2023-09-07   Provision of Survey Navigation Software Firmware Licensing, Support and Maintenance for the Marine and Coastal unit... (Department of the Environment Climate and Communications)
Provision of Iicensing, support, maintenance, associated hardware warranty and physical dongle upgrades for survey navigation software and firmware for the Marine and Coastal unit of the Geological Survey Ireland . View the procurement »
2023-08-09   Deepwater Multibeam Echosounder (Marine Institute_1141)
The Marine Institute requests tender for a new Deepwater Multibeam Echosounder with operational capability to a minimum of 3000m for the RV Tom Crean. A detailed technical description is available in the attached tender documents. View the procurement »
2023-08-04   Multi-supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of legacy marine data and rights to publish legacy marine data... (Department of the Environment Climate and Communications)
The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) is seeking to establish a sustainable Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement to meet marine data procurement requirements to support the development of the Designated Marine Area Plans in Ireland’s marine space. To support the development of the first area identified for designation under the Offshore Wind Phase Two policy and framework off Ireland’s South Coast, the State will undertake comprehensive surveying activities within the defined … View the procurement »
2023-08-04   Catch Sampling Services (Marine Institute_1141)
The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators for the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1 to this RFT (the ”Services”). In summary, the Services comprise: of Catch Sampling Services, focusing on the sampling of commercial fisheries aboard commercial fishing vessels as described in the Irish National Work Plan for the DCF EUMAP View the procurement »
2023-06-13   Survey Trawling in inshore waters in Cork, Waterford and Wexford (Inland Fisheries Ireland)
Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) invites tenders from suitably qualified and experienced applicants to carry out survey trawling in September 2023 for various species in the Cork, Waterford and Wexford areas as part of ongoing national fish monitoring programmes being undertaken by IFI. View the procurement »
2023-06-02   MCC Services of ecologists to carry out Microbialite Crust Monitoring of Lough Carra in 2023 (Mayo County Council_1127)
Mayo County Council, and the Lough Carra LIFE Project, seeks quotations for the services of ecologists to carry out Microbialite Crust Monitoring of Lough Carra in 2023. View the procurement »
2023-05-31   ADCP Instruments for deep water observations (Marine Institute_1141)
The Marine Institute requires ADCP sensors that are able to survive unattended and provide accurate and precise data for minimum periods of 18 months operation in open Atlantic Ocean conditions. A single supplier framework agreement will be awarded for a 4-year period to the successful tenderer. A detailed technical description is available in the attached tender documents. View the procurement »
2023-05-19   Provision of services for DNA extraction and genotyping of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators for DNA extraction and genotyping of Atlantic herring individuals (Clupea harengus) with a Thermofisher Axiom Genotyping Array (384 format) or equivalent. The core requirement is the processing and analyses of herring samples from surveys, commercial catches and spawning/baseline samples. Based on previous years it is expected that c. 2016 individual herring will be sampled in total each year. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: IdentiGEN Ltd
2023-05-10   Economic Administrative Services to support the The Irish Maritime Development Office ’s Economics Advisory team (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators for the provision of the services as described in this request for tender. In summary, the Services comprise: Economic Administrative Services to support the IMDO’s Economics Advisory team. The service provider will deliver the following outputs: Sourcing, management and preliminary preparation and analysis of economic data to meet the requirements of the higher level analysis being carried out by the Economics … View the procurement »
2023-05-10   AG2533C MU - RFT for the Provision of Aerial/Drone Survey Services and Aerial/Drone Survey/Operations Project Management (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
This tender consists of 2 lots, Tenderers can submit proposals for multiple or individual lots. Lot 1 The Provision of Aerial/Drone Survey Services including photogrammetry, multispectral, hyperspectral, thermal and LiDAR surveys using both suitably equipped aircraft and drones. Note that drone data capture activities may include a wider selection of sensors e.g. Radar and Sonar. Lot 2 The provision of Aerial/Drone Survey/Operations Project Management: The primary flight operations to be carried out will … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: GeoAerospace
2023-05-05   Pilot Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme LiDAR Survey Autumn 2023 (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Pilot Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme LiDAR Survey Autumn 2023 The provision of LiDAR surveying services including the provision of the following deliverables: - LiDAR Point Cloud Data - Digital Surface Models - Digital Terrain Models - Tile Indices - Quality Control Outputs - Survey Report View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: BSF Swissphoto GmbH
