2023-06-21IT2565C - RFT for the Supply of a Mobile Cyber Range for the University of Limerick (UL) (Education Procurement Service EPS)
Provision of a mobile Cyber Range platform that will allow the simulation of cybersecurity attacks and user activities, testing the resilience of IT networks for business and industry clients and training their cybersecurity personnel. The mobile cyber range will also need to offer on-site cybersecurity testing and training for Operational Technology (OT) and Internet of Things (IoT) networks deployed on physical assets such as monitoring and control systems in the manufacturing and process industries
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2023-05-15Fire Services consultancy services for Design, Procurement, Construction and Delivery of a Group (6 number) of... (Department of Education)
Full Fire Safety consultancy services for design, procurement and construction of a number school building projects (appointed under 2 lots) utilising a traditional construction contract PW-CF01. The Department of Education is the employer. The six projects have been progressed to secure grants of planning permission. The Services are to be provided in accordance with the Department of Education’s Design Team Procedures and associated Practice Notes, and DoE Schedule of Stage Services for Construction …
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2023-04-04Irish Refugee Protection Programme Phase 2- Limerick (Limerick City and County Council)
Limerick City and County Council is inviting Tenders from community-based organisations for a Programme Implementer to support the delivery of a resettlement project for 83 programme refugees in Limerick. The successful tenderer will be appointed as Programme Implementer for the Irish Refugee Protection Programme Phase 2 in Limerick.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Jackie Bonfield
2023-04-03Fire Safety Consultants Service (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
Carry out fire safety risk assessments to all the Children’s residential dwellings and Special Care Units (SPUs) associated buildings nationally, outlining compliance with the Building Legislative Framework.
Supply a full set of layout drawings for each property.
Preparation (in consultation with centre management) of a specific fire safety operational plan, clearly outlining the evacuation strategy, maintenance of active and passive systems, describe the fire precautions and fire safety procedures in …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:FCC Fire Cert Ltd.
2023-02-22Administration of the Irish Tech Challenge South Africa (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
The Embassy of Ireland in South Africa is seeking appropriate expertise to administer and manage the second phase of the Irish Tech Challenge South Africa. The Embassy of Ireland developed the Tech Challenge to leverage Ireland’s expertise and experience in technology and innovation to support South Africa’s economic development and to foster connections between the South African and Irish tech ecosystems. The Tech Challenge identifies a number of high-potential impact-driven South African tech start-ups …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Wits Incubator Pty Ltd
2023-01-26Estates Fire Safety Consultants (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
Tusla – Child and Family Agency invites tenders to this RFT for the provision of Fire Safety Consultants Services
In summary, the Services comprise:
1.2.1 Carry out fire safety risk assessments to all the Children’s residential dwellings
and Special Care Units (SPUs) associated buildings nationally, outlining
compliance with the Building Legislative Framework.
1.2.2 Preparation (in consultation with centre management) of a specific fire safety
operational plan, clearly outlining the evacuation strategy, …
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2023-01-09Request for Tenders for the provision of Technical Rope Rescue (including the Design, Instruction, Certification,... (Department of Defence)
In summary, the Services comprise:
- Analysis of Civil Defence operations and the design of a Technical Rope Rescue System for Civil Defence operations
- Design a training syllabi and the delivery of Rope Rescue Training that is certified by an independently recognised educational training body.
- Preparation of Standard Operating Procedures and Health & Safety documentation
- The provision Professional Technical Advice for the Civil Defence Rope Rescue System.
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2023-01-04Administration of the Irish Tech Challenge South Africa (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
The Embassy of Ireland in South Africa is seeking appropriate expertise to administer and manage the second phase of the Irish Tech Challenge South Africa. The Embassy of Ireland developed the Tech Challenge to leverage Ireland’s expertise and experience in technology and innovation to support South Africa’s economic development and to foster connections between the South African and Irish tech ecosystems. The Tech Challenge identifies a number of high-potential impact-driven South African tech start-ups …
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2022-12-19ITT for Provision of Helicopter Service for Firefighting and Aerial Fertilising 2023-2027 (Coillte CGA)
Invitation to Tender for Provision of Helicopter Service for Firefighting and Aerial Fertilising 2023-2027
Lot 1: Firefighting
Lot 2: Aerial Fertilising
PLEASE NOTE : Your lot selection must be made in Proactis under “Lots”, you need to de-select (Untick “Opt in?” box) for the Lots that you are NOT interested in.
You then only need to enter your prices for the lots & list of items per lot as detailed.
