Procurements: Repair, maintenance and associated services related to personal computers, office equipment, telecommunications and audio-visual equipment (page 8)
2015-01-30Contract for the supply and maintenance if IP Telephony, Customer Contact Centre and Unified Communications (Waterford City and County Council)
Waterford City and County Council invites tenders from competent suppliers for the provision of an IP telephony, customer contact centre and unified communications solution. An associated maintenance contract will also be required. The contract will involve the supply, installation, testing, commissioning and support of a new IP Telephony System, Customer Contact Centre (to include integration to a CRM system) and Unified Communications system for its Main Office buildings at Waterford City and Dungarvan …
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2015-01-19Infrastructure Managed Service (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport)
The Department invites expressions of interest from companies interested in tendering for the provision of Infrastructure managed services to support and maintain the NVDF's current ICT Infrastructure and managed services (the 'Services').
It is proposed to create a single provider framework agreement to cover these and related services (the 'Framework Agreement').
The Department requires the Services to be provided on a 24 x 7 x 365 basis.
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2014-12-16Provision of Support and Maintenance of the Rural Transport ITMS Booking System (National Transport Authority)
The National Transport Authority seeks an experienced IT service supplier who can provide technical support and expertise to maintain and develop ICT elements of the Authority's business systems. The Authority will require a range of support services, some of which will be on an ongoing basis and others as needs arise. This contract will involve the provision of operation support and development services for ITMS, and for ad-hoc tasks on customisable end-user systems such as Databases, Geographic …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Open Sky Data Systems
2014-12-05RFT 11/14 — Request for Tender for Network Equipment Supply and Maintenance (Letterkenny Institute of Technology)
Letterkenny Institute of Technology requires establishing a contract with a suitably qualified and experienced contractor to supply network equipment and provide a quality service for the maintenance and support of existing data network equipment.
The purpose of this competition is to establish a contract with a single contractor for the combined 2 lots:
Lot 1: Supply of Network Equipment and Software Licenses (‘the Goods’).
Lot 2: Maintenance and Support for existing Cisco Network and new network …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:BT Communications Ireland
2014-11-03Supply and delivery of Network equipment and Maintenance of same (Waterford Institute of Technology)
WIT is currently seeking to select a Company to supply the Institute with:
Network Equipment
Network Maintenance Services
From the returned Tenders, a single supplier will be chosen to supply the above goods and services to this Institute for a period of up to 48 months but no less than 24 months. The Institute is looking for an external partner who can actively grow the network with WIT and advise on network developments over this period.
This tender applies to all WIT network equipment and may be used …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Eircom
2014-09-05Contract for Supply of Integrated Solution for Rfid-Enabled Library Self-Service (Cork City Council)
This tender calls for the supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of an RFID solution for Cork City Libraries, as outlined in this tender document, with a 5-year warranty and maintenance support on all equipment provided and a maximum of 8-hour on-site response time to service requests. Target levels for self-service usage in the new Library will be 85 % +. The RFID solution should integrate seamlessly with the current Library Management System and a full programme of training should be given to …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Bibliotheca
2014-05-13HSE 522 – Framework Agreement ICT Desktop Support (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The HSE invites tenders from suitable service providers for appointment to a Framework Agreement with an immediate award of contract for Lots 1 and 2 listed below, to enter into a service agreement to continue the provision of a “one stop shop” for the service and repair work of Desktop PC's and Laptops including peripherals such as printers*, scanners etc. and necessitating a physical visit to the user's work location.
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2014-04-08ESB Telecoms Limited Telecommunications Maintenance Programme 2014 - 2107 (Electricity Supply Board)
ESB Telecoms Limited (ESBT) Telecommunications Maintenance Programme 2014 - 2017. ESBT intends to enter into a framework agreement with contractors to meet maintenance requirements for their telecommuniction sites for the next 3 to 5 years.
Interested parties should note that this selection process is not governed by the provisions of Directive 2004/18/EC or Directive 2004/17/EC (or the Irish regulations transposing those Directives) and ESB does not intend to follow the procedures or rules set out in …
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2014-01-31UCC/2013/56 - Voice Telephony Systems (University College Cork (UCC))
UCC is initiating a procurement process to upgrade and/or replace the voice telephony systems serving the University.
This will be a Competitive Dialogue process consisting of an initial selection and dialogue phase followed by a formal tender phase.
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2013-12-20UCC/2013/31 - Supply, Installation and Commisioning of Audio Visual Equipment (University College Cork (UCC))
University College Cork has a wide audio visual
infrastructure covering 157 Central Teaching Rooms. In
addition The University has more than 120 departmental
laboratories, teaching rooms and meeting rooms
containing AV equipment. Included in these are over 220
permanent data projection systems and more than 20
rooms using large monitor presentation displays. Each
system typically incorporates a permanent PC and DVD
player and allows connectivity for laptops, document
cameras and other presentation …
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2013-11-22011-03-288 - Framework Agreement - ICT Managed Services (Commission for Energy Regulation)
The Commission for Energy Regulation (the ‘CER') is the independent body responsible for overseeing the liberalisation of Ireland's energy sector.
