2023-03-03   Carlow Town URDF Town Centre Public Realm Enhancement (Carlow County Council)
Procurement of Design Team for Carlow Town URDF Town Centre Public Realm Enhancement as part of the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund Project. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Urban Agency Architects Ltd
2022-03-03   Engineering Consultancy Services for Mill Road, Corbally Active Travel Scheme {Stage (ii) to Stage (v)} (Limerick City and County Council)
Limerick City and County Council seeks to appoint a multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy (the “Consultant”) to undertake the necessary designs, construction tender documentation, contract administration, site supervision and Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) role for the Mill Road Active Travel Scheme. The Preliminary Stage and Part 8 Planning Application for this Scheme are complete. This Tender is for Stage (ii) Design (Detailed Design) through to Stage (v) Handover of Works. The … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ryan Hanley
2022-02-23   22/003- Water and Wastewater Network Services and Works (WNSW) Sub – contractor List (Irish Water)
Irish Water wishes to appoint a number of Regional Services and Works Contractors (Regional Contractors) to assist in achieving its network improvement targets through targeted capital works. It is expected that these Regional Contractors will require large numbers of sub-contractors to supplement their own resources. The purpose of this Expression of Interest (EOI) is to establish a list of sub-contractors that these Regional Contractors may choose to appoint over the duration of the project. This … View the procurement »
2021-09-22   West Clare Railway Greenway Section 2 (Clare County Council)
Tender for Multi-Disciplinary Services for West Clare Railway Greenway - Section 2 Ennis to Ennistymon (circa 30km) View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Roughan & O'donovan
2021-07-28   Multi Supplier Framework for the Provision of Water and Wastewater Network Services and Works to Irish Water (Irish Water)
Irish Water intends to undertake a competitive tendering process, the objective of which is to establish a Multi-supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Water and Wastewater Network Services and Works nationwide. A new contract delivery mechanism is required to facilitate the delivery of the Irish Water’s Network Capital Programmes such as: • Water Network Management • Wastewater Network Management • New Connections • Growth and Development Suppliers will be required to provide an end to end … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: GMC Utilities Group Ltd Northstone (NI) Limited trading as... Shareridge Limited Ward and Burke Construction Limited
2021-05-04   21/022 — Technical Specialist Framework (Ervia)
Scope includes but not limited to: • material testing and investigation; • integrity, risk management and audits surveying services; • network analysis support distribution and transmission specialist; • third party inspection services; • (PSDP) support services cathodic protection and high voltage interference specialist; • noise testing and analysis/assessment; • building information modelling (BIM) and information management support services; • cost benefit analysis, energy demand forecasting and … View the procurement »
2021-03-30   RFT for Integrated Design Team Consultancy Services for Kingscourt Town Centre Regeneration Scheme for Cavan County Council (Cavan County Council)
RFT for Integrated design team consultancy services for Kingscourt Town Centre Regeneration Scheme for Cavan County Council. Provision of full Integrated Design services team in order to develop a town centre regeneration scheme as per the project design brief including but not limited to assessment of options, detailed design, planning approval & completed contract documents. Please refer to tender documents for further details. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Tobin Consulting Engineers
2020-12-17   19/189 Multiparty Framework for the Provision of Engineering Design Services for GNI (UK) (Ervia)
There are four main categories of services required to be provided for under this framework agreement, they are: — large gas specific design services; — construction supervision and project management of pipelines and installations; — control and instrumentation including electrical design; — compressor stations design, project management and construction supervision; — large gas specific design services; — construction supervision and project management of pipelines and installations in UK. See Appendix … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Arup Fingleton White Penspen WSP
2020-12-04   West Clare Railway Greenway Section 1 (Clare County Council)
Tender for Multi-Disciplinary Services for West Clare Railway Greenway - Section 1 Kilrush to Kilkee (circa 25km). View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Roughan & O'donovan
2020-09-29   Multi Disciplinary Design Team Frameworks (daa plc)
