2023-05-05   Pilot Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme LiDAR Survey Autumn 2023 (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Pilot Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme LiDAR Survey Autumn 2023 The provision of LiDAR surveying services including the provision of the following deliverables: - LiDAR Point Cloud Data - Digital Surface Models - Digital Terrain Models - Tile Indices - Quality Control Outputs - Survey Report View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: BSF Swissphoto GmbH
2023-04-17   LOCATION SERVICES (RTLS/RFID) (Children Health Ireland (CHI))
CHI is seeking tenders for the supply, implementation and support of a Location Services Solution. This tender focuses on providing location services infrastructure and functionality for a range of use cases to improve patient and family experience, as well as staff experience, and ultimately to improve healthcare efficiencies and outcomes. View the procurement »
2022-12-19   Coastal Aerial LiDAR & Imagery Survey 2023 – East to South Coast of Ireland (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Coastal Aerial LiDAR & Imagery Survey 2023 – East to South Coast of Ireland The capture of aerial LiDAR survey data and Aerial Photography along the East and South coasts of Ireland over an area of approximately 1708km2, and the provision of classified and processed data from the survey. The survey periods will be restricted to maximise survey coverage in the intertidal area. The survey will also require capture of Ground Check Point Data. The required deliverables will include the following: - LiDAR … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: BSF Swissphoto GmbH
2022-09-30   Marine Geoscience Services to Geological Survey Ireland (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
Marine geoscience services to support Geological Survey Ireland's Marine & Coastal Unit for INFOMAR (Integrated Mapping for the Sustainable Development of Ireland's Marine Resource), EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data Network), CVI (Coastal Vulnerability Index) Programme, ESA (European Space Agency) Coastal Erosion from Space and the INFOMAR Postgraduate Training Module View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ros Na Mara
2022-08-26   The supply of an Integrated Planning Solution to Cork County Council (Cork County Council)
Cork County Council wish to procure a fit-for-purpose integrated planning solution that is robust and functional to enable efficient and effective processing of planning applications and related activities. The solution includes both public-facing and back-office systems that seamlessly integrate, improving operational efficiency and service quality. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Agile Applications Limited
2022-05-25   Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme LiDAR Survey Autumn 2022 (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Coastal Monitoring Survey Programme LiDAR Survey Autumn 2022 The provision of LiDAR surveying services including the provision of the following deliverables: - LiDAR point cloud data - Digital Surface Models - Digital Terrain Models - Tile Indices - Quality control outputs - Survey report View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Bluesky International Ltd
2022-04-20   GIS mapping support, development, maintenance and associated services (Pobal)
Single Supplier Framework for the GIS mapping support, development, maintenance and associated services View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Compass Informatics Ltd
2022-03-16   An Area Monitoring System Service (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders for the provision of an Area Monitoring System. Within the context of the Common Agricultural Policy, Article 70 of Regulation 2021/2116 requires the establishment of an Area Monitoring System (AMS) by 1st January 2023. Article 65 of 2021/2116 defines an area monitoring system as a procedure of regular and systematic observation, tracking and assessment of agricultural activities and practices on agricultural areas by Copernicus Sentinels … View the procurement »
2021-12-23   Drone Survey & Visual Asset Inspections - Shannon Estuary North Embankments (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Drone Survey & Visual Asset Inspections - Shannon Estuary North Embankments View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: RAB Consultants Ltd
2021-11-30   Coastal Aerial LiDAR Survey 2022 - West to North Coast of Ireland (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Coastal Aerial LiDAR Survey 2022 - West to North Coast of Ireland View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Fugro NL Land
2021-10-01   Request for Tenders for the provision of a Maritime Data Analysis System (Office of the Revenue Commissioners)
The Office of the Revenue Commissioners (‘Revenue’) invites submissions for the supply of an already existing (‘off-the-shelf’) maritime data analysis system for a period of three (3) years from suitably qualified economic operators who are currently involved in the use of analytics on Automatic Identification System (AIS). View the procurement »
2021-09-29   Services to Review the Methodologies Available for Coastal Erosion Hazard Mapping (Office of Public Works (OPW))
A review of the methodologies available for mapping the hazard associated with coastal erosion at national scale and separately at local scale. The methodologies to be assessed shall be capable of estimating the future position of the coastline for the present day sea levels and future sea levels, including allowances for sea level rise. The review shall include a detailed literature review, screening assessment of the methodologies identified, detailed review of the potentially suitable methodologies … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Jacobs Engineering Ireland Ltd
2021-09-27   Supply of Vehicle Mounted mobile spatial Imaging system (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
A complete mobile mapping solution capable of being mounted on terrestrial and marine based vehicles featuring very high resolution/precision laser scanning capability, integrated optical cameras and imaging system, precise GNSS positioning, integrated inertial navigation system (INS) and all associated hardware and software necessary for delivering high resolution mobile mapping products for marine and coastal surveys. View the procurement »