Following a recent review of the Commission's ICT Strategy it has been decided to seek an ICT Managed Services partner to support and maintain its current ICT systems and services and provide a disaster recovery service, as well as to work with CER to advise on and implement potential future changes required to meet any changing business requirements or …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Trilogy Technologies Limited
2013-10-24ENQEIR383 - IT Helpdesk and Support Services (EirGrid plc)
The objective of this Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) process is to produce a short-list of suitably qualified companies who will be invited to tender for the provision of an IT Helpdesk and Support Services. This document provides a description of EirGrid's requirements for this contract as well as details of the products/services we wish to procure. It also provides information about the selection
Candidates are invited to submit a qualification application for inclusion on the tender …
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2013-08-21Supply of Coillte Telecoms Tower Inspection and Maintenance Services 2014 (Coillte Teoranta)
Coillte Telecoms owns and operates more that 100 tower structures and associated compounds in Ireland. The structures are predominantly lattice towers with some stayed lattice structures and monopoles. Coillte is seeking a contractor to deliver the following
services on these towers and compounds:
— Annual tower inspection and reporting, to include
– Compound husbandry;
– Tower climbdown;
– Bolt torquing;
– Certification of fall arrest and safe-to-climb;
– H&S assessment;
– As-built drawing check.
— …
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2013-08-012013PO65 - Total Facilities Management (TFM) Super Supplier (Central Bank of Ireland)
The Central Bank of Ireland is seeking a facilities management contractor, (FMCo), with a proven track record in the management and delivery of facility management solutions in a service focused work environment. Elements include preventive and reactive maintenance; cleaning and
feminine hygiene; waste management, and other services and products for a number of sites in Dublin. The Central Bank also requires that the FMCo has experience in the management and delivery of small and medium sized capital projects.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Vector Workplace and Facility Management Limited
2013-07-01Provision of School Routers and Associated Services and the Management of existing School Routers (Department of Education and Skills)
Currently there are approximately 3 600 schools connections in place under this programme, the majority of schools have one broadband connection with a small amount of schools with two connections. The Existing Routers installed in schools are either a Cisco 871 or a Cisco 881 router (specification attached at appendix 9). In addition to the routers in place in schools the Minister also owns a number of spares (approximately 130). The Minister wishes to put in place a draw down facility for the purchase …
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2013-06-04NCTR 1315 - Provision of ICT facility monitoring, call out and preventative maintenance services (Dublin Institute of Technology)
DIT has already made and will continue to make significant investment in ICT infrastructure to support the academic and business needs of the Institute. In order to protect this investment and to maintain a high level of service availability for staff and students, DIT is seeking a Contractor (or Contractors) to provide remote monitoring, call out and preventative maintenance services for some of its key infrastructure that is used to support the delivery of ICT services. For the avoidance of doubt this …
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2013-05-30NCTR 1315 - Provision of ICT facility monitoring, call out and preventative maintenance services (Dublin Institute of Technology)
DIT has already made and will continue to make significant investment in ICT infrastructure to support the academic and business needs of the Institute. In order to protect this investment and to maintain a high level of service availability for staff and students, DIT is seeking a Contractor (or Contractors) to provide remote monitoring, call out and preventative maintenance services for some of the key infrastructure that is used to support the delivery of ICT services.
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2013-05-08Framework Agreement - Supply, Delivery and Support of ICT Servers (FAS - Foras Aiseanna Saothair, Training and Employment Authority)
FÁS is seeking to establish a multi supplier framework for the supply, delivery and support of ICT Servers
1. 1U Rack Server suitable for Webserver or Domain Controller with 1 Physical Processor and a minimum of 6 Cores per Processor.
2. 2U Rack Server suitable for Applications with 2 Physical Processors and a minimum of 6 Cores per Processor.
3. 4U Rack Server of a high specification, appropriate for Database Application or Virtualisation with 4 Physical Processors and a minimum of 6 Cores per Processor …
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2013-05-02SET4801 - CCTV Mast and Tower Services (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnrod Eireann is seeking expressions of interest from suitable candidates for carrying out CCTV Mast and Tower Services. There are approximately 140 Masts and Towers on the Iarnród Éireann telecommunications network. These are primarily used for carrying antennae for radio and systems for the SE&T Dept., and it is the responsibility of IE to maintain a record of the masts and towers and to certify that they are structurally sound and safe to climb. A
detailed scope of services will be included as part …
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2013-04-04RT13_012 - The Provision of Telecommunications Services for Bord Gais Energy (Bord Gais Eireann)
Bord Gáis Energy is undertaking a competitive tendering process, seeking to enter into a contract with one or more providers to meet its requirements for Telecommunications
Services. The expected scope of services will be sub-divided into the following 4 separate Lots:
Lot 1: Wide Area Networking Services;
Lot 2: Fixed Line Telephony Services;
Lot 3: Non-Geographic Number Services, and
Lot 4: Mobile Voice, Messaging and Data Services.
In providing these services, Bord Gáis Energy seeks Service Providers …
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2013-04-0313/020 - Provision of Telecommunications Services to Bord Gáis Éireann (Bord Gais Eireann)
Bord Gáis Éireann is tendering a range of services through the Competition in relation to the provision of Telecommunications Services to BGE. These telecommunications services will be sub-divided into 5 separate Lots.
It is anticipated that BGE will enter into separate multi-provider framework agreements for each of the following Lots:
Lot 1: Wide Area Networking Services, including the provision of WAN links and Internet Connectivity.
Lot 2: Fixed Line Telephony Services, including the provision of …
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