The contracting authority, wishes to put in place a bespoke framework agreement with a suitably qualified consultant/s to act on behalf of the contracting authority in carrying out building design services (Lot 1) and civil engineering design services (Lot 2) at Dublin and Cork airports. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: W S Atkins
2020-09-16   19/102 — Client Partner Services for the Water Supply Project – East and Midlands Region (WSP) (Irish Water)
This notice is to inform the market that Irish Water intends to procure Client Partner professional services for the proposed Water Supply Project – East and Midlands Region (WSP). The proposed WSP will deliver infrastructure to supply treated water to sustain Ireland’s Eastern and Midlands Region. The purpose of the client partner will be to work with the internal Irish Water WSP team in an integrated manner to successfully deliver the construction strategy, construction procurement and construction … View the procurement »
2020-08-10   20/010 — A Multi Supplier Framework for the Provision of Technical Specialists Services (Ervia)
A multi supplier framework for the provision of technical specialists services Scope includes but not limited to: Material testing and investigation. Integrity, risk management and audits Surveying services. Network analysis support distribution and transmission specialist. Third party inspection services. (PSDP) support services Cathodic protection and high voltage interference specialist. Noise testing and analysis/assessment. Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Information management support … View the procurement »
2019-08-29   Dublin District Heating System — Technical Advisor (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council are seeking an economic operator to take on the role of a technical advisor and to assist in the procurement of a joint venture partner to deliver the Dublin District Heating System, and to complete the planning for the project. The summary scope of work to be undertaken by the EO is as follows: — general technical advice and district heating design until a suitable JV partner is appointed, — technical advice services pursuant to the procurement and contract negotiation of the JV … View the procurement »
2019-08-06   Additional Accommodation at Glencastle National School, Ballina, Co. Mayo (Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim ETB)
Glencastle National School, Roll No 13222P requires additional accommodation comprising 2x Classroom SEN base (total area incl. walls and circulation 267 m) and 1 x staff room 35 m, 1 x multi purpose/games room 801 m, 1 x nurses office 15 m, toilets boys and girls 15 m and ancillary as per attached schedule at Glencastle NS. View the procurement »
2018-12-11   Ballycoolen to Forrest Little and Ballycoolen to Ratoath Trunkmain Scheme (Irish Water)
— Lot 1 Ballycoolen to Forrest Little Trunkmain Scheme: It has been identified that a new trunk main is required to augment the supply to North County Dublin and to ensure security of supply, — Lot 2 Ballycoolen to Ratoath Trunkmain Scheme: It has been identified that a new regional trunk main is required to enable the transfer of available treated water between the Greater Dublin Area and Meath. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Roadbridge Ltd
2018-11-26   Ballycoolen to Forrest Little Trunkmain Scheme (Irish Water)
The existing trunk main network capacity to the northern area of Fingal is considered deficient. The current peak demand for the supply area is in excess of the capacity of the existing trunk main. As a result, levels of service to customers in the area occasionally fall below desired levels. It has been identified that a new trunk main is required to augment the supply to this area and to ensure security of supply. This is also required to ensure that water supply does not hamper future development in the area. View the procurement »
2018-11-07   Greater Dublin Drainage Project – Marine Outfall DB Contract (Irish Water)
Scope of Works includes for the design, build, testing and commissioning of the following•Approximately 2 km length of 2 000 mm internal diameter outfall pipeline, installed using tunneling methods and passing beneath Baldoyle Bay to Velvet Strand: — approximately 4 km length of 2 000 mm internal diameter outfall pipeline, installed using dredging methods from Velvet Strand to approximately 1 km North East of Irelands Eye, — outfall diffuser, — dredge crossing/protection works of existing fibre optic … View the procurement »
2018-11-07   Greater Dublin Drainage Project – Terrestrial Pipelines DB Contract (Irish Water)
The Scope of Works includes for the design, build, testing and commissioning of the following: — orbital sewer from Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 in the NW of Dublin to the WwTP at Clonshagh (approximately 13,8 km), —— approx. 1 km length of gravity pipeline through Connolly hospital installed using trenchless techniques (1 800 mm internal dia., c. 10 m depth), —— approximately 5,4 km length of 1 400 mm dia. rising main, —— approximately 7,4 km length of 1 800 mm dia. gravity pipeline, — live connection of … View the procurement »
