2014-06-24HSE Project 3949 - Specialist reserach, mentoring, advisory and consulting services to the HSE'S Health Business... (Health Service Executive (HSE))
The Health Business Services division of the Health Service Executive wishes to engage external support to assist its Leadership Team in implementing its recently published strategy.
HSB requires access to specialist, research, mentoring, advisory and consulting Services to support its strategy implementation in the following areas:
— Governance;
— Performance Management;
— Business Process Improvements;
— ICT Advisory Services;
— Research Specific to Global Business Services;
— CRM.
For full details …
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2014-04-23Provision of Consumer Research Services (National Transport Authority)
The Authority wishes to invite tenders under an open procedure with the objective of engaging consumer research services. The objective of the consumer research is to provide data and analysis on various elements of the Authority's activities, including both transport services and infrastructure. It is intended that a primary focus of the research undertaken will be to measure and track a range of defined indicators of people's use of, and satisfaction with, various elements of transport systems and …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Millward Brown Ireland Limited
2014-03-25Population Survey 2014/15 - Drug Use in Ireland and Northern Ireland Drug Prevalence Survey 2014/15 (National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol NACDA)
The National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol (NACDA) Ireland, wishes to commission a fourth drug prevalence survey of households in Ireland. The survey will be conducted in accordance with the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) standards for such studies. The main purpose of the study is to obtain prevalence rates for illegal drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine, heroin on a lifetime (ever used), last year (recent use), and last month (current use) basis. Similar …
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2013-07-24Bus Stop Infrastructure Survey Services (National Transport Authority)
The undertaking of a detailed infrastructure survey and the creation of a spatial inventory of bus stops in Ireland. The survey shall include details on geographic location, infrastructure, information available to passengers, maintenance requirements and external factors.
The extent of the survey area and a full list of all bus stops to be surveyed are included in Appendix V and VI. This database of the relevant bus stops to be surveyed provides general information in relation to the bus stops including …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Interactions Limited
2013-07-11RT13_030 - Provision of Services to Support Bord Gais Energy in Telesales and Field Sales Services (Bord Gais Eireann)
Bord Gáis Energy is undertaking a competitive tendering process, seeking to enter into two contracts to meet its requirements for the Provision of Services to support Bord Gáis Energy in Telesales and Field Sales services. Lot 1:
The expected scope of services includes, the provision of inbound and outbound telesales and related services (e.g. customer retention, upsell and new acquisition and customer lifecycle management) across the residential and commercial market for BGE propositions, products and …
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2013-07-03RFX00696 - Bord na Móna Market Research Tender (Bord Na Mona)
Bord na Móna is now seeking expressions of interest from
competent and suitably qualified market research
companies to make up a panel of companies to provide
services in the following areas:
-Qualitative Research
-Quantitative Research
-Secondary/Desk Research
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2013-05-08Framework agreement - verification of placement data incorporating an employer survey (FAS - Foras Aiseanna Saothair, Training and Employment Authority)
The Framework Agreement will be for a period of 4 years. The intention of this competition is to arrive at a list of up to five potential service-providers to participate in the framework. Its purpose is to undertake sample verification of placement claims submitted by Providers and Contractors relating to training delivered through the mechanism of Contract Training and the Labour Market Education and Training Fund (Momentum). The service will also include polling of employers to provide general …
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2013-04-19New forms of employment (Eurofound — European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions)
Eurofound is aiming at the establishment of a service framework contract on the basis of which individual specific contracts will be awarded. Those specific contracts will focus on 1 or a few particular 'new forms of employment' and will cover selected European countries (among the EU-27, Croatia and Norway) in which the new form of employment under consideration was found to be of relevance for the economy and the labour market, or is accompanied by instruments that could be of interest also for other …
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2013-03-26RT13_016 - Provision of Planning and Environmental Services for the Tidal Ventures Ltd Project (Bord Gais Eireann)
Provision of Planning and Environmental Services for the Tidal Ventures Ltd Project. A Lead Consultant will manage a team which will be suitably qualified and experienced in the preparation and completion of the Marine Licence, Planning Application and all associated documentation for the proposed Tidal Ventures development. The Team will be required to undertake and co-ordinate the entire Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) including all of the required studies, reports and provision of technical and …
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2013-03-15P1828 - RFI - Provision of Mystery Shopping / Security Assessments for Dublin and Cork Airport (Dublin Airport Authority plc ( DAA ))
The DAA is a commercially run semi-state organization, created to manage the State's two airports at Dublin and Cork.
As part of the overall Customer Service Strategy for The Loop, Dublin and Cork and for the continuation of DAA's Service Excellence Assessments with Dublin Airport Authority, DAA wishes to procure the services of an external company to develop, manage and deliver a Mystery Shopping / Service Excellence Assessments programme for any of its activities to cover such areas as retail …
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2013-03-06National Alcohol Diary Survey - National Alcohol Diary Survey (The Health Research Board)
2. Specification of Requirements
2.1 Background
The implementation of the recommendations of the National Substance Misuse Strategy (on Alcohol) Steering Group is a strategic priority for the Department of Health.
