2023-09-28   Consultancy Services, provision of Environmental Services(SEA/AA/SFRA)for Review of National Ports Policy to... (Department of Transport)
The services comprise : Consultancy Services (a) this is a non-SEA/AA/SFRA element of the consultancy services required.In phase one of the National Ports Policy Review, which involves the publication of an Issues Paper on National Ports Policy, the successful supplier will be required to review, examine and to collate by topic all submissions received by the Department to the public consultation on its National Ports Policy Issues Paper. Identifying common themes or recurring points received in … View the procurement »
2023-09-25   Expert Advice on Environmental Assessment services (Department of the Environment Climate and Communications)
The Department seeks the provision of competent environmental expertise (e.g. environmental science, ecology, hydrogeology, noise assessment, etc.) to carry out an evaluation on Environmental Screening Forms and supporting documentation submitted to the GSRO by Mineral Prospecting Licence holders in relation to the mineral exploration activities within a Prospecting Licence and to report to the GSRO as to whether the proposed exploration activity could be carried out without significant adverse effects … View the procurement »
2023-09-11   Provision of Air Emissions Monitoring Programme (AEMP) of air emission compliance monitoring (Standard and Dioxin)... (Environmental Protection Agency)
The Contracting Authority proposes to engage in a competitive process for the award of a contract for provision of an Air Emissions Monitoring Programme (AEMP) of air emission compliance monitoring (Standard and Dioxin) to be conducted at selected EPA licensed sites in Ireland. View the procurement »
2023-07-27   Multi Party Framework Agreement for the Provision of Drinking Water Expertise Services (Environmental Protection Agency)
The recast Drinking Water Directive (EU) 2020/2184 was transposed into Irish legislation by the European Union (Drinking Water) Regulations 2023 (S.I. No. 99 of 2023). The new legislation means that the EPA requires suitably qualified and experienced contractors to provide assistance to the EPA on the drinking water regulations and related work to include revision of EPA drinking water guidance. View the procurement »
2023-07-20   Intel Pilot Project Phase 2 (Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage)
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) provides the legislative and policy framework for the conservation of nature and biodiversity in Ireland. It also oversees its implementation, based on good science, with particular emphasis on the protection of habitats and species. The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage manages the Irish State's nature conservation responsibilities under national and European law. A … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Russell Plant Hire Ltd
2023-06-29   The Provision of consultancy and support services for Greening the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
The Contracting Authority proposes to engage in a competitive process for the award of a contract for the provision of consultancy and support services for Greening the EPA as specified in the Tender documentation. View the procurement »
Under the EU Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC) 55 Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) have been designated for the protection of blanket bog. In addition, 73 Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs) have been designated using national legislation (the Wildlife Acts). These include Atlantic blanket bogs on lowlands along the western seaboard and more widely distributed upland blanket bogs. Several of these SACs are extensive and comprise a mosaic of other Annex I habitats such as heaths, grasslands … View the procurement »
2023-05-19   National Limestone Pavement and Juniper Survey 2023 (Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage)
• Review and revise where necessary the monitoring methods developed by Wilson and Fernández (2013) • Undertake the monitoring of conservation status of a representative sample of the limestone pavement and associated habitats across the country (22 sites; 203 monitoring stops) • Provide recommendations for updating Conservation Objectives and Standard Data Forms of SACs, as required • Update and undertake the National Conservation Status Assessment of limestone pavement (8240) in Ireland Data arising … View the procurement »
2023-04-15   ITT for provision of a Specialist Climate Action and Environmental Advisor to assist and advise the Arts Council (Arts Council)
The primary aim of this tender is to procure a Specialist Climate Action and Environmental Advisor and Training service to assist and advise the Arts Council in successfully delivering its forthcoming policy. View the procurement »
2023-04-04   Environmental Assessment of Services for the Review of the National Ports Policy (Department of Transport)
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Services, Appropriate Assessment (AA) Services and Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) Services for The Review of National Ports Policy incorporating the Policy Statement on the facilitation of Offshore Renewable Energy by Commercial Ports in Ireland . View the procurement »
2023-02-22   Provision of Environmental Consultancy Services (Commission for Regulation of Utilities)
The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (“CRU”) is Ireland’s independent energy and water regulator. The CRU currently wishes to contract for consultancy support to provide independent environmental advice and assistance particularly in regard to its consenting functions. Specifically, the successful tenderer will assess whether applicants applying for Section 39A gas pipeline consents have adequately addressed all of the relevant environmental requirements as well as reviewing environmental … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Roughan & O'Donovan Limited
2022-12-22   Proposal for habitat surveys and condition assessments for blanket bog SACs in counties Galway, Mayo, Sligo, and Donegal (Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage)
