2023-07-28   Tender for the Provision of Environmental and Landfill Laboratory Analysis and Sampling Services in County Monaghan (Monaghan County Council)
Tender for the Provision of Environmental and Landfill Laboratory Analysis and Sampling Services in County Monaghan View the procurement »
2023-01-18   Contaminated Land and Hydrogeology (Environmental Protection Agency)
Provision of Expert Technical and Strategic Advice to the Environmental Protection Agency on Contaminated Land, Groundwater, Hydrogeology and related work. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Geosyntec Consultants Ltd
2022-07-01   Establishment of a Single Party Framework Agreement for Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Services with an... (Fingal County Council)
Fingal County Council invites tenders under the Competitive Procedure With Negotiation for the supply of Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Services for all landfill sites. The initial contract will be for two landfills at Baleally & Dunsink which are subject to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Industrial Emission Licences (IEL). View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: John McQuillan Contracts Ltd
2022-02-09   Coordination and delivery of services for pilot Results-Based agri-environment Payment Scheme (RBPS) and associated... (Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government)
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage currently seek a contractor to coordinate a RBPS/restoration actions hybrid pilot as part of the WaterLANDS ‘Action Site’ at Cuilcagh-Anierin SAC. This role involves delivering the RBPS pilot in 2022, coordinating conservation and restoration actions from 2023-2026, monitoring and evaluating the efficacy of actions and the potential for upscaling, liaising with participant farmers, farm advisors and local community groups and working closely with … View the procurement »
2022-02-08   The sampling and analysis of groundwater throughout Ireland for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Environmental Protection Agency)
The EPA is establishing a contract for the procurement of The Sampling And Analysis Of Groundwater Throughout Ireland for 2022. This contract will be for groundwater quality sampling and analysis of selected parameters, in relation to the EPA's national groundwater quality Water Framework Directive monitoring programme. This monitoring programme has been established to satisfy Ireland's obligations in respect of the monitoring requirements of the WFD for groundwater. The contract awarded will cover … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: CDM Smith Ireland Ltd
2022-02-07   Multi Supplier Framework Agreement for the provision of the Analysis of Water Samples for The Irish Environmental... (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The EPA is establishing an Multi- Supplier framework agreement for the procurement of analytical services for a period of up to two years with an option for two subsequent 12 month extensions. This framework will be for water quality analysis of selected parameters in relation to the EPA's WFD and licence compliance monitoring programmes. This WFD monitoring programme has been established to satisfy Ireland's obligations in respect of the monitoring requirements of the WFD. The EPA licence compliance … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: ALS Environmental Ltd City Analysts Ltd Southern Scientific Services Ltd TE Laboratories Ltd. TMS Environment Ltd
2021-11-15   E. coli testing services (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute is the national agency responsible for Marine Research, Technology Development and Innovation. The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators. In summary, the Services comprise: A requirement for the provision of services for the testing of shellfish from Irish production sites for E. coli using a standard 5 tube 3 dilution most probable number method (ISO 16649-3) in accordance with Regulation (EC) 627/2019. This public procurement … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Complete Laboratory Solutions, registered... Eurofins Food Testing Ireland Ltd Pelagia Feed Ireland t/a AQUALAB Southern Scientific Services Ltd
2021-11-12   Provision of Telemetric Data Loggers (Environmental Protection Agency)
The main objective of this framework agreement is to facilitate the operational replacement of telemetric data loggers in the existing surface water and groundwater monitoring network, as required. For the purposes of this tender document, these loggers are referred to as “standard telemetric data loggers”. An additional objective is to facilitate the procurement of equipment which will enable the upgrade of selected sites to provide near real-time monitoring, if required. These data loggers are referred … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: NVM Limited
2021-08-16   Monitoring Survey of Coastal Habitats in the East and South of Ireland (Department of Housing,Local Government and Heritage)
This project will take place over the course of 4 years (2021 – 2024) and will provide monitoring information on target Annex I habitats from Louth to Cork. The project will commence in 2021, the monitoring survey will have been completed by October 2023 and all reports and data will have been submitted by August 2024. See RfT document View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: KRCEcological Ltd
2021-05-06   Provision of a Support Service to the EPA to Undertake a Scoping (Measurement) Survey of Candidate WFD River Basin... (Environmental Protection Agency)
The proposed project is essentially in four parts: • sampling, including some basic on-site physico-chemical measurements, and transport to a competent laboratory/laboratories of water samples from 24 locations on a monthly basis; • analysis of the samples for: — a set list of substances using targeted screening methods; and — other potential non-prescriptive substances using non-targeted screening methods; • reporting of the analysis to the EPA within 25 working days of sampling; • preparation of a … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Southern Scientific Services Ltd
