2021-08-24Consultancy Services to Assist in Obtaining and Co-ordinating External Funding (Inland Fisheries Ireland)
Inland Fisheries Ireland expects to launch its new Corporate Plan 2021-2025 shortly and will require significant additional resources to deliver on the ambition for the conservation, protection, development, promotion of the inland fisheries and sea angling resources. As a result IFI now seeks a consultant experienced in, inter alia, funding acquisition and management to provide assistance in identifying, applying for and coordinating spend of available funding opportunities.
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2021-04-01Marine Advisor Services to Support the Procurement of a Multi-Role Vessel (Department of Defence)
The White Paper on Defence 2015 provides for the replacement of the current Naval Service flagship LÉ Eithne, which is approaching its end of lifespan, with a Multi-Role Vessel.
The procurement of the MRV is in strategic alignment with Government Policy. The MRV is included in the Government National Development Plan as a major capital project and is listed in the Defence Equipment Development Plan. The intention is that the procurement will be conducted in accordance with contemporary and emerging best …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Houlder Limited
2021-03-1220/105 — Merchant Services Card Payment Services and Acquiring Bank Services (Irish Water)
The scope of services includes but is not limited to:
• A secure technical solution to support
— agent assisted card payment processing;
— IVR card payment processing integrated to a current IVR solution;
— card payment processing on websites;
• PCI-DSS compliance and advice;
• daily transaction file(s);
• merchant account and sub accounts;
• transaction based reporting;
• payment settlement.
Provision of any other e-commerce channels which may arise in the future.
Please refer to the PQQ document for …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Elavon Financial Services ltd t/a Elavon...
2021-01-11Fundraising Consultancy Service (CHI at Crumlin)
CHI and CHF seeks proposals from qualified fundraising consultant(s) to conduct a feasibility study toward a very exciting and ambitious plan for a capital campaign to raise funds in support of the development of the new children’s hospital on the Campus shared with St James’s Hospital.
The study shall identify firstly the feasibility of a capital campaign and secondly what potential strategies and infrastructure would be needed for next steps. As consultants, you will report to a capital campaign …
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2020-12-17Fully Outsourced End-to-End Grant Application, Evaluation and Payment Processing Service (Fáilte Ireland-National Tourism Development Authority)
Fáilte Ireland is the National Tourism Development Authority responsible for the development and support of the tourism sector in the Republic of Ireland. One of the business services that the organisation provides is the delivery of grant schemes to assist businesses across various sectors of tourism industry.
Fáilte Ireland requires a third-party service provider to deliver a fully outsourced end-to-end grants management process including application, evaluation and payment of funds available under …
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2020-11-23Architect-led Multi-Disciplinary Design Team — Nenagh Historic and Cultural Quarter (Tipperary County Council)
Architect-led multi-disciplinary consultancy team in respect of the tourism-led regeneration of Nenagh Historic and Cultural Quarter. The team will be required to design a world-class visitor experience based on existing heritage assets and public realm enhancements. Disciplines required are project manager (architect), tourism expertise, conservation architect, archaeologist, civil and building services engineer and PSDP as principal service providers plus other services — landscape architect/urban …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Scott Tallon Walker Architects
2020-11-20Regulation Support Services (EirGrid plc)
EirGrid Group operates and develops the electricity system in Ireland and Northern Ireland. This comprises the grid, the wholesale electricity market and interconnection with other systems. In both jurisdictions, we implement and enable government policies on electricity. We perform our services for the benefit of every electricity user on the island of Ireland.
We are monopoly service providers, regulated by the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) in Ireland and the Utility Regulator (UR) in …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Cambridge Economic Policy Associates (CEPA)Frontier Economics LtdKpmg
2020-11-1320/073 — Bill Payment Services (Irish Water)
Irish Water will undertake a competitive tender process to select multiple suppliers for the provision of bill payment services.
The selected providers must provide Irish Water customers convenient and easy access to payment options.
Irish Water requires a balanced geographical spread of retail outlets. Payment locations should be easily accessible and offer a range of opening hours.
