2014-03-28Civil Works Balance of Plant for Coillte Sliabh Bawn Wind Farm Project (Coillte Teoranta)
Coillte wishes to invite expressions of interest from suitably qualified candidates for civil works balance of plant in relation to its Sliabh Bawn wind farm project. Further information is available in the following documents which are attached to this notice: 1. Expression of interest document 2. Pre Qualification Questionaire document. In order to be considered for this competition candidates must complete the pre-qualification questionnaire requirements and return by the deadline date stated.
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2014-03-28Electrical Works Balance of Plant for Coillte Sliabh Bawn Wind Farm Project (Coillte Teoranta)
Coillte wishes to invite expressions of interest from suitably qualified candidates for electrical works balance of plant in relation to its Sliabh Bawn wind farm project. Further information is available in the following documents which are attached to this notice: 1. Expression of interest document 2. Pre Qualification Questionaire document. In order to be considered for this competition candidates must complete the pre qualification questionnaire requirements and return by the deadline date stated.
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2014-03-26Mar 2014 – Tender for the provision of Electrical Maintenance Services to IT Tralee (Institute of Technology Tralee)
The Institute of Technology Tralee is seeking the services of an Electrical Contractor to provide on-going, electrical, plumbing/mechanical and general maintenance services on a full-time basis to the Institute.
The main component of this tender is Electrical Maintenance and Installation and it may not be subcontracted.
Applicants must be registered Electrical Contractors and must hold current membership of a licensed regulatory body for Electrical Contracting in Ireland.
Full details can be found in the …
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2014-03-07CE/5229/GM - Ordering of Electronic Components (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnród Éireann (IÉ) places multiple orders annually for low value items (typically between EUR200 and EUR500) through a number of service providers who offer catalogue/website ordering of electronic components. These components are delivered same day delivery for orders placed before 12:00pm and next day delivery for orders placed after 12:00pm. The service providers currently used also provide a trade counter facility where items can be collected for urgent requirements. IÉ propose to aggregate this …
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2014-02-19SC 02/14 OPL - Supply, erection and commissioning of wind turbines for Oweninny Wind Farm (Oweninny Power Limited)
It is intended to award this contract through a Joint Venture company, Owenniny Power Limited. The Joint Venture parties are Bord Na Mona Energy Limited and ESB Wind Development Limited. Expressions of interest are invited from suitably qualified candidates interested in being considered for the supply, erection and commissioning of wind turbines for Oweninny Wind Farm.
Oweninny Wind Farm Phase 1 and Phase 2 will have circa 172 MW capacity.
A long term (minimum 5 years) services and maintenance agreement …
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2013-12-20UCC/2013/31 - Supply, Installation and Commisioning of Audio Visual Equipment (University College Cork (UCC))
University College Cork has a wide audio visual
infrastructure covering 157 Central Teaching Rooms. In
addition The University has more than 120 departmental
laboratories, teaching rooms and meeting rooms
containing AV equipment. Included in these are over 220
permanent data projection systems and more than 20
rooms using large monitor presentation displays. Each
system typically incorporates a permanent PC and DVD
player and allows connectivity for laptops, document
cameras and other presentation …
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2013-12-12Turbine Supply and Long Term Service Agreements for the Coillte Sliabh Bawn Wind Farm Project (Coillte)
Coillte wishes to invite expressions of interest for turbine supply and long term service agreements in relation to its Sliabh Bawn wind farm project.
Further information is available in the following documents which are attached to this notice:
1. Expression of Interest document.
2. Pre Qualification Questionaire document.
In order to be considered for this competition candidates must complete the pre qualification questionnaire requirements and return by the deadline date stated.
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2013-12-11PG108T810 West Wave (Electricity Supply Board)
ESB invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified candidates interested in being considered for participation in the Procurement Process for the supply and installation including all ancillary requirements of a 5MW Wave Energy array at one of a number of potential locations off the west coast of Ireland.
ESB will use the negotiated procedure under Directive 2004/17/EC. All of the terms and conditions will be subject to negotiation between the parties. The general procurement approach will be …
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2013-11-06P1324 - the Supply of Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Consumables at Dublin and Cork Airport (Dublin Airport Authority plc ( DAA ))
As part of the running of the airports, replacement parts are required for the full spectrum of assets deployed in the business. daa wishes to procure the supply of maintenance, repair and operation spare parts for its mechanical, electrical and plumbing commodity stock items.