2023-04-19   Marine Survey Services Framework (EirGrid plc)
EirGrid has a requirement for the provision of a range of specialised offshore surveys, studies and reports from strategic partners. These services will cover all of EirGrid’s Offshore Wind and HVDC/AC Interconnection requirements for the immediate future. EirGrid is initiating an offshore infrastructure programme of work in response to the Government’s Policy Statement on the Framework for Phase Two Offshore Wind, published March 23. View the procurement »
2023-04-17   LOCATION SERVICES (RTLS/RFID) (Children Health Ireland (CHI))
CHI is seeking tenders for the supply, implementation and support of a Location Services Solution. This tender focuses on providing location services infrastructure and functionality for a range of use cases to improve patient and family experience, as well as staff experience, and ultimately to improve healthcare efficiencies and outcomes. View the procurement »
2023-04-11   Genetic introgression in Irish wild salmon stocks from farmed escape salmon (Marine Institute)
Monitoring the genetic integrity and identifying impacted salmon populations offers the opportunity for early intervention and prevention of loss of novel variation through development of e.g. design of MPAs, removal programmes for ecaped salmon, attribution of cause, control and enforcement and adaptation to evolving environmental conditions. It is proposed here that a genetic baseline deploying recently developed state-of-the-art genomics technology of Irish Atlantic salmon populations be established … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Inland Fisheries Ireland Teagasc - The Agriculture and Food... University College Cork, National...
2023-03-14   Offshore Marine Support Services Framework for HVDC / HVAC Projects (EirGrid plc)
EirGrid has a requirement for the provision of a range of specialised offshore services, resources and Consultancy advice, studies or reports from a strategic partner and intends to utilise, as necessary, a flexible 3rd party resourcing model. The provision of services and allocation of resources shall be outlined for each assignment in order to best meet EirGrid’s requirement. View the procurement »
2023-02-24   Integrated Energy Management System (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish naval Service Seeks tenders from economic operators for the provision and integration of a software based Energy Management System for use onboard Irish Naval Service Vessel View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: ISO Baseline Ltd
2023-02-17   Husbandry Services at Lehanagh Pool Marine Research Site, Bertraghboy Bay, Connemara, County Galway, Ireland (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators for the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1 to this request for tenders. In summary, the Services comprise: Daily visual inspections of the site to include licensed structures, nets, moorings and feeders. Daily monitoring of environmental parameters on site. Hand feeding of finfish stocks and service of automatic feeding units. Assist with net changes as required and carry out routine net repair and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Aqualicense
2023-01-11   Ship Recycling Consultancy Services to support the recycling of decommissioned Naval Services vessels (Department of Defence)
The Services comprises the provision of Ship Recycling Consultancy Services to support the recycling of decommissioned Naval Service Vessels by safe and environmentally sound recycling methods via an EU approved ship-recycling facility in accordance with the EU’s Ship Recycling Regulation. While the EU’s Ship Recycling Regulation does not apply to warships, it is the intention of the Department to follow the Regulations in the re-cycling process. The Contracting Authority estimates that the expenditure … View the procurement »
2023-01-05   Crew Supply Services to Geological Survey Ireland Vessels 2023 (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
INFOMAR is the national seabed mapping programme funded by DECC and jointly managed by Geological Survey Ireland and the Marine Institute. The programme is tasked with mapping Ireland’s territorial waters by end 2026. As part of this partnership Geological Survey Ireland operates the INFOMAR inshore fleet with responsibility for implementing inshore and coastal operations, although operations extend out to the 30Nm limit. This responsibility is delivered via an annual survey campaign which utilises a … View the procurement »
2022-12-19   Coastal Aerial LiDAR & Imagery Survey 2023 – East to South Coast of Ireland (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Coastal Aerial LiDAR & Imagery Survey 2023 – East to South Coast of Ireland The capture of aerial LiDAR survey data and Aerial Photography along the East and South coasts of Ireland over an area of approximately 1708km2, and the provision of classified and processed data from the survey. The survey periods will be restricted to maximise survey coverage in the intertidal area. The survey will also require capture of Ground Check Point Data. The required deliverables will include the following: - LiDAR … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: BSF Swissphoto GmbH