2017-06-22   Dublin District Heating System: Business Delivery Model and Engineering Review (Dublin City Council)
The purpose of this brief is to secure the services of a suitably qualified and multi-disciplinary Economic Operator to identify appropriate business/commercial delivery models together with a recommendation on the preferred model including the role of Dublin City Council, if any, in the ownership, delivery, operation and maintenance for each of the business aspects: — Heat generation / source; — Heat distribution network; — Heat supply to customers. The EO shall complete a high level review of … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ramboll Danmark A/S
2017-01-05   Letterkenny Sewerage Improvement Scheme — Phase 3 (Irish Water)
Contract for the design and construction of improvement works to the existing waste-water collection network at various locations within the town and environs of Letterkenny, County Donegal. The improvement works consists of the construction of new foul/combined sewer pipelines, the construction of a new storm water culvert, and the rehabilitation of existing foul/combined sewer pipelines. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: P&S Civil Wors
2016-06-17   Cork Lower Harbour Main Drainage Project, Sewerage Network Contract D — Cobh (Irish Water)
Irish Water proposes to undertake the development of a new and upgraded collection network and transfer system in Cobh as part of the Cork Lower Harbour Drainage Project. This is necessary to ensure compliance Irish National Standards and Regulations relating to transfer and storage of urban waste water. General project information is contained on the website: www.water.ie/corklowerharbour View the procurement »
2016-06-09   Dublin District Heating System — Phase 2 — Engineering, Business and Implementation Strategy (Environment and Transportation Department)
The purpose of this brief is to secure the services of a suitably qualified and multi-disciplinary Economic Operator to examine the engineering, business and implementation strategies for managing, administrating, developing and financing the District Heating System for a specified area in Dublin's Docklands which will recover waste heat and distribute it from plants in the Poolbeg peninsula. The Economic Operator shall be required to make recommendations to management of Dublin City Council in relation … View the procurement »
2016-05-18   Design & Build Contract for the refurbishment of the existing Poolbeg Oil Storage Facility (National Oil Reserves Agency)
Design and built contract for the upgrade of the existing Poolbeg Tank farm to meet current regulations for the long term strategic storage of Distillate products. The site is ship fed from a jetty. Woks includes but is not limited to Repair of existing Tankage, Installation of new pipe work and associated equipment, Installation of new loading gantry, drainage and control room. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Manley Construction Limited
2014-02-07   14/008 – Technical Specialist Consultancy – Republic of Ireland (Bord Gais Eireann)
This framework will be designed as a multiparty framework agreement with competent entities whose responsibiliites include but not limited to giving advice, examining, analysing and reporting on certain issues that may occur in relation to processes, procedures, materials, risks and incidents within Bord Gáis Networks as required. View the procurement »
2014-01-09   14/002 - Engineering Servies Contract - UK (BGE UK Ltd)
BGE UK Ltd is tendering a range of consulting and project management engineering services. These engineering services will be sub-divided into 4 separate Lots which are detailed below: Lot 1 - Large Gas Specific Design Services. Lot 2 - Construction Supervision & Project Management of Pipelines & Installations in the UK. Lot 3 - C&I Design including conceptual, preliminary and detailed design of new installations and upgrade of existing BGN installations. Lot 4 - Compressor Stations Design, Project … View the procurement »
2013-11-20   MSSN - Malahide Sewerage Scheme (Network) (Fingal County Council)
Prequalification Stage for provision of Consultant Engineering Design Services for upgrade of Malahide foul drainage catchment. View the procurement »
2013-11-15   13/080 - Engineering Services Contract - Republic of Ireland (Bord Gais Eireann)
Bord Gáis Éireann is tendering a range of engineering consultancy and project management services through this competition. These services will be sub-divided into 10 separate Lots details of which are as follows: Lot 1 - Large Gas Specific Design Services; Lot 2 - Construction Supervision & Project Management of Pipelines & Installations Lot 3 - Survey & Design of Existing Gas Installations and Sites; Lot 4 - C&I Design including conceptual, preliminary and detailed design of new installations and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Fingleton White and Co Ltd/Neodyne... Long O'Donnell Associates Ltd Murphy Surveys Ltd NeoDyne Ltd Ove Arup and Partners International Ltd... Ove Arup qnd Partners International Ltd Rps Consulting Engineers Ryan Hanley Ltd
