Supplier: m2p-labs GmbH

One archived procurement

Recent procurements where the supplier m2p-labs GmbH is mentioned

2021-06-10   LGH1521C - Teagasc โ€” Supply of an Automated MicroFermentation and Liquid Handling System (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the supply, delivery and installation of an automated MicroFermentation and liquid handling system with 24-48 parallel small-volume (> 15 mL) reactors for microbial culture with capability to measure biomass, pH, DO and fluorescence. The platform must include a robotic device for automated liquid handling for reactor set-up, feeds, base addition and sampling, independent reactor control, easy experiment construction, control and monitoring, and recording of data with a full audit trail. View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: m2p-labs GmbH