2023-08-08   GWM 14735 Contractor to Design, Fabricate and Install one dam beam, one dam beam lifting device and two smolt sluice... (Electricity Supply Board ESB)
Design, fabricate and install one dam beam, one dam beam lifting device and two smolt sluice gates at the Cathaleen’s Fall and Cliff Hydro Stations. The hydro stations are located on the river Erne in County Donegal. This is to assist with smolt migration along the river Erne. View the procurement »
2023-07-20   Intel Pilot Project Phase 2 (Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage)
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) provides the legislative and policy framework for the conservation of nature and biodiversity in Ireland. It also oversees its implementation, based on good science, with particular emphasis on the protection of habitats and species. The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage manages the Irish State's nature conservation responsibilities under national and European law. A … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Russell Plant Hire Ltd
2023-05-16   23/024 - Repair and maintenance of Service Reservoirs and Dams (Uisce Éireann)
Please refer to the Pre-Qualification Document for the Scope of the Contract. View the procurement »
2018-01-10   Saggart Reservoir – Construction works (Irish Water)
Saggart Reservoir site is a key strategic operational water transfer and storage facility. It comprises existing storage reservoirs and secondary chlorination plant from where water is distributed to other strategic service reservoirs in the Dublin region. It is intended that the works will be implemented under a design and build contract. Scope of works. Works are now required at the existing Saggart site comprising the following: - 100000 m3 covered storage comprising 2 cells with inlet and outlet … View the procurement »
2017-05-31   Old Connaught and Woodbrook Water Supply Scheme Design Build Contract (Irish Water)
The Works comprise the design and construction of water infrastructure including the associated testing, commissioning and proving of same and including the Taking-Over of the Works by the Employer. Full details of the scope of works will be detailed in the ITT. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ward & Burke Construction Ltd
2017-02-21   Stillorgan Reservoir (Irish Water)
Stillorgan Reservoir is a modular storage facility for treated drinking water, built in 2 stages between 1862 and 1885. The site has a total plan area of approximately 16 hectares and is subdivided into 3 discrete water storage reservoirs, the Gray, Upper and Lower Reservoirs. The Lower and Upper reservoirs were constructed first, as part of the Vartry Water Supply Scheme. The Gray Reservoir was built in 1885 following a period of severe water shortage in Dublin City. The reservoirs originally contained … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: J Murphy and Sons Ltd
2016-12-13   Killybegs and Lettermacaward Regional Water Supply Schemes Project (Irish Water)
Irish Water on behalf of Ervia propose to upgrade two existing Water Treatment Plants (WTP's), an existing raw water impoundment, and a range of associated network infrastructure improvements including service reservoirs, booster pumping stations and pipeline works. The planned works are necessary to ensure compliance with EU Directives, Irish National Standards and Regulations relating to treated water for human consumption. It is intended that the works will be implemented under a Design, Build and … View the procurement »
2016-11-04   Bantry to Kealkill Trunk Watermain Project (Irish Water)
Irish Water plans to undertake the construction of the following to deliver water from Bantry to Kealkill: — Construction of new water mains. — Replacement of defective water mains. — Upgrade of river intake works. — Construction of water booster pumping stations. — Construct raw water mixing tank. — Construction of treated water storage reservoirs. — Associated ancillary works. View the procurement »
2016-10-07   Vartry Water Supply Project — Vartry to Callowhill Link Contract (Irish Water)
As part of the Vartry Water Supply Project — Water to Callowhill Link Contract, Irish Water plan to replace the existing Vartry to Callowhill Tunnel and Callowhill BPT with a high lift pumping station, 4 km pipeline, summit BPT and energy recovery turbine / BPT at Callowhill. The planned works are necessary to ensure compliance with EU Directives, Irish National Standards and Regulations relating to treated water for human consumption. It is intended that the works will be implemented under a Design and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Roadbridge
2016-09-26   A Multi Supplier Framework for the Provision of Major Civil Engineering Works for Water, Wastewater and Gas... (Ervia)
Ervia is requesting tenders to establish a multi-supplier framework for the provision of major civil engineering works for Water, Wastewater and Gas (incorporating associated MEICA Works) to Ervia. It is envisaged that each item of works will be requested in a planned manner where work packages are identified in advance of each call off. The framework is divided into 2 Lots. Lot 1: Works associated with wastewater treatment, collection systems and ancillaries. Lot 2: Civil engineering works and networks … View the procurement »
2016-07-25   Howth Balbriggan Kingstown Malahide Water Supply Scheme (Irish Water)
This contract is for the design and construction of an upgrade to the existing water supply network in Howth, Balbriggan, Malahide and between Ballycoolen and Kingstown in Fingal. The works included in this contract include the construction of large diameter water mains, a pumping station, reservoir and ancillary controls and telemetry. The above is the anticipated scope of the contract but 1 or more of the above schemes may not be included in the tender stage of this competition, and thus may not be … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: John Cradock Ltd/TES NI JV
2016-07-20   16/167 — Blanchardstown Regional Drainage Scheme (BRDS) — 9C Sewer Duplication and Storage Contract (Irish Water)
Irish Water plan to undertake the duplication of the existing 9C sewer and associated storage as part of the Blanchardstown Regional Drainage Scheme (BRDS) project. The planned works are necessary to ensure compliance with EU Directives, Irish National Standards and Regulations relating to treated water for human consumption. It is intended that the works will be implemented under a Design Build (‘DB’). Contract with a 24 month Operation Service period with a possibility to extend to 48 months. Further … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ward and Burke Group Ltd
