2020-03-06Marine Services (Irish Naval Service)
The Irish Naval Service are looking for tenders from economic operators for the provision of marine services divided into two lots — bareboat charter and tug hire.
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2019-04-17Construction of Research Vessel (Marine Institute)
The Institute wishes to engage a suitably qualified and experienced shipyard to build, construct, outfit, test and deliver a research vessel (approx. 50-55 m length).
The vessel will be designed and built to meet the requirement of the ICES cooperative research report No 209 in terms of vessel underwater radiated noise. The vessel is to be a multipurpose research vessel to meet the survey requirements of the Institute including (but not limited to) offshore fisheries surveys (demersal and pelagic …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Astilleros Armon Vigo, S.A.
2018-11-06Vessel Design Services (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wish to engage a suitable qualified and experienced Naval Architecture consultancy firm to provide design, procurement and project management support for the construction of a new research vessel for the Institute.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Skipsteknisk AS
2018-04-26Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Bathing Water Quality Challenge (Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
The challenge is to develop a method of collating and communicating the quality of bathing water using all sources of information for the use of all stakeholders, namely bathers, local authority staff, the EPA and Irish Water. Bathers should be encouraged to report on their swimming experience at particular locations, with emphasis on reporting on perceived water quality. An improved method of communicating known bathing water quality risks to bathers is required, with information being provided to …
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2017-09-22Design and Build Specification 12 m Research Vessel (Bord Iascaigh Mhara — Irish Sea Fisheries Board (BIM))
In 2008, BIM launched its inshore survey vessel MV T. Burke which has been offering survey services to various stakeholders in aquaculture and inshore fisheries all around the coast of Ireland. The main task of the vessel is to identify seed mussel beds around the coast of Ireland using various sampling equipment and sonar systems but it has been involved in inshore diving operations, sites prospections, underwater videos surveys, various shellfish stock assessment as well as support vessel for various …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Safehaven Marine
2017-06-23Capital Dredging Works at Dublin Port — 2017 to 2018 Season (Dublin Port Company)
The required dredging will be undertaken as part of the proposed works to permit access to Alexandra Basin West and provide sufficient water depths for vessels in Alexandra Basin West at all stages of the tide. The contract to be awarded will cover the first seasons dredging and will take place in the outer approach channel. This equates to approximately 1 061 818 m³ of dredging. It is envisaged that the dredging of uncontaminated material will be carried out during winter months only, within a 6 month …
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2017-06-09Enabling Works Contract, Smooth Point, Killybegs Fishery Harbour Centre (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The works will comprise the following:
Environmental dredging of approximately 24 500 cubic metres of contaminated marine sediments.
Stabilisation of the dredge material within the Fishery Harbour Centre.
Removal of the stabilised material from site for re-use or disposal.
Removal of an existing stockpile of inert clay (circa 13 000 cubic metres) from the harbour.
Putting in place all necessary waste permits, licences or permissions required to lawfully stabilise the dredged material and remove it from …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:ABCO Marine (IRL) Ltd
2017-01-16Supply of Special marks and associated Meteorological Sensors (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi State body, wishes to invite tenders under an open procedure for the supply, deployment, and maintenance of two Special Marks and associated meteorological sensors suitable for deployment off the Belmullet peninsula on the northwest coast of Co. Mayo, Ireland. The special marks and associated meteorological sensors will be supplied, deployed and maintained under a rental arrangement for a period of four years. The Special Marks and sensors must be capable of withstanding the …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Commissioners of Irish Lights
2016-09-22Vessel Services Framework (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to put a non-exclusive Framework Agreement in
place, for the supply of vessel services. Successful applicants will be placed on a
panel that the Marine Institute will draw from over the next four year period to
provide such services. Vessel requirements will be identified for specific jobs, and
a Mini-Competition process will be used to award relevant work.
Further details available in the attached Invitation to Tender document.
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2016-09-21Marine Mapping Personnel and Survey Support Services (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to invite Applicants to submit a tender under an Open
The Marine Institute wishes to put a non-exclusive Framework Agreement in
place, for the supply of any or all of the marine mapping personnel and survey
support services detailed in Instruction7, (Specification of Requirements) in
support of its research, national, and seabed mapping programmes. Applicants
deemed qualified will be placed on a panel that the Marine Institute will draw from
over a four year period …
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2016-09-16Fixed RealTime Broadband OBS Systems (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies)
Science Foundation
Ireland has provided
the Dublin Institute
for Advanced Studies
with funding to
purchase up to 2
fixed broadband (120
s — 100 Hz) Ocean
Bottom Seismographs
(OBS) with acoustic
sensors and with
real-time data
connection to the
data centre in
Dublin. It is
envisaged that
instruments will be
deployed at
distances of up to
200 Km offshore in
water depths of up
to 4000m.
