2023-07-26   2023 / 019 Establishment of a Single-Party framework agreement for Wireless Access Points and Related Services (Updated) (Enterprise Ireland)
Enterprise Ireland proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of a framework agreement for the provision of Wireless Access Points and Related Services. It should be noted that an error was spotted in the tender page already published 1986128, and a decision was made to move the tender process to a new RFT page. View the procurement »
2023-07-04   2023 / 019 Establishment of a Single-Party framework agreement for Wireless Access Points and Related Services (Enterprise Ireland_434)
Enterprise Ireland proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of a framework agreement for the provision of Wireless Access Points and Related Services. View the procurement »
2023-01-19   Request for Tender (Irish Prison Service)
Single operator framework agreement for ongoing support and maintenance of the existing unified Communications solution, to include all hardware requirements, needed to run the solution for Irish Prison Service, Department of Justice & Associated agencies. View the procurement »
2022-11-25   Single supplier Framework for the provision of website design and development services (Health Products Regulatory Authority)
The scope of the framework agreement includes an initial engagement to redesign and redevelop the HPRA website. The overall objective of modernising the website is to provide a richer, tailored experience and information source for a range of stakeholders. It is envisaged that the redesigned website will enable easy and speedy access to information and services for all users from any mode of device. It is anticipated that this will improve the quality, timeliness, and effectiveness of digital interaction … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Arekibo Communications Ltd
2022-10-17   Provision of Onsite Operations Services (National Transport Authority)
Experienced resources are required to support various new and on-going projects and operational management within the Authority. The scope of this tender covers the provision of various Transport Technology project and operational support roles with the Authority. The competencies of the resources anticipated under this contract would equate generally to the Principal Officer, Engineer Grade I and II and Assistant Principal Officer grades in the civil service to offer business and policy support as … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Abtran
2022-04-08   Next Generation Working Environment A15/3461/FH01/22 (Irish Defence Forces)
The Next Generation Working Environment (NGWE) will provide for a substantial upgrade to the Defence Forces (DF) network encompassing all elements from the desktop to the data centre. Its aim is to ensure a modern, secure and flexible network that will allow the DF network to cater for the growing needs of voice and data. It will enable the flexibility to interact with and consume new data sources while enhancing the security and reliability of the network to ensure that the DF are proactive and not … View the procurement »
THE PROVISION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A NEW INTEGRATED INCIDENT COORDINATION AND MANAGAMENT SYSTEM (ICAMS) A replacement for the current Shared Incident Logging Analysis System (SILAS) View the procurement »
2020-12-08   Provision of Managed Support Services for Flexible Resourcing — Multiple ICT Roles (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland)
The objective of this RFT is to invite proposals from suitably qualified service providers for the provision of managed support services for flexible resourcing — multiple ICT Roles which will be required on an ‘as needs’ basis. This requirement is for support and business support and development projects, for current (existing four full-time onsite contractors) and future roles as they arise. SEAI periodically requires four to six additional IT and business development resources to support/supplement … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ergoservices Ltd trading as Ergo
2020-09-25   PQQ for Provision of Nursery Management System — Coillte Nurseries (Coillte CGA)
PQQ for provision of nursery management system — Coillte Nurseries. This is the first stage of a competitive dialogue procedure whereby any interested party may submit a response to this questionnaire in order to be considered for the next stage (RFT) of the procurement. Following evaluation of the pre-qualification questionnaires submitted, suitable applicants for the above requirement will be invited to tender. To access the tender documentation for this competition please: — log on to Coillte’s … View the procurement »
2020-07-17   Provision and Operation of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Managed Services (National Transport Authority)
The NTA is seeking an experienced ICT Managed Services partner in order to provide a range of ICT Managed Services. The range of services required may include: • delivery and execution of service desk services; • delivery and execution of ICT service governance; • delivery and execution of ICT service operations; • delivery and execution of data centre hosting operations; • delivery and execution of security monitoring operations; • delivery and execution of ICT consulting services; • delivery and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Hibernia Services Ltd t/a Evros Technology Group
2020-01-31   Framework Agreement for ICT Consultancy, Support Personnel and Related Services to the RSA (Road Safety Authority (RSA))
The RSA is seeking to establish the following multi-party frameworks (each a ‘Framework’) for the provision of ICT consultancy, support personnel and related services under the following lots: Lot 1: Supply of App Dev, BA, Op and Proj Support/Mgmt Testing and Data Mgmt personnel and consultancy; Lot 2: Supply of ICT infrastructure personnel and consultancy; Lot 3: Supply of ICT security personnel and consultancy. Each framework will be of 4 years in duration and will be limited to a maximum of 10 parties … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: AspiraCon Ltd (T/A Aspira) Earnst & Young Ergo Services (T/A Ergo) Hibernia Services Ltd - T/A Evros Technology Group Hibernia Services Ltd(T/A EVROS Technology Group) I.T. Alliance Resourcing Services - T/A... IT Alliance Resourcing Services (T/A... PFH Technology Group Version1 Software (T/A Version 1)
