TUS wishes to form a Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement to which a maximum of four tenderers will be admitted. Tenderers must be in a position to offer a complete turnkey mould production service from product design expertise, through concept to manufacture of the moulds. The successful framework members must be able to offer full consultancy on mould design, product evaluation, DFM, mould design, mould design approval consultation, material process analysis including mouldflow, feed system advice, … View the procurement »
2023-09-15   Provision of Industry Support, Facilitation and Engagement Services for BIM’s Fishery Improvement Projects (FIPs)... (Bord Iascaigh Mhara - Irish Sea Fisheries Board BIM)
This tender is set in the context of BIM’s sustainability initiatives and certification programmes and feed into the Origin Green programme, in relation to raw material sourcing. They are also closely aligned to one of DAFM’s Statement of Strategy Strategic Goals of “delivering a sustainable, growth driven sector focused on competitiveness and innovation driven by a skilled workforce delivering value added products in line with market demands”. FIPs are recognised globally by major retailers as a … View the procurement »
2023-08-29   Provision of Consultancy Support to the CRU’s Customer Care Team (CCT) Dispute Resolution Function (Commission for Regulation of Utilities)
The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (“CRU”) is Ireland’s independent energy and water regulator. Our work impacts Irish homes and businesses ensuring safe, secure and sustainable energy and water supplies for all customers. The CRU’s mission is to protect the public interest in Water, Energy and Energy Safety. The CRU is guided by four strategic priorities that sit alongside the core activities we undertake to deliver on the public interest. These are: • Ensure security of supply • Drive a low … View the procurement »
2023-08-29   MCC PSDP and Design Service – Greenway Ancillary Infrastructure: Ch 500m Trailhead, Achill Sound, Co. Mayo (Mayo County Council_1127)
Mayo County Council is seeking PSDP, Design Services and a construction cost estimate for the following ancillary infrastructure at the Ch 500m Trailhead: a) Detailed Topographical Survey of Ch 500m Trailhead. The survey must capture all features required for (b) below. b) Produce fully dimensioned as-built drawing of (a) showing all detail described in the RFT document. c) E-Bike charging: Detailed drawings and specification for Charging point with parking and locking possibility for two Electric … View the procurement »
2023-08-23   Request for Tenders for the Supply of Specialist Management and Design Services to Support Monitoring, Evaluation,... (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn GnĂłthaĂ­ Eachtracha)
The Department wishes to engage external consultancy services to support the Civil Society Unit (CSU) to design and manage the approach to Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) across Ireland's Civil Society Partnership for A Better World (ICSP). It is envisaged that the consultancy assignment will: • Develop a framework to serve as the principal guide for all MEAL in ICSP (2023-2027). • Aligned to the framework, design a MEAL implementation plan with clear deliverables, milestones … View the procurement »
2023-08-21   Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for the Provision of Prototype Mould Services to TUS (Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest TUSMM)
TUS wishes to form a Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement to which a maximum of four tenderers will be admitted. Tenderers must be in a position to offer a complete turnkey mould production service from product design expertise, through concept to manufacture of the moulds. The successful framework members must be able to offer full consultancy on mould design, product evaluation, DFM, mould design, mould design approval consultation, material process analysis including mouldflow, feed system advice, … View the procurement »
2023-08-09   Technical, Commercial, Financial and Procurement Advice for an agreement to operate, manage and maintain the... (Department of the Environment Climate and Communications)
The Contracting Authority wishes to appoint external advisors to provide technical, commercial, financial and procurement advisory services in relation to the procurement, contracting and implementation of an Emergency Call Answering Service Operator. It is envisaged that the successful Tenderer will be required to advise and assist the Contracting Authority, to include for the purposes of this RFT: DECC and/or other personnel or entities that may be involved, as required. These Services include but are … View the procurement »
2023-08-09   Technical, Commercial, Financial and Procurement Advice for an agreement to operate, manage and maintain the... (Department of the Environment Climate and Communications)
The Contracting Authority wishes to appoint external advisors to provide technical, commercial, financial and procurement advisory services in relation to the procurement, contracting and implementation of an Emergency Call Answering Service Operator. It is envisaged that the successful Tenderer will be required to advise and assist the Contracting Authority, to include for the purposes of this RFT: DECC and/or other personnel or entities that may be involved, as required. These Services include but are … View the procurement »
2023-07-31   Provision of Expert Services to Support the Development of an Enhanced Reporting Framework and Implementation Plan... (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland)
