2015-04-01Bid Advisory / Bid Co-Ordination and Management Services (Irish Rugby Football Union)
The Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) is the Governing Body for Rugby Union in Ireland. It is responsible for the Irish national team, the 4 provincial teams and 224 clubs. It is also responsible for the development of the sport in schools, colleges and clubs. It is one of the member unions of World Rugby (formally the International Rugby Board (IRB)).
The IRFU has decided to make a bid to World Rugby to host the 2023 Rugby World Cup on the Island of Ireland. The bid is being supported by the Irish …
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2015-01-30Management Services for the Irish Institute of Sport (Irish Sports Council)
Dear Tenderers
The Irish Sports Council wishes to engage in the services of a Management Services Consultant for the Irish Institute of Sport over a 4 year period from 1.4.2015-31.3.2019.
Please consult the associated tender documentation which contains full instructions regarding the completion and submission of tender documentation.
Regards ISC.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Gary Keegan
2014-10-28Professional Fundraiser on a contract for services basis with Dublin City Council (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council, through The Hugh Lane Gallery Trust Ltd, wishes to invite tenders from highly motivated and suitably qualified parties for the role of professional fundraiser on a contract for services basis to develop a culture of additional financial and other support for the Gallery. The successful tenderer will report to the Director of the Hugh Lane Gallery, under the directorate of the Board of Dublin City Gallery the Hugh Lane, and will work closely with the staff of the Gallery.
Please see …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Purplegrass Consulting
2014-07-31Research and design of paramedic competency standard (Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council)
We are inviting submissions from suitably accredited tertiary level institutes e.g. Universities providing paramedic programmes in jurisdictions where the paramedic profession is regulated to tender for the research and supply of a paramedic competency standard. The competency standard will include future paramedic specialist roles i.e., physician's assistant (emergency department); community; aerial transport; and critical care in Ireland. The competency standard will supplement the current Education …
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2014-07-03SFI 01/14 - Establishment of a Framework Panel for Scientific Administrators in the 14 NPRE areas (Science Foundation Ireland)
Science Foundation Ireland wishes to establish, using a Framework Panel, a range of expert scientific administrators to assist SFI in a number of activities under the above mentioned 14 priority research areas. This will include, but is not limited to the initiation, design and implementation of SFI programme calls, assisting with stakeholder consultation, assisting with review procedures including recruitment of international reviewers, evaluation of grants applications, analysis of reviews and …
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2014-05-08KGTIMP2014 – Provision of Interpretation Consultancy to the OPW National Monuments Service in relation to Kilmainham... (Office of Public Works (OPW))
Kilmainham Gaol is one of Ireland's most significant historic sites and a designated National Monument. The Office of Public Works (OPW) is responsible for its preservation and protection and its operation as a successful heritage/visitor attraction.
Kilmainham Courthouse is located directly outside the perimeter wall of Kilmainham Gaol, and is itself a protected building of historical significance. A project is due to commence shortly to adapt the building to visitor uses.
The impetus for this project …
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2014-04-23Provision of Consumer Research Services (National Transport Authority)
The Authority wishes to invite tenders under an open procedure with the objective of engaging consumer research services. The objective of the consumer research is to provide data and analysis on various elements of the Authority's activities, including both transport services and infrastructure. It is intended that a primary focus of the research undertaken will be to measure and track a range of defined indicators of people's use of, and satisfaction with, various elements of transport systems and …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Millward Brown Ireland Limited
2014-03-25Population Survey 2014/15 - Drug Use in Ireland and Northern Ireland Drug Prevalence Survey 2014/15 (National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol NACDA)
The National Advisory Committee on Drugs and Alcohol (NACDA) Ireland, wishes to commission a fourth drug prevalence survey of households in Ireland. The survey will be conducted in accordance with the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) standards for such studies. The main purpose of the study is to obtain prevalence rates for illegal drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine, heroin on a lifetime (ever used), last year (recent use), and last month (current use) basis. Similar …
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2014-03-13Limerick Cultural Venue Strategy - Preparation of a Cultural Venues Strategy for Limerick City to include the... (Limerick City Council)
The key objectives of the Limerick City Centre Cultural Venues Strategy are
1. Provide an overview of existing cultural venue provision in Limerick City Centre;
2. Make recommendations on the future provision of physical cultural infrastructure;
3. Identification of strategic locations/buildings (public and private) that can utilised either permanently or periodically as cultural venues;
4. Integration of the National Diaspora Centre into the cultural infrastructure of the City;
5. Assess the feasibility …
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2013-11-25ITT13-042 - Supply of E.coli Testing Services to the Marine Institute (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi State body, wishes to invite tenders for the supply of analytical services for the testing of shellfish from Irish shellfish production sites for Escherichia coli (E. coli) using the standard 5 tube 3 dilution most probable number (MPN) method (ISO TS 16649-3) in accordance with Regulation (EC) 854/2004.