2016-07-06   16/085 — Vartry Water Supply Project — Water Treatment Plant and Reservoir Upgrade Contract (Irish Water)
As part of the Vartry Water Supply Project — Water Treatment Plant and Reservoir Upgrade Contract, Irish Water on behalf of Ervia plans to undertake the following: — Construction of a new 80MLD Water Treatment Plant (WTP); — Upgrade of the Existing Vartry Reservoir Intake including new siphon pipework; — Increase the capacity of the existing Vartry Reservoir Spillway; The planned works are necessary to ensure compliance with EU Directives, Irish National Standards and Regulations relating to treated … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Veolia Water Ireland Ltd
2016-05-17   Lough Mask Regional Water Supply Scheme, Water Treatment Plant Upgrade (Irish Water)
Irish Water is currently advancing the Lough Mask Regional Water Supply View the procurement »
2016-02-23   Blanchardstown Regional Drainage Scheme (BRDS) 9C Sewer Duplication and Storage (Ervia)
— Approximately 3.2 km of pipeline (diameters ranging from approximately 1 500 mm to 1 800 mm) installed using trenchless techniques — Underground storage tanks with an approximate total capacity of 30 000 m³ to cater for stormwater flows and flow balancing — New Pump Station to lift flows (approximately 350l/s) from the proposed sewer to the existing sewer — Stormwater return pumps to return flows from the storage tanks to the existing 9C Sewer (approximately 320/ls) — Diversion of the existing live 1 … View the procurement »
2016-02-22   15/158 — Strategic Watermain Link between Leixlip and Saggart (Ervia)
Design and Construction of a Water Pumping Station and Trunk Watermain to advance the Strategic Watermain Link between Leixlip and Saggart, to provide greater flexibility in the management of water transfers in the Greater Dublin Area and therefore improve the overall resilience of the water network. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ward & Burke Construction Ltd
2016-02-10   15/159 — Ballyshannon Regional Water Supply Scheme Contract No 1 — Water Treatment Plant and Primary Network Design... (Ervia)
Irish Water is currently advancing the Ballyshannon Regional Water Supply Scheme Design Build Operate Contract comprising the construction of an intake structure at Lough Assaroe, pumping station, new WTP at Knader, storage reservoir(s) including all interconnecting pipework and some trunk/distribution mains. The works required under the contract are to be delivered on a Contractor Design- Build-Operate basis. The DBO contract is 24 months D-B with a 7 year Operation and Maintenance period, with an … View the procurement »
2015-09-21   Inistioge Water Supply Scheme (Ervia)
The proposed works will include the upgrade of the supply to Grennan WTP with the installation of a new borehole to supplement the existing boreholes, an upgrade to Grennan WTP, installation of 17,62 km of water main from Grennan to the existing reservoir at Ballygub, Inistioge, installation of a new reservoir at Kilmacshane, Inistioge, installation of a booster pumping station at Kilcross, Inistioge and decommissioning of the existing intake and treatment plant at Ballygub WTP, together with associated … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ward and Burke Construction Ltd
2015-08-06   Castlerea and Environs Water Supply Scheme — Phase 1 Ballyhaunis to Garranlahan and Williamstown (Ervia)
Irish Water propose to extend the Lough Mask Regional Water Supply Scheme to supply Castlerea and a number of further towns and villages in Counties Roscommon and Galway. The first phase is to supply treated water from an existing service reservoir in Ballyhaunis County Mayo onward to Garranlahan in County Roscommon and to Williamstown in County Galway. Under the proposals the existing sources would be abandoned and the schemes will be supplied with water from the Lough Mask scheme via Ballyhaunis using … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: BSG Group
2013-12-10   13/112 - The Provision of Major Civil Engineering Works (incorporating ancillary MEICA Works) to Irish Water (Bord Gais Eireann)
IW is requesting tenders to establish a multi-supplier framework agreement for the provision of all required works and services associated with Major Civil Engineering Works (incorporating ancillary MEICA Works) to support the provision of water services capital investment. It is envisaged that these works will be carried out in a planned manner where work packages are identified in advance of each call off. The works will be sub-divided into two separate Lots detailed below. — Lot 1: Works Associated … View the procurement »
2013-08-20   Civil Engineering Works for Lough Mask Regional Water Supply Scheme Stage 5 - Phase 1 Srah to Westport Pipeline and Reservoir (Mayo County Council)
Construction of approximately 27 km of trunk watermain in PE pipe ranging in outside diameter from 315 mm to 500 mm and a 4 000 m³ capacity circular cast in-situ reinforced concrete service reservoir in the Townland of Carrowbaun, Westport. View the procurement »
2012-02-03   Burncourt Fethard water supply scheme contract no. 1 - design, build and operate contract (South Tipperary County Council (Utility))
Expressions of interest are invited from suitably qualified contractors for the design, build, operation and maintenance for 10 years of two (2) new water treatment plants ranging from 2 600 m/d to 6 500 m/d together with sludge dewatering facilities, river intakes, rising mains, pumping stations and reservoirs to serve the areas of Fethard and Burncourt in Co. Tipperary. View the procurement »
2011-01-28   Balbriggan water supply scheme phase 1 (SLI) network and reservoir (high level) (Fingal County Council)
Summary of main elements watermains: Description location length (m) 450mm Diameter 2313 400 mm Diameter 1123 300 mm Diameter 879 200 mm Diameter 180 All proposed watermains are underground Ductile Iron. Other pipework: the Reservoir Scour Pipe consists of 300 mm - diameter concrete pipe gravity drain 680 m in length. Foul and surface water drainage to the Reservoir and Pumping Station sites comprises 1 131 m of 225 mm - diameter concrete pipe gravity drain. RESERVOIR The proposed reservoir is of the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Jons Civil Engineering Co. Ltd.