The Department of Health is seeking formal approval to introduce specific measures, such as minimum pricing. In order to calculate a minimum unit price per gram of alcohol for Ireland a detailed Survey of a representative population sample of adults' weekly alcohol consumption and expenditure …
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2013-02-01RT12_040 - A multi-provider framework for Planning & Environmental Services (Bord Gais Eireann)
BGE is undertaking a competitive tendering process, seeking to enter into multi-provider framework agreements with a number of providers to meet its requirements for the provision of:
1) Planning & Environmental Assessment;
2) Archaeological, Architectural & Cultural Heritage;
3) Hydrology, Hydrogeology & Water Quality;
4) Geotechnical;
5) Noise & Vibration;
6) Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment;
7) Geographical Information Systems (GIS) & Computer Aided Design (CAD) ;
8) Shadow Flicker Assessment;
9) …
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2012-12-14Provision of staff engagement survey services (Eurofound — European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions)
At this moment more than 30 agencies of the European Commission have been established. They are located across Europe and have a large variety of sizes and missions.
Some agencies have decided to run staff engagement surveys on a regular basis and have specific contracts with service providers to administer the surveys and to prepare reports on them. Some agencies run surveys without a service provider, by means of a purchased tool which they operate under licence; other agencies combine the surveys with …
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2012-12-0712/082 - Market Research Services for Bord Gáis Éireann (Bord Gais Eireann)
Bord Gáis Eireann is undertaking a competitive tendering process, the objective of which is to establish a multi-party supplier framework to provide market research support
services. This is a 4 year contract with an option to extend for a further period of up to 1 year. In order to receive the Pre Qualification Questionnaire, please forward your Expression of Interest to cwhite@bge.ie
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2012-09-03National health and wellbeing Survey (The Health Research Board)
The Health Research Board invites tenders by open competition to undertake, analyse, report on the findings of a National Health and Wellbeing Survey on behalf of the Department of Health.
This Survey will comprise of two sections: (1) General survey questionnaire and (2) Physical measurement. The tender is for one survey commencing in 2012.
The Department, which has responsibility for the development and dissemination of health promotion policy has commissioned a number of surveys in the past to provide …
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2012-05-25Framework Agreement - re provision of consultancy expertise, advice, and support to the DCYA (Department of Children and Youth Affairs)
The Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) in Ireland was established in June 2011. It has been charged with a very significant reform agenda which is to be delivered according to a demanding timetable. In addition to the requirements attaching to its own development as the first ever Government department dedicated to the interests of children and young people, the DCYA is leading wider reform of children’s services. This process includes the establishment of a new statutory agency the Child …
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2012-05-03Framework agreement - re provision of consultancy expertise, advice, and support to the DCYA (Department of Children and Youth Affairs)
The Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) in Ireland was established in June 2011. It has been charged with a very significant reform agenda which is to be delivered according to a demanding timetable. In addition to the requirements attaching to its own development as the first ever Government department dedicated to the interests of children and young people, the DCYA is leading wider reform of children’s services. This process includes the establishment of a new statutory agency the Child …
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2012-04-18Provision of Economic Advisory Services related to Public Transport Provision (National Transport Authority)
The Authority proposes to engage a Consultant to provide economic and/or commercial analysis in relation to public transport costs, revenues, fares and competition and State Aid issues. The Authority also proposes to engage a Consultant to provide commercial advisory services in relation to tendering of public transport services and in assessing, developing and drafting commercial aspects of public transport contracts.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information …
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2012-04-16Monitoring quality of life in Europe (Eurofound — European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions)
The main objective of this call for tenders is the comparative analysis, reporting and commentary on the results of this third EQLS.
The contractor(s), covering for 1 or more lots, is/are expected to produce 1 or more of the 4 analytical reports. These analytical reports should present results in the context of policy debates and existing scientific literature. The reports will be published by Eurofound in a language which should be accessible to a non-technical readership. This call for tenders includes …
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2012-02-13Consultancy Services to prepare an Economic Development & Spatial Implementation Plan for Limerick (Limerick County Council)
Provision of Economic & Business led multi-disciplinary consultancy services to prepare an Economic Development and Spatial Implementation Plan for the Revitalisation of Limerick City Urban Area. There will be three distinct but intergrated elements to the proposal namely:
1. an economic plan;
2. a spatial implementation plan providing expression of the economic proposals;
3. a marketing plan.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:GVA Grimley Limited
2012-01-20Provision of tower site design & consultancy services to Coillte Telecoms (Coillte)
Coillte Telecoms is a group within the Coillte Enterprise Division which is responsible for leveraging and developing the Coillte asset base within the Irish telecommunications marketplace.
Coillte Telecoms manages a growing portfolio of assets which includes:
— 118 Coillte-owned telecommunications structures,
— 3rd party telecommunications infrastructure on over 200 Coillte locations,
— Equipment belonging to approximately 50 different communications operators,
— Some of the key high-site …
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2012-01-13External Consultancy Performance Improvement Scheduled Care (Department of Health)
The contract is for External Consultancy for Performance Improvement in Scheduled Care in order to allow the SDU and NTPF to deliver on their mandate with regard to improvements in relation to Scheduled Care and Outpatient Booking in hospitals across Ireland. The four key workstreams relate to: Capacity Planning, Performance Improvement; Booking & Scheduling and Training & Development. The Service Provider will support existing SDU/NTPF staff through the provision of expert technical support in the …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Pa ConsultingThe Centre For Diagnostic Management Ltd
2011-12-23Provision of a national household travel survey (National Transport Authority)
It is intended that a national household travel survey will provide essential travel behaviour data to support the NTA's transport planning role and for the maintenance of various transport models.
The Authority currently operates and maintains a multi-modal transport model for the GDA. The model was previously maintained by the DTO and came into the ownership of the NTA when the Authority was established in December 2009 and subsumed the DTO.
The GDA model covers two time periods – a 3-hour AM peak …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Millward Brown Lansdowne