2023-08-22   Request for Tenders for the provision of a COTS WMO, EU and ICAO Meteorological Message Switching, File Switching,... (Met Eireann)
In summary, the Services comprise: Met Éireann is the National Meteorological Service of Ireland. It wishes to procure a Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) WMO, EU and ICAO Meteorological Message Switching, File Switching, Data Conversion and Dissemination System to replace existing in-house developed systems. The new system will be an on-premise application and geo-resilient. The new system will be installed in two Government data centres located in Dublin, Ireland and a cold standby system located in Met … View the procurement »
2023-07-07   Request for Tenders for the provision of the hosting, maintenance, development and support of Met Éireann's Digital Solution (Met Eireann)
Request for the provision of the hosting, maintenance, development and support of Met Éireann's Digital Solution: existing websites and apps, provision of servers, data transfer service, migration and maintenance of an existing Weather Warning Alerting service, and 24/7/365 technical support of all above services. View the procurement »
2023-03-13   Text Forecast Production System (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann invites expressions of interest for the development, implementation and ongoing support of a Text Forecast Production System. This externally hosted, multi-user system will allow for: the input of text forecasts; the generation and dissemination of output products in various formats and to various configurable destinations; the management of dissemination and contact details. The system will also provide task schedule management and will be supported on a 24/7 basis. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Fusio Ltd
2023-03-10   Supply and installation of 1 Hydrogen Generator for Valentia Observatory (Met Eireann)
Met Eireann invites tenders for the supply and installation of a Hydrogen Generator system for the production of lifting gas for Meteorological balloons at Valentia Observatory. View the procurement »
2023-01-12   Hosting and maintenance of a weather forecast database and API on a Linux platform for Met Éireann (1) (Met Eireann)
Hosting and maintenance of an open source weather database and API (Application Program Interface) to provide geolocation forecasts for the public via the Met Éireann website and mobile application. This database and API forms a key part of the infrastructure underpinning Met Éireann’s digital services. Operational 24/7 continuity of this service is of key importance. View the procurement »
2022-09-30   RfT for the provision of a Digital Media Flood & Weather Impacts Monitoring system (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann, the Irish Meteorological Service is seeking the development, hosting and maintenance of a Digital Media Flood & Weather Impact Monitoring system (DMFWIMs) for Ireland, which must be based on existing well-established software (that has already been widely used for the purpose of monitoring digital media sources for flood and weather impacts) as the basis of any proposal, and then tailor this to the Irish use case, to support the National Flood Forecasting & Warning Service (NFFWS) in Ireland … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: FloodTags B.V. (previously FloodTags: 59502622)
2022-07-11   Hosting and maintenance of a weather forecast database and API on a Linux platform for Met Éireann (Met Eireann)
Hosting and maintenance of an open source weather database and API (Application Program Interface) to provide geolocation forecasts for the public via the Met Éireann website and mobile application. This database and API forms a key part of the infrastructure underpinning Met Éireann’s digital services. Operational 24/7 continuity of this service is of key importance. View the procurement »
2022-07-07   Tender for automatic Bioaerosol collection system for real-time measurement (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann wishes to purchase an automatic Bioaerosol collection system for real-time measurement of bioaerosol particles, the technical specifications of which are provided in the Appendix A1 “Technical specifications document”. The initial procurement will be for 1 instrument for a trial/Proof of Concept (POC) purposes. If deemed successful, the client proposes to purchase further systems through this RFT and set up a national network of up to 20 monitoring instruments. Tenders are also invited to bid … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Swisens AG
2022-02-17   High Performance Ion Chromatography System (HPICS) for the Met Eireann Laboratory (Met Eireann)
Tender High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) System, including supply, installation, training, warranty and maintenance, for the Met Eireann Laboratory. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Thermo Fisher Scientific
2021-10-01   Contract for Maintenance and Environmental Monitoring Support Services (Met Eireann)
Contract services for maintenance and support services for the Met Eireann environmental monitoring station at Valentia Island. Met Éireann’s contributes to Ireland’s Greenhouse Gas and Transboundary Air Pollution Monitoring Network through its commitment to the “European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme” (EMEP), Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) and GHG emissions and Short Lived Climate Forcers (SLCF) monitoring programmes. Although Ireland is not a member of the programme, Met Éireann’s … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: National University of Ireland, Galway...
2021-09-17   Met Éireann invites quotations for the supply of : 1 Brewer Spectrophotometer (referred to as a Brewer for... (Met Eireann)
This contract is a single contract for the purchase of 1 Brewer Spectrophotometer including delivery and installation of the instrument at the site location. A detailed specification of requirements is set out in Appendix 1. It is proposed to place a maintenance contract for a period of three years with an option for renewal for up to a further two years. The instrument will be used to measure Ultra Violet, or Visible, radiation in the solar spectrum. By examining the differential absorption of select … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: OTT HydroMet B.V.
