2022-08-03Request for Tenders for the provision of Mediation Services for the Houses of the Oireachtas Service (Houses of the Oireachtas Service)
The Houses of the Oireachtas Service (“the Service”), acting for and on behalf of the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission (“the Contracting Authority”) wishes to engage a Service Provider to provide mediation services to the Service, Members of the Houses of the Oireachtas and political parties, on a draw down basis, to support them in managing grievances and complaints of bullying, harassment and sexual harassment. The Contracting Authority is responsible for the running of the Houses of the Oireachtas, …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Acrux Consulting Ltd
2022-07-26MULTIBEAM ECHO SOUNDER (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service seeks tenders from economic operators for the provision of supply, installation, commissioning and training of a Multi-Beam Echo Sounder for up to four (4) Irish Naval Ships.
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The Irish Naval Services seeks tenders from economic operators for the provision of a launch and recovery system interface frame which will allow for the temporary installation of the Naval Diving Section launch and recovery system (LARS) onto the Irish Lights Vessel ILV Granuaile.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:ARQ Asset Solutions
2022-07-22A Soil Sampling and Analysis Programme (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The soil sampling programme at field scale will provide the basis for the next generation of soil-specific nutrient management advice and underpin targeted fertiliser and organic manure applications (right nutrient type, right application rate, right time & right place) across all farming systems in Ireland. Farmers will also be provided with indicative soil carbon results for their land, an important baseline result on an individual and national level from a soil health and climate change perspective. …
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2022-06-14Tender for the for the provision of Professional Services at Clonmacnoise Monastic Site, Co. Offaly (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Under a partnership agreement with the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) and Fáilte Ireland, the OPW is seeking to commission a study of options to enhance the facilities and visitor experience at the site, and the preparation of the Preliminary Business Case for the chosen option. This will map out a path for the development of the visitor attraction and make recommendations for project delivery and next steps.
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2022-05-23Development of a national communications campaign to deliver additional opportunities for physical activity (PA) and... (Sport Ireland)
Sport Ireland is seeking to develop a national communications campaign to deliver additional opportunities for physical activity (PA) and exercise, targeted towards women over 40 living in disadvantaged communities. The PA programmes will be supported by a communications campaign targeted towards disadvantaged communities, with possible alignments to the Healthy Communities initiative, which will provide wider supports to these communities. The project will mirror a successful initiative run by Sport …
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2022-04-14Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Consumer Planning and Insights (Fáilte Ireland-National Tourism Development Authority)
The CP&I team supports the implementation of Fáilte Ireland’s strategy by underpinning its workplans using quality research and analysis. The organisation has a variety of different consumer research needs and is putting in place a framework that can provide consumer research, insights and data that are actionable and relevant to both Fáilte Ireland, it’s stakeholders and the trade to ensure the successful delivery of Fáilte Ireland’s strategy and to support the recovery of the tourism sector.
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2022-04-13Provision of Shellfish and Fish Sample Processing Services for The Marine Institute (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The Marine Institute, a semi State body, wishes to invite tenders for the supply of shellfish, fish sample and crustacean processing services for Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway. The contract is for a period of 4 years with an option to extend for a further one 12 months by mutual agreement.
Currently a requirement exists for a contractor to carry out the initial stages of shellfish, fish and crustacean sample preparation for analysis. This will include early morning collection of …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:AQUAFACT International Services Ltd.
