Procurements: Detection and analysis apparatus (page 2)
2022-08-19VHP system- Vapour Hydrogen Peroxide generator and chamber (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland)
A VHP bio decontamination system (Vapour Hydrogen Peroxide generator) mobile unit and bio-decontamination chamber is required for the sterilization of goods into the animal research facility. The existing equipment would be replaced by a bio-decontamination system supplied either as separate unit generator and chamber or as a stand-alone unit.
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2022-06-27UCD - For the Provision of Flow Cytometry Equipment (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the Provision of Flow Cytometry Equipment for University College Dublin (UCD). The Conway – CEPHR Advanced Cytometry Unit aims to establish a state-of-the-art centre for nano-flow cytometry and cell sorting, that will be integrated into existing biosafety level 2 and level 3 laboratory facilities in University College Dublin. These cytometry technologies will enable world class multidisciplinary nanoparticle research involving extracellular vesicles, bacteria and viruses across …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Labplan Ltd
2022-06-03PEM Fuel Cell (PEMFC) test bench and a PEM Electrolyser (PEMEC) test bench (Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin)
In summary, the Goods comprise the supply, delivery and on-site installation of a PEM Fuel Cell (PEMFC) test bench and a PEM Electrolyser (PEMEC) test bench, for Trinity College Dublin (TCD).
Trinity College Dublin is seeking a single supply contract with regard to the above-mentioned pieces of equipment. This will facilitate fundamental research and development work on single cell or short stack fuel cells and electrolysers. The aim of this work is to not only support systematic evaluation of different …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Greenlight Innovation
2022-03-28LA1943C_RFT for the Provision of Laboratory Equipment (2 Lots) (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the provision of a DNA Sequencer and a Robotic Liquid Handler. Both will be housed in the Next Generation Sequencing Facility in Moorepark. Until now, DNA sequencing undertaken at the Irish NGS Centre has focused on the identification and characterisation of gut and food microorganisms important to health and disease (genomics/metagenomics). The new DNA sequencer will not only support the existing sequencing equipment, but will expand the facilities’ current capabilities by …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Illumina Cambridge LtdLabplan Ltd
2022-03-24Request for tender for supply of Scientific Laboratory Equipment to Institute of Technology Sligo (ITSLIGO)
The Institute of Technology Sligo requests tenders for the supply of Scientific Laboratory Equipment for teaching, learning, and research purposes for their undergraduate and postgraduate programmes delivered by the Faculty of Science. Please see hereunder a summary of type and category of goods required. Full details are available in the published tender documents. Materials Science Equipment Clinical Measurement Physiology Equipment Analytical Instruments Life Sciences Equipment Environmental …
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2022-02-23RFI - Security Screening Equipment: Liquid Explosive Detection System (LEDS) (daa plc)
The Contracting Authority wishes to put in place an agreement with a supplier for the provision of specific airport security systems, namely regulatory compliant, Liquid Explosive Detection System (LEDS) and associated parts and services at daa screening locations. Further information is contained in the documents attached to this notice.
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2021-11-05DAFM - Supply, Delivery and Installation of an Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction System (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine request the supply, delivery, and installation of an Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction System. The instrument must be compatible with Magnetic Bead TNA, RNA/DNA purification from broad range of samples including animal tissue, swabs, blood, body fluids, cells, serum, or environmental samples such as dust and swabs.
The DAFM Laboratories Virology Division provides diagnostic testing and research for a number of diseases caused by viruses infecting …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Roche Diagnostics Limited
2021-08-04LGH1559C - TCD - Provision of a Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) system (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the supply, delivery, on-site installation and maintenance of a modular isotopic Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy (CRDS) system suited for lab and field deployment which must provide accurate, replicable and simultaneous measurements of δ13C in CO2 and CH4, δ15N δ15Nα, δ15Nβ, δ18O in N2O, and δ18O, δD in H2O. The tender proposal should highlight features and specifications that contribute to maximising the available research budget. The instruments are to be supplied and installed …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Amiston Limited
2021-07-21LGH1552C — TCD — RFT Supply of of X-Ray Characterisation Tools (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the supply, delivery, installation and maintenance of a package of 5 high-end instruments including a state of the art Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer (SC-XRD), which must provide accurate, replicable structural and chemical characterisation of a wide range of materials (e.g. fluids, powders, single crystals and thin films), best in class performance, and excellent value for money. The instruments are to be supplied with the relevant software licenses, 2-year warranty minimum …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Bruker Uk Limited
2021-07-12Professional Telecom and Project Management Services (ESB Networks) (Electricity Supply Board (ESB))
The contracting entity intends to procure a multi-provider framework agreement with service providers to provide project management and professional services to support the delivery of its capital programme of works. Successfully appointed service providers will work with in-house and multi-vendor teams, on a range of capital and telecommunications projects, technical architectures, and project management services in a secure and data sensitive environment.
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2021-06-10LGH1521C - Teagasc — Supply of an Automated MicroFermentation and Liquid Handling System (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the supply, delivery and installation of an automated MicroFermentation and liquid handling system with 24-48 parallel small-volume (> 15 mL) reactors for microbial culture with capability to measure biomass, pH, DO and fluorescence. The platform must include a robotic device for automated liquid handling for reactor set-up, feeds, base addition and sampling, independent reactor control, easy experiment construction, control and monitoring, and recording of data with a full audit trail.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:m2p-labs GmbH
2021-05-28LGH1462C — Teagasc — Supply of Modular Bioreactor Units (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the supply, delivery and installation of a suite of Modular Bioreactor Units and associated control units, offering 50 — 200 mL working volumes for microbial culture, with capability to measure biomass, pH, and DO. A suite of 8 glass Bioreactor Units for microbial culture with appropriate control towers to enable simultaneous and independent operation of all Units is required.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Rtd Technology Ltd., T/A Asistec