2023-04-25   22/058 - A Multi-Supplier Framework for the Provision of Minor MEICA Works (Uisce Éireann)
22/058 - A Multi-Supplier Framework for the Provision of Minor MEICA Works View the procurement »
2023-02-13   23/001 - Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment (Uisce Éireann)
This Framework will facilitate the design and build of Constructed Wetlands Wastewater Treatment Plants (CW WwTPs) across Ireland, consisting of the following scope: • Construction activities incl. site investigations, groundworks/earthworks, civil, M&E, testing and commissioning works; • PSCS role; • Project management, co-ordination and co-operation with PSDP and Consultant Designer/Employer’s Representative; • Community liaison and communication. It is intended to appoint 2 Contractors for the … View the procurement »
2022-04-26   Hazardous Waste Disposal (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Services seeks tenders from economic operators for a service support contract for the disposal of hazardous waste. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Enva
2022-02-07   Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of the Analysis of Water Samples for The Irish Environmental... (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The EPA is establishing an Multi- Supplier framework agreement for the procurement of analytical services for a period of up to two years with an option for two subsequent 12 month extensions. This framework will be for water quality analysis of selected parameters in relation to the EPA's WFD and licence compliance monitoring programmes. This WFD monitoring programme has been established to satisfy Ireland's obligations in respect of the monitoring requirements of the WFD. The EPA licence compliance … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: ALS Environmental Ltd City Analysts Ltd Southern Scientific Services Ltd TE Laboratories Ltd. TMS Environment Ltd
2021-09-09   Multi Supplier Framework for the Provision of Major Process and MEICA Works (incorporating associated Civil Works)... (Irish Water)
IW intends to undertake a competitive tendering process to establish a national Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of design, construction and operation of major process and MEICA works (incorporating associated civil engineering works and all required works and services). Suppliers will be required to provide a solution to: Design, build and/or operation of water abstraction, treatment, sludge treatment and handling, water distribution systems, on site renewable energy generation and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Celtic Anglian Water Ltd. TES... Coffey Construction (I) Ltd Efacec Engenharia E Sistemas, SA Electrical & Pump Services Ltd GEDA Construction Co Ltd Glan Agua Ltd John Sisk & Son (Holdings) Ltd. Murphy International Ltd Veolia Water Ireland Ltd. Ward & Burke Construction Ltd
2020-06-22   Design, Manufacture, Supply and Installation of Water Treatment Plant (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council (DCC) is to build a new international standard White-Water Rafting Centre (WWRC) in George's Dock, Dublin 1. The WWRC will consist of the white-water rafting course, swift water rescue training facility, kayaking and canoe polo pool and urban street scene. As part of this WWRC, DCC wish to procure a specialist to design, manufacture, supply and installation of water treatment plant for the proposed Whitewater Rafting Centre. Please consult the appropriate documentation, which contains … View the procurement »
2019-12-16   19/223 — PQQ — Interreg Swell Wastewater Upgrades — Main Works Contract (Irish Water)
The Shared Waters Enhancement and Loughs Legacy (SWELL) project is supported by the European Union’s Interreg VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body. The SWELL project’s aim is to improve the water quality, within the shared waters of Carlingford Lough and Lough Foyle. Through strategic catchment investigations and modelling, the SWELL project is planned to deliver optimised, sustainable capital upgrades to wastewater assets. The works associated with this particular contract PQQ involve … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: BSG Civil Engineering Ltd
2019-12-06   Provision of an Onsite, Combined Waste/Waste Water Treatment System at St James’s Hospital Dublin (St James's Hospital)
Provision of an onsite, combined waste/waste water treatment system at St James’s Hospital Dublin. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Pharmafilter BV
2019-04-30   Hazardous Waste Disposal (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service request economic operators to submit responses for the service of the removal of hazardous waste from the Naval Base Haulbowline as part of the tender documents attached. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Enva
2018-11-07   Greater Dublin Drainage Project – Wastewater Treatment Plant and Abbotstown Pumping Station DBO Contract (Irish Water)
The WwTP and Abbotstown Pumping Station are the subject of this competition and will be constructed utilising a design, build and operate contract. Within the WwTP site, a second pumping station is required to lift the incoming North Fringe Sewer (NFS) intercepting pipeline to the inlet works. Scope of works for this competition — Detailed design and construction and Operation of a WwTP with an initial capacity of 500 000 PE to treat a Dry Weather Flow (DWF) of 112 500 m/day and a total sludge tonnage of … View the procurement »
2018-07-20   Ringsend WwTP — Phosphorus Fixation Contract (Irish Water)
