2023-10-16   Request for Tender for the Provision of Air Accident Investigation Insurance (Department of Transport)
Insurance in respect of costs incurred to investigate aircraft accidents, including the costs for location and recovery of wreckage but excluding the costs associated with search and rescue operations. The insurance is on the basis of any one claim and in the aggregate for costs up to a maximum of Eighty Five Million Euro (€85,000,0000)in a single year View the procurement »
2023-09-27   SSCON6750: Service Provider to provide Insurance Broker Services to ESB Group (Electricity Supply Board ESB)
The Contracting Entity intends to procure a Single Party Professional Services framework agreement for the provision of Insurance Broker Services for ESB Group. The scope of Services will be provided in 3 Lots as detailed below. Lot 1- Operational Programme ESB – annual placement with 2 main renewals Lot 2- Operational Programme NIE – annual placement with 2 main renewals Lot 3- Construction Insurances – placements in line with project timelines View the procurement »
2023-08-08   23/010 - Gas Networks Ireland Gas Infrastructure Insurance Broking Services (Gas Networks Ireland)
GNI is undertaking a competitive tendering process, seeking to enter into a Framework Agreement with a sole provider to meet its requirements for the provision of GNI Gas Infrastructure Insurance Broking Services. It is intended that a single framework agreement will be awarded pursuant to this tender competition. In summary, this consists of the following cover: 1. Property damage in respect of assets with a value of approx. €3.6 Billion. 2. Business Interruption Insurance. 3. Public Liability Insurance … View the procurement »
2023-03-23   Insurance Brokerage Services Framework (Bord Na Mona)
Expressions of interest are invited from suitably qualified Applicants interested in being considered for the provision of Insurance Brokerage Services for the Company. The Company intends to establish a single supplier Framework for these services. The Framework period will be for four years with the possibility to extend annually for up to an additional four years for a maximum of 8 years, subject always to the satisfactory performance of the framework members. View the procurement »
2023-03-10   22/013 - Insurance Brokering Services (Uisce Éireann)
The scope of services is expected to include (but is not limited to):- • Placement of a General Insurance Programme which is to be arranged on an annual basis during the Term of the Framework as required. • Placement of a Financial Lines Insurance Programme which is to be arranged on an annual basis during the Term of the Framework as required. • Provision of the above services to enhance Irish Water’s understanding of insurances applicable to its business operation activities View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Willis Towers Watson Insurances (Ireland) Ltd
2021-12-31   Insurance Brokerage Services for Sport Ireland (Sport Ireland)
Sport Ireland invites tenders from suitably qualified and experienced insurance brokers for the provision of insurance services to the company, for a period of 3 years (with the option of a 1 year extension at the discretion of Sport Ireland), subject to satisfactory performance review at the end of each year. The successful broker will supply renewal terms to Sport Ireland and arrange insurance cover on an annual basis commencing 1st April 2022. Sport Ireland reserves the right to seek additional … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Willis Towers Watson Insurances (Ireland) Ltd
2021-12-07   Insurance Brokerage and Placement Services (Teagasc)
The Contracting Authority proposes to engage in a 2 stage competitive process for the establishment of a single party framework agreement for the provision of Insurance Brokerage and Placement Services. View the procurement »
2021-10-21   Provision of Assessment and Placement of Permanent Health Insurance (Pobal)
Pobal is seeking to appoint a single service provider for a scalable employee benefits service provision including the audit and review of the current programme, development, implementation, delivery, management, administration, and placement of a permanent health insurance scheme. View the procurement »
2021-02-10   Invitation to Tender to form a Single Party Framework for the Provision of Fine Art Insurance for The Hugh Lane Gallery (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council wishes to invite tenders to establish a 2-year single party framework agreement for provision of fine art insurance services for The Hugh Lane Gallery. The initial contract will be awarded for a period of two (2) years. The framework will be used to meet the gallery’s fine art insurance requirements which includes the basic annual insurance of the collection, as well as any exceptional cover that may arise during the lifetime of the framework. (E.g. when temporary exhibition loans, … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Willis Towers Watson Insurances (Ireland) Ltd
2020-12-09   Invitation to Tender to Form a Single Party Framework for the Provision of Fine Art Insurance Services for the Hugh... (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council wishes to invite tenders to establish a 4-year single party framework agreement for provision of fine art insurance services for the Hugh Lane Gallery. The initial contract will be awarded for a period of three (3) years, with an option to extend for 1 further year. The framework will be used to meet the Gallery’s fine art insurance requirements which includes the basic annual insurance of the collection, as well as any exceptional cover that may arise during the lifetime of the … View the procurement »
