2014-07-24RFT for Oracle Support Services (Department of Education and Skills)
This document constitutes a Request for Tenders to select a company to provide Oracle support to the Department's IT Unit in respect of the Department's Oracle estate.
Specifics of the requirement are outlined in section 3 of this document. Prospective tenderers are requested to familiarise themselves with these specifics, as well as with the Public Procurement Rules, before submitting a proposal. A copy of the current Public Procurement Rules may be downloaded from the eTenders website …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Vidatum Ltd
2014-07-1014/070 - Single Supplier Frameworks for the Provison of IT Application Support and Development Services to Bord Gáis Éireann (Bord Gais Eireann)
Bord Gáis Éireann require the provision of IT services to provide application support and development services for a number of enterprise applications.
It is anticipated that the framework will cover the services outlined below to Bord Gáis Éireann (including any subsidiary or holding company of Bord Gáis Éireann) initially for a 5 year period, with a Bord Gáis Éireann option to extend for up to a further 1 year, subject to an annual review after the 5 year period at the sole discretion of Bord Gáis …
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2014-02-20Supply and Support of BMC Software (Electricity Supply Board)
ESB wishes to invite expressions of interest from BMC accredited resellers to provide support and subscription services for ESB's existing BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management suite, and an enterprise purchasing program for additional licences.
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2013-11-22011-03-288 - Framework Agreement - ICT Managed Services (Commission for Energy Regulation)
The Commission for Energy Regulation (the ‘CER') is the independent body responsible for overseeing the liberalisation of Ireland's energy sector.
Following a recent review of the Commission's ICT Strategy it has been decided to seek an ICT Managed Services partner to support and maintain its current ICT systems and services and provide a disaster recovery service, as well as to work with CER to advise on and implement potential future changes required to meet any changing business requirements or …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Trilogy Technologies Limited
2013-08-22ICT2013 - Invitation to Tender for Outsourced ICT Helpdesk with transition to a Managed Cloud Service (The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland)
The PSI invites tenders for a contract to cover Outsourced ICT Helpdesk with transition to a Managed ICT Cloud service. Onsite support services will be required at the level of 1.5 days per week. The requirements are for an outsourced Technical Support Helpdesk Service as set out in the tender document to support in-house ICT operations with a subsequent design and implementation of a managed cloud based strategy to underpin ICT operations and infrastructure including platforms and office applications in …
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2013-03-22UCDOPP481 - Provision of an External IT Support Service to UCD (University College Dublin ( UCD ))
University College Dublin invites responses for the provision of external IT Support Services.
Primarily this contract is being put in place for use by UCD, however, the following organisations may wish to avail of the contract with the successful tenderer on this contract:
a) Dublin City University;
b) Trinity College Dublin;
c) National University of Ireland, Maynooth;
d) National University of Ireland, Galway;
e) University College Cork;
f) the University's strategic partners (or any future strategic …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Fujitsu (Ireland) Ltd.
2012-10-18The Supply/Renewal of Citrix Licences and associated Support Services (Department of Justice and Equality)
The Minister for Justice and Equality invites tenders from suitably qualified providers for:
1. Renewal of Citrix Subscription Advantage (on XenDesktop Platinum Edition Licences) for Department of Justice and Equality, Legal Aid Board, The Probation Service and the Irish Prison Service.
2. Renewal of Hardware Support/Warranty.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=522372.
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2012-08-16Software Support/Maintenance & Development (City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee)
CDVEC requires software support and maintenance for the following software systems: payroll, receipting, travel, HR recruitment system, HR attendance system, VTOS, BTEI and Youthreach payments systems primarily using Synergy IDE on CDVEC premises.
The contract also includes development of the above systems as required.
CDVEC requires software support and maintenance only for the following software: Support and maintenance only for the student maintenance grant system.
The service will be provided on a …
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2012-06-06MS Dynamics System Upgrade and Support Services Framework (EirGrid plc)
EirGrid would like to establish a Framework Agreement for the provision of support and maintenance of all the instances of AX Dynamics, for the initial upgrade project, and for all future system projects and change requests as required over the course of the contract.
