2023-10-09   Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of Consultancy Support to Monitoring Visits (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) engages in partnerships with international development NGOs in order to further its policy objectives reflected in Ireland’s Policy for International Development, A Better World. The Civil Society Unit (CSU) operates schemes to support these partnerships, such as Ireland’s Civil Society Partnership for A Better World (2023 to 2027) ICSP and Strategic Partnerships. The Department is seeking support with these partnerships, which focus on implementing long-term … View the procurement »
2023-08-23   Request for Tenders for the Supply of Specialist Management and Design Services to Support Monitoring, Evaluation,... (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
The Department wishes to engage external consultancy services to support the Civil Society Unit (CSU) to design and manage the approach to Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) across Ireland's Civil Society Partnership for A Better World (ICSP). It is envisaged that the consultancy assignment will: • Develop a framework to serve as the principal guide for all MEAL in ICSP (2023-2027). • Aligned to the framework, design a MEAL implementation plan with clear deliverables, milestones … View the procurement »
2023-08-16   Financial Risk Management Consultancy Services for the Civil Society Funding Schemes (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
The Department of Foreign Affairs engages in partnerships with International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and supports development and humanitarian interventions in order to further its policy objectives. The Department currently manages a number of strategic funding schemes to facilitate these partnerships including Ireland’s Civil Society Partnership for A Better World (ICSP), the Civil Society Fund (CSF), and a number of Strategic Partnerships (SPs). … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Gumfoot Consultancy Limited
2023-06-28   Global Medical and Security Advice and Assistance (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
The Department of Foreign Affairs has general responsibility for all aspects of Ireland’s foreign relations and foreign policy. It maintains a growing network of over 100 diplomatic missions throughout the world. The Department’s officers and their eligible dependents may be required to travel to or to live for extended periods of time in locations around the world where there are potential security or medical challenges and/or limited service provision and/or limited local access to reliable advice and … View the procurement »
2023-05-31   Consultancy Services to support an Evaluation of Ireland’s term on the UNSC 2021-2022 (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
External consultancy services, consultant/s will be members of a mixed team with three officials of the Evaluation and Audit Unit (EAU); the purpose of which is to implement an independent evaluation of Ireland’s term on the UN Security Council 2021-2022. The evaluation will be managed by an officer of the DFA’s Evaluation and Audit Unit. The consultant(s), as part of the mixed team, will apply a mixed-methods approach to data collection. With guidance from a Reference Group, the Evaluation will include, … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: IOD PARC trading name of International...
2021-07-26   Provision of Services for the Development and Implementation of ‘Back for Business’, the Enterprise Development... (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
The Department of Foreign Affairs is seeking proposals from suitable, experienced service providers who have the capability and vision to develop and implement a tailored work programme to address the skills, enterprise and capability gaps of emigrants who have returned, or plan to return, to live and work in Ireland in order to foster and support entrepreneurial activity amongst that specific group. The objective of the service sought is to assist returned emigrants in setting up business in Ireland on … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Fitzsimons Consulting
2021-04-27   Provision of Management Services for the Ireland Fellows Programme (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
The Department of Foreign Affairs wishes to contract an external professional service provider to support the administration of the Ireland Fellows Programme through the provision of a range of management services. These services include supporting the Ireland Fellows Programme call, appraisal and selection process; the administrative and support services to all Fellows: • the management of outreach, communications and the alumni network; • the monitoring and tracking of programme results; and • the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Irish Council for International Students
2021-04-15   Provision of Temporary Agency Resources (General Operatives) for EXPO2020 to the Department of Foreign Affairs of Ireland (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
The Department of Foreign Affairs requires a solution for the provision of service operatives and associated services for Ireland at Expo 2020, to ensure the smooth and efficient running of the Irish pavilion and the programme of events and activities that will take place within it. Expo 2020 is taking place in Dubai from 1 October 2021 until 31 March 2022. 192 countries have confirmed their participation at Expo 2020, with an original estimate of 25 million visitors expected over its 6-month … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Nathan & Nathan
2021-04-01   Review of Ireland’s Tanzania and the Great Lakes Sub-region Strategy 2017-2021 (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
Ireland has a long and enduring partnership with Tanzania, celebrating 40 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 2019. The Embassy of Ireland in Dar es Salaam is also accredited to Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Seychelles and Comoros. The Mission Strategy has an integrated approach across its consular services, diaspora outreach, political engagement, development cooperation, cultural engagement, trade and promotion of Ireland. In order to inform the upcoming mission strategy … View the procurement »