2021-02-24   General Consultancy Services in Support of Licensed Landfills In County Donegal (Donegal County Council)
The successful consultant will be required to provide services including the following: • Annual Environmental Reports (AER’s) for each facility (as per the requirements contained in the Waste Licences) for each year, commencing for reporting period 2021; • Annual Pollutant Release Transfer Register (PRTR) returns for each facility for each year, commencing for reporting period 2021; • Delivery of Hydrogeological Risk Assessment follow-up recommendations for four facilities: Muckish, Glenalla, Drumaboden … View the procurement »
2021-01-08   Call to TII Open Research Call 2021 (Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII))
The main aim of the TII Research Programme is to enable TII to carry out its mission of ‘providing high quality transport infrastructure and services, delivering a better quality of life and supporting economic growth’. Research is one of the key ways that TII informs operational policy and sets standards. Emphasis is on: • what is likely to be the TII needs; • ensuring that state-of-the-art materials and techniques are used; • filling knowledge gaps where they exist; • implementing the research … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Arup AWN Acoustics Mott McDonald Ireland RPS Consulting Engineers Ltd The Discovery Programme Centre for... TRL Limited University College Dublin
2020-07-08   The Provision of Drainage Services (Beaumont Hospital)
The provision of drainage services. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Super Drain Ltd
2020-05-15   The Provision of Drainage Services For Beaumont Hospital and St. Josephs Hospital, Raheny (Beaumont Hospital)
Beaumont Hospital intends to establish a single party framework agreement for the provision of drainage services, as more fully described in the invitation to tender document. View the procurement »
2019-10-23   Provision of Maintenance, Deployment, Services and Training of the (IRCG) National Oil and Hazardous Noxious... (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport)
The public procurement competition relates to the provision of, maintenance and service of pollution and salvage equipment held at three stockpile locations around Ireland for the Irish Coast Guard. There is also a requirement to mobilise equipment from the stockpiles and provide trained personnel to attend at oil spill incidents. Additionally, there is a requirement for mobilisation, deployment and supervision of stockpile equipment for Coast Guard and Coast Guard supported training and exercise events. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Pollution and Waste Services Ltd
2019-10-11   Hydrogeologist/Groundwater Engineer and Geoscientist/Groundwater Engineer Contractor Services for GSI Climate Change... (Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment)
The provision of hydrogeologist/groundwater engineering and geoscientist contractor services to develop a groundwater monitoring network and undertaken modelling that will enhance the understanding of specific groundwater system responses to climate change. Works will include: design, installation supervision and management of a groundwater monitoring network; development of conceptual and 3D models of the chosen groundwater systems; develop/contribute to analysis/modelling methodologies to estimate … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Joan Campanya Ted McCormack tobin
2019-10-08   SD_Extension of Phase 2 SBIR Gully Monitoring Challenge (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council (DCC) announces its intention to extend Phase 2 of the SBIR Gully Monitoring Challenge in partnership with Enterprise Ireland. Phase 2B will introduce a bridging fund of 30 000 EUR inc.VAT(per company) for two companies that have participated in Phase 2 of the challenge. Over the next 18 months the funding will provide the companies with the 'support for initial tooling and interface development' which will be instrumental for the sustainability and future scalability of the solutions … View the procurement »
2019-08-30   Integrated Catchment Science and Management Support and Services Framework (Environmental Protection Agency)
The EPA Catchments Unit is establishing a multi-operator framework agreement for the procurement of provision of support and services for integrated catchment science and management to support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. This will be a 4-year multi-party framework tender covering 2019-2023 and the EPA envisage that a minimum of two operators will be assigned. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: RPS Group Ltd
2019-07-29   EPA — Analysis of Water Samples for The Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Request-for-Tenders dated 29.7.2019 to establish a multi supplier framework agreement for the provision of the analysis of water samples for the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). View the procurement »
2018-10-05   Earth Observation of Irish lakes (Environmental Protection Agency)
Remote sensing expertise in aquatic applications is sought to provide comprehensive EO data from 818 Irish lakes provided in raw and atmospherically corrected format. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Vito Ltd
2018-09-11   Telemetric Groundwater Monitoring Network for GSI Groundwater Programme 2018-2021 (Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment)
In summary the Goods comprise monitoring equipment capable of measuring and recording water level in boreholes and/or open-water and transmitting the data telemetrically. The systems should able to measure water level and temperature (and electrical conductivity optionally) as detailed in Appendix 1 and 2 of this RFT. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Marton Geotechnical Services Ltd