The Ringsend WwTP treats most of the wastewater arising in the Greater Dublin Area. Irish Water is currently planning an upgrade to the Ringsend Treatment Plant based on the application of aerobic granular sludge technology (Nereda®) which will provide for nutrient removal, including Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR). The introduction of aerobic granular sludge and EBNR will be carried out in phased upgrades of the Ringsend plant, with the aim (inter alia) of reducing the Phosphorus (P) … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Murphy International Ltd
2018-03-16   INTERREG SWELL WW consultancy services (Ervia)
The Shared Waters Enhancement and Loughs Legacy (SWELL) project is supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body. The SWELL project’s aim is to improve the water quality, within the shared waters of Carlingford Lough and Lough Foyle. Through strategic catchment investigations and modelling, the SWELL project is planned to deliver optimised, sustainable capital upgrades to wastewater assets. Preliminary solutions have been identified including works at … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Tobins Water Services
2017-03-23   Millstreet WWTP Upgrade Contract (Irish Water)
The Contracting Entity intends to appoint a Contractor who will be responsible for the design, construction and operation, for some elements, of major Civil, MEICA and process works (incorporating associated works and services) at Millstreet WWTP and within the wider agglomeration. These works will be part of Irish Water's Capital Investment Plan. Please refer to the PQQ documents for further details. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Electrical and Pump Services Ltd
2017-03-07   Design, Build, Commissioning and Operation of a Wastewater Treatment Plant at Curragh Racecourse, The Curragh, Co. Kildare (Curragh Racecourse Ltd)
A turnkey project that consists of the design, build, commissioning and operation of a new wastewater treatment plant and sand polishing filter with ancillary works at Curragh Racecourse, The Curragh, Co. Kildare. The wastewater treatment system shall include a surge tank, mass storage tank, a wastewater treatment system followed by a sand polishing filter which discharges to ground. The successful contractor will also be responsible for all ancillary works associated with the wastewater treatment plant, … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Conway Engineering & Co Ltd
2017-03-01   Cork Mid-West Bundle — Waste-water Treatment Plants DBO Contract (Irish Water)
The Contract consists of the detailed design, construction and testing of new waste-water treatment facilities and upgrades to the collection networks in 4 separate agglomerations in Ballyvourney/Ballmakeera, Dripsey, Innishannon and Coachford. Commissioning and testing of all works. The Operation Service requirements will include operation and maintenance of the WWTP and collections network (including pumping stations) up to a period of 7-years, with the option to extend by 3 years, following completion … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Electrical and Pump Services Ltd
2017-02-21   Ringsend WwTP Retrofit Contract Stage 1 (Irish Water)
Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant (WwTP) treats most of the wastewater arising in the Greater Dublin Area. Irish Water is inviting tenders for a contract which will comprise the upgrading and retrofitting of between 8 and 11 of the upper deck tanks, and an aerobic granular sludge (AGS) biological treatment process (the Works) for which the Contracting Entity has already procured the proprietary Nereda® process. Please refer to the PQQ for further details. View the procurement »
2017-02-03   Bandon Sewerage Scheme — Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade (Irish Water)
This project spans 2 separate site locations on the outskirts of Bandon town; the Glasslinn Road Pumping Station and the Bandon Wastewater Treatment Plant. The sites are currently inter-connected by 2no. rising mains with a new 350mm rising main to be constructed under the current contract. Please refer to the PQQ for further details. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Electrical and Pump Services Ltd
2016-12-19   Courtmacsherry & Timoleague Sewerage Scheme — Wastewater Treatment Plant DBO Contract (Irish Water)
The contract consists of the design, construction, testing, operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment plant (WwTP) and associated wastewater network and pumping stations. Please refer to the Pre-Qualification document for further details. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Glan Agua/MEIC JV
2016-09-26   A Multi Supplier Framework for the Provision of Major Civil Engineering Works for Water, Wastewater and Gas... (Ervia)
Ervia is requesting tenders to establish a multi-supplier framework for the provision of major civil engineering works for Water, Wastewater and Gas (incorporating associated MEICA Works) to Ervia. It is envisaged that each item of works will be requested in a planned manner where work packages are identified in advance of each call off. The framework is divided into 2 Lots. Lot 1: Works associated with wastewater treatment, collection systems and ancillaries. Lot 2: Civil engineering works and networks … View the procurement »
2016-07-27   Killala, Foxford and Charlestown Sewerage Schemes — Wastewater Treatment Plants and Collection Networks — Design,... (Irish Water)
