2017-12-15Provision of Academic-Level Qualitative Research Services (Road Safety Authority (RSA))
The RSA wishes to establish a Single Party Framework for Provision of Academic-Level, Qualitative Research Services.
This Framework will be established on foot of an initial study - conducting focus groups on the drink-driving attitudes and behaviors of 18-34 years old in Ireland (the “Initial Study”).
Additional Services under the Framework may include:
— conducting in-depth interviews with serious road traffic offenders.
— part-replication of the Initial Study with other driving groups (e.g. learner …
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2017-10-31ROV Umbilical (Marine Institute)
At present a requirement exists for the supply, installation and commissioning of a replacement umbilical of 4 300 m for the Institute's deep water ROV Holland 1.
The umbilical will be used with the ROV Holland 1 in a free boating/live boating mode and will require installation on the existing ROV umbilical winch. The tender requires the supply of the umbilical cable, adjustment of the existing winch drum to accommodate a smaller size umbilical, adjustment of spooling mechanism and spooling of the new …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Soil Machine Dynamics Limited
2017-09-13Spatial Data and Evidence Projects (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi State body, wishes to invite tenders for an Outsourced Partner to deliver four primary projects, known collectively as the ‘Spatial Data and Evidence Projects’.
The primary purpose of this Tender is to deliver Spatial Data and Evidence Projects to support MSP in Ireland. Working together, the Outsourced Partner and the Institute will identify requirements and collate relevant spatial data and evidence, which will provide a technical and scientific foundation for …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:ABPmer
2017-08-04Provision of survey and analysis services (Arts Council)
This is a contract for the provision of survey and analysis services regarding the public's attitudes and behaviours relating to arts and culture and how this corresponds with other consumer and lifestyle behaviours. Please refer to the attached Request for Tender document for detailed information.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Behaviour and Attitudes
2017-07-27Sensors for Deployment on Oceanographic Moorings (Marine Institute)
At present a requirement exists for the supply of a number of different oceanographic sensors for deployment on oceanographic moorings offshore. There are three Lots within this 4 year framework (September 2017 — August 2021):
Lot 1: pCO2 sensors,
Lot 2: pH sensors,
Lot 3: Optical nitrate sensors.
An initial order of 2 instruments per Lot will be procured in 2017 with the option to draw down further purchases in the future.
Tendering companies can apply for as many Lots as they can fulfil. Each Lot will …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Planet Ocean LimitedTechWorks Marine
2017-04-04Shellfish Sample processing (Marine Institute)
Currently a requirement exists for a contractor to carry out the initial stages of sample preparation for analysis. This will include early morning collection of marine shellfish samples from a central delivery depot, inputting of sample details online on to a Marine Institute data base, preparatory dissections, homogenisation and delivery of tissue samples to the Marine Institute, Galway.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:AQUAFACT International Services Ltd
2017-03-29Spatial Data and Evidence Projects (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to put a single supplier Framework Agreement in place, for the following specific primary projects, known collectively as the ‘Spatial Data and Evidence Projects’:
Project 1: Data Discovery, Collation and Gap Analysis and Collection.
Project 2: Map and Assess Marine Ecosystems and their Services.
Project 3: Climate Change.
Project 4: Modelling and Support Tools.
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2017-01-16Supply of Special marks and associated Meteorological Sensors (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi State body, wishes to invite tenders under an open procedure for the supply, deployment, and maintenance of two Special Marks and associated meteorological sensors suitable for deployment off the Belmullet peninsula on the northwest coast of Co. Mayo, Ireland. The special marks and associated meteorological sensors will be supplied, deployed and maintained under a rental arrangement for a period of four years. The Special Marks and sensors must be capable of withstanding the …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Commissioners of Irish Lights
2016-11-14E.coli Testing Services (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to invite Applicants to submit a tender under an Open Procedure.
A requirement exists in 5 lots (as detailed in Annex 3 Service Specification) for the provision of services for the testing of shellfish from Irish production sites for E. coli using a standard 5 tube 3 dilution most probable number method (ISO 16649-3) in accordance with Regulation (EC) 854/2004. The contract period is up to 3 years with the option of extending by a further 2 years.