These items are held in stock by daa at Dublin and Cork airports and are reordered through a weekly minimum/ maximum stock replenishment system.
Delivery of spare parts will be to a central storage area at both the airports. The …
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2013-09-30Lamps 2013-2017 - Tender for Supply of High Intensity Discharge Lamps (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council is seeking tenders for the supply and delivery of High Intensity Discharge Lamps to its Public Lighting Stores. It is the intention of Dublin City Council to establish a Multi-Supplier Framework Agreement with 5 lots. Lot 1 - Low Pressure Sodium (SOX) Lamps, Lot 2 - High Pressure Sodium Long Life (SON) Lamps, Lot 3 - Metal Halide (CDMT, CDMTD, HPIT, CDOTT) Lamps, Lot 4 - Cosmopolis (CPOTW) Lamps and Lot 5 - Compact Fluorescent (PLL) Lamps. On foot of this competitive process it is …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:EWL Electric Ltd trading as Edmundson...
2013-08-02RT13_033 - Multi Supplier Framework for Wind Turbine Generator Operation, Maintenance & Services of Bord Gais... (Bord Gais Eireann)
Bord Gáis Energy is undertaking a competitive tendering process, seeking to enter into Multi Supplier Framework Agreements for Wind Turbine Generator Operation, Maintenance and Service of Bord Gais (Energy) Windfarms.
The wind farms for which this service is required is subdivided into 3 Lots with a separate submission and Multi Supplier Framework established for each Lot.
Details of each Lot as follows:
Lot A: 18no. Vestas V90 2MW Wind Turbine Generators located at Lisheen, Moyne, Thurles, Co. …
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2013-08-02P1494 – Airfield Lighting Control (Dublin Airport Authority Plc (DAA ))
Manufacture and supply Airfield Lighting Fittings, Airfield Signs, Constant Current Regulators, segment
control/monitoring equipment, Approach Light poles/masts and any other associated equipment to Cork and Airports for a five (5) year period with an option to extend for a further two (2) years.
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2013-07-2313/070 - Single-Supplier Framework for the Provision of Electricity Supply to Bord Gáis Éireann (Bord Gais Eireann)
The expected scope of services is the provision of electricity supply to BGÉ at multi-site locations. It is intended that the initial contracts to be awarded under the Framework Agreement will be for provision of supply of electricity for Irish Water. The Framework Agreement may also be used
for provision of electricity to other parts of the BGÉ Group.
The supplies and services required by BGÉ have been divided into lots as further described below:
Lot 1: Low Voltage Maximum Demand Supplies with Non …
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2013-07-1013.027 - Service Provider for Energy Data Logger Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance (Office of Public Works ( OPW ))
The Office of Public Works (OPW) has been funded to implement a large scale Staff Energy Awareness Campaign in the Public Service. This tender is to select.
suitable Service Providers to supply, install, commission and maintain Energy Data Logger (EDL) equipment in buildings participating in the programme. The EDL shall
collect pulse data from energy meters (electricity, gas, oil, heat, etc) and automatically transmit this data to the OPW's Central Energy Data Repository (CEDaR) database.
The tender is …
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2013-06-24Electrical Parts Tender 2013 - Supply and Delivery of Specified Electrical Parts to the Irish Prison Service (Irish Prison Service)
This tender competition relates to the supply and delivery of
various specified electrical parts to the Irish Prison
Service.the supply and delivery of various specified
electrical parts to the Irish Prison Service.
The tender is divided into four Lots - Lot 1 (All Dublin
Prisons & Shelton Abbey), Lot 2 (Midlands & Portlaoise
Prisons), Lot 3 (Southern – Cork & Limerick Prisons) & Lot
4 (North West – Castlerea & Loughan House). Interested
tenderers are invited to tender for one or more lots.
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2013-05-03Supply of Electrical and Electronic Components (Electricity Supply Board)
ESB intends to establish a framework agreement with a group of suppliers for the supply of low value electronic/electrical engineering components and equipment at discounted pricing where product availability is important. The products will be purchased by corporate procurement card or via an online ordering system.
