Procurements: Research and development consultancy services (page 5)
2019-02-11Reprocessing of Long-Offset Regional Seismic Data Offshore Ireland (Pipco RSG CLG)
The Petroleum Infrastructure Programme (PIP) wishes to produce new PSDM products from a portion of the 2D regional seismic survey which was acquired across Ireland’s Atlantic Frontier Basins in 2013/2014. A maximum total of 16 807 full fold km (17 124 line km after segment merge) in 63 lines of long offset 2D is available for re-processing. The target of the re-processing is to focus on lower frequencies and deeper syn-rift imaging to help to understand basin geometry. A minimum of 5 000 km will be …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:WesterGeco Ltd
2019-01-28Provision of Evaluation Services for The Creative Schools Programme (Arts Council)
Evaluation services — creative schools programme. Schools aims to develop the creative capacities of learners (a fuller working definition of creativity as used in this programme is presented in Section 5), with direct impacts on their applied creative skills within arts and cultural topics and settings, but also to develop creativity in a way which has measurable benefits across the curriculum and in students’ broader lives.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Dublin City University
2018-12-13Improving the Care of Patients — Gestational Diabetes and Diabetic Foot (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The Challenge Background
Diabetes is a serious global public health issue which has been described as the most challenging health problem in the 21st century. Between 1998 and 2015, there was a significant increase in the prevalence of doctor diagnosed diabetes among adults in Ireland (increasing from 2.2 % in 1998 to 5.2 % in 2015). The prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes in Ireland ranges from 0.9 – 2.8 % of the population. People with diabetes are at serious risk of developing microvascular …
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2018-11-21Oil Spill Response Environmental Sensitivity Mapping (PIPCO RSG Ltd)
The primary purpose of this study is to generate a Geographical Information System (GIS) containing all the elements that could be impacted by a potential oil spill occurring offshore to the West and South Coasts of Ireland and to classify the coast line with a sensitivity ranking system that can be used to both determine areas of maximum financial or ecological impact. It is envisaged that this information, combined with oil spill models, can be used to make repeatable and reasonable determinations of …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Environmental Resource Management Ireland Ltd
2018-11-06Vessel Design Services (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wish to engage a suitable qualified and experienced Naval Architecture consultancy firm to provide design, procurement and project management support for the construction of a new research vessel for the Institute.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Skipsteknisk AS
2018-10-17External Research Organisation to deliver a System to Monitor Sports Participation among Adults in Ireland (Sport Ireland)
1.2. Back ground to the services required.
National Sports Policy.
The National Sports Policy 2018-2027 sets out the public policy framework for the development of sport over the next 10 years in Ireland and provides the context against which these services are being tendered for. The policy highlights the important contribution of sport to health and wellbeing, community development, economic and social activity. It sets out a number of targets around participation, high performance and capacity …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Ipsos MRBI/MRBI Market Research Ltd
2018-10-05MSP Invasives (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute is seeking service provider(s) to deliver the MSP Research Initiative: Invasive Species. Technical and scientific services are required to assist in the development of analytical tools for the detection of marine invasive species in Ireland, and the mapping of their incidence and relative abundance. For the purposes of the tendering process, the research projects are separated into 2 lots. Respondents to this request for tender may quote on either or both lots. The lots are as …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Galway Mayo Institute of Technology
2018-09-06Ireland Reaching Out to its Diaspora Abroad (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála)
Tenderers are sought to deliver a large scale diaspora engagement project, using innovative technological solutions to link the global Irish with local communities, or specific communities of interest, in Ireland. It is proposed that the successful contractor will be funded for 2 years with an option to extend for a third year through a contract, on completion of the tender process. A Service Level Agreement (SLA) will form part of a contract which will define exactly what services the service provider …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Ireland Reaching Out
2018-08-14Innovation District Consultancy Services (Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin)
The Authority wishes to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced consultant to provide certain services in relation to the Trinity@GCQ project in accordance with the Contract, a draft of which is included in this Request for Tenders (“RFT”).
The T@GCQ project is for the development of the Trinity technology and enterprise campus. Trinity requires certain services to enable it to realise the proposed development of T@GCQ. Further detail on the Services is set out at Section 1.3 of the RFT and in the …
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2018-07-13Single Party Framework Agreement for the provision of Academic-Level Qualitative Research Services (Road Safety Authority (RSA))
The RSA wishes to establish a Single Party Framework for Provision of Academic-Level, Qualitative Research Services. This Framework will be established on foot of an initial study — conducting focus groups on the drink-driving attitudes and behaviours of 18-34 year olds in Ireland (the “Initial Study”). Previous experience in conducting road safety related research is not required of the Principle Investigator or Co-Investigator, however, the Key Personnel must have previous experience in conducting …
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2018-03-20Provision of Private Investment Capacity Building Services (Arts Council)
The Arts Council is seeking tenders for private investment capacity building services to:
— build capacity in key funded organisations to generate significant new private investment including philanthropic investment.
