2023-08-04   Multi-supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of legacy marine data and rights to publish legacy marine data... (Department of the Environment Climate and Communications)
The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) is seeking to establish a sustainable Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement to meet marine data procurement requirements to support the development of the Designated Marine Area Plans in Ireland’s marine space. To support the development of the first area identified for designation under the Offshore Wind Phase Two policy and framework off Ireland’s South Coast, the State will undertake comprehensive surveying activities within the defined … View the procurement »
2023-05-31   ADCP Instruments for deep water observations (Marine Institute_1141)
The Marine Institute requires ADCP sensors that are able to survive unattended and provide accurate and precise data for minimum periods of 18 months operation in open Atlantic Ocean conditions. A single supplier framework agreement will be awarded for a 4-year period to the successful tenderer. A detailed technical description is available in the attached tender documents. View the procurement »
2023-03-29   Lower Lee Flood Relief Scheme - Hydrographic and Topographic Survey (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Bathmetric, hydrometric and topographical surveying and bed sampling of the River Lee and surrounding areas for the Lower Lee Flood Relief Scheme. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Murphy Geospatial Ltd
2023-03-15   N/M20 Cork to Limerick - Topographical Survey (Limerick City and County Council)
Limerick City and County Council requires Consultancy Services to undertake Topographical Surveys in Counties Limerick and Cork, for the N/M20 Cork to Limerick Project. These surveys are required to collect topographical and hydrographical information that will inform the design and development of the Preferred Transport Solution for the Project. The services include detailed topographic surveying, drainage, utility surveys and bathymetric surveys. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Murphy Geospatial Ltd (Formerly Murphy Surveys)
2022-11-23   Hydrogeological technical services to Geological Survey Ireland for 'Groundwater Resource Assessment Catchment... (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
The Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications as represented by Geological Survey Ireland (a division of the Minister's Department) seeks Hydrogeological technical services to be provided to Geological Survey Ireland for 'Groundwater Resource Assessment Catchment Project (“GW3D”): Shannon and Corrib Catchments', from February 2023 to February 2027. The estimated duration of this project is 4 years with the possibility of a single extension for up to 12 months on a no cost basis. Over the … View the procurement »
2022-10-26   Lower Shannon Sediment Survey (Office of Public Works (OPW))
The survey shall take place over a reach of approximately 6.7km in the old channel of the River Shannon, between cross-sections 25SHAN08392 and 25SHAN08959 and on the Mulkear from 25KEAR0073 down to the confluence (approx. 0.8km). The Scope is to capture the topography of the River Shannon and River Mulkear as outlined in the drawings in the Appendix to the Lower Shannon Sediment Survey Specification. The Scope also includes liaison with the various Relevant Authorities and Landowners and Utility Service … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Murphy Geospatial Ltd (Formerly Murphy Surveys)
2022-09-30   RfT for the provision of a Digital Media Flood & Weather Impacts Monitoring system (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann, the Irish Meteorological Service is seeking the development, hosting and maintenance of a Digital Media Flood & Weather Impact Monitoring system (DMFWIMs) for Ireland, which must be based on existing well-established software (that has already been widely used for the purpose of monitoring digital media sources for flood and weather impacts) as the basis of any proposal, and then tailor this to the Irish use case, to support the National Flood Forecasting & Warning Service (NFFWS) in Ireland … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: FloodTags B.V. (previously FloodTags: 59502622)
2022-09-30   Marine Geoscience Services to Geological Survey Ireland (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
Marine geoscience services to support Geological Survey Ireland's Marine & Coastal Unit for INFOMAR (Integrated Mapping for the Sustainable Development of Ireland's Marine Resource), EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data Network), CVI (Coastal Vulnerability Index) Programme, ESA (European Space Agency) Coastal Erosion from Space and the INFOMAR Postgraduate Training Module View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ros Na Mara
2022-06-23   N24 Cahir to Limerick Junction Project – Topographic and Hydrographic Survey Contract (Tipperary County Council)
Tipperary County Council, the Client, is seeking to appoint a surveyor for the purposes of collecting topographical and hydrographical information that will inform the design and development of the Preferred Transport Solution for the N24 Cahir to Limerick Junction project. This procurement is an Open Procedure (EU Level). View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Paul Corrigan & Assoc. Ltd.
2022-04-08   Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme Bathymetry Survey 2022 (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme Bathymetry Survey 2022 View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Hydrographic Surveys Ltd.