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2013-05-02HSE 724 - Managed Solution for National Ambulance Service for purchase of Patient Care Consumable Products (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The HSE invites Expressions of Interest for the implementation of a managed solution for the National Ambulance Service where patient care consumables and other products for the pre hospital environment are purchased from a single supplier. The HSE defines patient care consumable products and any other products as the medical, surgical, janitorial and any other consumables that are required for day to day operation of Ambulance Stations and vehicles.
Please see Expression of Interest document attached to …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Critical Healthcare Ltd
2013-04-17PLMC 2013 - Public Lighting Maintenance Contract 2013 Laois & Offaly (Laois County Council)
Laois & Offaly Local Authorities now requests tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the provision of maintenance and associated services for these public lights as set out in these documents.
The maintenance contract will initially operate for a period of one (1) years from the 1st September 2013 to 31.8.2014 and may be extended annually up to further Three (3) years at the discretion of the contracting authorities.
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2013-04-0313/020 - Provision of Telecommunications Services to Bord Gáis Éireann (Bord Gais Eireann)
Bord Gáis Éireann is tendering a range of services through the Competition in relation to the provision of Telecommunications Services to BGE. These telecommunications services will be sub-divided into 5 separate Lots.
It is anticipated that BGE will enter into separate multi-provider framework agreements for each of the following Lots:
Lot 1: Wide Area Networking Services, including the provision of WAN links and Internet Connectivity.
Lot 2: Fixed Line Telephony Services, including the provision of …
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2013-03-28Mar 2013 - Public lighting maintenance works and associated services contract (Westmeath County Council)
Westmeath County Council and Longford County Council are responsible for public lighting within their administrative
areas. Tenders are invited from suitably qualified and experienced Contractors for the Maintenance Works and Associated Services for this public lighting during normal contract hours with an on-call service after contract hours. Much of the lighting is mounted on ESB Network Supply poles and access to these lights is under license subject to ESB Networks training and approval.
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2013-03-19LCC_410 The design, manufacture and supply of the Luas Cross City stop furniture (Railway Procurement Agency ( RPA ))
Luas Cross City will represent the next addition to Dublin's Luas light railway system. Running from the Luas Green Line terminus at St. Stephen's Green through the city centre Phibsborough and Cabra to Broombridge the new line will link the Luas Red and Green Lines and will also serve the planned new DIT Campus facility at Grangegorman. The proposed line is 5.6 km in length and will have 13 stops. It will provide interchange with suburban railway services at Broombridge and with city bus services at …
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2013-03-01ENQEIR353 - High Speed Transient/ Power Quality Recorders (EirGrid plc)
The objective of this Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) process is to produce a short-list of suitably qualified companies who would be invited to tender for a place on a single supplier Framework for the provision of High Speed Transient/Power Quality Recorders.
EirGrid Plc. wishes to procure a supplier of Power Quality/Transient Fault Recorders to be used on the 400 kV, 220 kV and 110 kV Transmission network in Ireland.
Approximately 20 recorders per year will be required.
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2013-02-20DCU-13103-S - Provision of Maintenance of Lighting and Emergency Lighting (Dublin City University ( DCU ))
This REI relates to a tender for the provision of Lighting Maintenance and Emergency Lighting Installation 2013 The Contract shall be for a four year period carrying out maintenance in accordance with the Planned Preventative Maintenance specification. The Planned Preventative Maintenance Contract shall allow for the cost of all required maintenance, including replacement parts and system components which can reasonably be expected to fail in use. The Contract shall provide for all works to be carried …
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2013-02-16MAY336655 - Cork Traffic Signal Maintenance and Related Services Tender (1) (Cork City Council)
Cork City Council invites tenders to carry out Traffic Signal Maintenance and Related Services in the Cork City Metropolitan Area. The tender's scope of supply will include at a minimum the following: - Routine preventative maintenance-Emergency call out response 24/7 - Annual lamp replacement and Inspections - Provision of an FMS system-Provision of a Local depot - Undertake PSDP and PSCS duties as appropriate. - Provide Traffic Management design and implementation facilitates - Provide small civil …
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