voice infrastructure is covered by separate maintenance contracts. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Hewlett Packard Unity Technology Solutions
2016-04-15   Request for Tender to establish a number of Multi-Supplier Framework Agreements for the Supply of Tools and Hardware (The Office of Government Procurement)
The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) is tendering for the establishment of a number of multi-supplier Framework Agreements for the provision of tools and hardware to public sector organisations. Tools and Hardware under this competition will range from goods and supplies used for the maintenance of buildings, parks, depots, gardens, etc. and covers a large number of items, as detailed in the Product List contained at Schedule H. Public sector organisations that can use these Framework Agreements … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: A.R Brownlow Ltd AEF Ltd Brooks John Murphy Castlerea Ltd Perenco Ltd
2016-03-10   POS Scanners and Accessories (An Post)
An Post is seeking to enter into a single party Framework Agreement to meet its requirements for each of the following Lots for a period of 3 years with an option to extend for a period up to a further 2 years. — Lot 1 — POS Scanners for Post Office Network; — Lot 2 — POS Scanners for PostPoint Network. An Post plan to upgrade scanning equipment used within its Retail networks. Handheld scanners connected to POS equipment are used to capture details during retail transactions. The equipment should be … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Box Technologies Ltd
2015-08-18   Provision of a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Solution (National Transport Authority)
Over the past number of years the Authority has implemented a number of systems capable of implementing and managing aspects of the overall IT security of the ICT infrastructure, and each one is generating its own specific logs. To date, the Authority has relied on a combination of syslog, individual management stations, and various disparate security solutions to monitor the threat landscape within the Authority, however this is becoming increasingly difficult. The Authority now wishes to consolidate … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Zinopy Ltd
2015-07-14   RFT to Establish a Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the supply of Storage Area Networks (SAN), Network... (The Office of Government Procurement)
The Office of Government Procurement acting through The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform invites responses from economic operators for the establishment of a Multi Supplier framework Agreement for the provision of and support of Storage Area Networks (SAN) Network Attached Storage (NAS) Servers, Converged Infrastructure and Associated Services in 8 Lots as follows: Lot 1: Tier 1 Storage Area Network (SAN) (Enterprise / Carrier Grade SAN),Associated Equipment and Services. Lot 2: Tier 2 Storage … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Action Point Technology Arkphire Ireland Ltd Arkphire Ltd. BT Communications Ireland Ltd Bt Ireland Capita Business Support Services Ireland Limited Capita Business Support Services Ireland Ltd Capita Managed IT Solutions CDW Ltd Computer Systems Group Limited (Comsys) Computer Systems Group Ltd (Comsys) Comsys Ltd Datapac Datapac Ltd Dell (Ireland) Dell Ireland Dell Products Evros Evros Technology Group Fujitsu (Ireland) Limited Fujitsu (Ireland) Ltd Fujitsu Ireland Ltd Hewlett Packard Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Ireland Ltd Hibernia Evros Technology Group HiberniaEvros Technology Group Hitachi Data Systems Kelway Limited Kelway Ltd Logicalias Technology Ltd Logicalis Technology Limited Logicalis Technology Ltd M.J. Flood Technology Limited M.J. Flood Technology Ltd M.J. Flood Technology Ltd. MJ Flood Technology Ltd MJ Flood Technology Ltd. Novosco Novosco Ltd Novosco Ltd. Pfh Technology PFH Technology Group PlanNet 21 Communications Ltd Plannet21 PlanNet21 Communications Limited Plannet21 Communications Ltd Triangle Computer Services Triangle Computer Services (Ireland) Ltd
2014-11-28   The supply, installation, configuration and integration of a SIEM (System Information and Event Management) solution (Department of Social Protection)
The Department requires a System Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution that will collect all relevant security information and events from networks and servers and consolidate all log relevant log data. This data will be stored centrally in our primary data centre and provide threat intelligence by means of rules-based analysis or statistical correlation to establish relationships between event log entries. To that end the Department requires the design, configuration, installation and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Zinopy Ltd
2014-10-21   Visitor Management System, including Hardware and related Support Services (Houses of the Oireachtas Service)
the provision of a Visitor Management System (“VMS“) for the Houses of the Oireachtas Service (“the Service“). The current system for the management of visitor information is conducted on a manual basis. The Service is looking for a more user-friendly, efficient and effective system for recording, managing and reporting on visitor information. It is envisaged that the commissioning and rollout of this VMS will be carried out on a phased basis over the duration of the contract with initial installation … View the procurement »
2014-10-10   Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Solution, including related hardware and support services (Houses of the Oireachtas Service)
This tender relaties to the following: i) security information and event management; ii) related hardware, and; iii) support services. The Houses of the Oireachtas Service is looking for a solution which will allow for the consolidation of all log management and monitoring into a SIEM solution, providing Security Incident Detection, Compliance Monitoring & Reporting and Operational Log Management and Troubleshooting. View the procurement »
2014-09-05   Central, Disaster Recovery and Remote Site Firewalls (Houses of the Oireachtas Service)
Central, Disaster Recovery and Remote Site Firewalls. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Integrity Soultions
2014-07-29   Request for Tenders for the Provision of Data Storage and Data Backup Services (Houses of the Oireachtas Service)
The Contracting Authority intends to appoint a solutions provider for the replacement of the current production and disaster recovery (‘DR’) storage and backup infrastructure, as outlined in this document. View the procurement »
2014-01-28   2013/1046 - Request for Tenders for the provision of Broadband Services (Houses of the Oireachtas Service)
The Commission currently supplies a business broadband package and remote access firewalls as part of the solution to provide secure remote access from Members constituency offices and other fixed locations to the Oireachtas LAN via IPSEC based VPN's over the Internet (approximately 220 sites in total). Under the current set up all sites must have their own telephone line and split billing arrangements apply for payment of broadband, however, these are not mandatory requirements. The existing service … View the procurement »
2013-09-02   2013/1032 - RFT for the Provision of an Application Delivery Controller (Houses of the Oireachtas Service)
The Commission wishes to replace its existing SSL VPN Remote Access and Application Load Balancing services currently provided to its end users. The existing platforms will be end of life this year and the Contracting Authority requires a replacement solution to meet the existing and future requirements of its end users. The Contracting Authority currently utilises a Juniper DX Application Acceleration Platform to provide load balancing capabilities for a number of applications based on HTTP, HTTPS and … View the procurement »
2012-11-06   Hardware - Blood Establishment Computer System (Irish Blood Transfusion Service)
The Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) tendered for the provision of a Blood Establishment Computer System (BECS) using the Open Procedure in December 2011. The contract was subsequently awarded to MAK Systems on the 1.9.2012. There is now a requirement to procure Hardware to support this implementation. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=528472. View the procurement »
2012-08-16   Expressions of Intrest Upgrade to Electronic Patient Record including Associated Hardware Refesh (St James's Hospital)
The scope of this tender will include a complete project managed solution to deliver the upgrade to the Hospital EPR System and the associated hardware refresh as outlined in the attached contents. Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=486194. View the procurement »
2012-08-14   Expression of Interest Upgrade to Electronic Patient Record including Associated Hardware Refresh (St James's Hospital)
A complete project managed solution to deliver the upgrade to the Hospital Electronic Patient Record System and the associated hardware refresh. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=482312. View the procurement »
2011-05-20   SAN Fabric Switch Replacement (Raidio Telifis Eireann)
RTE is seeking proposals for the provision of a SAN fibre channel fabric switch solution to replace the existing SAN fibre channel switches. Documents available at the following address: www.rte.ie/about/tenders/sanfabric2011 View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: PHF Technologiy Group