2022-01-25   Contracts Services for Diving Equipment (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service seeks tenders from economic operators for the provision of a service contract for the electrical maintenance and technical support of diving systems and associated equipment. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: ARQ Asset Solutions
2021-12-15   Lower Shannon Option - Preliminary Design (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Lower Shannon Option - Preliminary Design View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: JBA Consulting
2021-01-15   Project Archaeologist Services for Office of Public Works' Flood Relief Schemes and Arterial Drainage Maintenance Works (Office of Public Works (OPW))
The Office of Public Works (OPW) is procuring project archaeologist services as an integral part of the flood relief scheme project teams from the earliest phases of design through construction and completion (excluding Cork City and County in the case of flood relief schemes), and of the arterial drainage maintenance teams nationwide (including Cork City and County). The project archaeologist will oversee the archaeological operations carried out by the contractor’s archaeological consultant(s) on flood … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Archaeological Management Solutions
2020-10-13   Irish Flood Integrated Communication System (IFICS) (Met Éireann, a line division of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH))
Framework agreement for an Irish Flood Integrated Communication System (IFICS) which will allow the visualisation, production and dissemination of flood risk information for the Flood Forecast Centre at Met Éireann. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: KISTERS AG
2019-10-11   Hydrogeologist/Groundwater Engineer and Geoscientist/Groundwater Engineer Contractor Services for GSI Climate Change... (Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment)
The provision of hydrogeologist/groundwater engineering and geoscientist contractor services to develop a groundwater monitoring network and undertaken modelling that will enhance the understanding of specific groundwater system responses to climate change. Works will include: design, installation supervision and management of a groundwater monitoring network; development of conceptual and 3D models of the chosen groundwater systems; develop/contribute to analysis/modelling methodologies to estimate … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Joan Campanya Ted McCormack tobin
2019-06-27   Long Range Omni-Directional Scientific Fisheries Sonar (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi state body, wishes to invite tenders for the supply of a Long Range Omni Directional Scientific Fisheries Sonar for the Institute’s planned new replacement vessel for the RV Celtic Voyager. A detailed technical description is available in the attached invitation to tender document. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Barry Electronics Ltd
2019-05-30   Glider Platforms and Associated Sensors (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to put a contract in place for the supply of autonomous underwater gliders and associated sensors/equipment for the Irish Glider Programme under a single supplier framework to run from August 2019 to August 2023. This tender is in 1 lot: The aim is to procure up to 2 Glider AUV Platforms including associated sensors/equipment for the Irish Glider Programme in 2019. Additional gliders, servicing, associated sensors/equipment and parts may be purchased throughout the 4-year … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Teledyne Webb Research, a Business Unit...
2019-05-30   Supply of pCO2 and pH Sensors (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to put a contract in place for the supply of weather and seawater properties monitoring instrumentation for the Irish Marine Data Buoy Observation Network under a single supplier framework to run from August 2019 to August 2023. This tender is divided into 2 lots. Tenderers are invited to bid for one or more lots. Each lot will be independently evaluated. — Lot 1: Ocean Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide (pCO2) Sensors, — Lot 2: Ocean Potential for Hydrogen (pH) Sensors. A … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Planet Ocean Ltd
2019-04-18   Metocean Buoy Platforms (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to put a contract in place for Supply of Metocean Buoy Platforms for the Irish Marine Data Buoy Observation Network under a single supplier framework to run from August 2019 to August 2023. A detailed technical description is available in the attached ITT documentation. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: JFC Manufacturing Co Ltd
2019-04-18   ADCPs and Sub-surface Floatations (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi state body, wishes to invite tenders for the Supply of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP’s) and Subsurface Floatation for the Irish Marine Data Buoy Observation Network ancillary projects under a single supplier framework to run from August 2019 to August 2023. A full technical description is available in the attached ITT documentation. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Saderet Ltd
2018-04-09   Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Dredging Works at Dublin Port (Dublin Port Company)
The required dredging will be undertaken as part of the proposed works to permit access to Alexandra Basin West and provide sufficient water depths for vessels in Alexandra Basin West at all stages of the tide and other relevant works. View the procurement »
2018-04-06   Port Hydrographic Survey Framework 2018-2024 (Dublin Port Company)
DPC proposes to establish a multi party framework agreement for hydrographic survey services. The surveys required may include, but are not limited: — bathymetric measurement, completion (as-built) and permit return surveys during the course of capital dredging works at the Port of Dublin, — bathymetric measurement surveys for maintenance dredging campaigns at the Port of Dublin, — bathymetric monitoring surveys for navigation at the Port of Dublin, — bathymetric surveys in relation to dredging … View the procurement »