The Services comprise: SEAI is inviting proposals from suitably qualified service providers for the appointment of one consultancy firm to execute a study on implementing an electricity related emissions reporting framework for LEU’s as set out in Appendix 1. The successful tenderer will be required to have a deep understanding of, with a proven track record of work on, the attribution of electricity sector emissions to demand and electricity sector structure and regulation in Ireland. The purpose of the … View the procurement »
2023-07-04   Tender for Delivery Pre-accelerators Programmes to South East Technological University (South East Technological University SETU)
The overall Pre acceleration programme will be comprising of four thematically specific and standalone pre accelerators aligned to each of the SETU gateways which should be specifically designed to support the early stage start up ecosystem in the south east region. Pre acceleration activity will identify ideas and founders that have potential to become high potential startups. The programme should be the design and delivery of suitable and innovative pre-acceleration activity aligned to each of the four … View the procurement »
2023-07-03   Consultancy services to examine the existing exemptions under Article 6 of the Waste Management (Landfill Levy)... (Department of the Environment Climate and Communications)
Full examination of the existing exemptions to the levy payable on waste disposal operations at municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills under the Waste Management (Landfill Levy) Regulations 2015 (SI 189/2015), as amended. View the procurement »
2023-06-16   Open Competition for the Provision of Consultancy Services to support the delivery of the National Clinical... (Health Service Executive HSE)
Open Competition for the Provision of Consultancy Services to support the delivery of the National Clinical Transformation – Modernised Care Pathways Implementation Programme. View the procurement »
2023-06-02   ANPR project for Office of the revenue commissioners Dublin Port (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Consultancy services to deploy an ANPR solution and Service Operator View the procurement »
2023-05-12   Single Operator Framework Agreement for the Provision of Licensing and Operational Support ICT Systems and Related Services (Department of Justice)
The Department of Justice/Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland (GRAI) proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of a single-party framework agreement for the provision of Registration and Operational Support ICT Systems and Related Services. It is expected that the solution(s) acquired as a consequence of this procurement process will be delivered via public Cloud technologies. Please consult the PQQ documents for more information on the full scope of requirements. View the procurement »
2023-05-10   Technical support services to inform, assist, and support the preparation of Climate Action Plan 2024 (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
Technical support services to inform, assist, and support the preparation of Climate Action Plan 2024. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: McKinsey & Company, Inc. Ireland
2023-05-09   Request for Tender for the FET Advanced Manufacturing Pathways School Project (Louth and Meath Education & Training Board)
LMETB invites submissions to this Request for Tender to establish a single party framework agreement for consultancy services for the provision of teacher training and programme delivery of the new FET Advanced Manufacturing Pathways Schools Project for academic year 2023/2024 in LMETB and other ETB's. The successful tenderer will also be required to supply, delivery, install and commission a 3D Printer and Supporting Software to each new participating school. View the procurement »
2023-04-27   Request for Tenders for the provision of Consultancy Services to Facilitate the Outsourcing of the Provision and... (The Commissioner of An Garda SĂ­ochána)
The Commissioner of An Garda Síochána (the “Contracting Authority”) invites tenders (“Tenders”) to this request for tenders (“RFT”) from economic operators (“Tenderers”) for the provision of the services as described in Appendix 1 to this RFT (the “Services”). In summary, the Services comprise: the provision of consultancy services to facilitate the outsourcing of the provision and operation of the Garda Safety Camera Network. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: BearingPoint Ireland
2023-04-21   Provision of Technical Consultancy Support for Gas Safety Framework (Commission for Regulation of Utilities)
The CRU wishes to engage consultants to provide general technical assistance to the GSF Team to enable the CRU to operate the gas safety regulatory framework effectively and efficiently. The contractor is required to provide general technical assistance across the entirety of the gas safety regulatory framework (this excludes CRU’s regulation of the gas safety supervisory body (separate team in CRU)). This includes but is not limited to supporting the CRU’s safety regulation of the following activities: … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: GL Industrial Services UK Limited
2023-04-11   Genetic introgression in Irish wild salmon stocks from farmed escape salmon (Marine Institute)
Monitoring the genetic integrity and identifying impacted salmon populations offers the opportunity for early intervention and prevention of loss of novel variation through development of e.g. design of MPAs, removal programmes for ecaped salmon, attribution of cause, control and enforcement and adaptation to evolving environmental conditions. It is proposed here that a genetic baseline deploying recently developed state-of-the-art genomics technology of Irish Atlantic salmon populations be established … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Inland Fisheries Ireland Teagasc - The Agriculture and Food... University College Cork, National...