2021-07-06   RFT for the Provision of a Multi Hazard Early Warning System (MHEWS) based on the A4EU MHEWS (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann, the Irish Meteorological Service is the seeking the development, hosting and maintenance of a Multi Hazard Early Warnings System (MHEWS) for Ireland, which is based on the A4EU MHEWS. This system will be hosted on the cloud. The MHEWS will allow the visualisation of weather, flood, air quality, fire and other forecasts and observations. The MHEWS must also allow the use, visualisation and future development of both hazard and impact based forecast algorithms. The Solution must also support … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Aquatec Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions, HYDS
2021-01-15   ICT Migration and Managed Services for Met Éireann (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann, a line division of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, intend to seek a partner who will help Met Éireann to create a more flexible, responsive, geo resilient ICT Infrastructure. As part of this journey Met Éireann, along with their chosen technical partner, will: • design, procure, configure, integrate, test and deploy new ICT infrastructure in 2 Government Datacentres. This will include replacing the existing ICT infrastructure which will largely be end of life by Q4 … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Arkphire Ireland
2020-10-16   Dual-polarisation Weather Radar at Shannon Airport (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann, the National Meteorological Service of Ireland, operates and maintains the Irish weather radar network which is comprised of two single-polarisation C-band weather radars, one in the East of Ireland at Dublin Airport and other in the West of the country, at Shannon Airport. Met Éireann is currently planning to replace the weather radar system at Shannon Airport with a modern weather radar with dual-polarisation capabilities to ensure maximum availability of radar coverage for the west of … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Leonardo Germany GmbH
2020-07-30   Dual-polarisation Weather Radar at Shannon Airport (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann, the National Meteorological Service of Ireland, operates and maintains the Irish weather radar network which is comprised of two single-polarisation C-band weather radars, one in the East of Ireland at Dublin Airport and other in the West of the country, at Shannon Airport. Met Éireann is currently planning to replace the weather radar system at Shannon Airport with a modern weather radar with dual-polarisation capabilities to ensure maximum availability of radar coverage for the west of … View the procurement »
2019-09-06   Tender for the Supply of Grade A Helium to Valentia Observatory (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann invites quotations for the supply of Grade A helium gas for a period of 3 years from a date in November 2019. Due to the critical nature of the work being undertaken at Valentia Observatory, it is imperative that the supplier who secures the successful tender can guarantee Met Éireann a continuity of supply. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: BOC Gases
2019-07-15   Supply of an Automated Weather Balloon Launching and Radiosonde Monitoring System (Met Eireann)
Supply of an automated weather balloon launching and radiosonde monitoring system to the Met Eireann Valentia observatory. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Vaisala Ltd
2019-05-29   Scoping Exercise to Aid Planning for an Upgraded Weather Radar Network for Ireland (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann plans to upgrade and modernise the Irish weather radar network to enhance the quality and reliability of meteorological and hydrological services in Ireland. An initial step in this process is conducting a scoping exercise to assist in the planning of the project. Met Éireann seeks to commission ‘A Scoping Exercise on an Upgraded and Modernised Weather Radar Network for Ireland’ and invites tenders from suitably qualified economic operators. The successful tenderer shall provide comprehensive … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Met Office
2017-10-23   LiDAR wind profiler (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann, the Irish National Meteorological Service, proposes, in conjunction with further automation, to install a Doppler wind LIDAR at Caherciveen, Co. Kerry, Ireland, to supplement analysis of the planetary boundary layer and to provide near real time wind profiles for the lower atmosphere. In addition to supplementing the wind profiling component of the Upper-air programme Met Éireann also requires that the tendered system can provide backscatter profile, cloud and aerosol detection, PBL height. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Leosphere
2017-10-13   Review, Development and Trial of Hydrological Models and Integrator Systems (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann seeks to commission a Services Contract for the Provision of Services for the Review, Development and Trial of a Range of Hydrological Models and Integrator Systems for Use in Operational Fluvial Flood Forecasting in Ireland. View the procurement »
2017-10-02   Provision of Services of 2 Specialist Hydrological/Hydrometeorological Consultants (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann seeks a supplier who can provide the services of 2 qualified and competent hydrological/ hydrometeorological consultants for an initial 6 month period at their headquarters in Dublin, Ireland. Consultants assigned to this contract should be suitably qualified in hydrology or hydrometeorology, and possess significant experience in the area of operational flood forecasting. A background in hydrological modelling would also be an advantage. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: JBA Consulting Engineers and Scientists Ltd
2016-08-04   For the supply of Lightning Detection Systems for aviation use (Met Eireann)
For the supply of 6 lightning detection systems (‘LDS’) comprising five (5) lightning detection systems, plus 1 spare system, for deployment at five (5) airports. Solutions for this requirement may consist of lightning detector sensors or data services for the provision of the required data. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Météorage
2016-08-03   Aviation Weather Observing and Met Data Processing System (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann is in the process of upgrading its aviation observing systems through a project called the Aviation Modernisation and Automation Project (‘AMAP’), according to the operational and technical requirements as set out in Volume II of this RFT. The Irish Aviation Authority (the ‘IAA’) will upgrade its display and ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information System) systems through a project called the Met Data Processing (‘MDP’) System, according to the operational and technical requirements as set out in … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Cirrus Spain S.L. DTN Services and Systems Spain, S.L.