2018-02-28   Greenlink submarine interconnector route investigation survey (Greenlink)
Marine geophysical, geotechnical and environmental route investigation surveys along ~170 km interconnector route between Wales and Republic of Ireland. Scope to include data acquisition, processing and reporting. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: MMT Sweden AB
2017-10-25   LEE363C-UL 3D Underwater Sonar Imaging System (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
This tender is for the acquisition of an underwater sonar based 3D imaging system. The system should have dual function in that it should be mountable on (1) an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) and (2) on an over-the-side pole on a small survey vessel. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Coda Octopus Products Ltd
2017-10-13   Review, Development and Trial of Hydrological Models and Integrator Systems (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann seeks to commission a Services Contract for the Provision of Services for the Review, Development and Trial of a Range of Hydrological Models and Integrator Systems for Use in Operational Fluvial Flood Forecasting in Ireland. View the procurement »
2017-10-02   Provision of Services of 2 Specialist Hydrological/Hydrometeorological Consultants (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann seeks a supplier who can provide the services of 2 qualified and competent hydrological/ hydrometeorological consultants for an initial 6 month period at their headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. Consultants assigned to this contract should be suitably qualified in hydrology or hydrometeorology, and possess significant experience in the area of operational flood forecasting. A background in hydrological modelling would also be an advantage. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: JBA Consulting Engineers and Scientists Ltd
2017-09-15   Provision of Hydrologist to support The Living Bog, raised bog restoration project 2016 — 2020 (The Minister for the Department of Culture, Heritage & The Gaeltacht)
The Department of Culture Heritage & The Gaeltacht are implementing an EU LIFE co-funded raised bog restoration project (The Living Bog Project) on 12 Special Area of Conservation (SAC) sites across 7 counties. The provision of expert hydrological support is now sought to assist in the development, implementation, and assessment of hydrological monitoring plans relating to raised bog restoration and associated Concrete Conservation Actions. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: RPS Group Limited
2017-07-27   Sensors for Deployment on Oceanographic Moorings (Marine Institute)
At present a requirement exists for the supply of a number of different oceanographic sensors for deployment on oceanographic moorings offshore. There are three Lots within this 4 year framework (September 2017 — August 2021): Lot 1: pCO2 sensors, Lot 2: pH sensors, Lot 3: Optical nitrate sensors. An initial order of 2 instruments per Lot will be procured in 2017 with the option to draw down further purchases in the future. Tendering companies can apply for as many Lots as they can fulfil. Each Lot will … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Planet Ocean Limited TechWorks Marine
2017-06-23   Capital Dredging Works at Dublin Port — 2017 to 2018 Season (Dublin Port Company)
The required dredging will be undertaken as part of the proposed works to permit access to Alexandra Basin West and provide sufficient water depths for vessels in Alexandra Basin West at all stages of the tide. The contract to be awarded will cover the first seasons dredging and will take place in the outer approach channel. This equates to approximately 1 061 818 m³ of dredging. It is envisaged that the dredging of uncontaminated material will be carried out during winter months only, within a 6 month … View the procurement »
2017-05-29   Provision of Offshore and Nearshore Inspection Surveys (Ervia)
The Contracting Entity is seeking applications from suitably experienced inspection companies to carry out offshore, near-shore and onshore inspection surveys of 2 submarine gas transmission pipelines each approximately 200 km long, Scotland to Ireland from shore to shore, and one spur and one umbilical approximately 11 km long to the Isle of Man. The network cathodic protection is provided by means of sacrificial aluminium alloy half shell bracelet anodes. The network entire lengths are either trenched, … View the procurement »
2017-05-19   Limerick to Foynes Railway Line Surveying and Site Investigation Services (Shannon Foynes Port Company)
SFPC are now seeking to engage an experienced surveying company, preferably with railway surveying experience, to survey and investigate the route infrastructure. View the procurement »
2017-01-16   Supply of Special marks and associated Meteorological Sensors (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi State body, wishes to invite tenders under an open procedure for the supply, deployment, and maintenance of two Special Marks and associated meteorological sensors suitable for deployment off the Belmullet peninsula on the northwest coast of Co. Mayo, Ireland. The special marks and associated meteorological sensors will be supplied, deployed and maintained under a rental arrangement for a period of four years. The Special Marks and sensors must be capable of withstanding the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Commissioners of Irish Lights
2016-09-21   Marine Mapping Personnel and Survey Support Services (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to invite Applicants to submit a tender under an Open Procedure. The Marine Institute wishes to put a non-exclusive Framework Agreement in place, for the supply of any or all of the marine mapping personnel and survey support services detailed in Instruction7, (Specification of Requirements) in support of its research, national, and seabed mapping programmes. Applicants deemed qualified will be placed on a panel that the Marine Institute will draw from over a four year period … View the procurement »
2016-09-05   Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Capital Dredging Works at Dublin Port (Dublin Port Company)