2020-01-22   Provision of IT Security Support Services (Department of Public Expenditure and Reform)
The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform invites tenders for the provision of ICT security consultancy and support services. The successful supplier will primarily provide senior ICT security consultancy and services in order to provide high level advice/services on security matters, engage with senior management and staff to promote security awareness, develop security policy and strategy within the organisation and assist with the management of critical security incidents should they arise. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ward Solutions Ltd
2019-11-22   Provision of a Fully Managed Hosted EPR Technology Service (St James's Hospital)
This pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) has been prepared for the purpose of providing certain information to firms who wish to pre-qualify for the ‘Competitive Dialogue’ procurement process in relation to the St James’s Hospital (SJH) herein known as the contracting authorities (CA) for the provision of a fully managed hosted EPR technology service and in relation to the tender process being followed for the procurement of such product and service. This procurement process is being undertaken by the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Cerner Ireland
2019-10-14   IT Testing Managed Service (EirGrid plc)
A primary driver for this IS testing managed services contract is the additional change management demands placed on IS by I-SEM systems. The successful tenderer will supply resources to meet the change management demand pipeline for projects relating to EirGrid Group systems. In addition to this there are ongoing operational change management demands for change requests and defect testing associated with other EirGrid Group applications. EirGrid intends to establish a single supplier framework agreement … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Accenture Ltd
2019-01-28   Provision of Manufacture, Supply and Modification of SCIM Hardware (National Transport Authority)
The Authority has developed bespoke Smart Card Interface Module, which is the subject of this contract. This bespoke module is an electronic integrated circuit board, of which there are 2 variants. The SCIM device will be manufactured under a sub-license from the Authority. The Authority has a full and free license granted by Sequoia AFC Consultants Ltd (“Sequoia Ireland”) to use the intellectual property which resides in the SCIM hardware and software (i.e. firmware). The supplier shall perform the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Realtime Technologies Ltd
2019-01-01   Provision of Onsite Operations Resources (National Transport Authority)
The scope of this tender covers the provision of various ticketing and operational support roles with the authority. The resources anticipated to be required under this contract would offer business and policy support as: — project administrators, — system engineers, — operations engineers, — service delivery managers, — vendor managers, — contract managers, — business analysts, — project managers, — technical architects and AFC specialists. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Abtran
2017-12-05   Provision of Website Services for Sport Ireland (Sport Ireland)
Sport Ireland is proposing a comprehensive website redevelopment for the entire organisation. The rationale behind the redevelopment is the need to rationalise the organisation’s digital presence in light of the Sport Ireland Act, 2015, and to reflect the organisation’s new brand identity. View the procurement »
2016-09-06   Provision of IT Security Support Services (Department of Public Expenditure and Reform)
The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform invites tenders for the provision of ICT security consultancy and support services. The successful supplier will primarily provide senior ICT security consultancy and services in order to provide high-level advice/services on security matters, engage with senior management and staff to promote security awareness, develop security policy and strategy within the organisation and assist with the management of critical security incidents should they arise. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Information Security Assurance Services...
2015-01-30   IE Board and Senior Mngt Advisory Services (Iarnrod Eireann — Irish Rail)
IE Board and Senior Management Advisory Services. View the procurement »
2014-11-27   Manufacture, Supply and Modification of SCIM Hardware (National Transport Authority)
The Authority has developed bespoke Smart Card Interface Module ('SCIM'), which is the subject of this Contract. This bespoke module is an electronic integrated circuit board, of which there are two variants. The attached tender brief describes the Scope of Services required to be provided to the Authority, by the successful bidder. The SCIM device will be manufactured under a sub-license from NTA. NTA has a full and free license to use the intellectual property which resides in the SCIM hardware and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Realtime Technologies Ltd.
2014-11-19   Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Second Level Citrix Support Managed Service (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council invites tenders using the open procedure to establish a multi-party framework agreement for the provision of a Second Level Citrix Support Managed Service. Services Required under the Framework The framework operator will be required to provide a Citrix Support Managed Service to Dublin City Council. As part of this service, the framework operator will be required to provide at the request of the Contracting Authority/Framework Purchaser: — On-site resources Provision of on-site … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Zinopy Limited
2012-05-29   IT Professional Services Framework 2012 (Private Residential Tenancies Board)
The Private Residential Tenancies Board (PRTB) invites tenders for the provision of IT Professional Services under a Framework Agreement as per the attached invitation to tender document. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=437672. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Dnm Technology Ltd. I.T. Alliance It Force Ltd. Vulcan Solutions