To access the tender documentation for this competition please log on to Coillte’s Supplier Management …
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2022-11-30ITT for Provision of General Estate Maintenance Services 2023-2027 (Coillte CGA)
Invitation To Tender for the establishment of Multi-Party Framework Agreements
for General Estate Maintenance Services 2023-2027
Lot 1: Forest Maintenance, Lot 2: Forest Parks,
Lot 3: Hedge Cutting, Lot 4: Tree Surgery
To access the tender documentation for this competition please log on to Coillte’s Supplier Management System (SMS) Proactis by going to (http://www.coillte.ie/), click on ‘Our Business’ – ‘Forestry’ – ‘Suppliers’ - ‘SMS Portal’, or use the link below:
LINK to SMS Portal: …
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2022-11-11Tenancy Support and Sustainment Services (TSSS) Limerick (Limerick City and County Council)
Tenders are invited from suitably qualified service providers for the provision of Tenancy Support and Sustainment (TSS) services to support households moving out of homelessness and for those at risk of becoming homeless in Limerick.
This RFT is divided into two LOTs as follows:
Lot 1 - General TSS Services to Households
Lot 2 - Specialised TSS Services to Households
The specific requirement for each Lot is set out in Appendix 1 of the tender documents. General TSS Services refers to Households with low …
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2022-10-28Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Fire Consultancy Services (The Digital Hub Development Agency)
The Contracting Authority proposes to establish a Multi-Party Framework Agreement for 4 years from commencement with the Contracting Authority having the option of extending the agreement for further periods of two (2) years, and a further one (1) year, subject to the satisfactory performance of the tenderer.
Fire services are anticipated to support works involving repairs and refurbishment of existing buildings, including protected structures. However, over the course of the Framework other projects may …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:AFEC International LtdORS
2022-06-29Cash in Transit and Cash Supply Services (An Post)
AN POST is seeking a single service provider who can provide a nationwide service to approx. 917 Post Offices.
The service requirement will consist of three (3) regions which are as follows:
Region 1: Dublin / Louth / Meath (approx. 191 offices)
Region 2: Midlands / South (approx. 368 offices)
Region 3: West & North West (approx. 358 offices)
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Brinks Cash Ireland Ltd
2022-06-03An Architect led Single Point Design Team for Works at No. 11 Parnell Square, Dublin, D01 ND60 (Irish Heritage Trust)
The Contracting Authority (The Irish Heritage Trust) intends to appoint an Architect led Single Point Design Team (SPDT) for refurbishment / alteration works at No. 11 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. The appointed single point design team will be required to provide consultancy services from project review of current design & planning permission, statutory approvals, detailed design, procurement, construction delivery and handover for the occupation in accordance with the enclosed Project Brief. The project …
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2022-02-15Climate Action Training and Mentoring Programme to focus on Building Capacity and Empowering Impacted Communities of... (Kildare County Council)
The project encompasses a Climate Action Training and Mentoring Programme which is centred on Building Capacity and Empowering Impacted Communities in the wider Midlands Region (Ireland). In particular, the capacity building programme focuses on enabling impacted communities within the wider Midlands Region to enhance their knowledge, understanding and confidence and unlock their collective power and potential to confront the economic and social challenges of transitioning to a climate neutral and …
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2021-09-24Directive and non-Directive Therapy for the CAWT/TUSLA MACE Project (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The CAWT MACE EU funded Project has identified an immediate need for Directive/non-Directive therapy sessions to address the impact of early childhood trauma in the border counties of Ireland. The HSE/TUSLA on behalf of CAWT seeks to appoint suitably qualified Therapists to provide therapeutic sessions to families and children within the CAWT cross border area. The requirement is for Directive/non-Directive therapy sessions (Counselling, Psychotherapy, Non-Directive Play Therapy, Filial Therapy, …
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2021-07-27Reopening of CAWT Cross Border MACE Project Trauma Informed and Trauma Specific Interventions (Bespoke Panel... (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The Health Service Executive/TUSLA on behalf of CAWT (Co-operation and Working Together) seeks to appoint suitably qualified service providers to a Bespoke Panel Arrangement; to deliver a variety of trauma informed and trauma specific interventions for families who have children aged 0-3 years and/or 11-13 years; at risk of experiencing multiple adversities in their lives. The services are listed as Annex XIV services and only Articles 74 to 77 of Directive 2014/24/EC apply to the award of any contracts …
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2021-04-01Review of Ireland’s Tanzania and the Great Lakes Sub-region Strategy 2017-2021 (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
Ireland has a long and enduring partnership with Tanzania, celebrating 40 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 2019. The Embassy of Ireland in Dar es Salaam is also accredited to Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Seychelles and Comoros.
The Mission Strategy has an integrated approach across its consular services, diaspora outreach, political engagement, development cooperation, cultural engagement, trade and promotion of Ireland.
In order to inform the upcoming mission strategy …
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2021-04-01Marine Advisor Services to Support the Procurement of a Multi-Role Vessel (Department of Defence)
The White Paper on Defence 2015 provides for the replacement of the current Naval Service flagship LÉ Eithne, which is approaching its end of lifespan, with a Multi-Role Vessel.
The procurement of the MRV is in strategic alignment with Government Policy. The MRV is included in the Government National Development Plan as a major capital project and is listed in the Defence Equipment Development Plan. The intention is that the procurement will be conducted in accordance with contemporary and emerging best …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Houlder Limited