2023-09-27   Upgrade and development of Voter.ie and implementation as the National Electoral Registration System including... (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council is using the Competitive Procedure with Negotiation to establish a Single Party Framework Agreement for the supply of software development, support, maintenance and related services in connection with a new national electoral registration system. The appointed provider will be required to provide all necessary services to upgrade and develop the existing voter.ie electoral registration system into a new national registration system which will have additional business and technical … View the procurement »
2023-08-31   Website management, development, maintenance and support (Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission)
The successful candidate will be required to (1) provide support the Commission's digital team on development projects that range from bespoke functionality requirements to the likely scoping, development and delivery of a new website, (2) enable the Commission’s digital presence to be pioneering in accessible design relative to its scale, (3) manage the Commission's website to include hosting, cookie management, domain and DNS management, troubleshooting and issue resolution, security monitoring, … View the procurement »
2023-05-16   Request for Tenders for the supply of Dynamic Application Security Testing Services (Department of Social Protection)
In summary, the Services comprise: (1) dynamic application security testing and (2) Expert post-sales Advisory to ensure that the tool can be successfully installed, configured and integrated by the Department’s staff into the Department’s development environment. Its purpose is to ensure that the tooling is used and configured correctly, to help the Department’s developers in understanding and remediating highlighted security issues, and to extend the scope of the tooling using custom scripts where a … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: 2-Sec Limited
2023-05-09   Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of Digital Services for HSE Communications (Health Service Executive (HSE))
Multi-party framework agreement for the provision of Digital services for communications to assist with the HSE's Health education, public information and public facing digital services and customer experience View the procurement »
2023-05-09   MyNMBI Next Generation Services - Registration System (Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann/Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland)
NMBI provides a vital function for the Irish health service as the authority that authorises a nurse or midwife to practice in Ireland. A key enabler of this is the application process, which is facilitated by our digital registration system, MyNMBI. The focus at this stage is on the development of a next generation MyNMBI system and associated architecture to meet the increasing volumes of applications, provide for the optimum, streamlined and most efficient experience for our existing registered nurses … View the procurement »
2023-03-30   SQL Training for Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine IT Staff (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
There are currently a number of staff in the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine's IMT Group who require SQL training imminently and it is expected with turnover of staff and onboarding of new recruits that there will be a periodic requirement for ongoing SQL training. There is an estimated 90 persons requiring such training over the full contract term including possible extensions. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: InspiringWays Training and Consultancy
2022-11-28   RFT for the supply of Software Asset Management / ITAM Software Solutions (Department of Social Protection)
In summary, the Services includes: • IT Asset Management to provide a comprehensive inventory of all hardware and software installed within the Departments domain, both on premises and in the cloud • Monitoring of software for licence compliance and vulnerabilities • The provision of pre-packaged patches from multiple vendors to help with remediating any vulnerabilities • Discover, Monitor and Optimise SaaS Licensing • Implementation, configuration and support services to commission and manage the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Softcat plc
2022-09-30   RFT the supply of Dynamic Application Security Testing Services (Department of Social Protection)
In summary, The Services comprise: (1) dynamic application security testing, (2) security checking of 3rd party libraries, and (3) Expert advice to interpret the results of (1) and (2). View the procurement »
2022-09-19   Trading System Support Services and Development Framework (Bord Na Mona)
Expressions of interest are invited from suitably qualified Applicants interested in being considered for Trading System Support Services and Development supplier. The Contracting Entity intends to establish a multi supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of these services. The Company anticipates awarding up to 2 Tenderers a place on the framework, subject to the quality of responses received The Framework Agreement period will be for two years with the possibility to extend annually for up to … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Margin Business Solutions Ireland
2022-08-17   Provision of a Patient Administration Software System (St James's Hospital)
This tender is being conducted as one lot and St James’s Hospital is seeking to partner with a provider that can provide a new Patient Administration Solution. The PAS solution is the foundation of building of a robust EPR as well as supporting other major clinical systems. St James’s hospital is seeking to ensure it has a fit for purpose Patient Administration System (PAS) system that can fully integrate/interface with our EPR that will allow us to allow us to enhance our current EPR functionality and … View the procurement »
2022-07-13   Provision of Online Proctored Examination Management System (OPEMS) To An Garda Síochána (An Garda Síochána)
T.20/2022 Provision of Online Proctored Examination Management System (OPEMS)To An Garda Síochána View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: TestReach
2022-05-03   KTI Super Search (Enterprise Ireland)