2023-03-22   Civil and Structural Engineering Consultancy AND Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) Consultancy Services for... (Office of Public Works (OPW))
The Galway Sluice Barrage (also known as the Weir) located on Earls Island in Galway City controls the flow of water from Lough Corrib to Galway bay. The Barrage was constructed in 1959 as part of the Arterial Works on the Corrib System. The Sluice Barrage is made up of 14 modern hydraulic gates and 2 older wooden pen stock type gates with a fish pass in the centre of the weir. The weir structure and all weir components are to be surveyed, inspected and tested. A comprehensive report detailing the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions
2023-03-16   Tender for the provision of expert support to draft the 2nd Statutory National Adaptation Framework (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications invites tenders for the provision of expert support to draft the 2nd Statutory National Adaptation Framework (NAF). A full description of this Tender is provided in the RFT document. The tender also includes a requirement to update in parallel existing national guidance for the development of Sectoral Adaptation Plans in line with recommendations contained in the 2022 Review of NAF. These Guidelines will be used by Government Departments to … View the procurement »
2023-02-24   Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision in five lots of Offshore Renewable Energy and Renewable Energy... (The Minister for Environment, Climate and Communication)
To assist in meeting Ireland’s national and legally binding renewable energy targets, the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC; the Department) requires the assistance of high quality, expert support services to help shape the policies which will contribute to achieving targets, as well as to maximise the potential of Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) beyond 2030. For this purpose, the Department is establishing a support services procurement framework, with the aim that … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: ABPmer AFRY Management Consulting Limited / (AFRY MC) Arup Atkins BVG Associates Cambridge Economic Policy Associates (CEPA) CRA INTERNATIONAL (UK) LIMITED Deloitte Ireland LLP Economic Consulting Associates Ltd Ernst & Young Europe Economics Exceedence Ltd. Frontier Economics Ltd Kpmg Long O'Donnell Technical Services Mace Consultancy Ireland Limited Metoc Ltd, t/a Intertek EWCS NERA UK Ltd Offshore Wind Consultants Ireland Limited PwC RINA Consulting S.p.A. RPS Consulting Engineers Ltd. Siemens PLC SLR Consulting Limited
2023-02-09   Solution Partner to provide lead advisory services to ESB Networks’ National Network, Local Connections Programme (Electricity Supply Board ( ESB ))
The Contracting Entity intends to procure a Solution Partner to join the NN LC programme and to provide fully integrated services enabling the design and implementation of the programme. This includes providing a full suite of strategic capabilities as required to act as ESB Networks’ lead partner and primary source of third-party resourcing in the detailed design and delivery of the operational model, market design, engineering design, IT and OT architecture and technical and business processes required … View the procurement »
2023-02-01   Multi-Supplier Framework for ​​Road Network Machine Survey Services​ (Donegal County Council)
The Road Management Office, is a Local Authority shared service which assists and supports local authorities with the procurement of surveys to collect various datasets on transport assets in Ireland, including but not limited to the Regional and Local Road Networks. Data collected is used for the assessment of transport infrastructure to determine asset type, location, condition status, maintenance, and rehabilitation needs. This data is analysed to facilitate the planning and delivery of required asset … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: PMS Pavement Management Services Ltd