2013-10-22   RtP for appointment of a Design & Build Contactor (Topaz Energy Ltd)
This Request to Participate document is being made available by Topaz Energy Ltd. (Topaz) to parties who wish to be considered for participation in the competition to appoint a Design & Build Contractor for the construction of the New Dublin Terminal at Dublin Port at a fixed price. View the procurement »
2012-07-18   Ring Helvick Water Supply Scheme - Expressions of Interest for Engineering Consultancy Services (Waterford County Council)
Waterford County Council invites Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified engineering consultancy companies with experience in the design & construction of public water supply schemes for the appointment as consultant to the 'Ring Helvick Water Supply Scheme'. The appointment shall be in accordance with the 'Standard Conditions of Engagement for Consultancy Services (Technical)' published by the Department of Finance (Latest Version). The appointment shall be for the following stages of the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: J.B. Barry & Partners Ltd Rhatighan & Company Architects
2012-04-13   Ardmore water supply scheme - expressions of interest for engineering consultancy services (Waterford County Council)
Waterford County Council invites Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified engineering consultancy companies with experience in the design & construction of public water supply schemes for the appointment as consultant to the 'Ardmore Water Supply Scheme'. The appointment shall be in accordance with the 'Standard Conditions of Engagement for Consultancy Services (Technical)' published by the Department of Finance. The appointment shall be for the following stages of the project: Stage (ii) - … View the procurement »
2011-10-26   Water Conservation Stage 3 - Expressions of Interest for Engineering Consultancy Services (Waterford County Council)
Waterford County Council invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified engineering consultancy companies with experience in water conservation and mains rehabilitation works for the appointment as consultant for the 'Water Conservation Stage 3 Mains Rehabilitation Works'. The appointment shall be in accordance with the "Standard Conditions of Engagement of Consultancy Services (Technical)" published by the Department of Finance. The appointment shall be for the following stages of the … View the procurement »
2011-10-26   Passage East Sewerage Scheme - expressions of interest for engineering consultancy services (Waterford County Council)
Waterford County Council invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified engineering consultancy companies with experience in the design and construction of public sewerage schemes for the appointment as consultant for the "Passage East Sewerage Scheme". The appointment shall be in accordance with the "Standard Conditions of Engagement of Consultancy Services (Technical)" published by the Department of Finance. The appointment shall be for the following stages of the project: Stage (i) … View the procurement »
2011-08-19   "DIT Campus at Grangegorman – East and Central Quads PPP Programme" technical advisory services (National Development Finance Agency on behalf of the Grangegorman Development Agency)
The Grangegorman Development Agency (“GDA”) is a statutory agency established to develop a purpose-built campus for the Dublin Institute of Technology (“DIT”) and a variety of amenities on the grounds of St. Brendan’s Hospital in Grangegorman (the “Development”). Two elements of the development, the East and Central Quads Programme (the “project”) are proposed to be delivered using public private partnership. The National Development Finance Agency (“NDFA”) has been mandated by the GDA to procure … View the procurement »
2011-02-25   Cork Science and Innovation Park (CSIP) - infrastructure project (Cork County Council)
Cork County Council proposes to engage a consultancy to undertake the project management, consultant engineer, employer's representative and client's representative duties for the development of the infrastructure for a proposed Science and Innovation Park to be located adjacent the western suburbs of Cork City. The scheme includes the construction of: — a 2km access road and associated junctions, — 2 no. river bridges, — services infrastructure installation (foul and storm sewers, watermain, ducting), — … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Mott Macdonald Ireland
2011-02-10   Cork Lower Harbour sewerage scheme - consultant, client’s representative, employer's representative (Cork County Council)
The preliminary reoprt for the Cork Lower Harbour sewerage scheme has recommended the construction of an 80 000 PE (50 000 PE phase 1) waste water treatment plant at Shanbally, south west of Ringaskiddy. 4 no. Collection system contracts are proposed to pump foul flows to the treatment plant: — Cobh, — Passage West/Glenbrook/Monkstown/Raffeen, — Ringaskiddy/Coolmore/Shanbally, — Carrigaline (including Crosshaven). Treated effluent will discharge through an existing IDA outfall at Ringaskiddy discharging … View the procurement »