Establishment of a Single Party framework agreement for the provision of a specialist Software as a Service (SaaS) platform to enable the development of a Search Portal for Knowledge Transfer Ireland View the procurement »
2022-02-04   Single Party Framework Agreement for the provision of a Managed Car Park Management Solution and Related Support... (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council wish to establish a Single Party Framework Agreement for the provision of a Managed Car Park Management Solution and Related Support services for use at multiple site locations across Dublin City Council area. The End-to-End Car Park Management Solution will be initially deployed in the underground car park located at the Civic Offices in Wood Quay, Dublin 8. The proposed solution must have the potential to scale and include additional car park locations if required. The solution will … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ronspot Ltd
2021-07-13   A Team of Skilled Business Analysts to Assist in the Development and Maintenance of the Department’s Software Systems (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders for the provision of a team of twenty-eight (28) skilled business analysis resources to work across a wide range of business areas. The business analysis team will be tasked with the investigating and analysing business situations, identifying and evaluating options for improving business systems, elaborating and defining requirements, and ensuring the effective implementation and use of information systems in line with the needs of the … View the procurement »
2021-07-13   A Team of Skilled ICT Quality Assurance Resources to Assist in the Development and Maintenance of Software Systems (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders for the provision of a team of thirty-four (34) skilled ICT Resources to assist in the quality assurance of a number of software projects managed by the Department in relation to (but not limited to) schemes, Brexit, inspections, land, laboratories and forestry. View the procurement »
2021-03-08   Provision of Web Development and Managed Services (Residential Tenancies Board)
The RTB seeks a suitably qualified candidate for the provision of website development and managed services. View the procurement »
2020-12-17   A Team of Skilled ICT Quality Assurance Resources to Assist in the Development and Maintenance of Software Systems (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders for the provision of a team of thirty-four (34) skilled ICT resources to assist in the quality assurance of a number of software projects managed by the Department in relation to (but not limited to): schemes, Brexit, inspections, land, laboratories and forestry. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Capgemini Ireland Ltd
2020-12-17   A Business Analysis Team to Assist in the Development and Maintenance of DAFM Software Systems (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders for the provision of a team of twenty-eight (28) skilled business analysis resources to work across a wide range of business areas. The business analysis team will be tasked with the investigating and analysing business situations, identifying and evaluating options for improving business systems, elaborating and defining requirements, and ensuring the effective implementation and use of information systems in line with the needs of the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ernst & Young
2020-12-17   A Team of Skilled ICT Resources to Develop and Maintain the AgSchemes and Generic Claims Processing Software Systems (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders for the provision of a team of nineteen (19) skilled ICT Resources in relation to the maintenance of the Generic Claims Processing System (GPCS), its replacement by a new AgSchemes system to deliver and support a number of the Departments payment schemes. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Version 1
2020-12-17   A Team of Skilled ICT Resources to Assist in the Development and Maintenance of Forestry Related Software Systems (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders for the provision of a team of six (6) skilled ICT resources in relation to the development and maintenance of forestry-related software systems. View the procurement »
2020-12-17   A Team of Skilled ICT Resources to Develop and Maintain the IMT Animal Health Systems (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
Please see Request For Tender (RFT) document for a detailed description of the requirements and specifications relating to this tender competition. View the procurement »
2020-12-17   A Team of Skilled ICT Resources to Develop and Maintain the IMT Corporate Customer Access Systems and Other Applications (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders for the provision of a team of ten (10) skilled ICT Resources in relation to the development, upgrade and maintenance of Corporate Customer Identification, Access and Authorisation Systems and other Systems Any contract resulting from this competition will be for a Term of three (3) years and the Contracting Authority reserves the right to extend the term for a period or periods of up to six (6) months with a maximum of four (4) such … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: IT Alliance Group
2020-12-15   Maintenance and Support Service for Pasturebase Ireland Online (Teagasc)
Maintenance and support service for PastureBase Ireland Online, additional information is available in the attached documentation. View the procurement »
2020-10-30   Request for Information (RFI) for the Establishment of a Framework for the Provision of Open Data Services and... (The Office of Government Procurement)
The Office of Government Procurement (OGP) is now starting the process in undertaking the establishment of a new framework agreement for the provision of open data services and support for the Irish Public Sector. The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to gather market information for open data services and support. Please note that this is not a competition and we are not seeking tenders at this stage. It is purely an information gathering exercise seeking the views of market operators on … View the procurement »