2023-01-16   Programme Integration Team Services in Relation to the BusConnects Programme (National Transport Authority)
BusConnects is the National Transport Authority’s programme to greatly improve bus services in Irish cities. It is a key part of the Government’s policy to improve public transport and address climate change in Dublin and other cities across Ireland. Programme management services are required, inclusive of a full-time Programme Integration Team based in the Authority’s offices , in relation to the BusConnects Dublin and Regional Cities (Cork, Galway, Limerick and Waterford) Programmes. The services may … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ernst & Young
2023-01-05   Provision of Public Spending Code Advisory Services (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn GnĂłthaĂ­ Eachtracha)
provision of Public Spending Code Advisory Services to undertake appraisals for capital and other major expenditure projects under consideration by the Department. The Tenderer will also assist the Department by carrying out ad hoc economic and financial analysis to inform property projects decision making. View the procurement »
2022-12-15   Provision of RESS Auction Monitor and RESS Market Auditor (Commission for Regulation of Utilities)
The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (“CRU”) is Ireland’s independent energy and water regulator. The CRU was originally established as the Commission for Energy Regulation (“CER”) in 1999. The CRU’s mission is to protect the public interest in Water, Energy and Energy Safety. The work of the CRU impacts every Irish home and business. The sectors we regulate underpin Irish economic competitiveness, investment and growth, while also contribute to our international obligations to address climate … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Deloitte Ireland LLP
2022-10-12   Engineering and Technical Support in the Maintenance and Installation of Electrical, Navigation and Control Systems... (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service seeks tenders from economic operators for Engineering and Technical Support in the Maintenance and Installation of Electrical, Navigation and Control Systems for the Irish Naval Service View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Mariteq Solutions Ltd.
2022-09-03   Request for Tender for the provision of Consultancy Services For FET Advanced Manufacturing Pathways School Project (Louth and Meath Education & Training Board)
The Contracting Authority invites submissions to this Request for Tender to establish a single party framework agreement for the provison of project management consultancy services including technical support for delivery of the FET Advanced Manufacturing Pathways School Project programme, including the services of a schools project officer and competent curriculum related consultancy services for the review, upgrading and development of a new FET Advanced Manufacturing Pathways Schools Project for … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Irish Manufacturing Research CLG
2022-08-23   Climate and Energy Modelling services to Ireland's Climate Action Modelling Group (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
The successful tenderer will be expected to develop and maintain an energy systems optimisation model that will support the assessment of least-cost pathways to meeting emissions targets and Ireland’s climate ambition out to 2030. The tenderer will also be required to assess the role of policy measures in meeting energy and climate action targets and assessing implication of these measures on electricity and gas infrastructure. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: University College Cork, National...
