Procurements: Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting (page 13)
2015-07-01Supply of Home Charge Point Units for Electric Vehicles (Electricity Supply Board (ESB))
This requirement is for the supply of Domestic Electric Vehicle (EV) Charge Points Units suitable for charging electric vehicles (EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) The units will be for use in private premises as part of a country wide roll out undertaken to support the use of electric vehicles in Ireland.
The Charge Point equipment involved will be connected to household distribution boards and/or commercial distribution boards, and will be installed by contractors employed by ESB …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Ecotech e.U
2015-06-26Supply of I.T. Infrastructure Services (Dublin Airport Authority plc (DAA))
The requirement for this RFI is to pre-qualify a panel of potential suppliers to tender for the supply of the following I.T infrastructure services and products throughout the Dublin Airport Campus in one complete package.
1. Fault resolution/maintenance on the daa owned I.T telecommunications cable infrastructure network.
2. Installation of data/UTP points.
3. Installation of copper patching.
4. Installation of fibre patching.
5. Installation of copper and fibre backbone cable.
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2015-05-29Microwave antennas at multiple sites (Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE))
This Tender comprises of the supply, including any necessary design, manufacture, commissioning, factory testing, delivery to site and off-loading of the antennas including any mounting hardware and interface sections as appropriate up to but excluding the 114 mm on the mast steelwork support pole.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:EMR Integrated Solutions
2015-05-28South West Scotland Onshore System Operations & Maintenance System, on behalf on GNI UK (Ervia)
The Scope of Work will involve all activities associated with the local operation, maintenance and emergency response of the Transmission Pipeline System and installations, including Compressor Stations, up to an operating pressure of 150 bar in accordance with all relevant gas industry/statutory regulations, GNI(UK) Ltd's procedures and work Instructions. Further information is available in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire.
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2015-05-08Public Lighting and Associated Services Maintenance 2015 (Mayo County Council)
Mayo County Council (the Lead Contracting Authority) is procuring on its own behalf and on behalf of the following local authorities; Galway County Council, Galway City Council, Roscommon County Council, Leitrim County Council and Sligo County Council a contract for the repair, service/maintenance of its public lighting. The successful Tenderer (Contractor) will be required to enter into a contract with each individual local authority once the tender has been evaluated. However, the contracting authority …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Electric Skyline Ltd
2015-05-06Civil Works Balance of Plant for Coillte Cullenagh Windfarm Project (Coillte Teoranta)
Coillte wishes to invite expressions of interest from suitably qualified candidates for civil works balance of plant in relation to its Cullenagh wind farm project.
Further information is available in the following documents which are attached to this notice:
1. Expression of interest document;
2. Pre Qualification Questionaire document.
In order to be considered for this competition candidates must complete the pre qualification questionnaire requirements and return by the deadline date stated.
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2015-04-28Supply of Equipment Components for UPS Systems (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) is seeking expressions of interest from suitable suppliers of UPS equipment. Following a previous competitive tender process, IE has replaced UPS systems throughout its Telecoms and Signalling networks as part of an obsolescence renewals programme. The equipment that has been installed throughout the network is based on Eltek technology. A maintenance regime has been designed and implemented and a centralised network management system has been established also, both based on Eltek …
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2015-04-27Electrical Works Balance of Plant for Coillte Cullenagh Wind Farm Project (Coillte Teoranta)
Coillte wishes to invite expressions of interest from suitably qualified candidates for electrical works balance of plant in relation to its Cullenagh wind farm project. Further information is available in the following documents which are attached to this notice:
1. Expression of interest document;
2. Pre Qualification Questionnaire document.
In order to be considered for this competition candidates must complete the pre qualification questionnaire requirements and return by the deadline date stated.
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2015-04-10CON 008 — Come Along Clamps (ESB Networks)
ESB Networks intends to put a six year framework agreement in place for the purchase of Come Along Clamps for use by ESB Networks Staff on our overhead network. The clamps will be used on a range of overhead line conductors.
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2015-03-30CE/ 5496/SS — Supply of Electrical Consumables (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) is looking to engage with a company with a proven track record in the supply and management of supply contracts, specifically in the field of electrical consumables and electrical fittings.
Please refer to the PQQ appended to this notice for further information.
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2015-03-20Thermal Energy Efficiency Project (Irish Prison Service)
The project aims are to provide for the upgrade of the West Dublin Campus, thermal distribution and hot water systems to reduce the campus thermal energy profile in keeping with the public body requirements from Government to reduce energy consumption by 33 % by 2020.