This request for tender seeks a suitable contractor to complete habitat surveys and condition assessments of blanket bog and associated habitats within 11 SACs in the northwest of Ireland. View the procurement »
2021-07-09   Expert Support to Draft Ireland's 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan (Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government)
The National Parks and Wildlife Service invites individuals or a consortium to tender for the provision of support to draft Ireland's 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan, to align this plan to emerging policy areas and engage with relevant stakeholders. The ambition is to collectively shape our pathway to recovery. View the procurement »
2021-06-09   Expert Advice on Environmental Screening Assessments to the (GSRO) of the Department of the Environment, Climate and... (Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications)
The GSRO seeks the provision of competent expert environmental advice in areas such as, environmental science, ecology, hydrogeology, to carry out environmental screening assessments of various mineral exploration activities on behalf of the Department. View the procurement »
2020-04-22   Framework Agreement for the Provision of Monitoring and Ecological Technical Support to the Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Protection Agency)
The EPA is seeking ecological expertise and technical support in the areas of work and associated requirements specified below. Tenderers are required to demonstrate that they can provide personnel with the necessary skills, expertise and experience to meet the requirements in the indicative list of tasks set out below in each lot tendered. Each tenderer should provide for suitably qualified, experienced and competent candidates. The place of work will be in any of the EPA Regional Inspectorates in … View the procurement »
2020-02-10   The provision of Environmental Specialist Resources to Assist in Implementing the Department of Agriculture, Food... (Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine)
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine is initiating this tender in order to access ecological and environmental expertise to enable it to apply the appropriate assessment procedure to current and future applications for forestry licences and grant schemes, until the internal resources become fully established to undertake this role. View the procurement »
2019-09-16   Provision of Owners Engineer Services for Coillte’s Bio Energy Opportunity – Project Shine (Coillte CGA)
Coillte CGA (Coillte, or the Company) has taken the decision to engage a suitably qualified service provider for the provision of owner’s engineer services in relation to the company’s opportunity for the development and delivery of a bio-energy infrastructure project at one of its manufacturing sites. The opportunity under development by Coillte comprises the potential development and installation of a bio-energy plant to produce thermal and electrical energy to meet the full operational needs the … View the procurement »
2019-08-30   Integrated Catchment Science and Management Support and Services Framework (Environmental Protection Agency)
The EPA Catchments Unit is establishing a multi-operator framework agreement for the procurement of provision of support and services for integrated catchment science and management to support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive. This will be a 4-year multi-party framework tender covering 2019-2023 and the EPA envisage that a minimum of two operators will be assigned. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: RPS Group Ltd
2019-07-09   Wind Energy Development Planning and EIAR Professional Service Framework (Bord Na Mona)
Bord na Mόna Powergen Development Ltd (the ‘Contracting Entity’), a subsidiary of Bord na Móna plc, wishes to put a Framework Agreement in place with a number of service providers for the provision of planning and EIAR professional services relating to the development of multiple (a minimum of 2) wind energy projects per year over the lifetime of the framework. It is proposed that the Framework Agreement is in place for a period of 4 years. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Fehily Timoney and Company Jennings O'Donovan and Partners Ltd Malachy Walsh And Partners McCarthy Keville O'Sullivan Ltd Tobin Energy and Environment
2019-06-14   Provision of Owners Engineer Services for Coillte’s Bio Energy Opportunity — Project Shine (Coillte CGA)
Coillte CGA (Coillte, or the Company) has taken the decision to explore interest amongst suitably qualified service providers for the provision of certain services in relation to the Company’s opportunity for the development of a renewable energy project at one of its manufacturing sites. The project under consideration by Coillte encompasses the potential development of a bio-energy plant to produce thermal and electrical energy to meet the full operational needs of the on-site manufacturing … View the procurement »
2018-09-25   Provision of Master Planning and Environmental Impact Statement Services (Sport Ireland)
Services required for NSC Master Plan and EIS Review. The following sets out the broad requirements of the services to be provided under the proposed contract: 1) Review of existing planning permission and attached conditions; 2) Review and update of existing master plan; 3) Review and Update of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). View the procurement »
2018-08-27   Technical Support to the Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Protection Agency)
The purpose of this tender is to engage external contractors to provide assistance to the Environmental Licensing Programme in the elements of its work. The six lots that make up this framework are categorised as follows: Air; Water; Environmental Impact Assessment; By-products, end-of-waste and circular economy; emissions trading system; and specialist licensing support. This framework will also be used by other offices in the EPA where support is needed in the topics described in the above lots. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: AECOM Infrastructure and Environment UK Ltd Arup AWN Acoustics Bureau Veritas CAAS Ltd CDM Smith Ireland Ltd Enviroguide Consulting RICARDO-AEA Ltd RPS Group Ltd SWECO UK Ltd Tobin Energy and Environment