2018-07-25   Prepare and deliver a National Contingency Plan for oil and HNS (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport)
Tender Specification: Prepare and deliver a National Contingency Plan for oil and HNS to include as follows: — gap analysis implementation of OPRC Convention and HNS Protocol, — risk assessment to identify the scale of risk for oil and HNS discharge from ships, offshore units and oil/HNS handling facilities. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Department of Transport Tourism and Sport
2018-06-27   Water Quality Monitoring Service at Killybegs F.H.C, Co. Donegal, Ireland (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
Design, assembly and supply of the water quality monitoring buoy installations (i.e. monitoring buoys, sensors, data cables and moorings etc.). Deployment of the equipment at 5 locations and calibration of all sensors including any associated sampling and laboratory testing. Establishment of an onshore data acquisition and communication system. Provision of a suitably qualified member of staff and turbidity sensor equipment for the manual water quality monitoring campaign (vessel and skipper to be … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: TechWorks Marine
2018-05-10   The Sampling and Analysis of Groundwater Throughout Ireland for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Environmental Protection Agency)
This tender is for the initial contract and establishment of a 4 year single party framework for the sampling and analysis of groundwater throughout Ireland for the Environmental Protection Agency. This sampling and analysis is to meet the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: CDM Smith Ireland Ltd O'Callaghan Moran and Associates
2018-04-26   Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Bathing Water Quality Challenge (Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council)
The challenge is to develop a method of collating and communicating the quality of bathing water using all sources of information for the use of all stakeholders, namely bathers, local authority staff, the EPA and Irish Water. Bathers should be encouraged to report on their swimming experience at particular locations, with emphasis on reporting on perceived water quality. An improved method of communicating known bathing water quality risks to bathers is required, with information being provided to … View the procurement »
2018-02-21   EU LIFE Integrated Project application services in respect of the protection and restoration of high status water... (Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government)
The successful Tenderer will be required to prepare/write the EU LIFE Integrated Project application on behalf of the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government for submission to the European Commission. The European Commission sets the deadlines for submission of Integrated Project proposals, which is likely to involve the requirement to submit a Concept Note by circa 9.2018 and the full Integrated Project proposal by circa 3.2019. As progression to the submission of a full Integrated Project … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: RPS Group Limited
2018-02-05   Provision of Multi-Discipline Consultancy Services to daa Drainage Framework (daa plc)
Daa (also referred to in this document as the ‘Contracting Authority’) is a major international airport company employing over 3 000 people. The Group’s principal activities are airport development, operation and management, Irish and international airport retail management and international airport investment. The Contracting Authority is responsible for construction development at Cork and Dublin Airports and to facilitate this construction development, the Contracting Authority wishes to appoint a … View the procurement »
2017-08-21   Multi Supplier Framework for the Provision of Groundwater, Drilling, Pump Testing and Remediation Works Associated... (Irish Water)
The Contracting Entity is tendering to establish a Multi-Supplier Framework for the provision of appropriately qualified and experienced individual groundwater drilling contractors to provide expert groundwater drilling services, to the standard specified under EPA Advice Note No 14. (Borehole Construction and Wellhead Protection). The service provider will supply boreholes up to 300 mm diameter, well installation, pump testing, camera surveys, and well rehabilitation works associated with water supply … View the procurement »
2017-06-02   Provision of Service Contract for Water Sampling & Analysis Study for the Environmental Protection Agency (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
In anticipation of the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) Priority Substances Regulations SI. No. 386 of 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency wishes to tender for a Water Sampling and Analysis project to determine the likely presence or otherwise of the new substances listed in the Directive in the Irish aquatic environment. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Crowley Hall Consulting
2017-05-05   Multi-Supplier Framework for the Provision of Subject Matter Experts in Hydrogeology & Groundwater Investigations (Irish Water)
The Contracting Entity is tendering to establish a Framework for Subject Matter Experts in Hydrogeology&Groundwater Investigations in respect of:ZOC,Delineation,Desk Studies&Field Assistance&Groundwater Supply Detailed Design&Scoping of Works and Field Investigations.Framework will consist of approp. qualified&experienced individual groundwater consultants who will provide expert groundwater&hydrogeological services,primarily pursuant to Irish Water's obligations under the Water Services Strategic … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: AWN Consulting Ltd Bartley Hydrogeology T/A Hydro-G CDM Smith Ireland Ltd Danu Environmental Ltd T/A Hydro... David Martin Ball T/A David Ball Hydrogeologist J.B. Barry and Partners Ltd Nicholas O'Dwyer Ltd Ove Arup and Partners Ireland Ltd T/A Arup Patrick J. Tobin and Company Ltd Roughan and O’Donovan Ltd RSK (Ireland) Ltd Suzanne Tynan T/A Tynan Environmental WS Atkins Ireland Ltd
