Supplier: Teagasc - The Agriculture and Food Development Authority

One archived procurement

Teagasc - The Agriculture and Food Development Authority has historically been a supplier of architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services, engineering services, and engineering-related scientific and technical services.

Recent procurements where the supplier Teagasc - The Agriculture and Food Development Authority is mentioned

2023-04-11   Genetic introgression in Irish wild salmon stocks from farmed escape salmon (Marine Institute)
Monitoring the genetic integrity and identifying impacted salmon populations offers the opportunity for early intervention and prevention of loss of novel variation through development of e.g. design of MPAs, removal programmes for ecaped salmon, attribution of cause, control and enforcement and adaptation to evolving environmental conditions. It is proposed here that a genetic baseline deploying recently developed state-of-the-art genomics technology of Irish Atlantic salmon populations be established โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Inland Fisheries Ireland Teagasc - The Agriculture and Food... University College Cork, National...