2016-07-31   For the supply of visibility sensors / present weather sensors for aviation and synoptic use (Met Eireann)
In summary this Competition relates to the purchase of sixteen (16) Sensors to meet Aviation Modernisation and Automation Project (AMAP) requirements, with the optional purchase (at Met Éireann's sole discretion) of an additional six (6) Sensors to meet synoptic AWS requirements. Visibility and present weather observations are required at each airport site for both aviation and synoptic requirements. Met Éireann has developed an Automatic Weather Station (‘AWS’) system featuring a visibility sensor / PWS … View the procurement »
2016-07-31   For the supply of laser ceilometers for aviation and synoptic use (Met Eireann)
This Competition relates to the purchase of seven (7) laser ceilometers to meet Aviation Modernisation and Automation Project (AMAP) requirements, with the optional purchase (at Met Éireann's sole discretion) of an additional seven (7) laser ceilometers to meet synoptic AWS requirements. View the procurement »
2016-07-15   Geolocation weather database and API hosting and maintenance (Met Eireann)
Hosting and maintenance of an open source weather database and API (Application Program Interface) to provide geolocation forecasts for the public via the Met Éireann website and mobile application. This database and API will form a key part of the infrastructure underpinning Met Éireann's digital services. Operational 24/7 continuity of this service is of key importance. Met Éireann intends to. View the procurement »
2016-07-07   The Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Automatic Climate Stations (Met Eireann)
The supply, installation and maintenance of sixty (60) Automatic Climate Stations (‘ACS's’) as part of Met Éireann's project to modernise its climate observation network. The Tender shall include the option to supply, install and maintain up to twenty (20) additional ACSs. Each ACS shall consist of a data-logger, sensors (including a Weighing gauge precipitation sensor (‘Gauge’)), Stevenson screen and data transfer capabilities. Exact quantities and specifications of each item shall be listed in Appendix … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Campbell Scientific Ltd
2015-07-01   Provision of Server Consolidation and Microsoft Migration Services and Hardware (Met Eireann)
This public procurement competition relates to the provision of services, computer hardware and software to consolidate servers using virtualization technology, the migration of Microsoft Windows 2003 servers to Windows 2012 R2 and the migration of Microsoft Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2013. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Sureskills
2014-04-19   Automated Weather Balloon Launching and Radiosonde Monitoring System (Met Eireann)
The tender is for the supply of automated instrumentation, capable of providing full automation of the upper air observation, including pre-launch radiosonde activation, balloon filling and launching, through to radiosonde monitoring, data processing, and meteorological message generation. The procurement also relates to the radiosondes associated with the launching equipment. View the procurement »
2013-10-10   Valentia Helium Gas 13 Contract - Supply of Helium Gas (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann invites quotations for the supply of Helium Grade A Gas in MCPs to its facility at Valentia Observatory in Cahirciveen, Co. Kerry, Ireland for a period of 3 years from a date in February 2014. Due to the critical nature of the work being undertaken at Valentia Observatory, it is imperative that the supplier who secures the successful tender can guarantee Met Éireann a continuity of supply of Helium Gas capable of fulfilling Met Éireann's exact requirements. There will be an option to renew … View the procurement »
2012-05-31   Valentia Road Construction Tender (Met Eireann)
Contract: upgrade an existing 820m approx. of roadway and construct a further 730m approx. of roadway. Met Éireann seeks a contractor to construct approximately 730m of new haul roadway and the upgrading of approximately 820m of existing track to haul roadway standard. The roadway will be a minimum width of 3.6m. The roadway will be required to support vehicles of up to 35 ton which will have to access the site during the construction phase of a new building required at Met Éireann's Air Monitoring … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: O'Connell Plant Hire
2012-04-02   Automated Air Sampling System Tender (Met Eireann)
The contract is to supply an automated air sampling system to Met Éireann for use at Valentia Observatory. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=407452. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Environmental Monitoring Systems Ltd.
2011-07-08   Met Éireann pressure calibration system (Met Eireann)
Met Éireann wish to purchase a pressure controller/calibrator which will generate a wide range of atmospheric pressure to compare our operational barometers against. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=266792. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Howard Instrumentation Ltd
2011-04-05   Weather Balloon Tender (Met Eireann)
The contract is to supply 600g weather balloons to Valentia Observatory for a period of 4 years. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=179552. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Modem