2022-11-16   Pilot Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme— Aerial Photography Spring 2023 (Office of Public Works (OPW))
the provision of Aerial Photography Surveys and orthorectified aerial photography surveying services including: - the capture of red, green, blue and near infrared spectral bands - provision of orthorectified aerial images - provision of digital elevation models Aerial photography surveys are to be carried out at the following locations: • Portrane, Co. Dublin • Rosslare, Co. Wexford • Tramore, Co. Waterford • Dungarvan, Co. Waterford • Ardmore, Co. Waterford • Youghal, Co. Cork • Ballyheigue, Co. … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Bluesky International Ltd
2022-10-26   Lower Shannon Sediment Survey (Office of Public Works (OPW))
The survey shall take place over a reach of approximately 6.7km in the old channel of the River Shannon, between cross-sections 25SHAN08392 and 25SHAN08959 and on the Mulkear from 25KEAR0073 down to the confluence (approx. 0.8km). The Scope is to capture the topography of the River Shannon and River Mulkear as outlined in the drawings in the Appendix to the Lower Shannon Sediment Survey Specification. The Scope also includes liaison with the various Relevant Authorities and Landowners and Utility Service … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Murphy Geospatial Ltd (Formerly Murphy Surveys)
2022-09-30   Marine Geoscience Services to Geological Survey Ireland (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
Marine geoscience services to support Geological Survey Ireland's Marine & Coastal Unit for INFOMAR (Integrated Mapping for the Sustainable Development of Ireland's Marine Resource), EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data Network), CVI (Coastal Vulnerability Index) Programme, ESA (European Space Agency) Coastal Erosion from Space and the INFOMAR Postgraduate Training Module View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ros Na Mara
2022-08-18   Supply and Delivery of 3D Scanner, Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) Rover, Scanning Total Station and... (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Supply and Delivery of 3D Scanner, Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) Rover, Scanning Total Station and Modular Rail Trolley Surveying System (4 lots) to Dublin, Ireland View the procurement »
2022-07-26   MULTIBEAM ECHO SOUNDER (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service seeks tenders from economic operators for the provision of supply, installation, commissioning and training of a Multi-Beam Echo Sounder for up to four (4) Irish Naval Ships. View the procurement »
2022-07-20   Survey Services for OPW Embankment Infrastructure (West Region) and Comparison to Scheme Drawings (Office of Public Works (OPW))
1a. A detailed topographical survey of 122km of OPW Maintained embankments in Counties Donegal and Galway. 1b. Review of recent survey (2020) along the Rivers Deele, Foyle and Skeoge. 2. Convert original scheme drawings to modern measurements, datum, levels and chainages. Scheme drawings originate from the 1960's but have been professionally scanned and available in PDF format. 3. Prepare a report contrasting the existing scenario to the scheme drawings. This information will be used to develop a … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Murphy Geospatial Ltd (Formerly Murphy Surveys)
2022-06-27   Provision of Services for the Completion of GSI’s Deliverables on the CHERISH project (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
Provision of Services for the Completion of GSI’s Deliverables on the CHERISH project View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: TechWorks Marine
2022-05-25   East Pier Revetment Condition Survey and Repair Project Dun Laoghaire Harbour (Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council)
In 2013 a detailed survey of the inner sea wall of the East Pier was produced for the Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company. This survey identified any defects, quantified these defects and categorized the defects in terms of importance to enable a future work plan to be developed for maintenance of the East Pier. The priority repair works identified by this survey were completed in 2016 Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council now propose to appoint a Marine Engineering Consultant to carry out a similar survey on … View the procurement »
2022-05-25   Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme LiDAR Survey Autumn 2022 (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme LiDAR Survey Autumn 2022 The provision of LiDAR surveying services including the provision of the following deliverables: - LiDAR point cloud data - Digital Surface Models - Digital Terrain Models - Tile Indices - Quality control outputs - Survey report View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Bluesky International Ltd
2022-05-12   Crew Supply Services to Geological Survey Ireland Vessels (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
To supply the crew to Geological Survey Ireland's fleet of marine survey vessels from June to November (inclusive) 2022 View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Dun Laoghaire Powerboat School