The scope of the multi party framework agreement is for Capital Dredging Works at Dublin Port including but not limited to dredging at Alexandra Basin, maintenance dredging and other relevant works and associated design as required. The Multi Party Framework Agreement will be awarded on foot of an initial contract for Year 1 of the Capital Dredging Works Programme at Alexandra Basin. In addition to the initial contract, the framework agreement may, or may not, be used for the following contracts: Yearly … View the procurement »
2015-10-07   MCM — Automated Underwater Vehicle (Irish Naval Service)
The Defence Forces invites tenders for supply of MCM (Mine Counter Measures) Automated Underwater Vehicle (s) to the Irish Naval Service. View the procurement »
2015-10-06   Hydrology Services — Qualification System (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnród Éireann (IE) invites Applications from suitably qualified companies to participate in the Pre-Qualification process for appointment to a Qualification System for the provision of Hydrology Services. Iarnród Éireann is looking to appoint specialist expertise in the area of hydrology for assessing the susceptibility of railway bridge structures and other structures that are adjacent to watercourses. The consultant is to provide expertise in hydrology in the following areas: — Flood Relief … View the procurement »
2014-10-02   East West Interconnector (EWIC) — Marine Survey 2015 (EirGrid plc)
EirGrid is seeking a provider to perform a marine survey next year (2015) to determine the condition of the recently laid EWIC cables. The marine segment of the EWIC system is 187 km in length. The scope of services required are specified below in Section 3. The Contractor shall have the total responsibility for performing all activities necessary to complete the services, including management, engineering, survey operation and deliverables in accordance with the requirements of the Contract. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Osiris Projects
2014-02-28   ENQEIR399 - EWIC Marine Survey (EirGrid plc)
The objective of this Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) process is to produce a short-list of suitably qualified companies who will be invited to tender for a Marine Survey for the Project. EirGrid is seeking a provider to perform a marine survey this year (2014) to determine the condition of the 2011/12 laid EWIC cables. EWIC runs between Deeside in north Wales and Woodland, County Meath in Ireland, the marine segment being 187km in length. The Contractor shall have the total responsibility for … View the procurement »
2013-12-09   ENQEIR392 – Ireland France Interconnector Project Marine Survey (EirGrid plc)
The objective of this Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) process is to produce a short-list of suitably qualified companies who will be invited to tender for a Marine Survey for the Project. RTE is the French Transmission System Operator (TSO). The two national Transmission System Operators, EirGrid plc and RTE, have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding to commission further preliminary studies on the feasibility of building a submarine electricity interconnector between Ireland and France … View the procurement »
2013-03-26   RT13_016 - Provision of Planning and Environmental Services for the Tidal Ventures Ltd Project (Bord Gais Eireann)
Provision of Planning and Environmental Services for the Tidal Ventures Ltd Project. A Lead Consultant will manage a team which will be suitably qualified and experienced in the preparation and completion of the Marine Licence, Planning Application and all associated documentation for the proposed Tidal Ventures development. The Team will be required to undertake and co-ordinate the entire Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) including all of the required studies, reports and provision of technical and … View the procurement »
2013-02-01   RT12_040 - A multi-provider framework for Planning & Environmental Services (Bord Gais Eireann)
BGE is undertaking a competitive tendering process, seeking to enter into multi-provider framework agreements with a number of providers to meet its requirements for the provision of: 1) Planning & Environmental Assessment; 2) Archaeological, Architectural & Cultural Heritage; 3) Hydrology, Hydrogeology & Water Quality; 4) Geotechnical; 5) Noise & Vibration; 6) Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment; 7) Geographical Information Systems (GIS) & Computer Aided Design (CAD) ; 8) Shadow Flicker Assessment; 9) … View the procurement »
2013-01-29   INFOMAR_RFT_2013_01_MB - Supply of a shallow-water multibeam echosounder (MB) (Geological Survey of Ireland)
A shallow-water multibeam (MB) echosounder – for deployment on a small vessel during near-shore mapping exercises. It should be suitable for inshore craft and 20m + vessels. View the procurement »
2011-10-14   Technical services for waste licensing and remediation/reclamation projects in County Cork (Cork County Council)
Cork County Council is engaging in a competitive tendering process for technical services in respect of waste licensing and remediation/reclamation projects in County Cork. The requirements are divided into 2 lots: — Lot 1: Single-operator framework agreement for multi-disciplinary environmental advisory services in relation to a waste licensing and remediation/reclamation project at Haulbowline Island, Co. Cork, and — Lot 2: Multi-operator framework agreement for multi-disciplinary environmental … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Mott MacDonald Ove Arup & Partners Ireland t/a Arup RPS Group Limited Sinclair Knight Merz (Ireland) Ltd t/a... Verde Environmental Group Ltd White Young Green Environment Planning...
2011-09-02   Hydrologist (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnród Éireann - Irish Rail is seeking expressions of interest for the provision of specialist expertise in the area of hydrology for assessing the susceptibility of railway bridge structures and other structures that are adjacent to watercourses. The consultant will be required to provide expertise in hydrology in the following areas: *Flood Relief Schemes. *Railway Bridge Scour Susceptibility Assessment for 500 bridges, include for Risk Assessment and Risk Mitigation prioritised list of 605 … View the procurement »