2020-12-03University of Limerick — RFT Integrated PXRD with Gas/Vapour Sorption (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
We are in search of a Powder X-ray diffractometer with integrated gas/vapour sorption capabilities, to be housed in the Bernal Institute of the University of Limerick. The in situ powder x-ray diffraction suite will advance the current research capabilities of the Bernal Institute, enabling high quality research output. It is envisaged that this will be a powerful tool to understand structure-property relationships and will play a key role in the discovery and development of advanced materials e.g. to …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Particular Sciences Limited
2020-11-27RFT - LGH1267CProvision of a Fluidised Bed, Dryer, Granulator and Coater System (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the supply, delivery, installation and calibration of a development scale fluidised bed, dryer, granulator and coater system. This enabled multi-purpose fluid bed system will facilitate the development of methods to automate and optimise fluid bed processes using process analytical technologies and advanced process automation and control approaches.
This system consists of the following:
• fluid bed granulation and drying processing system;
• near infrared spectrometer for moisture …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Innopharma Technology
2020-11-12CHI invites Tenders via an Open Competitive Tender Process for the Provision of an Analyser (s) to Replace Current... (CHI Ireland)
This TENDER document defines the Department of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine’s (DPLM) requirements with respect to the capital purchase of an analyser (s) to replace current in use instrument(s) in the National Newborn Bloodspot Screening Laboratory (NNBSL) at Children's Health Ireland (CHI) at Temple Street, Temple Street, Dublin 1.
Tender incorporates a system which must be capable at a minimum of performing the following Newborn Bloodspot Screens (NBS) on 3.2 mm dried blood spot (DBS) samples.
1) …
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2020-09-08UCC — High Performance Focused Ion Beam Milling Capability (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The Specialty Products and Services Centre (SP&S) at Tyndall National Institute, UCC, carry out analysis on a wide variety of semiconductor devices, ranging from traditional silicon microelectronics and Silicon MEMS to III-V photonic devices. We wish to extend our capability in the area of focused ion beam (which can encompass Gallium beam/plasma/laser milling or a combination thereof) by purchasing a fully functional load locked system including pumps which will allow us to move our processing to a …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:TESCAN-UK Ltd
2020-08-31Gas Analyser (Teagasc)
Supply of a high precision, fast response gas analyser for the estimation of ecosystem-level nitrous oxide fluxes via Eddy Covariance.
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2020-08-25The EPA — RFT for a Discrete Auto Analyser (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The EPA Dublin Laboratory is seeking tenders for a discrete auto-analyser to carry out routine analysis of specific pollutants (including nutrients) in environmental water samples in support of the EPA’s Water Framework Directive and other monitoring requirements. These waters can include surface waters (river, lake, estuarine), groundwaters and waste waters and industrial effluents.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Serosep Ltd.
2020-06-29NUI Galway — RFT for the Supply of Two Analytical Flow Cytometers (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the supply, delivery and installation of two (2) analytical flow cytometers for NUI Galway. This tender is for new/second hand/ex demo/refurbished benchtop analytical flow cytometers. The two cytometers can be new; pre-used (being immediately available due to industry facility decommissioning, equipment trade-ins, from receivers or liquidators, from a supplier winding up) or is an ex demonstration model. If the cytometer(s) is not new the date of manufacture must be ≤ 7 years, …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Cytometric Engineering Ltd
2020-06-24EPA — Total Organic Carbon Instrument (Lot 1) Nitrogen Analyser (Lot 2) (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Request for tenders under open (OJEU) procedure dated 24 June 2020 for the supply, installation and commissioning of a total organic carbon laboratory instrument (Lot 1) and Nitrogen Analyser (Lot 2) for The Environmental Protection Agency.
Suppliers may tender for individual or multiple lots.
Please note that the TOC is required for the EPA’s Laboratory in Monaghan while the Nitrogen Analyser is required for the EPA’s site in Castlebar.
Two separate instruments MUST be proposed.
Please see documents for …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Mason Technology Ltd
2020-05-12UCC — Two (2) Hydrogen Generators (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Due to age of current hydrogen generator, Tyndall National Institute needs to install two hydrogen generators capable of supplying hydrogen at a combined 8 m per hour at a minimum 225 psi. Systems should be capable of running independently or together. Generators must be capable of providing flow in the range of 0 m/hr to 8 m/hr, i.e. system must be able to handle flow dependent on demand. Minimum hydrogen quality: 99.9995. (Details of any systems that can improve on the quality should be included as an …
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2020-05-11The State Laboratory — Head Space Gas Chromatography System with Flame Ionisation Detector (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Request for tenders dated 11 May 2020 under open (OJEU) procedure for the supply, installation and commissioning of a head space gas chromatography system with flame ionisation detector to include the option of purchasing additional technology for CO analysis.
Tenders are sought for the supply and installation of a HS GC-FID for the analysis of Ethanol in post mortem samples. Additionally we would like to include the option of purchasing add-on technology to the HS GC-FID which would be capable of …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Elementec
2020-04-02LEE841C — DAFM — Supply, Delivery, Installation and Maintenance of a High Throughput Sequencer (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) wishes to procure the supply, delivery, installation and maintenance of a stand-alone, compact sequencing instrument capable of a range of applications for the detection and molecular epidemiology of foodborne and animal pathogens including core genome multi locus sequence typing (MLST), SNP analysis, bacterial identification, identification of antimicrobial resistance genes, virulence genes etc.
