2021-06-11Multi Party Framework for Video and Animation Production and Editing Services (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland)
SEAI wishes to appoint five service providers for the production of corporate, promotional and event videos and animations that will help SEAI connect with and convert our target audiences. The successful tenderers will be required to produce, shoot and edit video and animation content. SEAI audiences include business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) demographics
For further information please see Request for Tender at www.etenders.gov.ie.
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2019-10-04The Authority Wishes to Procure an Economic Operator to Provide Advertising and Design Services (The Pensions Authority)
The Authority wishes to procure an economic operator to provide advertising and design services to include the following deliverables:
โ Creative design of print, radio and digital adverts,
โ Annual Report design,
โ Media buying for advertising campaigns,
โ Translation services for Annual Report into Irish and translation of other publications into Irish and other languages as required,
โ Creation of videos particularly for online purposes,
โ Advice on management of social media,
โ Advice on โฆ
View the procurement ยป Mentioned suppliers:Javelin Advertising Ltd
2017-08-08Killarney House Film Services RFT (Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs)
Tenders are being sought for the production of two films to form key pieces of interpretation within the exhibitions at Killarney House. Scope includes development, scripting, filming, production and commissioning of films on site.
This will be in collaboration with the interpretive designers Bright 3D who are commissioned to produce interpretation, exhibition, tour, and audio visual content.
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2012-08-31King John's Castle - CGI Moviemaking / AV Production (Shannon Development Co. Ltd)
The overall aim is to enhance the tourist/visitor experience at King John's Castle Limerick within the context of improved exhibition, interpretation and visitor facilities. The re-developed Castle and Castle Lane will become a must visit tourism product appealing to a broad spectrum of visitor age groups and market segments.
Shannon Development strategy is to procure the services of a suitably qualified and experienced CGI Moviemaking / AV Production contractor to complete certain works in line with the โฆ
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