2021-03-26   Office Removal, Transport and Maintenance Services for the Department of Foreign Affairs (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
The services comprise of the provision of transport, delivery and office removal services, minor repairs and maintenance for the Department of Foreign Affairs. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Funshog Office Fit Ltd
2020-12-14   Multi Supplier Framework for Consultants to Support Development Education Funding Schemes (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
Ireland’s Official Development Assistance programme is managed by the Department of Foreign Affairs through its Development Cooperation and Africa Division. Irish support provided by the programme helps around 130 countries across the world, with a particular focus on Africa, and on least developed, fragile and conflict affected countries. The overall objective of this framework is to provide high-quality technical input/support to ensure that best practice quality standards are coherently applied across … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Barbara Wilson Boyle and Associates Cusack Education Consulting Deirdre Farrell Vanessa Sheridan
2020-11-10   Consultancy Services to Provide Technical Support – IFAD Executive Board and UN Food Systems Summit (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
The Policy Unit in the Department of Foreign Affairs Development Cooperation and Africa Division provides support for policy development and planning across the Government’s development cooperation programme, Irish Aid. In 2020 and 2021 there are a number of key developments taking place which will require enhanced policy support, specifically in the areas of Sustainable Food Systems, International Agricultural Development and International Financial Institutions. These developments include Ireland … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Public Good Ltd
2020-11-06   Consultancy Services to Support a New Approach to Financial Risk Management in the Development Co-operation Africa Division (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
DCAD of the Department of Foreign Affairs is responsible for Ireland’s official programme of assistance to developing countries, and its main focus is the fight against world poverty and hunger. Given the complexity of issues that can arise in financial risk management, and with a changing context of aid, specialist expertise is needed to assist DCAD in a number of areas: • evolving FRA and PFM risks in development cooperation modalities; • specific FRA and PFM risks in fragile and conflict affected … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Mokoro Ltd
2020-10-13   Senior Consultancy Services to Provide Specialist Support – Global Health and HIV and AIDS (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
In 2020 and 2021 there are a number of key developments taking place in the area of global health including HIV and AIDS and SRHR, which will require enhanced policy support. These developments include Ireland assuming a seat on the board of the Global Fund for Malaria, TB and AIDS in June 2021. A consultant will be engaged to provide an external professional service and expertise and it is envisaged that the consultant’s responsibilities will cover the following areas: • providing professional expert … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Anne Nolan
2020-04-24   RFT for the Provision of a Support and Capacity Building Programme for Irish Civil Society Organisations to Better... (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
In summary, the services required is the provision of a National Contact Point (NCP) to assist Irish civil society organisations to engage effectively in a range of European programmes. For the purposes of this tender, civil society organisations should be understood to include NGOs, community-based organisations, trade unions, professional associations, social movements and networks, media, academia as well as city and county councils and regional assemblies. The NCP will publicise EU funding … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: The Wheel
2020-03-23   Provision of Public Awareness Workshops for Irish Aid (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade / An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The Irish Aid Centre in Dublin provides workshops on the work of Ireland’s overseas development cooperation programme targeting students mainly at primary, second and, to some extent, third level, as well as providing assistance with outreach at various public events across the country. The current contract for the management and facilitation of public awareness workshops will expire on 30 June 2020. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is now inviting submission of tenders with a view to … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Suas Educational Development
2020-02-27   Provision of Temporary Agency Resources for EXPO2020 (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
This tender is for a managed service for the provision of temporary agency resources (General Operatives) for Ireland’s participation at the World Expo 2020 in Dubai which will be held between 20.10.2020 and 10.4.2021. View the procurement »
2020-02-05   Consultancy Services for Formative Evaluation PGII HPP (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The services comprises of conducting a formative evaluation of Irish Aid’s Programme Grant II (PGII) and Humanitarian Programme Plan (HPP) so as to provide the Department’s management with an independent, evidence-based assessment of funding to civil society organisations for humanitarian, development and development education and assess whether the funding mechanisms are fit for purpose to deliver on the policy commitments in Ireland’s 2019 Policy for International Development ‘A Better World’ and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: IOD PARC (trading name of International...