2021-08-10   PQQ For the Provision of Tachograph Management System (Bus Eireann/Irish Bus)
Provision of Tachograph Management System-Bus Éireann invites proposals from competent specialist providers with a proven track record of service in the field of Tachograph Management Services to process Driver tachograph data (Analogue and Digital) and vehicle upload data (Remote and Manual) and provide an effective management reporting tool View the procurement »
2021-02-02   Provision of a Digital Mapping Platform and related Services — Single Party Framework Agreement (Dublin Port Company)
DPC wish to procure a 3D digital mapping system of the Dublin Port estate and River Liffey fairway/channel to capture and reconstruct all land and marine geographic conditions including topography, bathymetric, all buildings, infrastructure, road and rail including marine related assets. • the digital mapping solution must be cloud based and have capability to accept all relevant Li DAR dataset formats; • capability through an API or similar to access and use relevant data from DPC systems such as PEMAC, … View the procurement »
2021-01-15   Remote Sensing Controls of Area-based Schemes and the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) Rebuild Project (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The objective of the current RFT is to contract: A. The determination of land eligibility for the various area-based schemes by remote sensing controls as set down in the EU Commission Guidance for On-the-Spot Checks and Area Measurement – DSCG/2014/32 – Final Rev 4 – Year 2018 Valid for campaign 2020, including the updating of the Land Parcel Identification System, for approx. 7 000 basic payment scheme/other area-based schemes applications to be submitted in 2021; and B. To review, transform and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: The Icon Group Ltd
2020-12-21   A service for the Update and Maintenance of a Land Parcel Identification System and Other Digitising Services (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The objective of this RFT is to contract the updating and maintenance of the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS), including the LPIS Rebuild, for the 2021 Basic Payment Scheme application period as specified in the tender documents. The work shall be carried out under the direction of the Department and will require consultation with Department Staff and other contractors/consultants where necessary. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Mallon Technology Ltd
2020-11-05   Vehicle Mounted Mobile Mapping System for Geological Survey Ireland (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
A vehicle-mounted spatial imaging system with high resolution laser scanning, optical cameras and precise positioning. View the procurement »
2020-08-07   Request for Tender for the Supply of an Enterprise GIS Mapping Solution to An Garda Síochána (An Garda Síochána)
Request for tender for the supply of an enterprise GIS Mapping Solution to An Garda Síochána. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Esri Ireland
2018-02-27   Remote Sensing Controls of Area-based Schemes and the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) Rebuild Project (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
Remote Sensing Controls of Area-based Schemes and the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) Rebuild Project. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: The Icon Group Ltd
2017-12-14   Land Parcel Idenfification System and Other Digitising Services (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
This public procurement competition relates to the provision of services for the updating and maintenance of the Land Parcel Identification System for the 2018 Basic Payment Scheme application period. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Mallon Technology Limited
2017-08-18   LSS270C- RFT for the provision of Digital Orthophotography for the Republic of Ireland (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Acquisition, processing and supply of digital orthophotography captured by either aerial or satellite sensors for the Republic of Ireland (ROI). View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Bluesky International Ltd
2017-04-27   Solutions are sought which will improve wayfinding through transitioning seamlessly between indoors and outdoors,... (Fingal County Council)
Smart Dublin and the Grangegorman Development Agency are collectively seeking low-cost smart solutions that can: — Improve wayfinding in a manner that can transition seamlessly between indoor and outdoor environments and allow users to arrive to their destination or appointment on time. — Enhance the experience of visitors. — Reduce challenges for the users. For the purpose of this SBIR challenge, three test bed locations within the Dublin Region have been selected, the Main Street of Swords, including … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Commutable Limited Gemperson Limited National Learning Network Route4U Magyarország Kft
2014-07-25   Supply of a shallow-water multibeam echosounder (MB) (Geological Survey of Ireland)
Purchase of a shallow-water multibeam (MB) echosounder and related systems – for deployment on a small vessel during near-shore mapping exercises. It should be suitable for inshore craft and <10 m vessels. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Teledyne-RESON
2012-12-10   Request for Tenders for the Provision of Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) Update & Maintenance (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
This public procurement competition relates to Request for Tender for the update and maintenance of land parcel vectors using an existing Geographic Information System the LPIS which is a land identification system for the purposes of certain Direct Payment Schemes. Land parcels form the basis on which area based and other scheme payments are calculated and paid. The digitisation process is required to be completed within set timeframes and the work is subject to audit by National and EU audit bodies. View the procurement »