This contract will include but not be limited to the provision of:
— MS Dynamics Support and Maintenance Services for all current and future instances of the product, currently four on AX2009, and one on version 3,
— an initial project to …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Hitachi Solutions Europe Ltd
2012-03-27Provision of information technology services framework agreement (An Cheim Computer Services)
An Chéim operates a unique shared service model in the Higher Education sector.
Not only does An Chéim improve communication and services to students and staff, it supports new models of education delivery and management, enabling the institutes to be effective in their operations. An Chéim has delivered programmes to leverage the investment in the strategic applications and put in place leading edge educational IT facilities for IoTs.
It is An Chéim’s intention to improve its services to the higher …
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2011-09-02The supply/renewal of Citrix licences and associated support services (Department of Justice and Equality)
The Minister for Justice and Equality invites tenders from suitably qualified providers for:
— Lot 1:
1. Renewal of Citrix Subscription Advantage (on XenDesktop Platinum Edition Licences) for The Irish Prison Service.
— Lot 2:
2. Renewal of Citrix Subscription OR Upgrade from Citrix Xenapp to XenDesktop Enterprise for The Department of Justice and Equality, The Legal Aid Board and The Probation Service;
3. Renewal of hardware support/warranty.
Tenders may be submitted for lot 1 and/or lot 2. service …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Maxima Ireland
2011-08-26ITIL Service Desk and Infrastructure Support (Fáilte Ireland-National Tourism Development Authority)
This is framework agreement for a period of 4 years for the following requirements:
(a) The requirement is for an Outsourced Technical Support Service to support Fáilte Ireland's ICT operations. The Service must include Service Management in accordance with ITIL® guidelines, Service Desk, and on-site support resources. Fáilte Ireland currently has two ICT centres, both located in Dublin (Amiens Street and within a commercial co-lo hosting facility), and provides services to approx. 350–400 users …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:PFH
2011-06-02IBM hardware and software support services (Anglo Irish Bank Corporation Limited)
The Bank has a requirement for 2 distinct offerings of hardware and software maintenance support for IBM "System p" server hardware and AIX operating system software from July 2011 through to July 2012.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=245692.
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2011-04-14Tender for support, maintenance and development of Oracle Financials and CRM (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council(DCC) is currently using Oracle E-business financial management system (FMS) and Oracle customer relationship management (CRM) system.
DCC wishes to invite tenders from suppliers who have the capacity and experience to provide a well-managed and professional Oracle support, maintenance and development service to work in partnership with DCC.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Fujitsu
2011-02-25Software development & support services (Raidio Telifis Eireann)
RTE, the Irish National Broadcaster, wishes to procure software development & support services consisting of:
— Enhancements to existing RTE in house developed web, audio and video content management systems. These systems are mainly developed using Microsoft Visual Studio .Net Platform,
— Code-level support for the above systems and any enhancements made to them,
— The provision of on-site service as required to enhance and support these systems.
This includes the provision of technical specifications, …
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2011-02-25ITT for the appointment of a large account reseller for the supply of Microsoft and other software (Irish Aviation Authority)
The Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) plans to update its business infrastructure software. The primary provider of this software to the IAA is Microsfoft. The IAA wishes to engage a Microsoft approved Large Account Reseller for the procurement of this software. It is envisaged that the software to be procured will include electronic mail, database management, information sharing, server operating system, desktop operating system and desktop productivity software.
It is desirable that the reseller be …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Bss Ltd
2011-01-21Provision of software subscription and support renewal (Health Service Executive)
There is a requirement to seek submissions and costs for renewal of license support and maintenance of the currently operated suite of IBM Lotus Domino software, quantities and details as per Table 1 Renewal schedule and pertaining to IBM Passport advantage ref 7060822 & 7052146.
All of the nodes need software subscription and support renewal for a period up to and including 31.12.2012.
The HSE would also like the price of additional nodes compatible with the existing solution; these can be priced in 1, …
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