2018-11-01Competition for the Provision of Leap Operations Services (National Transport Authority)
The performance of the contract will require the provision of services during the following 3 main phases, as set out below.
Phase 1: Mobilisation and Transition Management Services
The service provider will be required to proactively manage the mobilisation and transition activities.
Phase 2: Operations Services
Following the successful implementation of Phase 1, the service provider will be required to manage the delivery of operational services.
Phase 3: Contract Termination and Handover
The service …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Cubic Transportation Limited
2018-09-13Provision of External Audit, Taxation Compliance, Financial, Taxation and Related Services and Internal Audit and... (Ervia)
It is anticipated that the Frameworks will cover the following services to the Framework Users initially for a 3- year period with an Ervia option to extend, on behalf of the Framework Users, for further periods up to a total maximum of 2 years at the sole discretion of Ervia. The term of a contract awarded under a Framework Agreement may extend beyond the term of the relevant Framework Agreement.
Lot 1: External Audit;
Lot 2: Taxation Compliance;
Lot 3: Other Financial, Taxation and Related …
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2018-08-28Anglo Irish Bank Assessor (Department of Finance)
The functions of the Assessor are as prescribed in the Act and include:
(a) acceptance of submissions as prescribed in the Act;
(b) determination of a fair and reasonable aggregate value of the transferred shares of each class and the extinguished rights as at 15.1.2009 in accordance with the Act;
(c) circulation of draft report for comment;
(d) report to the Minister;
(e) managing a scheme of compensation, made by the Minister, if required;
(f) responding to, and conduct of, in accordance with the Act …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:PwC
2018-07-25Request for Tender for a Review of Government Bank Remuneration Policy (Department of Finance)
The provision of advice and assistance to the Department of Finance in conducting a review of the Government’s current restrictions in relation to remuneration in AIB, BOI and Ptsb. During the financial crisis the State provided 64 000 000 000 GBP in financial support in various forms to the banking system. In return, banks supported by the State agreed to a range of measures including restrictions in relation to remuneration.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Korn Ferry
2018-07-23Competition for the Provision of Tax Saver website and operations services (National Transport Authority)
The Authority aims to provide an accessible single point for employers to order Tax Saver tickets, offering a user-friendly system for employers and employees alike, with the aim of increasing the use of public transportation by making it easier for employers to participate in the Tax Saver scheme, thus increasing the number of Tax Saver tickets being purchased by commuters.
In this regard, the Authority is seeking to engage a suitable party to carry out the requirements as set out in Section II.2.4.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Global Entserv Solutions Ireland Ltd (DXC...
2018-03-27Provision of Financial Advisory Services (National Transport Authority)
The NTA wishes to engage the services of a single service provider to provide a broad range of financial advisory services as outlined in the tender brief. The NTA require services in the following areas: VAT advisory services, employment tax advisory services and other general financial services.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Ernst and Young
2017-08-29Provision of Merchant card Dynamic Currency Conversion services (daa plc)
Daa and ARI Ireland has a requirement for a merchant card services including Dynamic Currency Conversion services provider across areas such as:
— Car Parks (Cork and Dublin airport),
— Dublin airport travel services (e.g. fast-track, executive lounges),
— Shared Services (Cork, Dublin, Taxi payments),
— ARI Ireland Retail stores (Cork and Dublin airport),
— ARI Ireland Online store (Cork, Dublin).
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2017-08-15Consultancy Services relating to Economic Viability Assessment of Public Lands (Limerick City and County Council)
Limerick City and County Council's (LCCC) key objective is to provide a comprehensive assessment of economic viability from a market perspective for the LCCC administrative area to inform the delivery of mixed-tenure/mixed-use on Council-owned lands.
The Planning Policy Statement (DECLG, 2015) and Rebuilding Ireland (DHPCLG, 2016) indicates that planning must proactively drive and support sustainable development, integrating consideration of its economic, social and environmental aspects at the earliest …
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2017-05-29Provision of Corporate Finance Advisory Services for Coillte CGA (Coillte CGA)
Coillte CGA are seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified candidates for provision of corporate finance advisory services in respect of the requirements set out the summary document attached to this notice.
Please complete the pre-qualification questionnaire attached and return by the deadline stated.
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2017-03-30Provision of Consultancy Support for the Monitoring of Irish Water's Delivery of Capital Investments (Commission for Energy Regulation)
The CER is seeking expert technical advice in relation to the design and implementation of a monitoring regime regarding Irish Water's capital investments. This is in the context of the revenue allowed by the CER to Irish Water in relation to capital expenditure and the associated, relevant baseline plan, budgets, targets, outcomes and outputs. Irish Water's capital investments include non-network capital investment such as investment in information technology (IT) and investment in capital maintenance. …
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2017-03-16Technical and Economic Consultancy Support for the Irish Water Revenue Control 3 (2019-2023) (Commission for Energy Regulation)
The Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) is Ireland's independent energy and water regulator. The CER seeks expert technical and economic consultancy advice to assist it in setting allowed revenues for Irish Water for the next revenue control period. The successful tenderer will provide advice on Irish Water's operational expenditure, capital expenditure and other associated items.