The scope of services includes but may not be limited to:
• payment processing;
• receipt processing;
• settlement;
• …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:An PostPayzone Ireland Limited
2020-09-04Next Generation Ticketing (National Transport Authority)
The authority intends to procure a nationwide multi-modal Account Based Ticketing (ABT) system supporting both public and private operated transport services, with the eventual aim of enabling the provision of Mobility as a Service 'MaaS' type offerings. The solution is expected to include the delivery of a fully functioning and fit for purpose ABT back office system including all necessary equipment, hosting, software, services and supporting systems. The solution is also expected to include the supply, …
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2020-09-03Contract for the Administrative, Technical and Financial Services for the Biofuels Obligation Scheme (National Oil Reserves Agency)
A contract for the provision of the administrative, technical, and financial services in respect of a Biofuels Obligation Scheme (‘BOS’), including and without limitation, to manage, operate and maintain the existing systems and processes that have been put in place for the day-to-day implementation of the provisions for the BOS legislation in a manner that meets the requirements of the BOS legislation and is carefully aligned to and fully integrated with the contracting authority's existing …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Byrne O Cleirigh
2020-04-03Multi Party Framework for the Provision of Corporate Advisory Services to the LDA (Land Development Agency)
General/corporate advices
(a) strategic advices to include the following:
• corporate structure for the group – e.g. multiple development sites/SPV’s, intercompany loans and group costs/overhead cost allocation;
• initial tax structuring advices
• accounting support: FRS accounting for properties, loans and related debt instruments, finance leases, construction contracts; etc.
(b) corporate finance including capital structure of the LDA and funding options;
(c) corporate governance;
(d) any other …
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2019-10-08Single Supplier Frameworks for the Supply of Transactional Banking Services to the Contracting Entity, Ervia, Gas... (Ervia)
The contracting entity are seeking to appoint a single supplier for the provision of transactional banking services.
The successful tenderer will enter into a separate relevant contract with each of the contracting entity, i.e. Ervia, Gas Networks Ireland, and Irish Water.
The objective is to appoint a single supplier, to supply transactional banking services to Ervia, Gas Networks Ireland, and Irish Water listed.
The contracting entity does not make any guarantee in regard to any contract award and/or …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Allied Irish Banks PLC.
2019-08-21Provision of Corporate Finance Advisory Services (Land Development Agency)
The financial advisor will be required to provide advice on a wide-ranging number of topics, including but not limited to:
general/corporate advices:
— organisational structuring advices,
— corporate governance overview/governance principles — to be updated as Agency evolves and to be reviewed in context of code of practice for the governance of state bodies,
— corporate finance including funding,
— enterprise risk management,
— review of business operations/transactions,
— strategic planning and …
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2019-05-10Provision of Consultancy Services to Dublin City Council in 6 Lots as follows to support a Feasibility Study under... (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council proposes to engage in a competitive process for the award of 6 contracts as specified hereunder. Each service provider appointed will be required to work as part of the feasibility team to deliver the objectives set out in Section 2.1. of the tender document. The Lot 5 successful tenderer (building development and project management consultant) will take the lead role in coordinating the Team.
Lot 1: Communications Consultants.
Lot 2: European Cultural Project Management and …
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2019-04-11Invitation to Tender for the Provision of EMV Specialist Services (National Transport Authority)
The scope of services is for the provision of specialist advice in the field of contactless EMV payments in order to facilitate the development and implementation of NTA’s strategy for introducing EMV for paying for passenger transport services.
The Authority is not seeking to appoint a team of advisors and the services are for the provision of one individual EMV Specialist.
The contract has two stages and additional detail on these stages are contained within the tender documents.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Rebel Transit and Ticketing BV
2019-04-04Financial Management and Advisory Services (Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII))
TII is seeking to engage external service delivery partners by way of a Framework Agreement to provide the services described below:
Lot 1: Financial Management and Reporting Services
This lot covers the provision of financial management services to TII, relating to its commercial operations – eFlow, Dublin Tunnel, Motorway Service Areas, Luas and PPP operations.
Lot 2: General Financial Services.
This lot covers the provision of general financial and advisory services to TII (including, but not limited …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Ernst & Young, trading as EYErnst and Young, trading as EY