2022-08-16   Electricity Systems Modelling Services (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
This Tender will support the work of the CAMG by ensuring the continued provision of Electricity Systems Modelling Services to the group. Technical support for the development and management of key operational elements in the national climate and energy policy process is provided by the CAMG. The group was established by the Government in 2015 as the Technical Research and Modelling (TRAM) group. Chaired by the Department of the Environment, Climate And Communications, CAMG has supported the development … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: University College Dublin
2022-08-16   Air Quality (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
This Tender will support the work of the CAMG by ensuring the continued provision of Air Quality and Climate Modelling Services to the group. Technical support for the development and management of key operational elements in the national climate and energy policy process is provided by the CAMG. The group was established by the Government in 2015 as the Technical Research and Modelling (TRAM) group. Chaired by the Department of the Environment, Climate And Communications, CAMG has supported the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: AP EnvEcon Ltd
2022-06-16   LA1915C - KCC - Provision of Accredited Laboratory Analysis Services (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the Provision of Accredited Laboratory Analysis Services for Kildare County Council (EPA Licensed Sites) over a four (4) year period. Kildare County Council as part of its obligations for site under the EPA Licences undertake detailed water and air monitoring programmes. These programmes include sampling of groundwater, surface waters and leachates. Also included in this scope is the provision of dust analysis. Kildare County Council are seeking tenders from competent contractors … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: City Analysts Ltd
2022-05-05   Provision of Digital Commercialisation Partnership (Horse Racing Ireland (HRI))
Horse Racing Ireland is looking to appoint a specialist third party agency or consultancy to lead on the commercialization of HRI digital platforms. View the procurement »
2022-05-03   Provision of Geographic Information System Support Services (National Transport Authority)
The Authority is seeking a range of support services to assist in the delivery of the strategic planning function and other Authority business requirements. The Authority proposes to engage a service provider to provide spatial data management, spatial data analyses and data & system support services to assist with the work programmes of the Transport Planning and Investment function within the Authority. The Services shall mainly comprise of project based work. The Services shall be drawn down by the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Compass Informatics Ltd
2022-03-15   Provision of Technical, Economic and Financial Support in relation to the Certification of High Efficiency Combined... (Commission for Regulation of Utilities)
The HE CHP certification process is designed to assess whether heat and electricity from a CHP plant meets the high efficiency criteria set out in EU and Irish legislation. HE CHP certification is defined on the basis of a demonstrable demand for 'useful heat' and the Primary Energy Savings (PES) achieved versus alternative non-CHP solutions. If the overall efficiency exceeds a defined level of: • 80% for “Combined cycle gas turbines with heat recovery” and “Steam condensing extraction turbines-based … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: RICARDO-AEA Ltd
2022-02-15   Support services to assist in the preparation and delivery of Irelands sectoral emissions celings (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
The Irish Department of Environment, Climate and Communications is seeking tenders for the provision of technical support services to (i) inform, and assist, in the preparation and delivery of Ireland’s sectoral emissions ceilings and (ii) identify the plans, policies and measures required to achieve these ceilings. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: McKinsey & Company, Inc. Ireland McKinsey and Company Ireland McKinsey and Company Ireland Limited
2022-02-14   Louth County Council Narrow Water bridge Wind study and wind tunnel test (Louth County Council)
This commission seeks to engage a competent and experienced Wind Testing Laboratory to undertake and report on a regime of Wind Tunnel Tests of a cable stayed bridge and rolling bascule opening span. The laboratory will be required to carry out wind climate analysis and several wind tunnel tests of the deck and the tower to assess the aerodynamic behaviour of the structure, such as sectional model tests and assessment of wind shielding efficiency. The laboratory is required to issue a report on the results. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Svend Ole Hansen ApS
2022-01-10   Provision of Technical Consultancy Services to Support Operations of the Petroleum Safety Framework (Commission for Regulation of Utilities)
The CRU requires consultancy services to oversee the operational scope of PSF: The Petroleum (Exploration and Extraction) Safety Act (2010 and 2015) and the Directive 2013/30/EU on the safety of offshore oil and gas operations. Therefore, the Tenderer should have the operational familiarity of the following legislative documents: a. The Petroleum (Exploration and Extraction) Safety Act 2010 and 2015 b. Directive 2013/30/EU on the safety of offshore oil and gas operations; c. The Petroleum Safety … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: DNV Services UK Ltd Senergy GB Limited
2021-12-14   21/087 - Technical Assurance Services (Ervia)
Scope includes but not limited to; • Competency Assessment of engineering outsourced partners and or GNI in-house competency development (technical career paths). • Hydrogen assessment as part of a Hydrogen ready network. • Assurance of technical standards, drafting, engineering requirements and gap analysis against EU or National Standards. • Value Chain Analysis o Modern Slavery Act o Sustainability • Validation of Design process • Asset Integrity and Asset Assessment • Qualitative and Quantitative … View the procurement »