A detailed
specification of
requirements is set
out in Section 2 of
the main Tender
Document which is
available to …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Guralp Systems Ltd
2016-09-05Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Capital Dredging Works at Dublin Port (Dublin Port Company)
The scope of the multi party framework agreement is for Capital Dredging Works at Dublin Port including but not limited to dredging at Alexandra Basin, maintenance dredging and other relevant works and associated design as required. The Multi Party Framework Agreement will be awarded on foot of an initial contract for Year 1 of the Capital Dredging Works Programme at Alexandra Basin. In addition to the initial contract, the framework agreement may, or may not, be used for the following contracts: Yearly …
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2016-02-24Ringaskiddy Port Re-development Project (Port of Cork Company)
The proposed works comprise the construction of the marine and civil engineering infrastructure elements for a new container terminal and multi-purpose berth at Ringaskiddy Port, Cork.
Key elements may include:
— Quay wall structures including marine piling;
— Dredging in overburden and rock to a depth of -13,0 m Chart Datum CD);
— Reclamation and shore protection;
— Quay deck surfacing and quayside crane foundations including piling;
— Heavy duty surfacing of existing port lands for use as operational …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:BAM Civil Ltd
2016-02-02RFT for the Discharge of Defence Forces Assets to Germany EUBG 2016 (Department of Defence)
A requirement exists for the provision of a Roll-On Roll-Off vessel (RORO) or other suitable merchant vessel for the transit of the Defence Forces Assets on 1 direct sailing from the Port of Dublin, Ireland to the Port of Bremerhaven, Germany and the return of the Defence Forces Assets from the Port of Bremerhaven, Germany to the Port of Dublin. Ireland.
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2015-08-28Telecommunication Services (Raidió Teilifís Éireann ( RTÉ))
The term of any contract awarded under this competition will be 2 years with an option to extend for further period(s) of 1 year up to an overall maximum period of 5 year(s) at the discretion of RTÉ. The overall length of the contract(s) will be for a minimum of 2 years and a maximum of 5 years. All tendering parties are free to supplement their response in an appendix to their proposal with other potentially relevant aspects to their proposal. The tendering parties must satisfy themselves as to the …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Vodafone Ireland Ltd
2013-11-19IRCG - Boat Crew Training - Boat Crew Training and Management (Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport)
The Irish Coastguard wish to appoint a supplier for the Management, Coordination and Provision of Powerboat courses for IRCG personnel to include; National Power Boat, Advanced Powerboat, Boat Cox SAR Skills, Boat Crew SAR Skills, Radar courses, Coastal navigation, Course development, Provision of Unit Coaching and Exercises, Staff training, occasional review of operating procedures and policies and Quality Assurance of training standards pertaining to IRCG Boat Operations.
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2013-05-07ITT13-010 - Supply of a Charter of a Dynamically Positioned Vessel (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi State body, wishes to charter a Dynamically positioned vessel with a minimum length of 75m capable of accommodating the Marine Institute's Work Class ROV Spread (see Appendices 2 and 2b).
The Charter is for a minimum period of two weeks to a maximum of 6 weeks and the vessel will be required to mobilise the system in Galway Ireland on 15.7.2013.
The Charter is required for the completion of a ROV pipeline and jacket inspection.
The publication of this tender does not …
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2012-08-29Mobile Device Management System (Houses of the Oireachtas Service)
This RFT seeks to select a suitable MDM solution that will enable a uniform management interface and a consistent security policy to be applied across all devices.
The Oireachtas currently has an IT estate that supports upwards of 1 500 users. The MDM platform will be securely integrated into the Oireachtas network and will provide the management functionality for all approved mobile devices.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders …
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2012-03-22Passenger ship purchase (Liscannor Ferry Company Ltd)
The supply of a day passenger ship.
To be approved by Chief Survryer Irish Marine Survey Office.
100/150 passengers
LOA 15/25 meters.
Draft (max) 1.8 meters.
Twin engine 175/300 HP each.
Shaft drive.
9/12 Knots
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2011-07-28Sale of Dredger (Dublin Port Company)
Sale of dredger, Hebble Sand.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=279332.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Larchville Ltd
2011-04-18Sale of tugs (Dublin Port Company)
The contract is for the sale of three harbour tugs which are surplus to the requirements of Dublin Port Company.
Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=198154.
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