2020-10-07   Insurance Brokerage Services for the Department of Foreign Affairs Rapid Response Corps (Department of Foreign Affairs/An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha)
The Department invites tenderers to provide insurance brokerage services in respect of putting insurance cover in place for: 1) Rapid Response Corps (RRC) roster members, who will be deployed as part of the international aid response to humanitarian crises, at the request of UN agencies. 2) Election Observation (EO) roster members deployed in response primarily to requests from the EU and OSCE. 3) Civilian Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) roster members deployed in response to requests from the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Willis Towers Watson Insurances (Ireland) Ltd
2020-08-20   Multi-supplier Framework Agreement for Insurance Brokerage and Placement Services to the Public Sector (excluding... (The Office of Government Procurement)
In summary, the services comprise: Insurance brokerage and placement services where the total value of the services required by a framework client (including any through Payments1 to insurance underwriters) is greater than EUR 25 000 (Ex VAT). Insurance brokerage and placement services covered by the framework may include: — general insurance programme review, — annual negotiation and placement, — risk profiling and risk consulting, — claims management and analysis, — technical and specialist services, — … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Aon Arachas Corporate Brokers Ltd T/A Arachas Marsh Ireland Brokers Ltd O'Malley-Griffin (Brokers) Ltd Willis Towers Watson Insurances (Ireland) Ltd
2020-04-17   Insurance Broker Services (CIÉ) (Coras Iompair Eireann (CIE Utility))
Placement of insurances; CIÉ requires that our insurance broker be responsible for the placement of a range of insurance policies including, but not limited to, Property damage/business interruption, money, art, glass, liability covers including public, terrorism, product, motor, environmental. Also including freight forwarder’s liability, cyber liability, director’s and officer’s liability, pension trustee liability, engineering, professional indemnity, personal accident, travel, motor, motor … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Willis Towers Watson
2018-08-27   Provision of Insurance Broking Services (Ervia)
The expected scope of the service is (but not limited to) the provision of Insurance Broking Services for the providing placements, managing, providing advice and general broker servicing of the specified Insurance Programmes for both Ervia and Irish Water in connection with the services provided by the commercial semi-state multi utility company excluding the construction and specialist project insurances for Irish Water and including any other insurance as required by Ervia and Irish Water during the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Willis Risk Services (Ireland) Ltd
2016-09-23   Single Supplier Framework for the Provision of GNI Gas Infrastructure Insurance Broking Services and Insurance Policies (Ervia)
Gas Networks Ireland wants to appoint a single broker to a Framework Agreement to advise on and place its insurance relating to its gas infrastructure with a value in excess of 3 000 000 000 EUR for a period of up to 7 years covering: Property Damage; Business Interruption; Public Liability; Pollution and Product Liability; Terrorism Insurance. The tender process will involve tenderers selecting insurance companies in accordance with criteria to be agreed with Gas Networks Ireland and obtaining committed … View the procurement »
2016-04-04   Insurance Broker Services (Electricity Supply Board (ESB ))
ESB invites expression of interest from experienced Insurance Brokers who have the capability to provide a range of Insurance Broker Services across all of ESB's operations. View the procurement »
2015-03-04   Insurance Advisory and Brokerage Services Consultant required in relation to the development of the new children's hospital (National Paediatric Hospital Development Board)
Insurance Advisory and Brokerage Services Consultant required in relation to the development of the new children's hospital. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Willis Risk Services (Ireland) Limited
2014-06-24   Fine Arts Insurance Services Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Coucnil proposes to award a contract for 3 years for the provision of Fine Arts Insurance Services for the Dublin City Gallery, the Hugh Lane. The contract may be extended for a further year, at the discretion of Dublin City Council. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Willis Risk Services Limited
2014-02-11   ITT14-002 - Corporate Insurance Advisory and Broking Services (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi State body, wishes to invite tenders for the supply of Corporate Insurance Advisory and Broking Services for Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway for a period of 36 months with an option to extend (at the discretion of the Marine Institute) for a further 24 months. View the procurement »