2021-03-19Royal Canal Greenway Phase 3 (Dublin City Council)
The project consists of a Greenway route along the bank of the Royal Canal over an approximate 2.1 km length between North Strand Rd (Newcomen Br) and Phibsborough Rd (Cross Guns Br).
Further details are provided in the tender documentation and RFT 185616 available on www.etenders.gov.ie
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2019-02-21Clontarf to City Centre Cycle Route (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council wish to engage a Contractor to carry out 2,7 km of urban road reconstruction between Alfie Byrne Road and Talbot Street and 1 km of greenway through Fairview Park along the River Tolka.
Works will include but are not limited to:
โ upgrade and reconfigure signalised junctions,
โ construct new toucan crossings,
โ install DCC public lighting and CCTV infrastructure,
โ pavement construction,
โ granite and concrete paving and kerbing,
โ retaining walls,
โ drainage and water main works,
โ โฆ
View the procurement ยป Mentioned suppliers:Clonmel Enterprises Ltd
2014-07-23Traffic Calming Maintenance Work (National Roads Authority (NRA))
The Contracting Authority (The National Roads Authority) (โNRAโ) requires the services of Contractors for the maintenance of traffic calming schemes and pedestrian crossings in the Republic of Ireland.
The Contracts include Cleaning, Maintenance, Inspection, Reporting, Inventory, Routine Fixing of Minor Defects and Schedule Works of Traffic Calming Schemes including replacement of Traffic Route Specific to Traffic Calming, and maintenance of Pedestrian signals as well as other ancillary works which may โฆ
View the procurement ยป Mentioned suppliers:Clonmel Enterprises
2011-12-20Bothar na dTreabh (N6) MMCI scheme phase 4 (Bodkin) (Galway City Council)
Improvement works are proposed to the Bodkin roundabout and the section of the N6 Headford Road between the Bodkin and Kirwan roundabuts. The roundabout will be replaced by new traffic signalised junction and a new sigmalised jucntion will be provided on the Headford Road. Works also include new sections of carriageway, footways and cycleways as well as associated signage, traffic signals and ancillary works.
Specifically the contract is proposed to include the following:
(i) New signalised junction โฆ
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2011-09-22Bothar na dTreabh (N6) MMCI Scheme Phase 3 (Font & Morris) (Galway City Council)
Improvement works are proposed to the Font and Morris roundabouts. The roundabouts will be replaced by new traffic signalised jucntions.
Works to include new sections of carriageway, footways and cycleways as well as associated signage, traffic signals and ancillary works.
Specifically the Contract is proposed to include the following:
(i) new signalised junctions including new traffic signals at Font and Morris roundabouts. At Morris link to new Monivea Road signalised bus gate signalised junction. At โฆ
View the procurement ยป Mentioned suppliers:Coffey Construction
2011-06-14Bothar na dTreabh (N6) MMCI scheme phase 2 (LYNCH) (Galway City Council)
The proposed works are as follows;
The roundabout will be replaced by a new traffic signalised jucntion.
Works to include new sections of carriageway, footways and cycleways as well as associated signage, traffic signals and ancillary works.
Specifically the Contract is proposed to include the following:
(i) N6 new signalised junction including new traffic signals including link to existing Parkmore signalised jucntion (and facilities to allow future installation of UMTC), drainage, kerbing, lighting, โฆ
View the procurement ยป Mentioned suppliers:Johnmadden& Sons Ltd