2016-06-10Sputter Deposition Tool for Trinity College Dublin (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
CRANN, TCD is seeking to procure a state-of-the-art sputter deposition tool — ‘Trifolium Dubium’ for the development of materials and thin film devices. Magnetic tunnel junctions and Heusler alloys are expected to be a major component of the research conducted using this system, as well as blanket films and stacks of novel multiferroics, magnetic and/or transparent oxides. The system will be the core of a national access facility and will be available for use by a large number of research groups in both …
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2016-06-03For the Supply, Installation, Support and Maintenance of a Bead-Based Multiplex Assay System (Beaumont Hospital)
The National Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Service for Solid Organ Transplantation (NHISSOT) was established to provide a nationwide transplant immunology service for solid organ transplantation, including HLA typing and cross-matching donors and recipients for solid organ transplants. It is based in the Department of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics, Beaumont Hospital. As detailed more fully elsewhere in this document, the Department of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics requires the …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:VH Bio Ltd
2016-04-15Contract for the supply of analytical instruments and software to Horse Racing Ireland and The Turf Club (Horse Racing Ireland (HRI))
Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) was established by the Irish Government under the Horse and Greyhound Racing Act 2001. It is a commercial semi-state body that took over the functions previously carried out by the Irish Horse Racing Authority and is responsible for the promotion, development and administration of Irish horse racing. HRI subsidiaries include Irish Thoroughbred Marketing Ltd (ITM), Tote Ireland Ltd and the HRI Racecourse Division. HRI headquarters are located in Ballymany, Newbridge, Co …
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2016-01-27The Supply and Maintenance of a Mobile X-Ray Container Scanner (Office of the Revenue Commissioners)
The Office of the Revenue Commissioners invites expressions of interest for the
supply and maintenance of a mobile x-ray container scanner. The mobile x-ray
scanner must be capable of scanning containers, trucks and other vehicles for
the purpose of detecting contraband, drugs and other prohibited materials. Full
technical specifications will be set out in the tender document. Prospective
tenderers are requested to submit a completed pre-qualification questionnaire.
Please see the PQQ document attached …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Nuctech Warsaw Company Ltd
2015-07-22The Provision of a Point of Care Testing System (POCT) for Blood Gas and Electrolytle Analysis, Blood Glucose and... (Beaumont Hospital)
Beaumont Hospital intends to award a contract for the provision of a point of care testing system for blood gas and electrolyte analysers, blood glucose and ketone meters and IT connectivity for all point of care testing devices. The contract will include the provision of all necessary equipment, consumables, reagents and training and the carrying-out of all required maintenance. Full further information is contained in the Invitation to Tender document, available to download from www.etenders.gov.ie
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Roche Diagnostics Limited
2015-04-01Contract for the Provision of Haemochromatosis Testing to Beaumont Hospital (Beaumont Hospital)
The Contracting Authority intends to procure an automated DNA extraction system and qPCR based system for the detection of the C282Y, S65C and H63D mutations in the HFE gene. The required test is a multiplex genetic assay. It is envisioned that the system will process an estimated 1 400 samples per year. The testing will be performed in the Molecular Pathology Laboratory in Beaumont Hospital. The required system will be procured through the cost of testing for an initial four year period. Following the …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Roche Diagnostics Limited
2015-01-23#2402 — Multi-Party Framework Agreement for the Supply of Single Antigen Solid Phase HLA Antibody Screening Kits (Beaumont Hospital)
Beaumont Hospital intends to establish a multi-party framework agreement for the supply of single antigen solid phase HLA antibody screening kits. The National Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Service for Solid Organ Transplantation at Beaumont Hospital (‘NHISSOT') provides a HLA typing and antibody screening service for the five solid organ transplant programmes in the Republic of Ireland. At any given time, the service has approximately 650 patients on waiting lists. The service also performs a …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Quest Biomedical LtdVH Bio Ltd
2014-12-19Contract for the Supply of an Automated Blood Culture System (Beaumont Hospital)
The Contracting Authority intends to award a contract for the supply, support and maintenance of an automated blood culture system that is designed to detect microbial growth from blood systems. The required system will involve ‘walk-away' testing using a continuous monitoring instrument that agitates and incubates blood culture bottles, resulting in the early detection of positive cultures. The required system will be procured through the cost of specified consumables for an initial 4 year period. …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Unitech Ltd. T/A Aquilant Scientific
2014-12-09Ref: 2391 — Single-Party Framework Agreement for the Supply, Delivery and Installation of a Mass Spectrometer (Beaumont Hospital)
The Contracting Authority intends to establish a framework agreement for the supply, delivery and installation of a mass spectrometer. The initial contract awarded under this framework agreement will concern the procurement of the required mass spectrometer machine, paid for on a price per reportable test basis, with ownership of the required machine passing to the Contracting Authority following the expiry of the 5 year period. Additional contracts awarded under this framework agreement may concern all …
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2014-11-25The Supply of Portable Fuel Analysers (Office of the Revenue Commissioners)
The Office of the Revenue Commissioners, the Contracting Authority, intends to award a contract for the supply and commissioning of 5 roadside Fuel Analyser Systems, together with operator training, warranty and support arrangements, with an option to purchase a further 8 systems.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:IMA Ltd
2014-10-15Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) System (The University of Dublin Trinity College)
CVD tool should be able to synthesize carbon based, TMD and TMO thin films from gas/liquid/solid precursors. Two approaches must be possible — conversion of metal films and the CVD from metals organic precursors. This requires the possibility to deliver sold precursors and to operate the tool in an Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) like mode.
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2014-07-24Request for Tenders for Equipment to School of Science (ITSLIGO)
IT Sligo wishes to purchase capital equipment to fit out new Science Block. Tender documentation in relation to this tender is available to download from www.etenders.gov.ie Full list of equipment required contained in Appendix 1. Quantity Required and Pricing contained in Appendix 2. Both Appendices are uploaded as separate documents. Tenderers may tender for one or more of the items listed.
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