2021-04-19   Pension and Actuarial Consulting Services (Central Bank of Ireland)
The Central Bank requires a service provider to provide pension and actuarial consulting services in order to ensure compliance with statutory obligations and to ensure adherence to best practice with respect to the administration of the Central Bank's Superannuation Scheme. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Lane Clark & Peacock Ireland Limited
2021-03-05   RFT for the provision of Pension Advisory and Administration Services in Respect of the NTMA Pension Scheme (National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA))
The National Treasury Management Agency, on behalf of The National Treasury Management Agency pension scheme, is seeking tenders for the provision of pension advisory and administration services. Please refer to the attached documents for further detail. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Mercer (Ireland) Limited
2020-11-16   Provision of an Integrated Human Resource Information System (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland)
The objective of this RFT is to invite suitability qualified service providers to provide a fully managed and Hosted Human Resource Information System (HRIS), to include outsourced an payroll services module, a pension management module and a HR Management System module. SEAI is seeking the provision of a hosted HRIS system and a fully managed payroll and pension service to produce monthly payroll for up to 300 employees. Please read Appendix 1 of the RFT for the tender requirements and specification. … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Access UK Ltd
2020-10-09   Provision of Advice and Support for the Full Operation and Administration of its Relevant Pension Scheme (Irish Blood Transfusion Service)
Rustees • pension administration services (pensioners/deferred members/active members); • pension trustee secretarial services — trustee meetings, etc.; • pension trustee reporting requirements. The IBTS is managing the tender process on behalf of the trustees, responsibility for assessing the tenders and on-going contract management, etc. lies specifically with the trustees IBTS: • pension administration for the Single Public Service Pension Scheme; • administration of Income Protection Scheme; • FRS102 … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Aon Solutions (Ireland) Ltd
2020-09-28   Contract for the Provision of Professional Trustee Services to Horse Racing Ireland and Subsidiaries (Horse Racing Ireland (HRI))
Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) was established by the Irish Government under the Horse and Greyhound Racing Act 2001 and the Irish Horseracing Industry Act 1994. It is a commercial semi-state body that is responsible for the administration, promotion and development of Horse Racing in Ireland. HRI subsidiaries include Irish Thoroughbred Marketing Ltd (ITM), Tote Ireland Ltd and HRI Racecourse Division consisting of Leopardstown Racecourse, Fairyhouse Racecourse, Navan Racecourse, Tipperary Racecourse and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Irish Pensions Trust Ltd
2019-06-25   Provision of A Global Managed Payroll Service Solution including Associated Services (Tourism Ireland CLG)
The purpose of this procurement process is to secure a global solution for Tourism Ireland’s Managed Payroll and support services across its global network of offices. The contract(s) will provide Tourism Ireland with the following services in respect of payroll management and processing: provide a full and comprehensive payroll service for up to the number of current employees per territory including pensioners, plus support services. Tenderers may apply to service the requirements of: — one office … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Mazars
2017-06-07   Pension Administration Services (daa plc)
Daa plc operate a Defined Contribution (DC) retirement savings scheme for its staff at Dublin and Cork airports. At the end of December 2016, the scheme had in excess of 2,500 members. The Company and Trustee wishes to engage a suitably qualified and accredited Registered Administrator to administer the scheme, which services will include the ongoing maintenance of member records and regular reporting. The requested services do not include the provision of investment advisory services. It is intended … View the procurement »
2016-07-26   Pensions and Insurances Administration Service (SOLAS)
SOLAS is seeking a Service Provider in the area of Public sector Pensions Administration and Staff Benefits, to work with SOLAS to deliver consultancy in management of their Public Sector, final salary, and Pensions Administration processes including communication with the actuaries on Financial Reporting Standard 102 (FRS102). The Tenderer must also be experienced in the management of staff benefit schemes including Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) and Last Minute AVCs, Income Protection, Life … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Rocwell Financial Management
2016-07-21   Provision of a Pension Administration and Consultancy Service (Economic and Social Research Institute)
The purpose of this request for tender is to appoint an entity to provide pension administration and consultancy services to the Economic and Social Research Institute in respect of its pension schemes. View the procurement »
2015-06-30   Tender for the establishment of a single-party framework agreement for pension administration and consultancy services (Waterways Ireland)
The North/South Implementation Bodies were established by the Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ireland and signed at Dublin on the 8.3.1999. The North/South Pension Scheme (N/SPS) was established in both jurisdictions on behalf of the North/South Implementation Bodies, under the above agreement, and Tourism Ireland Ltd under the terms of its 2000 Memorandum of Association. The North/South Pension Scheme is a defined benefit … View the procurement »
2015-04-15   Pension Scheme Administration, Actuarial and Consultancy Services (Commission for Energy Regulation)
The Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) is Ireland's independent energy and water regulator. The CER was established in 1999 and now has a wide range of economic, customer protection and safety responsibilities in energy. The CER is also the regulator of Ireland's public water and wastewater system. The CER wishes to engage support in relation to Pension Scheme Administration, Actuarial and Consultancy Services to work with the CER's HR Department to provide advice and support on a broad range of … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Willis (Risk Services Ireland)
2013-08-13   DLHC/2013/02 - Provision of Superannuation Actuarial and Administration Services (Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company)
The Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company (DLHC) is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified service provider to assist the Trustees and the DLHC as employer in carrying out its statutory duties regarding administration of the DLHC Pension Scheme. Please refer to the attached Request for Tender (RFT) document for further information. View the procurement »
2012-10-09   Fully Managed Services for HRIS (Human Resources Information Systems), Payroll and Pensions (Fáilte Ireland-National Tourism Development Authority)
Fáilte Ireland is seeking to appoint a supplier(s) to provide fully managed services for HRIS, Payroll and Pensions. Fáilte Ireland wishes to establish two contracts for these services, Tourism Ireland and The Gathering 2013 may avail of these contracts; the requirements in this regard have been divided into a number of lots as follows: Lot 1- Integrated Human Resource Information System and Outsourced Payroll service including management of the associated payroll Business Processes and the hosting and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Core Computers Lrd t/a Core International Willis Risk Services (Ireland) Limited