2022-04-28   Chart Management System (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service seeks tenders from economic operators for the supply of a Chart Folio & Publications Management System View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: TODD Navigation
2022-04-20   GIS mapping support, development, maintenance and associated services (Pobal)
Single Supplier Framework for the GIS mapping support, development, maintenance and associated services View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Compass Informatics Ltd
2022-03-16   An Area Monitoring System Service (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders for the provision of an Area Monitoring System. Within the context of the Common Agricultural Policy, Article 70 of Regulation 2021/2116 requires the establishment of an Area Monitoring System (AMS) by 1st January 2023. Article 65 of 2021/2116 defines an area monitoring system as a procedure of regular and systematic observation, tracking and assessment of agricultural activities and practices on agricultural areas by Copernicus Sentinels … View the procurement »
2022-01-21   Aerial Surveys of wintering birds of Belfast and Carlingford Loughs (BirdWatch Ireland)
Aerial surveys of wintering birds of Carlingford Lough and Belfast Lough in early spring 2022. View the procurement »
2021-12-23   Drone Survey & Visual Asset Inspections - Shannon Estuary North Embankments (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Drone Survey & Visual Asset Inspections - Shannon Estuary North Embankments View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: RAB Consultants Ltd
2021-12-22   Provision of Molecular Biology Support Services to the Fish Health Unit Laboratories (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators for the provision of the Molecular Biology support services. In summary, the Services comprise: the supply of the following laboratory support service at the National Reference Laboratories for finfish, crustacean and molluscan diseases based in the Marine Institute. The services consist of molecular analysis of finfish, crustacean and molluscan samples for the detection of pathogens, specific method … View the procurement »
2021-12-10   Limerick City and County Council, Multiparty Framework Agreement, Topographic, LiDAR, Orthographic & Underground... (Limerick City and County Council)
Limerick City and County Council (LCCC) acting as a purchasing body is setting up a multi-supplier Framework Agreement ("the Framework Agreement") for the provision of Consultancy Services in relation to Topographic, LiDAR, Orthographic and Underground Utility Services Survey in relation to the development of Major National Road Schemes (Capital Cost >€20m) in which the Council is involved in within the City and County of Limerick. It is the intention that Limerick City and County Council will procure … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Apex Surveys Murphy Geospatial Ltd (Formerly Murphy Surveys) Paul Corrigan & Assoc. Ltd. Precision Utility Mapping Ireland
2021-12-02   Research Vessel charter to Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute is the national agency responsible for Marine Research, Technology Development and Innovation. The Marine Institute invites tenderers to this request for tenders from economic operators for the provision of Research Vessel for completion of 21 day survey (inclusive of mobilisation and demobilisation). The rate quoted is to be inclusive of ships crew, fuel, lubes, victuals and accommodation for scientific team, Port Fees, pilotage, agency fees communication costs , provision of all … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Agri-Food and Bioscineces Institute
2021-11-30   Coastal Aerial LiDAR Survey 2022 - West to North Coast of Ireland (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Coastal Aerial LiDAR Survey 2022 - West to North Coast of Ireland View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Fugro NL Land
2021-11-22   Provision of International Programmes Support Services for the Marine Institute (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute is the national agency responsible for marine research, technology development and innovation in Ireland. Policy, Innovation and Research Support (PIRS) plays a key role in supporting and promoting marine research and innovation within the Marine Institute. Specifically, under this RFT International Programmes requires support services from an established legal entity with relevant expertise in European policy development and funding to enhance existing pre-award supports nationally. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: OSMS
2021-11-19   Performance Maintenance and Technical Support contract (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute is the national agency responsible for Marine Research, Technology Development and Innovation. The Biotoxin Chemistry Unit (BCT) is part of the Shellfish Safety Section of Marine Environment & Food Safety Services. The core responsibility of the unit, as National Reference Laboratory, is to deliver on the chemical analysis of shellfish for marine toxins as part of the National Biotoxin Monitoring Programme. The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders (“RFT”) from … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Waters Chromatography