Full details are available in …
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2016-09-22Vessel Services Framework (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to put a non-exclusive Framework Agreement in
place, for the supply of vessel services. Successful applicants will be placed on a
panel that the Marine Institute will draw from over the next four year period to
provide such services. Vessel requirements will be identified for specific jobs, and
a Mini-Competition process will be used to award relevant work.
Further details available in the attached Invitation to Tender document.
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2016-09-21Marine Mapping Personnel and Survey Support Services (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to invite Applicants to submit a tender under an Open
The Marine Institute wishes to put a non-exclusive Framework Agreement in
place, for the supply of any or all of the marine mapping personnel and survey
support services detailed in Instruction7, (Specification of Requirements) in
support of its research, national, and seabed mapping programmes. Applicants
deemed qualified will be placed on a panel that the Marine Institute will draw from
over a four year period …
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2016-08-11Surveillance of Residues in Seafood and Related Analytical Services (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to put a contract in place in place for the outsourcing
of the sampling, testing & reporting components of the Marine Institute's residue
monitoring programme. In particular this applies to delivery of the National
Aquaculture Residues Control Programme (NRCP) and Border Inspection Post
(BIP) analytical service. On award an agreement will be put in place to cover a
five year period for provision of such services (proposed start date 1st December
The Invitation to Tender …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Complete Laboratory Solutions
2016-08-11Project Management Services MDT (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi State body, wishes to invite tenders for the supply of
Project Management services for the Marine Development Team under an Open
Procedure. The Marine Development Team is being established by the Marine
Institute to deliver on the objectives of the Marine Co-ordination Group's
Development Task Force (DTF). The Marine Institute, through the office of the
IMDO is outsourcing certain elements of this team where appropriate skills and
resources are not available within the Marine …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:In Deep Business Growth
2016-07-04Long Range Omni-Directional Fisheries Sonar (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to invite Applicants to submit a tender under an Open Procedure for the supply of a Long Range Omni directional scientific fisheries sonar including transducer, cabling, topside equipment, operating software and all other requirements as laid out in the tender document.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Barry Electronics Ltd
2016-05-26A Technology Futures Exercise (Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation)
Innovation 2020 commits to a new cycle of research prioritisation and an evidence base to support this process is being prepared with a key element of this work being a Technology Futures exercise which will present an informed assessment of technologies that are or will be critical to Ireland's economic and social development and how they will evolve over a 20 year timeframe.
While the immediate use of the output of this Technology Futures Exercise will be to form the next cycle of Research …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Z_punkt The Foresight Company
2016-04-08Appointment to a Framework Agreement for Next Generation Sequencing Services (University College Cork ( UCC ))
University College Cork, National University of Ireland, Cork (UCC) invites tenders for the supply of Next Generation Sequencing Services in order to meet its varied research and development needs. This will be divided into 3 Lots of requirements:
1. Illumina HT HiSeq Platform Services;
2. Illumina LT MiSeq Platform Services;
3. Pacific Biosciences Long Read Applications — PacBio RSII/Sequel Platform Services.
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2016-01-22Cables and Connectors for Marine Test Site (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to invite Applicants to submit a tender under an Open Procedure with the objective of putting a Single Supplier Framework Agreement in place for the design, manufacture and supply of Cables and Connector Units for the Galway Bay Marine and Renewable Energy Test Site for a period of 2 years (2016-2018). 1 unit of cables and connector to be delivered by end of August 2016, with additional unit(s) dependant on available funding. The Marine Institute is seeking design, manufacture …
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2016-01-13Research Evidence into Practice Project (Department of Children and Youth Affairs)
Tenders are sought from third level institutions to provide institutional support to
the Irish Youth Justice Service‟s (IYJS) ‘Research Evidence into Practice Project’,
in accordance with the requirements set out in this request for tender. It is
envisaged that a partnership will be established between IYJS and a committed
third level institution to build on the successes in the youth crime area to date and
to support IYJS related policy and programmes to achieve world class standards.