2022-04-04AG1889R - Supply, Delivery, Installation & Commissioning of Animal Housing Equipment (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The Contracting Authority is seeking to procure rodent housing equipment for its breeding area to increase the holding capacity per square metre. The housing equipment will be based on a rack and cage system to create a number of individually ventilated cages. This will require suitable mobile air handling units (AHU’s) which will condition the incoming air and exhaust to the main building AHU system. Changing stations will also be required to permit safe manipulation of the cages without the rodents …
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2022-02-15Climate Action Training and Mentoring Programme to focus on Building Capacity and Empowering Impacted Communities of... (Kildare County Council)
The project encompasses a Climate Action Training and Mentoring Programme which is centred on Building Capacity and Empowering Impacted Communities in the wider Midlands Region (Ireland). In particular, the capacity building programme focuses on enabling impacted communities within the wider Midlands Region to enhance their knowledge, understanding and confidence and unlock their collective power and potential to confront the economic and social challenges of transitioning to a climate neutral and …
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2022-01-28TII Open Research Call 2022 (Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII))
TII's Open Research Call for 2022 consists of the following projects:
Lot 1: Methodologies for the sustainable management of earthworks as a means of rehabilitating degraded peatlands and enhancing the biodiversity of peatland habitats
Lot 2: Assessment of Noise Impacts from National Roads Projects considering the World Health Organization Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region
Lot 3: A Review of appropriate facilities for Age Friendly Active Travel
Lot 4: Social Sustainability in the …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:National University of Ireland GalwayRoughan & O’DonovanSustrans
2022-01-10Research Services for Segmentation Refresh (Tourism Ireland CLG)
Tourism Ireland wishes to enter into a contract with a suitably qualified Research Services Provider for Research Services for Segmentation Refresh.
This project will engage a provider of research services to work with Tourism Ireland to deliver a new overseas customer segmentation to identify best prospects for tourism to the island of Ireland, specifically to achieve strong return on marketing investment and long-term sustainable inbound tourism to the whole of the island of Ireland.
Tourism Ireland …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:KANTAR UK LIMITED
2021-12-22Provision of Molecular Biology Support Services to the Fish Health Unit Laboratories (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators for the provision of the Molecular Biology support services. In summary, the Services comprise: the supply of the following laboratory support service at the National Reference Laboratories for finfish, crustacean and molluscan diseases based in the Marine Institute.
The services consist of molecular analysis of finfish, crustacean and molluscan samples for the detection of pathogens, specific method …
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2021-12-02Research Vessel charter to Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute is the national agency responsible for Marine Research, Technology Development and Innovation. The Marine Institute invites tenderers to this request for tenders from economic operators for the provision of Research Vessel for completion of 21 day survey (inclusive of mobilisation and demobilisation). The rate quoted is to be inclusive of ships crew, fuel, lubes, victuals and accommodation for scientific team, Port Fees, pilotage, agency fees communication costs , provision of all …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Agri-Food and Bioscineces Institute
2021-12-02Electronic Information, News & Research Services/Facility for Business & Media (Raidio Teilifis Eireann ( RTÉ ))
RTÉ are seeking companies who can provide an Electronic Information, News & Research Services/Facility for Business & Media. This service will be used to assist RTÉ’s Journalists, Researchers, Editorial teams, Corporate and various aspects of all RTÉ’s businesses to ensure up to date consistent quality information and research from various sources.
“Estimated €350,000 spend over 5 years, estimated € 70,000 per annum”
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2021-11-22Provision of International Programmes Support Services for the Marine Institute (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute is the national agency responsible for marine research, technology development and innovation in Ireland. Policy, Innovation and Research Support (PIRS) plays a key role in supporting and promoting marine research and innovation within the Marine Institute. Specifically, under this RFT International Programmes requires support services from an established legal entity with relevant expertise in European policy development and funding to enhance existing pre-award supports nationally.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:OSMS
2021-11-19Performance Maintenance and Technical Support contract (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute is the national agency responsible for Marine Research, Technology Development and Innovation. The Biotoxin Chemistry Unit (BCT) is part of the Shellfish Safety Section of Marine Environment & Food Safety Services. The core responsibility of the unit, as National Reference Laboratory, is to deliver on the chemical analysis of shellfish for marine toxins as part of the National Biotoxin Monitoring Programme.