The main functionality requirements are a …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Illumina Cambridge Ltd
2020-01-24The Provision of Chemistry Analysers (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnród Éireann (IE) invites suitably qualified companies to participate in a pre-qualification process for the supply of chemistry analysers and related products and services and is seeking to enter into a long term agreement with a specialist company with a demonstrable track record in this area.
The successful contractor upon award of a contract will be required to supply the chemistry analyzers and the related consumables, services and maintenance of the same.
The contractor must report to and liaise …
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2020-01-21LEE828C — Teagasc — Supply of a Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Eddy Covariance System (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the supply of an Eddy Covariance (EC) system for Teagasc Environmental Soils and Land Use Department, consisting in the full sensor infrastructure (hardware and software) needed for the correct measurement and calculation of terrestrial carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) fluxes and, optionally, greenhouse gas methane (CH4), using the EC method. The remit of this project is to provide essential equipment required to meet current greenhouse gas flux research activities in Teagasc …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:LI-COR Biosciences UK Ltd
2019-09-18UCD — Parallel Bio Reactor Platform and Bio Reactor Platform for Continuous Culture Process (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Lot 1: parallel bio reactor platform:
University College Dublin wish to purchase a parallel bioreactor platform as a part of the SFI funded Beacon Bioeconmy Research Centre.
Lot 2: bio reactor for continuous culture:
University College Dublin wish to purchase a bioreactor platform for continuous culture as a part of a H2020 research project funded by the European Commission. This project know as mix-up will develop processes for the upcycling of plastic waste to monomers and novel biodegradable polymers.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Elementec
2019-08-23LEE715C - WIT — Supply of an X-ray Diffraction Instrument (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) is seeking to purchase an X-ray Diffraction Instrument to support research and industry engagement at the Pharmaceutical and molecular biotechnology research centre (PMBRC) at WIT to include the following; A diffractometer cabinet (radiation enclosure), a diffractometer complete with associated X-ray source, optics bench, filters, goniometer, detector and other ancillary equipment as required. A sample chamber capable of controlling the temperature and humidity of …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Bruker UK Ltd
2019-08-0619/111 — The Provision of Systems Integrator Services, Design, Supply and Installation of Gas Analysis Equipment to... (Ervia)
GNI is seeking to establish a standalone agreement for the provision of systems integrator services for the design (including hazard and operability study (HAZOP), layer of protection analysis (LOPA), hazard identification (HAZID)), supply, installation, commissioning and validation of the installed and commissioned natural gas analysis equipment at Moneynierin Above Ground Installation (AGI) in the Republic of Ireland, which is an entry point for gas into the GNI network. The services provided must be …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Orbital Gas Systems Ltd
2019-05-30UCD — Supply, Delivery and Installation of a LC-MS (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the supply delivery, installation of a LC-MS. The system is required for a metabolomics research group in UCD who will use this instrument for measurement of a range of metabolites including lipids in biological samples such as urine and blood. The system must be capable of high throughout analysis and compatible with biocrates kits. Detailed and thorough training of staff and support for running of samples is a necessary requirement.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:AB SCIEX UK Ltd
2019-05-03Teagasc — RFT for the Supply of Laboratory Equipment (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The supply of 5 items of Laboratory Equipment for Teagasc, Moorepark Technology Ltd, Fermoy, Co. Cork as follows:
Lot 1: a Multi-Functional Processor Mixer System;
Lot 2: an UHT Tubular Heat Exchanger;
Lot 3: an UHP Homogeniser;
Lot 4: a Vaccum Microwave Drying System;
Lot 5: a Jacketed Process Tank.
There is an urgency due to projects starting which require this equipment.
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2019-03-13Invitatation to tender for the Provision and Support for Reagents and Associated Automation for Protein Measurement... (St James's Hospital)
11.1) Introductory information Myeloma and Immunodeficiency protein measurement service The Myeloma and immunodeficiency protein measurement service at the Immunology Department, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Pathology (LabMed) St James’s Hospital has provided an in-house and national service since the 1980s. Currently the service offers the following assays for diagnostics and predictive testing:
— Free kappa (FKC) and Free lambda (FLC) measurement test numbers for 2018 — 8 056 FKC and …
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2019-02-07Invitation to Tender for the Provision and Support of Reagents and Associated Automation for Protein Measurement in... (St James's Hospital)
Provision and support of reagents and associated automation for protein measurement in myeloma and immunodeficiency diagnosis.
11.1 Introductory information:
Myeloma and immunodeficiency protein measurement service.
The myeloma and immunodeficiency protein measurement service at the Immunology Department, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Pathology (LabMed) St James’s Hospital has provided an in-house and national service since the 1980s. Currently the service offers the following assays …
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2018-12-21LEE583C- RFT for the Supply & Installation of a Bioreactor for Teagasc (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Tenders are sought for the Supply & Installation of a Bioreactor. A 2-5L bioreactor is required for culturing bacteria cells aerobically and anaerobically at temperatures between 2C and 70C. This will be used to investigate; [1] specific bacterial responses at both the phenotypic and molecular level to changes in environmental parameters (eg. temperature, pH, antibiotics/antimicrobials) and [2] anaerobic digestion. The bioreactor must have programmable / instrumental control of temperature, pH, dissolved …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Infors UK