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2015-11-27Multi Party Framework Agreements for Pre-Clinical Studies (in 8 Lots) (National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway))
NUI Galway proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of multi-party framework agreements for the provision of Pre-Clinical Studies in eight lots (large animal and cadaver) related to medical device research. The service required relate to large animal and cadaver pre-clinical studies specifically relating to the development of novel medical devices. It is proposed that Multi Party Framework Agreements will be established for the following 8 Lots:
Lot 1 Cardiovascular Research — …
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2015-10-02Outsourcing of Sampling and Analytical Testing Services (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi State body, wishes to invite tenders for an Outsourced partner to deliver key sampling and testing services to support a monitoring programme for Coastal and Transitional waters in part fulfilment of the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. The Institute wishes to work with the outsourced organization as a partner for a 3 year period from Q1 2016 with the option of an extension for a further 3 years at the discretion of the Marine Institute. Funding will be …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Complete Laboratory Solutions, registered...
2015-06-17IDS TILDA — Wave 3 and option for wave 4 (The Health Research Board)
The Health Research Board (HRB) is the lead agency in Ireland supporting and funding health research. The HRB on behalf of the Department of Health (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Department’) invites tenders by open competition. The purpose of this tender is to invite applications to deliver Wave 3 and the Option to deliver Wave 4 of IDS-TILDA over the next 3 year cycle and a further 3 year cycle for the Option linked to Wave 4. The IDS-TILDA study represents a critical source of evidence to assist …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:School of Nursing and Midwifery, TCD
2014-12-23Communications and Advertising Research and Evaluation Services (Tourism Ireland Limited)
Tourism Ireland invites requests to participate from suitably qualified suppliers in relation to conducting an annual Communications and Advertising Research and Evaluation Services amongst Tourism Ireland's primary targets in its main markets in the next 5 years (2015-19). This will involve diagnostically evaluating in-campaign executions, monitoring the effectiveness of market-level campaigns and guiding the development of future advertising/marketing/consumer communications collateral.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Millward Brown
2014-10-30Provision of Sequencing Service (University College Dublin ( UCD ))
UCD intends to procure a sequencing service, background details for same as follows; the ERC AGELESS project involves using next generation sequencing (NGS) to uncover the molecular mechanisms of halted ageing in a unique model system, the bats. Illumina NGS RNA-Seq sequencing methodologies will be used to sequence the entire bat blood transcriptome including transcripts with low copy numbers. These transcriptomes will be derived from whole bat blood samples collected during fieldwork seasons. Extracted …
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2014-08-22Annual Brand & Advertising Study Services (Tourism Ireland Limited)
Tourism Ireland is currently seeking a suitably qualified supplier capable of completing a multi-country quantitative study to measure the brand equity and the advertising awareness of Tourism Brand Ireland. The services relate to conducting an annual Brand and Advertising Study amongst Tourism Ireland's primary targets in its main markets in the next 5 years (2015-19). This will involve updating and measuring the success of Ireland's brand positioning and reviewing the cut-through of the advertising in …
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2014-04-23Provision of Consumer Research Services (National Transport Authority)
The Authority wishes to invite tenders under an open procedure with the objective of engaging consumer research services. The objective of the consumer research is to provide data and analysis on various elements of the Authority's activities, including both transport services and infrastructure. It is intended that a primary focus of the research undertaken will be to measure and track a range of defined indicators of people's use of, and satisfaction with, various elements of transport systems and …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Millward Brown Ireland Limited
2014-03-27ITT14-005 – the supply of shellfish sample processing for the Marine Institute (Marine Institute)
Currently a requirement exists for a contractor to carry out the initial stages of sample preparation for analysis. This will include early morning collection of marine shellfish samples from a central delivery depot, inputting of sample details online on to a Marine Institute data base, preparatory dissections, homogenisation and delivery of tissue samples to the Marine Institute, Galway. The contract to service these requirements will commence 1.7.2014 and is for a period of 3 years.
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2014-03-25Population Survey 2014/15 - Drug Use in Ireland and Northern Ireland Drug Prevalence Survey 2014/15 (National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol NACDA)
The National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol (NACDA) Ireland, wishes to commission a fourth drug prevalence survey of households in Ireland. The survey will be conducted in accordance with the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) standards for such studies. The main purpose of the study is to obtain prevalence rates for illegal drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine, heroin on a lifetime (ever used), last year (recent use), and last month (current use) basis. Similar …
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