2019-07-12Supply and Maintenance of Electric Cargo Tricycles (An Post)
An post mails and parcels have over 350 delivery units nationwide, Ireland’s largest mails and parcels network. The mails and parcels business have succeeded in growing parcels and mails media sales and are managing the impact of the changing mails industry.
An post is also moving to a more sustainable energy efficient transport model and has one of the largest electric fleet in Ireland, and is continuing to increase the number of electric and other alternatives delivery methods which support a …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Goeco HighnellyGreenAer Mobility Ltd
2019-05-23Double-Deck Hybrid Bus Framework (National Transport Authority)
The Framework Agreement is intended to permit the purchase of double-deck diesel-electric hybrid buses from the supplier during the period of the Framework Agreement. It is envisaged that up to 600 buses may be purchased under this Framework Agreement. However, the Contracting Authority reserves the right to purchase a lower or higher amount of buses or not to place any purchase orders under the Framework Agreement.
For further information please see the tender documents.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Alexander-Dennis Ltd
2018-10-05Leasing of Cars and Vans (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnród Éireann’s -Irish Rail has a requirement to establish a multi party framework agreement for leasing of road fleet vehicles. Our road fleet comprises of cars, vans and crew cabs. Iarnród Éireann also operates the management of road fleet services on behalf of Bus Éireann, Dublin Bus and CIE. The current process is tendered annually to the appointed contractors for vans/crew cabs (Lot 1) and cars (Lot 2). Contractors are invited to tender for the lots on the basis of a range of projected kilometers …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Galway Plant and Tool hire Ltd t/a GPTKitale Ltd t/a Ashley Ford
2018-05-03EV Ultra-Fast Charge Point Units (Electricity Supply Board (ESB))
The contracting entity intends to procure multi (3) member Frameworks for the supply and commissioning of EV Chargers of up to circa 350kW capacity including associated equipment and services to be delivered in Ireland.
These frameworks will not include installation of equipment.
Lot 1 – Ultra fast charge points including greater than 100Kw and up to 350Kw dedicated output to CCS and Chademo.
Lot 2 – Ultra fast charge points up to 160Kw simultaneous output to CCS and Chademo.
Lot 3 – Ultra fast charge …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:ABB LTDEfacec Electric Mobility, S.A.
2016-07-08Supply of Counterbalance Forklift Truck (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport)
The Irish Coast Guard is seeking a supplier for supply, delivery and maintenance of a Counterbalance Forklift Truck for use in the Irish Coast Guard Stores warehouse. It is intended to replace the current model Lansing Linde H40 Diesel Lift Truck with a new Lift Truck suitable for indoor, unventilated use, as per SI No 299 of 2007: Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007. Must be capable of being used as part of an emergency response consisting of lifting and moving up …
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2015-11-23SS/CON/2425 — Maintenance Services — Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (Electricity Supply Board (ESB))
Supply of Preventative and Corrective Maintenance Services to the ESB Ecars Electric Vehicle Infrastructure. The ESB Ecars EV charging infrastructure is made up of 100 Fast Chargers and approximately 600 AC Public chargers and these numbers may grow in the next 2 to 3 years. ESB Ecars operates this infrastructure in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
The units are made by various international manufacturers and cover all current EV charging standards. The AC chargers are 2 x 22 kW AC 3 Phase …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:GMC Utilities Group Limited