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2013-09-272013/02 - Professional fundraising services (Abbey Theatre Amharclann na Mainistreach)
The Abbey Theatre is Ireland's national theatre and occupies a unique position in the hearts and minds of Irish people. It has 2 theatres: the Abbey, with a capacity of 492 seats and the Peacock, with a capacity of 132 seats. The Abbey Theatre is committed to producing a year round programme of work both on and off stage, with the priority to create work of excellence, which not only showcases Irish and international drama but also engages with the artistic and civic life of contemporary Ireland.
The …
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2013-09-20SSI2013 - Research examining the participation of third level students in Ireland in sport, physical activity and... (Student Sport Ireland)
Student Sport Ireland is the national governing body for third level sport in Ireland with the remit to promote and develop third level sport in Ireland.
The overall aim of this research project is to investigate and assess the participation of 3rd level students in sport and physical activity in Ireland and the factors and issues surrounding that participation. Implicit here is the understanding that the research will also investigate and assess those 3rd level students who do not participate in sport …
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2013-07-26Social inclusion of young people (Eurofound — European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions)
In the context of the economic and social crisis and high levels of exclusion of young people from employment, in 2013 Eurofound will carry out a research project on social inclusion of young people.
Lot 1 — effect and impact of long-term unemployment on youth.
Lot 2 — transferability and implementation of the youth guarantee.
Lot 3 — review and analysis of policies and initiatives for social inclusion of young people.
The project will include quantitative and qualitative analysis and it will be …
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2013-05-17Development of energy efficiency cost curves for Ireland and associated cost benefit analysis (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland)
The purpose of this request for tenders (RFT) is to provide detailed analysis on where potential energy savings exist and how they might best be realised. Models must be provided to SEAI as described in the RFT. It is intended that an outcome of this project will be to meet the requirements of Article 4 of the Energy Efficiency Directive.
The programme of work sought under this RFT relates to energy efficiency in FOUR separate sectors:
(1) Residential (all private households)
(2) Commercial (all …
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2013-05-08Framework agreement - verification of placement data incorporating an employer survey (FAS - Foras Aiseanna Saothair, Training and Employment Authority)
The Framework Agreement will be for a period of 4 years. The intention of this competition is to arrive at a list of up to five potential service-providers to participate in the framework. Its purpose is to undertake sample verification of placement claims submitted by Providers and Contractors relating to training delivered through the mechanism of Contract Training and the Labour Market Education and Training Fund (Momentum). The service will also include polling of employers to provide general …
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2013-03-01Consultancy Services for Building Control (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council wishes to award a contract to suitably qualified and experienced consultants, for the provision of Consultancy Services related to the Building Control, for checking, inspecting, auditing, recording, research and advisory services for buildings, designs, construction works, estate development, temporary erections, events, etc. and support services for the enforcement of statutory and other requirements in relation to health and safety, structural sufficiency, serviceability, …
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2013-02-05Technical Support to Small Business Programmes (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland)
The objective of this RFT is to invite proposals from suitably qualified service providers to provide technical support to SEAI in 4 areas: (i) Advice, Monitoring and Assessment programme, (ii) Technical support to the Energy Obligations energy credits team, (iii) Technical coordination services for the delivery of the Energy Awards, and (iv) the provision of support in the compilation of best practice guides and case studies. For more information, please refer to the Request for Tenders published on …
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