2020-10-16   A Team of Skilled ICT Quality Assurance Resources to Assist in Development and Maintenance of Software Systems for... (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders for the provision of a team of seventeen (17) skilled ICT resources to assist in the quality assurance of a number of software projects managed by the animal, customer, financials and fisheries division. Any contract resulting from this competition will be for a term of three (3) years and the contracting authority reserves the right to extend the term for a period or periods of up to twelve (12) months with a maximum of two (2) such … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Expleo Technology Ireland Limited (formerly SQS)
2020-10-09   The Ongoing Maintenance, Support, Hosting and Enhancement of the HRB’s LINK – a Web-based System for its National... (The Health Research Board)
Establishment of a single party framework agreement for the ongoing maintenance, support, hosting and enhancement of the HRB’s LINK – a web-based system for its National Health Information Systems (NHIS). View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Open Sky Data Systems
2020-08-17   MapRoad and Related Software Development (Local Government Management Agency)
Software Development principally for the MapRoad suite of systems, but may also be available for other LGMA systems that are based on the LGMA CORE application (such as LG Returns, NPPR and POW), to develop systems using the CORE application and to support services for the range of business areas supported by the LGMA. View the procurement »
2020-06-22   The Provision of a Team of ICT Resources to Develop and Maintain the IMT Fisheries Systems (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders for the provision of a team of skilled ICT resources to assist in the development and maintenance of the fisheries project systems over the next three (3) to five (5) years. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Deloitte Ireland LLP
2020-01-31   Framework Agreement for ICT Consultancy, Support Personnel and Related Services to the RSA (Road Safety Authority (RSA))
The RSA is seeking to establish the following multi-party frameworks (each a ‘Framework’) for the provision of ICT consultancy, support personnel and related services under the following lots: Lot 1: Supply of App Dev, BA, Op and Proj Support/Mgmt Testing and Data Mgmt personnel and consultancy; Lot 2: Supply of ICT infrastructure personnel and consultancy; Lot 3: Supply of ICT security personnel and consultancy. Each framework will be of 4 years in duration and will be limited to a maximum of 10 parties … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: AspiraCon Ltd (T/A Aspira) Earnst & Young Ergo Services (T/A Ergo) Hibernia Services Ltd - T/A Evros Technology Group Hibernia Services Ltd(T/A EVROS Technology Group) I.T. Alliance Resourcing Services - T/A... IT Alliance Resourcing Services (T/A... PFH Technology Group Version1 Software (T/A Version 1)
2019-12-04   Ramping Margin Tool (EirGrid plc)
EirGrid has a requirement for a Ramping Margin Tool to be developed and deployed in the control centres. This tool enables grid controllers to accurately schedule the Ramping Margin reserve services, thereby enabling more effective management of changing demand and generation profiles with increased wind integration. The scope of this contract will be to design and deliver a Ramping Margin Tool to be deployed in the control centres in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The tool will need to take a range of … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Unicorn Systems a.s.
2019-10-24   Provision of Technical and Cloud Advisory, Systems Integration and Support Services (National Transport Authority)
The scope of this tender covers the provision of technical and cloud advisory, systems integration and support services across multiple business units and associated IT deployments within the authority. Details of the particular service requirements are set out in Section 3.3 of the request for tenders under the following headings: — analysis requirements, — planning and design requirements, — implementation requirements, — support and assistance requirements, — key technical component requirements, — … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Zarrdia Ltd
2019-07-12   Dynamic Application Security Testing Services (Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection)
1) Dynamic application security testing; 2) Security checking of 3rd party libraries; 3) Expert advice to interpret the results of (1) and (2). View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: FTL Group Technologies Limited FTL Group Technologies Ltd
2019-03-07   Supply and Maintenance of Handheld Mobile Computer Services (An Post)
An Post is seeking to enter into a Single Framework Agreement for the Supply and Maintenance of Handheld Mobile Computer Services (for outdoor devices and indoor devices) based on operational requirements throughout the term of the framework. Our current mobile computer solution comprises approx. 4 500 Intermec CN50 outdoor devices and 750 Motorola MC3200 indoor devices and these provide all the required data including item status and signature information etc. However the Intermec CN50’s are now nearing … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Blackbird Data Systems t/a Zetes Ireland
2019-02-27   Look – Ahead Security Assessment Tool (EirGrid plc)
Scope of requirements is to use the models developed by EirGrid and functionality contained in the current WSAT tool or to develop a new software application. EirGrid envisages this project being a solution which will evolve over time and therefore intends awarding a contract with a potential maximum relationship of 20 years including options for renewal at various stages over the life of the arrangement. EirGrid envisages qualifying up to 5 candidates from this pre-qualification. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Grid Solutions SAS
2019-02-13   The Provision of two (2) Software Developers to assist in the Development and Maintenance of IT Applications (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The provision of two (2) software developers to assist in the development and maintenance of IT applications. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Auxilion Ireland Ltd (trading as I.T.... Janix Ltd
