2020-08-05DPS for the Provision of Goods and Services for Energy and Climate Action Consultancy Projects and for the Provision... (3 Counties Energy Agency)
The 3 Counties Energy Agency (‘3CEA’) (the ‘Contracting Authority’) is issuing this request for applications to participate (‘RFATP’) in a Dynamic Purchasing System (‘DPS’) on its own behalf and on behalf of other agencies and public bodies such as SEAI Sustainable Energy Communities, members of the Association of Irish Energy Agencies (AIEA), One-Stop-Shops under the aegis of the National Retrofit Delivery Body, local authorities and LEADER companies. The DPS will be coordinated and managed by the 3CEA.
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2020-07-03Provision of Plumbing Supplies and Consumables (Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin)
Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin seeks to appoint a panel of competent contractors for the provision of plumbing supplies and consumables for the college estates teams.
The specifications and works requirements are wholly described within the tender document set. Tenders must be submitted via the electronic postbox available on www.etenders.gov.ie by the response deadline.
Only tenders submitted to the electronic postbox will be accepted. Tenders submitted by any other means (including …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:CDV Supplies LtdJL Smallman LtdN and D Agencies Ltd
2020-06-24Multi Party Framework for Heat Pump Retrofit Programme (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council (DCC) is seeking to establish a multi-party framework agreement for the procurement of works contractors for the Heat Pumps Programme in Dublin City Councils housing units in the Dublin City Council Areas marked out as lot 1 and lot 2. Subject to there being sufficient responses it is envisaged that lot 1 and lot 2 will each consist of 3 x No successful contrators. Tenderers are allowed membership into one lot only but may apply for both lots stating their preferred lot as per …
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2019-11-15Provision of Heavy Duty Laundry Package (Washing Machines and Dryers) for National Forensic Mental Health Services,... (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The HSE invites suppliers to submit tenders for the supply, delivery, offloading, installation, validation, commissioning, staff training and after sales, etc. (‘turnkey solution’) for a laundry package at the National Forensic Mental Health Service (NFMHS) Hospital at St Ita’s Hospital, Portrane, Co. Dublin. The successful tenderer will be responsible for the provision, installation and connection of all elements of package and function system.
For the avoidance of doubt, the successful tenderer will be …
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2019-08-19Heating and Plumbing Maintenance Framework Agreement (Dublin Bus/Bus Atha Cliath)
The scope will be framework agreement which will include the maintenance of heating and plumbing systems and, potentially, some minor installations across the various Dublin Bus Depots in the City and County of Dublin. The maximum duration of this framework agreement is five (5) years including the two (2) optional extensions.
Lot 1 is for plumbing and heating maintenance services for a 3-year period. This lot will be awarded to the overall highest-ranked tenderer;
Lot 2 is new installations and works …
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2019-02-25Redevelopment Works at Westland Row, Dublin 2 (Royal Irish Academy of Music)
The RIAM are redeveloping their property to the rear of the existing premises at 36–38 Westland Row, Dublin 2. The re-development project is to the rear of an existing protected structure which is also within the ownership of the RIAM.
The development will consist of the upgrading and extension of the existing Royal Irish Academy of Music's facilities from c. 4 039 sqm to c. 6 070 sqm. The development will comprise:
Demolition of existing modern extensions (with a combined area of c. 2 363 sqm) to the …
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2018-10-02Vacuum Filler/Extruder for Protein Bar Forming Application (Harty Nutrition Ltd)
Harty Nutrition Ltd is tendering for a high powered vacuum filler/extruder with a single lane feeding directly into an automatic cutting knife and conveyor system for applications of forming natural protein bars. The machine must run on three-phase and be powerful enough to work with heavy bar mixture. The machine must capable of producing protein bars with exact weights (e.g. 40, 50 or 60 g) at an output of 100-120 pieces per minute. The machine must have minimal aggression and product travel time from …
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2018-07-25RFT for Lease, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Solar Powered Litter Bins and Solar Powered Compacting... (Fingal County Council)
Request for Tenders for the lease, installation, commissioning and maintenance of solar powered litter bins and solar powered compacting bins at various locations within the Councils administrative areas (initially Howth and Malahide). The Contracting Authority intends to procure an intelligent public waste system comprising of a network of solar powered litter bins and compacting litter bins, coupled to a software application enabled through a web portal, delivering real time data information on the …
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2017-11-08Supply of Electrical Parts to the Irish Prison Service (Irish Prison Service)
The tender is divided into 4 Lots:
Lot 1 (All Dublin Prisons and Shelton Abbey);
Lot 2 (Midlands and Portlaoise Prisons);
Lot 3 (Southern — Cork and Limerick Prisons);
Lot 4 (North West — Castlerea and Loughan House).
Interested tenderers are invited to tender for one or more lots.
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2017-09-18Provision of Hairdressing Skills Workshop 2017 (Irish Prison Service)
The Dóchas Centre wishes to provide Certifiable Training to City and Guilds Entry level and Level 1*, FETAC Level 3 Award* (or equivalent), in Hairdressing, using an external provider or providers for a number of prisoners.
This course will be delivered at the Dóchas Centre, Mountjoy Prison Complex, North Circular Road, Dublin 7.
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