To provide an energy efficient system to achieve the thermal comfort of all persons using the building and to provide this by means of a energy performance based contract, which will provide the guarantees necessary to fund the project …
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2015-03-13Supply of operation and maintenance services for Coillte Windfarm (Coillte Teoranta)
Including the following (but not limited to):
Review of existing HSE documentation and a ground-level visual inspection of all civil, structural, mechanical electrical infrastructure and works associated with the wind farm facility, shall compile a site-specific Health and Safety Management system including a comprehensive Operations Health and Safety Plan, implement the Renewable UK Wind Turbine Safety Rules (WTSR), shall act as Operational Controller and carry out and record Transfer of Control (TOC) …
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2015-02-27Energy Provider 2015 (EirGrid plc)
EirGrid intends to award contracts for the provision of the following supplies using the following Lots;
— Lot 1 – Electricity for EirGrid in Republic of Ireland and SONI in Northern Ireland,
— Lot 2 – Gas for EirGrid in Republic of Ireland and SONI in Northern Ireland.
Interested Suppliers should refer to the RFP attached to the eTenders notice.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Electric Ireland
2015-02-13Design, Installation and operation of CHP Plant at UCD (University College Dublin (UCD))
UCD requires the market to propose a solution for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of a CHP package that best suits UCD's goals as outlined. The primary goal of this project is to reduce UCD's energy consumption and provide long-term energy management solutions. It is likely that UCD will be entering into a long-term contract (maximum 15 years) with the successful candidate for the supply, commissioning and operation of new CHP high efficient plant, with an energy performance contract …
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2014-12-03Turbine Supply and Long Term Service Agreements for the Coillte Cullenagh Windfarm Project (Coillte Teoranta)
Coillte invites expressions of interest for Turbine Supply and Long Term Service Agreements for its Cullenagh Windfarm Project. Further details of requirements can be viewed on the 2 documents attached to this notice. 1. Expression of interest document, 2. Pre-Qualification Questionnaire.
Please take note of the requirements stated in the above documents and the deadline date for receipt of submissions.
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2014-11-27To provide Electrical Supplies (City of Dublin Education and Training Board)
The scope of the contract that results from this tender shall be for the supply of electrical supplies as listed in Appendix 2 to all centres under the City of Dublin ETB jurisdiction (Appendix 1) for a period of one year with an option to extend for a further 12 months and or 24 months, without a minimum order requirement.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:City Electrical Factors
2014-07-03HSE 2691 - Supply, Deliver, Mechanically install and Commission a 1 500 kva standby Generator (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The supply, delivery, install and commission of a 1 500 KVA standby diesel generator (including a three year warranty & three year maintenance contract), to be installed within a dedicated sound attenuated room.
Supply and installation of a new 48 hr double skinned steel thin walled fuel tank and fuel lines to service the new 1 500 kva diesel generator
Tenderer's must include in their bid submission, for the decommission, removal and disposal of the current Generator in St Mary's Hospital.
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2014-06-21CE/5283/SS - Specialist Systems and Services (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
The primary objective of this Contract is to provide support and maintenance to the Chief Civil Engineers (CCE) Buildings & Facilities department of IÉ for Specialist Systems and Services currently in usage at Asset Locations throughout the rail network. The list of sub systems deemed inclusive are categorised as follows:
1) Automated powered Door Sets
2) Manual & Powered Security Shutters
3) Access Control Systems
4) Door Entry Systems
5) Gates & Barriers Systems
6) Intruder Alarm Systems
7) Clocks
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2014-05-02HSE 3709 – Contract Services for Design, Installation, Commissioning, Maintenance of Fire Detection & Alarm and... (Health Service Executive (HSE))
A framework is being established for the Design, Installation, Commissioning, maintenance of Fire Detection & Alarm and Emergency lighting Systems for Non-Acute healthcare projects.
Non-Acute healthcare projects is defined as a healthcare facility catering for long term medical care, rehabilitation care and out-patient care other than that provided in an acute setting i.e. delivering non-hospital services;
Typical facilities would be primary care services, community nursing units and residential units. …
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2014-05-02HSE 3538 - Contract Services for Design, Installation, Commissioning, Maintenance of Fire Detection and Alarm and... (Health Service Executive (HSE))
A framework is being established for the Design, Installation, Commissioning, Maintenance of Fire Detection & Alarm and Emergency Lighting Systems for HSE complex projects to include HSE acute Hospitals.
Complex projects: These are projects which are deemed by the HSE to be multifaceted requiring high technical expertise and experience. Acute Hospital project is defined as a healthcare facility catering for tertiary and secondary healthcare services with in-patient and out-patient facilities. Acute …
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