2019-12-13   Market Sounding Process for the Concession of the Provision of Visa Application service for the Government of Ireland (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
Market sounding The Department of Foreign Affairs wishes to hear from any interested parties who may be able to provide the full range of services listed below. Ascertain market capability as well as the level of interest to provide the requisite services. This exercise is not a pre-qualification exercise or the beginning of a procurement exercise. Obtain a deeper understanding of the visa application system, visa applicants, as well as any potential delivery options. The market sounding document is … View the procurement »
2017-03-23   The facilitation and delivery of the Public Awareness programme in the Irish Aid Centre (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
Irish Aid is inviting the submission of tenders with a view to contracting a provider for the management and facilitation of educational workshops and a public information service for a three year period from 1.7.2017 to 30.6.2020. Specific outputs required include 1. The provision of the Irish Aid programme of workshops for schools and colleges, both at the Irish Aid Centre, and in agreed locations around the country. 2. The ability to respond to online and phone queries about the work of Irish Aid and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Suas Educational Development
2016-06-28   Provision of support to long-term development funding to NGO's 2016-2020 (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The objective of this Framework Agreement is to provide high-quality technical input/support to ensure that best practice quality standards are coherently applied across all stages of the project/programme cycle. This consultancy framework will encompass a range of specific skills (Section 3: Selection Criteria for Admission to the Framework) to support the appraisal, approval, financial review, monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes of work, as well as internal processes supporting the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Independent Mary McKeown Michael Hegarty Consultants Limited Mike Williams Peter McEvoy
2015-10-12   General Budget Support and Business Cooperation Support — Mozambique (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The Embassy of Ireland is seeking to contract technical expertise from a consultant / company primarily to provide oversight and assurance that Ireland's General Budget Support and other aid support to Mozambique is spent efficiently and strengthens government systems, and secondly to facilitate increased exchange and cooperation on economic and business opportunities that could be further developed between Ireland and Mozambique. View the procurement »
2015-06-29   Irish Aid IDEAS Programme Vietnam — Post-Graduate Fellowships, Masters Courses in Business Planning, Management and Finance (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade / An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The provision of post-graduate business education fellowships under the Irish Development Experience Sharing (IDEAS) component of Irish Aid's Vietnam Country Strategy Programme for the academic period 2016-2017. Tenders are sought for the delivery of a range of full-time Masters' courses, other than an MBA, of one year duration, in the areas of business planning as well as management and finance, for up to 20 student places (overall) for the academic year 2016/2017. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ucd Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School
2015-06-29   Irish Aid IDEAS Programme Vietnam Masters of Business Administration (MBA) (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The overall focus of the IDEAS programme is primarily on the development of capacity in Vietnam, especially in Vietnamese institutions responsible for economic decision making. The education component encompasses capacity building and knowledge transfer elements complementary to but broader than the core function of providing MBA courses for individual participants. To this end the successful supplier of these MBA courses should preferably have, or should be able to demonstrate a willingness to develop, … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ucd Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School
2015-02-05   Administration of the Simon Cumbers Media Challenge Fund 2015-2017 (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
1.1. Background. Irish Aid manages the Irish Government's programme of assistance to developing countries. The Irish Aid programme is focused on reducing poverty, inequality and exclusion in developing countries. Its geographic focus is sub-Saharan Africa. 1.2. The Simon Cumbers Media Challenge Fund promotes more and better quality coverage of development issues in the Irish media through the management and administration of a grants scheme to promote a greater understanding of development issues and the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: DHR Communications