— develop skills in planned giving across all funded organisations,
— develop a model that is scalable and sustainable.
Please refer to the attached Request for Tender (RFT) document for further information.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:O'Kennedy ConsultingO'Kennedy Consulting Limited
2018-02-13Software Development Project for a Digital Big Data Management and Interrogation System (Raidio Teilifis Eireann (RTE))
RTE are seeking suitably qualified and experienced Tenderers to build a system which can acquire, integrate, interrogate and present large banks of openly accessible public-interest data to assist in generating story leads and assist in research activities.
The system will provide a solution to one of the most difficult problems in contemporary research, how to efficiently and comprehensively interrogate large data for newsworthy content.
Develop a news, research and investigative database that can …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Analytics Engines Ltd
2018-01-15Partner Engagement Manager (Department of Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht)
Developing and managing current external partner relationships as part of the Creative Ireland Programme, such as with local authorities, education partners, national cultural institutions, etc. — along with other duties as required in respect of the Creative Ireland Programme and as part of the Creative Ireland Programme Office, part of the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.
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2018-01-12TII Standards Commission 2018 (Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII))
TII requires the services of Consulting Engineers to update and maintain the TII Standards and Technical documents for the design of roads and bridges, and its light rail guidelines, providing a set of comprehensive design standards, guidelines, and specifications.
The various work packages will be awarded over 5 lots. It is anticipated that each lot will have a duration of 4 years, with an option to extend for a further 2 years. The Work packages are grouped together in 5 Lots.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Ove Arup and Partners Irl Ltd t/a Arup
2017-12-22To conduct a feasibility study on a Viking Coast Experience (Fáilte Ireland-National Tourism Development Authority)
Fáilte Ireland requests proposals from suitably qualified parties to conduct a feasibility study to assess the potential of delivering of a Viking Coast proposition as a World-Class Visitor Experience for the coastal counties of the Ireland’s Ancient East geography. This study is to assess the potential of a Viking Coast as a motivating signature experience for overseas visitors and, if feasible, will recommend how the Viking Coast can be harnessed into a coherent year-round tourism offering.
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2017-12-21Road pavement skid analyst (Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII))
TII requires a service provider to revise a standard for road pavement skid resistance. The service will include:
- Carry out a comprehensive overview of literature available;
- Carry out overview of conventional methods of aggregate friction assessment and identify and propose systems to address gaps;
- Carry out comparison of current and proposed methodologies and applicable standards in other jurisdictions;
- Collect, analyse and collate samples from existing quarries and sites over 3 years;
- Assess …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:University College Cork
2017-12-15Provision of Academic-Level Qualitative Research Services (Road Safety Authority (RSA))
The RSA wishes to establish a Single Party Framework for Provision of Academic-Level, Qualitative Research Services.
This Framework will be established on foot of an initial study - conducting focus groups on the drink-driving attitudes and behaviors of 18-34 years old in Ireland (the “Initial Study”).
Additional Services under the Framework may include:
— conducting in-depth interviews with serious road traffic offenders.
— part-replication of the Initial Study with other driving groups (e.g. learner …
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2017-12-08Appointment of a suitable contractor to provide strategy animation for Laois Tourism Strategy 2018 - 2022 (Laois Tourism)
The appointment of an animation service to include (but not limited to):-.
Provision of the services of an animator (i.e. implementation executive) to assist the Laois Tourism Board in implementing the strategy further development of the strategy services to the Board of Laois Tourism.
Marketing support.
Publicity and public relations.
Event Management.
To work with and support Tourism Related Groups in the County e.g.
The Gordon Bennett Classic Car Committee.
The Laois International Golf Challenge …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Big idea Consulting
2017-11-10Project Management and Support Services — Sport Ireland Trails (Sport Ireland)
Sport Ireland has supported the development of Ireland's Recreational trail system over the past 16 years by maintaining a register of all trail developments in the country, promoting standards and good practice in respect of all trails and providing a range of advisory and supporting services to all involved in the provision, management and funding of trail infrastructure in Ireland.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Doug Corrie
2017-09-13Spatial Data and Evidence Projects (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi State body, wishes to invite tenders for an Outsourced Partner to deliver four primary projects, known collectively as the ‘Spatial Data and Evidence Projects’.
The primary purpose of this Tender is to deliver Spatial Data and Evidence Projects to support MSP in Ireland. Working together, the Outsourced Partner and the Institute will identify requirements and collate relevant spatial data and evidence, which will provide a technical and scientific foundation for …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:ABPmer