2021-11-15   E. coli testing services (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute is the national agency responsible for Marine Research, Technology Development and Innovation. The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators. In summary, the Services comprise: A requirement for the provision of services for the testing of shellfish from Irish production sites for E. coli using a standard 5 tube 3 dilution most probable number method (ISO 16649-3) in accordance with Regulation (EC) 627/2019. This public procurement … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Complete Laboratory Solutions, registered... Eurofins Food Testing Ireland Ltd Pelagia Feed Ireland t/a AQUALAB Southern Scientific Services Ltd
2021-11-04   Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme Aerial Photography Spring 2022 (Office of Public Works (OPW))
In summary, the services comprise the provision of Aerial Photography Surveys and orthorectified aerial photography surveying services including: - the capture of red, green, blue and near infrared spectral bands - provision of orthorectified aerial images - provision of digital elevation models View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Bluesky International Ltd
2021-10-08   Sampling and Analytical Testing Services in support of the Marine Institute’s Coastal and Transitional Waters... (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, working in partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, wishes to invite tenders for the supply of sampling and testing services relating to the provision of a monitoring programme for Coastal and Transitional Waters to support the requirements of the Water Framework Directive and other related legislation. Marine Environment & Food Safety Services, a service area of the Marine Institute, provides essential … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Complete Laboratory Solutions, registered...
2021-10-01   Request for Tenders for the provision of a Maritime Data Analysis System (Office of the Revenue Commissioners)
The Office of the Revenue Commissioners (‘Revenue’) invites submissions for the supply of an already existing (‘off-the-shelf’) maritime data analysis system for a period of three (3) years from suitably qualified economic operators who are currently involved in the use of analytics on Automatic Identification System (AIS). View the procurement »
2021-09-29   Services to Review the Methodologies Available for Coastal Erosion Hazard Mapping (Office of Public Works (OPW))
A review of the methodologies available for mapping the hazard associated with coastal erosion at national scale and separately at local scale. The methodologies to be assessed shall be capable of estimating the future position of the coastline for the present day sea levels and future sea levels, including allowances for sea level rise. The review shall include a detailed literature review, screening assessment of the methodologies identified, detailed review of the potentially suitable methodologies … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Jacobs Engineering Ireland Ltd
2021-09-27   Supply of Vehicle Mounted mobile spatial Imaging system (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
A complete mobile mapping solution capable of being mounted on terrestrial and marine based vehicles featuring very high resolution/precision laser scanning capability, integrated optical cameras and imaging system, precise GNSS positioning, integrated inertial navigation system (INS) and all associated hardware and software necessary for delivering high resolution mobile mapping products for marine and coastal surveys. View the procurement »
2021-09-03   Research Programme Support Services (Scientific & Technical Review and Communications) (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute is the national agency responsible for marine research, technology development and innovation in Ireland. The Marine Institute provides scientific and technical advice to Government to help inform policy, supports the sustainable development of Ireland’s marine resource through strategic funding programmes, and safeguards our marine environment through research and environmental monitoring. The Research Funding Office requires research programme support services from an established … View the procurement »
2021-08-10   PQQ For the Provision of Tachograph Management System (Bus Eireann/Irish Bus)
Provision of Tachograph Management System-Bus Éireann invites proposals from competent specialist providers with a proven track record of service in the field of Tachograph Management Services to process Driver tachograph data (Analogue and Digital) and vehicle upload data (Remote and Manual) and provide an effective management reporting tool View the procurement »
2021-08-04   Programme and Laboratory Support Services -Residue and Contaminants Legislation and related national seafood testing... (Marine Institute)
Request for Tenders for the Supply of Programme and Laboratory Support Services pertaining to the Marine Institute’s role as Official Laboratory /National Reference Laboratory delivering outputs required under EU Residue and Contaminants Legislation and related national seafood testing requirements at the Marine Institute Headquarters in Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway. The Services comprise: the outsourcing of sampling, testing & reporting components of the Marine Institute’s residue and contaminants … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Complete Laboratory Solutions, registered...