2017-06-01Plumbing Equipment for Training (Cork Institute of Technology)
1.2 In summary, the Goods comprise: Supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and training provision of Plumbing Equipment consisting of the following items which will be used for teaching and learning in an educational environment by multiple, unskilled users:
Lot Number Equipment
1 Interlink System for Heating Systems
2 Condensing Oil Boiler Training Equipment
3 Water Softener Training Equipment
4 110V Power Flush Machine
5 Solar Power Training Equipment
6 Heat Pump/Biomass Training Equipment
7 …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Heating Engineer Supplies LimitedPipe Tool Services and Supply
2017-06-01Electrical Equipment for Training (Cork Institute of Technology)
In summary, the Goods comprise: Supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and training provision of Electrical Equipment consisting of the following items which will be used for teaching and learning in an educational environment by multiple, unskilled users:
Lot Number Equipment.
1 3 Phase Metering & Distribution Board including load simulation and 315A 4 pole horizontal busbar chamber.
2 Batteries & E-Lighting Systems (Addressable E-Lighting to reflect current practice).
3 Phase 4 assessment boards …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:ABB Limited
2016-11-14Tender for the supply, delivery and installation of DES Equipment lists for a new Stand Alone extension at Coláiste... (Cork Education and Training Board)
Cork Education and Training Board is seeking tenders for the supply, delivery and installation of DES Equipment Lists for a new Stand Alone extension currently under construction at Coláiste an Chraoibhín, Duntahane Road, Fermoy, Co. Cork.
Coláiste an Chraoibhín is a co-educational school which opened in 1986 an the extension comprises of a Special Education Unit, extensive sport facilities, a suite of practical rooms as well as general classrooms.
This public procurement competition) will be divided …
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2015-08-26SWSOS Operations and Maintenance Contract (Ervia)
The scope of work will involve all activities associated with the local operation, maintenance and emergency response of the above high pressure transmission pipeline system and installations, in accordance with all relevant gas industry/statutory regulations including but not limited to I.G.E.M.TD1/TD9/TD13; G.S.(M)R/96; P.S.R./96, and GNI UK procedures; relevant environmental licence regulations and legislation.
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2015-08-26Northern Ireland Operations and Maintenance Contract (Ervia)
The scope of work will involve all activities associated with the local operation and maintenance of the above Transmission pipeline System and installations up to an operating pressure of 75 bar in accordance with all relevant gas industry/statutory regulations including but not limited to I.G.E.M.TD1/TD9/TD13; G.S.(M)R/96; P.S.R./96, and GNI UK Procedures; relevant environmental licence regulations and legislation.
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2015-08-05Supply of Heating and Domestic Hot Water to Cromcastle Court (Dublin City Council)
Tenders are invited for a service provider to enter into a fixed term agreement to provide heating and domestic hot water to apartments in Cromcastle Court.
It is expected that the proposal from the successful service provider, shall include a commitment to the upgrade of the existing heating system or the installation of a new system of boilers and hot water tanks to increase the energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of heat and hot water.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Heat Angels & Co Ltd
2015-05-28South West Scotland Onshore System Operations & Maintenance System, on behalf on GNI UK (Ervia)
The Scope of Work will involve all activities associated with the local operation, maintenance and emergency response of the Transmission Pipeline System and installations, including Compressor Stations, up to an operating pressure of 150 bar in accordance with all relevant gas industry/statutory regulations, GNI(UK) Ltd's procedures and work Instructions. Further information is available in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire.
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2015-05-07Galway County Council seeks tenders for the hire of a Landfill Waste Compactor at the East Galway Landfill Site for... (Galway County Council)
The following machinery is required under the proposed contract and each item should be tendered for. The tenderer should visit the site in order to determine the compatibility and suitability of the plant for the works and environment.
2 No. Landfill Waste Compactors, Duty and Standby, purpose built refuse compactors, shall:
— be a maximum of 5 years old (i.e. 2010 or newer);
— be a minimum of 48 tonnes in weight;
— be a minimum of 525 horsepower;
— possess polygonal compaction wheels of steel type;
— …
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2015-03-06Process for the Designation of an Electrical Safety Supervisory Body (Commission for Energy Regulation)
The Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) is Ireland's independent energy and water regulator. The CER was established in 1999 and now has a wide range of economic, customer protection and safety responsibilities in energy. The CER is also the regulator of Ireland's public water and wastewater system. As provided for under the Electricity Act 1999 (as amended), the CER is operating a Designation Process in order to determine what party (if any), it shall appoint as an Electrical Safety Supervisory Body …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Register of Electrical Contractors of Ireland Ltd
2013-02-05RT13_002 - Spare Parts Managed Services for Domestic Boilers (Bord Gais Eireann)
Bord Gáis Energy is undertaking a competitive tendering process, seeking to enter into a contract with one or more providers to meet its requirements for provision of Spare Parts Managed Services relating to the service and repair of Natural Gas/Liquid Petroleum Gas/Oil domestic boilers and other domestic and ancillary heating equipment throughout the Republic of Ireland.
The expected scope of the contract includes but is not limited to the following works:
— Providing the initial stock holding of spare …
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