A detailed specification of requirements is set out in Appendix 1 of the Request For Tender( RFT) available to download …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:NERA UK Ltd
2017-02-22Route Profitability Study (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail is seeking expressions of interest from capable and suitably qualified companies for the provision of Route Profitability Study services. The attached Pre-Qualification Questionnaire provides details on the key deliverables of this requirement and should be reviewed by the Applicants to determine their suitability. The key deliverables outlined in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire will be used by the Evaluation team in assessing Applicants Relevant Experience and the …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Roland Berger Ltd
2017-02-10Technical and Economic Consultancy Support for Networs — (PR4 Implementation and ECP) (Commission for Energy Regulation)
CER regulates the level of revenue which the electricity Transmission System Operators (TSO), electricity Distribution System Operators (DSO), electricity Transmission Asset Owner (TAO) and electricity Distribution Asset Owner (DAO) (collectively the ‘network companies’ can recover from customers to cover their respective costs.
Existing policy for connection of exporting generators to the electricity network in Ireland is captured under two broad processing approaches: the Group Processing Approach …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Baringa Partners LLP
2016-12-08GNI Market Assurance (Ervia)
As the Irish gas market evolves, new organisations continue to become participants in the market or existing participants may seek to operate in additional market sectors. The market must adjust to improvements in technology and change requests from market participants.
The Contracting Entity is undertaking a competitive tender process to award a 3 year contract (with 2 year option to renew) for consultancy services to meet the requirements detailed in the Pre Qualification Questionnaire.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Ibm
2016-07-01Multi Party Framework Agreement for Asset Management and Investment Services (Medical Council)
The Medical Council invites Expressions of Interest (EOIs) to tender for the provision of Asset Management and Investment Services. This competitive process is intended to establish a framework agreement for the services in order to secure the optimal return on the Contracting Authorities portfolio. This framework agreement will be established as a multi-party framework agreement with the top 3 tenderers selected following the tender stage and the application of the award criteria. The framework will be …
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2016-01-27Actuarial and Pensions Consultancy Services (Central Bank of Ireland)
The Central Bank of Ireland Superannuation Scheme has a requirement for the
provision of Actuarial and Pensions Consulting Services. The Central Bank of
Ireland Scheme is a funded defined benefit scheme which was established on 1.10.2008 in accordance with Statutory Instrument 99 of 2008. In determining
the benefits payable and contributions paid by members, the Civil Service
Superannuation Scheme rules apply. As at 31.12.2014, there were 1 490
active members of the Scheme and 2 467 members overall, …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:LCP Ireland Ltd
2015-10-16Provision of a team of skilled SAP ICT Resources (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
This public procurement competition relates to the provision of a team of skilled ICT resources to assist with the development and maintenance of the SAP applications that underpin the work of the Department of Agriculture, food and the Marine. As well as relevant administrative support, the individual team roles required are:
(i) a SAP Financials (FI/CO) Support role,
(ii) a SAP Logistics Support role,
(iii) a SAP ABAP/4 and Business Connector Support role and
(iv) a SAP ABAP/4 Support role.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:SMX Consulting Ltd
2015-09-07Financial Advisor, Project Opera (Limerick City and County Council)
The Financial Advisor will provide financial appraisal advice and services to the Contracting Authority on Project Opera (the ‘Project’). The Financial Advisory Services to be provided include but are not limited to the following:
a) Development Appraisal including Financial Modelling,
b) VAT Advice,
c) Corporation Tax, Capital Allowance Advice,
d) Sensitivity Analysis,
e) Procurement Optioning,
f) Risk Assessment,
g) Project Structure Advice,
h) Joint Venture Structure Advice,
i) Funding Advice,
j) …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:BDO Financial Consultants
2015-07-23Corporate Finance, Funding and Legal advice (EirGrid plc)
EirGrid is seeking the services of a Consultant/Consortium to provide Corporate Finance, Funding and Legal advice as part of an integrated solution and as such wishes to contract with 1 party for the services. The services are required for any activities which require funding or corporate finance and associated legal advice, such as major capital projects or working capital requirements in the business.
The objective of this Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) process is to produce a short-list of …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Goodbody Stockbrokers
2015-07-10Single Party Framework Agreement Student Residential Accommodation for Grangegorman (Grangegorman Development Agency)
Grangegorman Development Agency invites applications from groupings, consortiums, joint ventures and other entities interested in being considered for a major student accommodation development project. on the Grangegorman Campus. The development consists of 2 100 bed spaces in all, to be provided by a long-term concessionaire as a commercial enterprise. The optimum return on such an enterprise requires that 3 separate phases of bed-space provisions(700, 900, 500 beds respectively) in several blocks …
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2015-06-29Expert Assistance with NAMA Progress Report 2013 (Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General)
Expert assistance is required to assist the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General in reviewing and assessing National Asset Management Agency's (NAMA) strategies and its performance in achieving its objectives in the context of the requirements of the National Asset Management Agency Act 2009, and of NAMA's key objectives as set by its Board.
The expert's work will include detailed review of a sample of both property and loan disposals, and of investment/lending transactions, by NAMA, to include …
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2015-05-25Rosslare Eurport Concession Agreement — Advisory Services (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnród Éireann is a subsidiary company of Córas Iompair Éireann which is the publicly owned transport company of Ireland. Iarnród Éireann is the port authority at Rosslare Europort, an infrastructure business which facilitates the safe intermodal transfer of passenger, freight and trade vehicle traffic between sea and road/rail. At Rosslare, Iarnród Éireann is the infrastructure provider and operator, providing port facilities and related services, including stevedoring, to shipping lines. Iarnród …
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