The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders (“RFT”) from …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Waters Chromatography
2021-10-22A specialist service to prepare: A Framework for developing Blue Green Infrastructure (BGI) & Nature Based Solutions... (Southern Regional Assembly)
The SRA are inviting tenders from suitably qualified applicants for the preparation of A Framework for developing Blue Green Infrastructure (BGI) & Nature Based Solutions (NBS) in the Southern Region. A BGI and NBS Framework for the Southern Region will deliver: A high-level framework for settlements of all scales on how they could utilise BGI and NBS to improve biodiversity and climate resilience while creating societal and economic gains. A resource that is useful and applicable to all Local …
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2021-10-12HRB-2021-Secondary data analysis of GUI datasets for alcohol and other drugs study (The Health Research Board)
The Health Research Board (HRB) is a state agency that supports research and provides evidence to prevent illness, improve health and transform patient care. The HRB has 65 staff. Our annual budget is in excess of €45m and we manage a research investment portfolio of approximately €200m. The agency is funded mainly by the Department of Health, and Board members are appointed by the Minister for Health.
Summary :The Growing up in Ireland (GUI) study is a major national cohort study and illustrates …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin
2021-09-14Selection of Operator for Kilrush Maritime Training Centre (Clare County Council)
Clare County Council propose to purchase, renovate and re-use a vacant building, ‘Creek Lodge’ and an adjacent area of underutilised boatyard at Kilrush Marina for the establishment of a Maritime Training Centre (the “Centre”). The accommodation and facilities to be provided in the Centre are as follows;
• Refurbishment of vacant building to provide administration facilities, canteen, classroom and self-catering accommodation in 6nr apartments.
• Fireground.
• Quay Wall / Davits and Pontoon.
• Pool Building.
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2021-09-03Research for the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (2022) Collaborative Study (Department of Health)
The Health Behaviours in School-Aged Children Study is an international survey conducted in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO). The aim of this survey is to collect comparable data from school-aged children using an internationally agreed protocol, every 4 years.
The selected age groups – 8 – 18-year olds – represent age groups from middle childhood through the onset of adolescence to their final years in school, when they start to consider important life and career decisions.
Ireland …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:National University of Ireland Galway
2021-09-03Research Programme Support Services (Scientific & Technical Review and Communications) (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute is the national agency responsible for marine research, technology development and innovation in Ireland. The Marine Institute provides scientific and technical advice to Government to help inform policy, supports the sustainable development of Ireland’s marine resource through strategic funding programmes, and safeguards our marine environment through research and environmental monitoring.
The Research Funding Office requires research programme support services from an established …
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2021-08-19EIT1511C - NUIM - Provision of Earth Observation & Satellite Navigation Pathfinder Projects (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The European Space Agency (ESA) has selected Maynooth University to coordinate a Pathfinder R&D work-programme (12 months). The overall aim is to engage Public and Private organisations with a view to encourage the development of innovative data products and information services to help better manage Food Production, Carbon Emissions, Marine Resources etc. With this in mind, the ESA has set aside a fund to help companies collaborate with Irish Government Agencies in order to explore and develop novel EO …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:ICON GeoNet feasaTreeMetrics Ltd
2021-07-28Provision of the Children Sport Participation and Physical Activity (CSPPA) Study 2021 - 2022 (Sport Ireland)
The 2021-2022 Children Sport Participation and Physical Activity (CSPPA) Study is being funded by Sport Ireland and the Department of Health and supported by the Department of Education.
Sport Ireland
Supported by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Sport Ireland was established on 1 October 2015 as the statutory agency for the promotion and development of sport in Ireland. Increasing participation in sport and physical activity and facilitating research into sport are …
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2021-07-19Study On The Impact of Fires On The Biodiversity of Killarney National Park (Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government)
The National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage wishes to commission a comprehensive survey of the impacts, and the chrono-sequence of fire recovery or otherwise, on lands burned over the past four decades, as well as surveys in unburned areas, in order to assess the biological impacts of the fires, in particular the fire of April 2021, on the biodiversity of Killarney National Park.
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2021-07-14Ocean Energy and Marine Technology related Support Services (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators for the provision of services as described in Appendix 1 to this RFT. In summary, the Services comprise the provision of support services to the ocean energy and marine technology programme. This public procurement competition will be divided into three (3) Lots. Each Lot will result in a separate contract. Lot 1 is for the provision of promotion and client engagement services. Lot 2 is for the provision of project …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Bluewise Marine