Irish Water proposes to construct new Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) at Killala and Foxford and undertake upgrade works on the Charlestown WWTP and collection networks (including pumping stations) including: — Foxford; — Charlestown; — Killala. The Contract will include for operation and maintenance of the existing Charlestown WWTP during the design-build period and will also include for operation and maintenance of some elements of the completed works (primarily the WWTPs) for a 2 year period after … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Glan Agua
2016-06-24   16/030 — A Multi-Supplier Framework for the provision of Major Process, MEICA and DBO Works (Incorporating... (Irish Water)
Irish Water is requesting tenders to establish a multi-supplier framework for the provision of all required works and services associated with Major Process, MEICA and DBO Works (incorporating associated civil works) to support the delivery of the Irish Water's capital investment plan. It is envisaged that these works will be carried out in a planned manner where work packages are identified in advance of each call off. Irish Water intends to enter into a framework agreement up to a maximum of 15 … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Black and Veatch/Celtic Anglian Water Ltd Coffey Northumbrian Ltd Coffey Water EFACEC/SIAC Electrical and Pump Services Ltd Glan Agua Ltd GMC Utilities Group/Doosan/Aqualter/FLI Water John Sisk and Son (Holdings) Ltd Lagan Construction Group Ltd Murphy Process Engineering Ltd Response Engineering Ltd TES Group Veolia Water Ireland Ltd Williams Industrial Services Ltd
2016-02-24   Dunlavin WwTW and Satellite Plants — Operation and Maintenance Contract (Ervia)
This scheme involves provision of services to areas in West Wicklow. It comprises 4 No wastewater treatment facilities, 2 No pump stations and associated foul/combined waste water collection network. A drawing showing the location of the proposed works is included in Appendix 3. Scope of Works. The services to be provided by the Contractor include but are not limited to the following: — Design-Build: Enabling works at Knockannana, Kiltegan and Rathdangan to facilitate operation (instrumentation and … View the procurement »
2015-12-10   Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project — Capacity Upgrade (Ervia)
The contract consists of the provision of a biological secondary treatment process (the Works) that will result in the expansion of the existing Ringsend Wastewater. View the procurement »
2015-10-06   Cork County Council Waste Services Framework Agreement (Cork County Council)
Cork County Council Waste Services Framework Agreement. View the procurement »
2015-09-04   Enniscorthy Sewerage Scheme Phase 3: Contract 1 — Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade (Ervia)
Irish Water plan to undertake the following works: — Refurbishment/Upgrade/Expansion of the existing Enniscorthy Wastewater Treatment Plant (WwTP). — Refurbishment/Upgrade of the existing infrastructure at St Johns Pumping Station and Promenade Pumping Station. — Provision of storm-water handling facilities. It is intended that the works will be implemented under a Design, Build and Operate (‘DBO’) Contract. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Response/Ward and Burke JV
2015-04-28   Belmullet DBO Contract (Bord Gáis Éireann/Ervia)
Irish Water plan to undertake the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant (2,500 PE) and new marine sea outfall together with modifications and upgrading of the existing wastewater collection system including the construction of two new pumping stations and associated rising mains. Contract to include for the operation and maintenance of the the works for a period of 2 years post construction. View the procurement »
2015-04-22   Tubbercurry, Grange, Strandhill and Ballinafad Wastewater Treatment Plant Bundle DBO Contract (Bord Gáis Éireann/Ervia)
Irish Water plan to undertake the upgrade of the existing Tubbercurry, Grange, Strandhill and Ballinafad wastewater treatment plants (WwTP) and the Strandhill Pumping Station. Other works include the construction of a new combined sewer overflow (CSO) diversion and outfall discharge pipelines in Tubbercurry and associated ancillary works. There will also be a 2 year operational period and it is intended that the works will be implemented under a Design, Build and Operate (“DBO”) Contract. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Coffey Northumbrian Ltd
2013-12-10   13/113 - The Provision of Major Process and MEICA Works (Incorporating Associated Civil Works) to Irish Water (Bord Gais Eireann)
Irish Water is requesting tenders to establish a multi-supplier framework agreement for the provision of all required works and services associated with Major Process and MEICA Works (Incorporating Associated Civil Works) to support the provision of Water Services (water and wastewater) Capital Investment. It is envisaged that these Major Process and MEICA Works will be carried out in a planned manner where work packages are identified in advance of each call off. The works will be sub-divided into two … View the procurement »
2013-10-24   13/101 - Provision of Minor Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Control and Automation (MEICA) Works to Irish Water (Bord Gais Eireann)
Irish Water wants to establish a multi-supplier framework agreement for the provision of all required works and services associated with Minor Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Control and Automation (MEICA) Works to support the provision of water services capital investment. It is envisaged that these Minor MEICA Works will be carried out in a planned manner where work packages are identified in advance of each call off. The works will be sub-divided into five separate lots detailed below. Lot 1: … View the procurement »