2021-11-22   Consultancy Services to Assist in Obtaining and Co-Ordinating External Funding (Inland Fisheries Ireland)
Inland Fisheries Ireland expects to launch its new Corporate Plan 2021-2025 shortly and will require significant additional resources to deliver on the ambition for the conservation, protection, development, promotion of the inland fisheries and sea angling resources. As a result IFI now seeks a consultant experienced in, inter alia, funding acquisition and management to provide assistance in identifying, applying for and coordinating spend of available funding opportunities. Annual funding targets will … View the procurement »
2021-11-09   Provision of Contract Management and Related Services (Road Safety Authority (RSA))
The objective of this Competition is to award a contract to an organisation that can support the RSA in the management of its strategic contracts (including their procurement and project management) while transferring contract management knowledge, skills, and methodologies to the RSA staff. Please refer to the RFT documents for further information regarding this Competition. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ernst & Young
2021-09-29   Services to Review the Methodologies Available for Coastal Erosion Hazard Mapping (Office of Public Works (OPW))
A review of the methodologies available for mapping the hazard associated with coastal erosion at national scale and separately at local scale. The methodologies to be assessed shall be capable of estimating the future position of the coastline for the present day sea levels and future sea levels, including allowances for sea level rise. The review shall include a detailed literature review, screening assessment of the methodologies identified, detailed review of the potentially suitable methodologies … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Jacobs Engineering Ireland Ltd
2021-08-04   Request for Tenders for the provision of technical services related to offshore renewable energy (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
Request for Tenders for the provision of technical services required over 2021, 2022 and 2023 for the upfront technical criteria design and subsequent technical assessment of an initial batch of offshore renewable energy projects – the “Relevant Projects”— including the development of the technical components of decommissioning obligations. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions
2021-07-30   Technical Support Services for Non-Domestic Retrofit covering 6 lots (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland)
This RFT invites proposals from suitably qualified services providers to establish six multi-party framework agreements to assist in delivering technical support, research, analysis, development of technical guides, templates and tools, advice and recommendations across SEAI’s Business and Public Sector Programmes, but are expected to be heavily focussed on the Project Support Unit (Public Sector Retrofit) and Commercial Retrofit Programmes. Each framework agreement will cover a separate lot as listed … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: AECOM Ireland Limited Archimedes Design Limited t/a Overy + Associates Byrne O Cleirigh Carlow Kilkenny Energy Agency T/A 3CEA 3... Ethos Engineering Ethos Limited, t/a Energy-Wise IERC, Tyndall National Institute IES R&D Ltd IN2 Engineering Design Partnership Krystyna Rawicz & Associates KSN Construction Consultants PowerTherm Solutions Rogerson Reddan & Associates Ltd Tipperary Energy Agency Turner & Townsend Ltd
2021-07-19   Single Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of a Security Support Service (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council (DCC) wishes to invite tenders using the Open Procedure to establish a single party framework agreement for the provision of a security support service. DCC invites tenders for the provision of a security support service on a drawdown basis. The successful tenderer will primarily provide senior ICT security professional services and security services in order to provide high level advice/services on security matters, engage with senior management and staff to promote security … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ward Solutions Limited
2021-07-13   A Team of Skilled Business Analysts to Assist in the Development and Maintenance of the Department’s Software Systems (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders for the provision of a team of twenty-eight (28) skilled business analysis resources to work across a wide range of business areas. The business analysis team will be tasked with the investigating and analysing business situations, identifying and evaluating options for improving business systems, elaborating and defining requirements, and ensuring the effective implementation and use of information systems in line with the needs of the … View the procurement »
2021-07-13   A Team of Skilled ICT Quality Assurance Resources to Assist in the Development and Maintenance of Software Systems (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders for the provision of a team of thirty-four (34) skilled ICT Resources to assist in the quality assurance of a number of software projects managed by the Department in relation to (but not limited to) schemes, Brexit, inspections, land, laboratories and forestry. View the procurement »
2021-07-12   Professional Telecom and Project Management Services (ESB Networks) (Electricity Supply Board (ESB))
The contracting entity intends to procure a multi-provider framework agreement with service providers to provide project management and professional services to support the delivery of its capital programme of works. Successfully appointed service providers will work with in-house and multi-vendor teams, on a range of capital and telecommunications projects, technical architectures, and project management services in a secure and data sensitive environment. View the procurement »