2019-02-13   ESS034C Request for Tenders for the Provision of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System for the University... (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The University of Limerick (UL) will appoint a successful supplier for the supply of a Customer Relationship Management System (CRM). The initial project is to supply this system to the to the Graduate Entry Medical School (GEMS) at University of Limerick (UL), subsequent projects may be initiated to supply the system to support other processes, departments or schools within the University of Limerick, should the need arise. View the procurement »
2018-10-18   Look-ahead Stability Assessment Tool (EirGrid plc)
The objective of the DS3 Programme is to meet the challenges of operating the all-island electricity system in a safe, secure and efficient manner while facilitating higher levels of renewable energy. The DS3 Programme is split across 3 pillars; system performance, system policies and system Tools. New system tools are required to enable the operational changes in the Control Centres in order to deliver the benefits of the DS3 Programme to customers. This will mean, at times, operating the system in ways … View the procurement »
2018-10-17   Request for Tenders for the Supply of an Integrated Corporate Support System (ICSS) for the Houses of the Oireachtas Service (Houses of the Oireachtas Service)
In summary, the Goods comprise the provision of an Integrated Corporate Support System (ICSS) to replace and/or upgrade some of the current internal corporate systems in the Houses of the Oireachtas. It is the intention of the Contracting Authority at this stage to tender for the required product/solution only. The Contracting Authority will then engage in a separate procurement process to secure an implementation programme and partner, following the successful procurement of the required system. View the procurement »
2018-07-20   Development of a Safety Regulation System for IAA (Irish Aviation Authority)
To design, build and deliver a software solution known as Safety Regulation System (SRS) for the IAA (Irish Aviation Authority). The system accepts applications for any type of approval, certificate or license and issues all certificates, licences and approvals in a digital form with appropriate digital signature. The system will accept statements and evidence through digital means including the use of digital signature. A mobile application to allow individuals to access their individual accounts and to … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Enterprise Registry Solutions Ltd
2017-03-21   Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Scanning Development and Support Services (Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport)
The Department invites expressions of interest from companies interested in tendering for the provision of an integrated scanning and CRM Solution to enhance the management of customer relationships, reduce manual handling and replace key functionality of an existing application. View the procurement »
2016-12-05   Teams of Skilled ICT Resources (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Contracting Authority envisages that it will require Teams of Skilled ICT resources to assist in the development and maintenance of ICT Systems. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Compass Informatics Ltd Deloitte I.T. Alliance Resourcing SQS — Software Quality Systems (now... SQS- Software Quality Systems SQS- Software Quality Systems (now... Version 1 Software t/a Version 1
2015-05-06   Mutiple-Supplier Framework for Software Development Lifecycle Services for the Central Bank of Ireland (Central Bank of Ireland)
The Information Management and Technology Directorate (‘IMTD’) of the Central Bank is seeking to establish a multi-party framework agreement with several service providers for the provision of Software Development Lifecycle Services. The Successful Tenderer(s) shall be required to provide specifically-skilled project resources to the Central Bank as needs arise on individual projects, to work as part of a Central Bank project team. The skills required of appointed project resources shall vary depending … View the procurement »
2015-02-25   Pasture-base Support, Maintenance and Possible Project Work 2015 (Teagasc)
Pasture-base Support, Maintenance and Possible Project Work 2015. View the procurement »
2013-08-23   Provision of teams of Skilled ICT Resources to assist with the development and maintenance of ICT project (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Department envisages that it will require skilled external ICT resources over the next 3 years in order to continue to fulfil its mission of supplying high quality, secure and stable ICT systems to the Department. These ICT resources will either supplement the Department's own staff in developing and supporting applications on its strategic IT systems or provide specific IT skills that are not available within the Department. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Accenture Compass Informatics Limited IT Alliance Group System Dynamics Ltd The ICON Group Limited Version 1
2012-09-21   Website and Mobile Software Development Services (An Post National Lottery Company)
An Post National Lottery Company (NL) is licensed to operate the National Lottery by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform on the Minister's behalf in accordance with the National Lottery Act 1986. The National Lottery commenced operations in March 1987 with the purpose of operating a world-class lottery for the people of Ireland, raising funds for good causes, on behalf of the Government. The National Lottery is responsible for a number of Lottery games including twice-weekly Lotto draws and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: BiznetIIS trading as i3 Digital
2012-04-18   Health intelligence framework for HSE (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The Health Intelligence Ireland system is a web application portal supporting health service planning and monitoring – including the NQAIS (National quality assurance information system) and a health system ‘service directory’. It is an open-source mapping, database and statistical system. The system integrates GIS, database and statistical components. A user-friendly interface supports web-enabled access across the Irish health sector and collaborating agencies. For Full details please see the … View the procurement »