2014-05-16   2014 - Irish Aid IDEAS Programme Vietnam - Masters Courses in Business Planning, Management and Finance (MSc) (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
Irish Aid Bilateral Programme with Vietnam commenced in 2005. A Country Programme covering the period 2007-10, and having as its overall goal the provision of support to 'the equitable reduction of poverty and vulnerability in Vietnam', was approved for commencement in July 2007. The 2007-2010 Programme contained a commitment to develop bilateral experience exchange links between Ireland and Vietnam. This commitment resulted from requests by the Vietnamese Government that, alongside financial assistance, … View the procurement »
2014-05-15   2014 - Irish Aid IDEAS Programme Vietnam Post-Graduate Fellowships - Masters of Business Administration (MBA) (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
Irish Aid Bilateral Programme with Vietnam commenced in 2005. A Country Programme covering the period 2007-10, and having as its overall goal the provision of support to “the equitable reduction of poverty and vulnerability in Vietnam”, was approved for commencement in July 2007. The 2007-2010 Programme contained a commitment to develop bilateral experience exchange links between Ireland and Vietnam. This commitment resulted from requests by the Vietnamese Government that, alongside financial assistance, … View the procurement »
2013-09-26   2013 – To provide external expertise to Irish Aid to respond effectively to PFM across the aid programme (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
Scope of the Professional Service To provide flexible and adaptive external expertise that will facilitate Irish Aid to respond effectively to PFM across its programme in a rapidly changing aid context. The expertise will cover the following broad areas: Reviewing and analysing the PFM assessment process of Irish Aid vis a vis other donors – recommending pilot improvements where necessary and keeping abreast of the evolving and diverse methods for measuring risk – employed by the increasingly diverse … View the procurement »
2013-05-09   2013 - Strategic Review to inform appropriateness and application of future Irish Aid support to fair and ethical... (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The Review This a strategic review which will inform Irish Aid policy and decision making in relation to possible future support for the fair and ethical trade systems. The purpose of the review is to examine the continued relevance of Irish Aid support for fair and ethical trade initiatives and propose, if appropriate, options for future support, including funding. This is especially relevant at this time - as the programmes funded in East Africa and Central America are drawing to a close; — in light of … View the procurement »
2012-10-05   Framework agreement - external professional services to support economic growth & trade development (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The subject of the agreement is to: ¿ “Establish a consultant register to engage consultants/external professional services to support the work of irish aid, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in Economic Growth and Trade Development”. Irish Aid is seeking to enter into a multi-supplier framework agreement approximately fifteen individual providers. We require high quality, experienced (relevant) and cost effective consultants to provide external specialist consultancy services to Africa Section in … View the procurement »
2012-09-07   Professional Services and Management of WorldWise Global Schools (Revised) (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), through Irish Aid, is launching a new post-primary schools programme in 2012 and requires expert professional services that will take primary responsibility, oversight and quality assurance of the overall programme. Irish Aid provides a range of support for development education initiatives at post-primary level under the extended Development Education Strategy 2007-2015. It supports the WorldWise school linking and immersion scheme, along with awards, … View the procurement »
2012-06-28   Framework agreement - project/programme cycle management of partners under Civil society funding (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The Development Education and Civil society section (DECSS) within Irish Aid is the main administrator of long-term development funding to Irish and International NGOs. Irish Aid is seeking to enter into a multi-supplier framework agreement with ten individual service providers. We require high quality, experienced (relevant) and cost effective consultants to provide external specialist consultancy support to DECSS in the management of partners projects and programmes of work. A focus on … View the procurement »