2018-07-06   Framework for Provision of Support Services to the Substance Reporting Unit of the Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Protection Agency)
The EPA carries out, or has carried out on its behalf, inspections and audits at premises of businesses and organisations that are obligated by the above mentioned legislation to check legislative compliance. Other such activities include desktop evaluation of reports from obligated parties e.g. product technical file evaluations and, where necessary, procurement, processing and testing of materials, products and wastes. Also, it is envisaged there will be similar monitoring requirements relating to some … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: AECOM Ireland Ltd Cork Institute of Technology SWECO UK Ltd
2018-07-06   Support Framework for the provision of Laboratory Services to the Substance Reporting Unit, Environmental Protection Agency (Environmental Protection Agency)
As part of its surveillance and monitoring responsibilities, the Office of Environmental Sustainability in the EPA carries out, or has carried out on its behalf, testing of samples of materials, products and wastes for certain hazardous substances and other contaminants of emerging concern. Also, it is envisaged there will be similar monitoring requirements relating to some or all environmental media. Such intelligence gathering is also carried out to gain a greater understanding of issues of concern as … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: ALS Life Sciences
2018-06-19   Provision of Strategic Advice and Expert Technical Assistance to the Environmental Protection Agency on Contaminated... (Environmental Protection Agency)
The EPA is establishing a multi operator framework agreement for the procurement of suitably qualified and experienced contractors to provide assistance to the EPA on the assessment and management of contaminated land and groundwater, hydrogeology and related work to include: — Technical assessment of reports, — Assist the EPA in developing best practice, template reports, guidance and training, — Provide strategic and technical advice to the Agency on hydrogeology, contaminated land and groundwater, — … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: AECOM Infrastructure and Environment UK Ltd Geosyntec Consultants Ltd RPS Group Ltd
2018-05-29   Tenders are invited from suitably qualified and experienced ecologists to provide support to the SUAS pilot project (WUC SUAS Clg)
WUC SUAS Clg is a subsidiary company of Wicklow Uplands Council (WUC) with the sole object to implement the Sustainable Uplands Agri-environment Scheme (SUAS) funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine under the European Innovation Partnerships Initiative that is part of their Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. The new and innovative SUAS pilot will develop and evaluate a practical, stakeholder led and bottom up, scheme to address the complex agricultural, environmental and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Faith Wilson Ecological Consultant
2017-08-25   Request for Tenders for the Provision of Environmental Consultancy Services in Cork and the Provision of a Framework... (National Transport Authority)
The objective of the Cork Transport Strategy is to provide a long-term strategic planning framework for the integrated development of transport infrastructure and services in the Cork Metropolitan Area, for the period from 2017 to 2036. The strategy will cover all modes of land transport and will also deal with ancillary items such as parking provision, freight movement, demand management and park and ride proposals. The Authority intends to enter into a contract with the successful Tenderer to undertake … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: CAAS Limited
2016-02-11   Strategic Environmental Assessment and Appropriate Assessment Services for the development of River Basin Management... (Department of Environment, Community and Local Government)
The second cycle of River Basin Management Planning is underway with a deadline of December 2016 for the publication of draft River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs), followed by a period of public consultation before the final plans are published towards the end of 2017. The services of professional consultant is required to assist in undertaking an Appropriate Assessment (AA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the draft River Basin Management Plans. View the procurement »
2015-05-14   Framework agreement for the provision of ecological technical support (Environmental Protection Agency)
The EPA is establishing a multi operator framework agreement for the procurement of ecological technical support over a period of 4 years. This technical support is essential to enable the Agency to meet it's new obligations under the Water Policy Regulations (SI 722 of 2003) as amended in 2014 (SI 350 of 2014). In particular, the Ecological Monitoring & Assessment Unit within the Office of Environmental Assessment (OEA) requires ecological expertise to assist in a wide range of tasks including: — design … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Aquafact Ltd RPS Group Limited
2014-10-01   Catchment Science Desk Studies and Field Based Assessments (Environmental Protection Agency)
The EPA is responsible for characterisation outlined in Article 5 of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The EPA, supported by the relevant local authorities (LAs) shall advice and assist in the establishment of environmental objectives, programmes of measures (PoMs) and the making of the RBMP scheduled for completion in 2017. The EPA is planning on using a three tier risk characterisation approach so that the level of assessment effort is commensurate with the level of risk posed. Tier 1 is a screening … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Rps Group