2017-04-25   Small Business and Innovation Research (SBIR) Smart Dublin Gully Monitoring Challenge (Dublin City Council)
Low cost innovative solutions that can monitor and predict blocked gullies in high risk flooding areas of Dublin (when a gully fills with water and overflows). We would like to develop a low cost, scalable solution adapted to the needs to the city, which will enable city staff to monitor gullies, collect data and analyse it. It should also be able to be integrated with other legacy systems present in the relevant sections. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Aperilink Limited Blenheim Systems Limited Carra Ireland Limited MJB Innovations, Limited Msemicon Teoranta Voguetek
2016-09-26   RFT for the Supply of Pollution Response Systems and Equipment for the Irish Coast Guard (The Office of Government Procurement)
The Irish Coast Guard (IRCG) (the ‘Contracting Authority’) invites tenders to this request for tenders from economic operators for the supply of the goods as described in Appendix 1 to this RFT. In summary, the Goods comprise: Pollution response systems and equipment. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Desmi Ro-Clean A/S Lamor Corporation UK Ltd
2016-07-07   Single Supplier Framework Contract for the Provision of Tellus Surface Water Analysis Services for Geological Survey... (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
A regional geochemical survey of soils, stream sediments and stream waters in the border region of Ireland was recently completed by the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI). Further stream water sampling at approximately 10 000 sites will take place in the period 2016 - 2019. This RFT is for geochemical analysis of these stream water samples (i) for major, trace and ultra-trace aqueous element concentrations by ICP-MS instrumentation and (ii) for anions by ion chromatography (IC) and (iii) for … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: British Geological Survey
2015-05-27   Ballymun Boilerhouse Repurpose WISER (Working with Industrial Spaces to Exemplify Reuse) Life Project, Ballymun... (Dublin City Council)
The WISER (Working with Industrial Spaces to Exemplify Reuse) project brings together a broad spectrum of interrelated operations and expertise to champion the development of resource efficiency. The aim is to produce a centre to demonstrate excellence in reuse practice including the construction process. The Project seeks to lead change from waste to resource through reuse, redesign, research and education and as such it is desired that tendering contractors should illustrate experience in the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Purcell Construction Ltd
2013-08-23   Avoca - Request for Tenders for Technical, Design, Procurement and Project Management for Remediation works at the... (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
To assist the Department in identifying the work to be prioritised and to project manage all elements of the work to be carried out. The Minister seeks to appoint experts in the provision of these services for the design, procurement and contract management phases of the remediation works. View the procurement »
2013-03-14   2013/03/1 - Framework Agreement for General Maintenance and Small Building Works (The National Maternity Hospital)
Framework Agreement for General Maintenance and Small Building Works. You must expressed you interest via www.etenders.gov.ie. All documents are available for download and submission via www.etenders.gov.ie View the procurement »
2012-10-18   Framework Agreement for Sampling of Surface Waters under the Water Framework Directive (Environmental Protection Agency)
Sampling of WFD Surveillance sites;rivers and lakes. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=516912. View the procurement »
2012-08-13   Limerick Former Gasworks, Pump and Treat Remediation (Bord Gais Eireann)
The contract comprises the remediation of the former Limerick Gasworks. Further to a comprehensive site investigation and quantitative risk assessment it has been identified that free product (coal tar) comprising DNAPL (Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquid) needs to be removed from site. The remediation solution will comprise the extraction of free product by a pumping methodology with subsequent removal of DNAPL for disposal/recycling using sustainable techniques where appropriate and practically and … View the procurement »
2012-06-21   Environmental Monitoring at former mining areas of Silvermines, Co. Tipperary and Avoca, Co. Wicklow (Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources)
The provision of environmental monitoring services at the former mining areas of Silvermines and Avoca, over a three year period. The services contract will comprise dust, surface water, groundwater, vegetation and geotechnical monitoring, checking the condition of security fencing around mine shafts, adits, open pits, etc. and an annual inspection of the Gortmore (Silvermines) and Shelton Abbey (Avoca) Tailings Management Facilities (TMF). NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any … View the procurement »
2012-04-27   Kerdiffstown Landfill Remediation Project - Environmental Services (Environmental Protection Agency)
The landfill and waste facility at Kerdiffstown has closed and is now undergoing the early stages of a clean-up or ‘remediation’ process. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is using powers under the Waste Management Act 1996 (as amended) to restore the site and put in place appropriate aftercare measures to prevent and limit pollution from the materials on the site. The site consisted of an extensive recycling facility, now partly dismantled, an authorised lined landfill that had been partially … View the procurement »