2012-06-19   Professional Services and Management of the Our World Irish Aid Awards 2012-2013 (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, through Irish Aid, supports a range of outreach and development education initiatives at primary school level. In this context, Irish Aid now wishes to invite tenders for professional services and management of the Our World Irish Aid Awards 2012-2013. Background. The Irish Aid programme has as its absolute priority the reduction of poverty, inequality and exclusion in developing countries. Its geographic focus is in sub-Saharan Africa, and the U.N. Millennium … View the procurement »
2012-06-18   Professional Services and Management of WorldWise Global Schools (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), through Irish Aid, is launching a new post-primary schools programme in 2012 and requires expert professional services that will take primary responsibility, oversight and quality assurance of the overall programme. Irish Aid provides a range of support for development education initiatives at post-primary level under the extended Development Education Strategy 2007-2015. It supports the WorldWise school linking and immersion scheme, along with awards, … View the procurement »
2012-06-07   Provision of Specialist Information and Guides Services in the Irish Aid Information Centre (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
Purpose of the Engagement. Irish Aid now seeks the services of an external service organisation from August 2012 to February 2014 to: — Provide services to manage the day-to-day administration of the Irish Aid centre, including ministration of centre bookings, management of exhibitions and events and collating customer feedback, — Through the use of part-time, information guides, provide a professional, development-focused information service at the Irish Aid Centre. In addition to ensuring coherent … View the procurement »
2012-03-15   Training in socio-economic analysis and applied forecasting - IDEAS Programme Vietnam (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
Irish Aid is inviting tenders for the provision of institutional support and training in socio-economic forecasting and other applied quantitative economic and socio-economic analysis to Vietnamese Government officials and others involved in the analysis of economic, monetary and investment policy and planning at a national level in Vietnam. The tenders are sought under the provisions of the Irish Development Experience Sharing (IDEAS) component of Irish Aid’s Vietnam Country Programme … View the procurement »
2012-01-27   Feasibility Study on the Establishment of a Humanitarian Hub at Shannon Airport (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The Programme for Government sets out the Government’s desire to position Ireland, in particular Shannon airport, as an international hub for the storage and distribution of emergency humanitarian supplies. At the present time, one of the key tools in Ireland’s response to humanitarian emergencies overseas is Irish Aid’s Rapid Response Initiative, one element of which involves the stockpiling of relief items for the immediate needs of crisis victims. The stocks are held in the United Nations Humanitarian … View the procurement »
2011-12-22   Professional support services for Irish Aid WorldWise School Linking and Immersion Scheme (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), through Irish Aid, supports the WorldWise Schools Linking and Immersion Scheme, since its inception in 2007. The day-to-day management and provision of professional services for the WorldWise Scheme is subcontracted to an external specialist agency. The current three year contract expires in March 2012. DFAT now wishes to invite tenders for the management and provision of professional services for phase two of the WorldWise scheme for the period from … View the procurement »
2011-12-02   Provision of Specialist Services - Administration of Simon Cumbers Media Challenge Fund 2012-2014 (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
Irish Aid manages the Irish Government’s programme of assistance to developing countries. The Irish Aid programme is focused on reducing poverty, inequality and exclusion in developing countries. Its geographic focus is sub-Saharan Africa. The Simon Cumbers Media Challenge Fund promotes more and better quality coverage of development issues in the Irish media through the management and administration of a grants scheme to promote a greater understanding of development issues and the work of Irish Aid. It … View the procurement »
2011-09-23   Provision of Specialist Services - IDEAS Programme Vietnam Post-Graduate Fellowships 2012-2015 (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
Irish Aid is inviting tender submissions for the provision of post-graduate business education fellowships under the Irish Development Experience Sharing (IDEAS) component of Irish Aid Vietnam Country Programme 2011-2015. Separate tenders are sought for the delivery of: 1.Masters of Business Administration (MBA) full-time courses of one year duration 2.A range of other full-time Masters courses of one year duration in the areas of (business) planning, management and finance with the scope/capacity to add … View the procurement »