2013-10-02   Group B - Donegal Group B Sewerage Schemes - Contract no 1 - DBO Contract for Killybegs, Bundoran, Glencolumbkille &... (Donegal County Council)
DBO Contract for the construction of new waste water treatment plants at Killybegs, Bundoran and Glencolumbkille and the upgrade/extension of the existing waste water treatment facility at Convoy. View the procurement »
2013-02-21   Ringsend Waste Water Treatment Works Extension Project – Treatment Capacity Expansion Contract (Dublin City Council)
The design and construction of an extension to the Ringsend Wastewater Treatment Works (WwTW) providing facilities to treat an average daily loading of primary effluent of 16,320 kg/day BOD-5 (24,480 kg/day BOD-5 at 95% loading level) to secondary treatment standards including 25 mg/L BOD-5 and 35 mg/L Total Suspended Solids (TSS), both at a 95th percentile compliance rate. The project will be constructed on an active WwTW and a very restricted site. View the procurement »
2012-12-21   Upper Liffey Valley Regional Sewerage Scheme - Contract No 1 - Osberstown WWTP Upgrade (Kildare County Council)
The contract consists of the expansion and upgrade of the existing Osberstown waste water and sludge treatment facility from a population equivalent of 80 000 to 130 000 while maintaining the existing operations and treatment standards. The Contracting Authority has determined their requirements in respect of the treatment process and general site layout. The Contractor will be required to assume design responsibility for the Contracting Authority's selected solution, complete the design, and then … View the procurement »
2012-12-14   Freshford Johnstown and Goresbridge Wastewater Treatment Plants (Kilkenny County Council)
Design Build and Operation of three wastewater treatment plants - Freshford (1,100 PE); Johnstown (800 PE); Goresbridge (600 PE) and associated inlet sewers, pumping stations, rising mains, site works, access roads and river outfalls View the procurement »
2012-11-22   Carrigtohill Wastewater Treatment Plant - Design Build Operate Contract (Cork County Council)
This Contract, “Carrigtohill Wastewater Treatment Plant-Design Build Operate Contract” provides for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and associated works including pumping stations, rising mains, pipelines and sludge treatment facilities together with ancillary works. The wastewater treatment plant shall be constructed in modules of 15 000 population equivalent (PE). The contract is for construction of the phase 1 of the treatment works for 30 000 PE … View the procurement »
2012-06-04   Claregalway & Milltown Sewerage Schemes: Contract 3 Design, Build, Operate & Maintain Contract (Galway County Council)
The proposed sewerage schemes in Claregalway & Milltown will be constructed under two Contracts. Contract 2 – Civil Engineering Works Contract for the Sewer Network. Contract 3 – Design Build and Operate Contract for the Wastewater Treatment Plants & Pumping Stations (The subject of this prequalification questionnaire). Claregalway Sewerage Scheme. The elements of Phase 1 that are included in the scope of this Contract are detailed below. a) Approximately 850m of 200mm diam. rising main from the Main … View the procurement »
2011-08-19   Oldcastle Sewerage Scheme (Meath County Council)
Meath County Council invites submissions from suitably qualified and experienced contractors who wish to be considered for appointment to construct the Oldcastle Sewerage Scheme. Applicants that are deemed to meet the minimum criteria set out in the suitability assessment documents will subsequently be invited to tender for this project. The contractor will employ suitably qualified and experienced specialists, i.e. M&E specialist, tunnelling specialist, and archaeology specialist. The works in general … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Coffey Construction (I) Ltd
2011-07-15   Dungloe and Glenties Sewerage Scheme - Design, Build and Operate Contract (Donegal County Council)
Expressions of interest are invited from suitably qualified contractors for the design, build, operation and maintenance for 20 years of 2 wastewater treatment plants ranging from 1 600 PE to 2 400 PE, main pumping stations and rising mains, outfall pipelines and associated infrastructure to serve the towns of Dungloe and Glenties in Co. Donegal. The works may involve the execution of additional and repetition of similar works and services. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any … View the procurement »
2011-06-02   Carbery Muskerry wastewater treatment plants DBO and O&M contract (Cork County Council)
This contract involves the upgrading of Clonakilty Wastewater treatment plant as a design build and operate contract. This contract also involves the operation and maintenance of 12 additional wastewater treatment plants at the folowing locations: Bantry, Halfway, Kilmacsimon, Kilbrittain, Kilnamatyra, Aghabullogue, Rylane, Ladysbridge, Mogeely, Riverstick, Cloughduv, Ardgroom. Cork County Council reserves the right to include an additional 1 to 3 wastewater treatment plants to this list if they become … View the procurement »
2011-01-20   Youghal Main Drainage Scheme - Wastewater Treatment Plant DBOM (Cork County Council)
This scheme involves the construction of a 16 000 Population Equivalent Waste Water Treatment Plant and associated sea outfall, approximately 3 km of rising sewers, and the upgrade of 1 no. existing Pumping Station. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=193176. View the procurement »