2021-04-23Provision of CTDs and ADCPs for Deep Water Observations (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute invites tenders to this request for tenders (‘RFT’) from economic operators for the provision of the goods as described in the RFT.
This public procurement competition will be divided into two lots. Each Lot will result in a separate contract.
Lot 1: A requirement exists for the supply of conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) sensors for deep water observation projects;
Lot 2: A requirement exists for the supply of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) for deep water …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:TechWorks Marine
2021-04-09Provision of Consumer Research Services (National Transport Authority)
The Authority wishes to invite tenders under an open procedure with the objective of engaging consumer research services. The objective of the consumer research is to provide data and analysis on various elements of the Authority’s and its service provider’s activities, including both transport services and infrastructure. It is intended that a primary focus of the research undertaken will be to measure and track a range of defined indicators of people’s use of, and satisfaction with, various elements of …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Behaviour & Attitudes Marketing Research
2021-03-19LSO1383C — TCD — Supply of Services for DNA Methylation Arrays for the TILDA Study (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
TILDA requires analysis of at least 800 DNA samples, including control samples and quality control (QC) samples, on the Illumina EPIC 850K Methylation Array in 1 batch, from mid-2021.
The DNA samples have been extracted from peripheral blood using the ‘Salting out’ method performed using Qiagen Autopure kits and are resuspended in TE buffer. DNA samples have been normalised at a concentration of 100ng/ul using Invitrogen Quant-iT dsDNA HS Assay Kits.
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Edinburgh Innovations
2021-03-04Special Marks and Associated Meteorological Sensor Equipment and Services at the Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi state body, wishes to invite tenders for the provision of two special marks and associated meteorological sensor equipment and services at the Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2025.
The primary purpose of this tender is for the supply, deployment, and maintenance of two special marks and associated meteorological sensors suitable for deployment off the Belmullet peninsula on the northwest coast of Co. Mayo, Ireland. The special marks and associated …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Commissioners of Irish Lights
2021-01-18Technical and Advisory Services for Improved Logistic Processes on Motorways of the Sea Routes (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute, a semi state body, wishes to invite tenders for the supply of technical and advisory services for delivering outputs for an EU Motorways of the Sea (MoS) project that the Marine Institute’s Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO) is coordinating. The services described as part of this ITT will commence in April 2021 for a period of 12 months.
The aim of the project called ‘International Fast and Secure Trade Lane — Improving the Dublin – Cherbourg MoS route’ is to provide maritime, …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:CIRCLE SPA
2020-12-14Survey of Travellers 2021-2023 (Fáilte Ireland-National Tourism Development Authority)
The Survey of Overseas Travellers is a vital tool in the measurement of trends in seasonality and regional dispersal of overseas tourism, the two pillars of sustainable tourism in Ireland.
The data from the survey provides a comprehensive database of tourism statistics and is used in the formulation of effective strategies for tourism promotion and development as well as providing most of the statistical input for Fáilte Ireland’s various advisory and research publications.
Failte Ireland seeks a …
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2020-12-08Hotel Performance Metrics 2021-2023 (Fáilte Ireland-National Tourism Development Authority)
Fáilte Ireland has measured the performance of hotels since the 1960’s, focussing on bed and room night demand and the market origin of hotel guests.
Over the last 20 years, the Irish Hotel Industry has changed fundamentally from one dominated by family/individually run hotels to a more consolidated industry with many domestic and international groups operating multiple properties. This change along with technological advances has enabled hotel managers to access metrics such as Average Daily Rate and …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:STR Global Ltd
2020-11-13Marine Mapping and Survey Support Services (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to put a non-exclusive framework agreement in place, for the supply of marine mapping personnel and survey support services in support of its research, national, and seabed mapping programmes. Applicants deemed qualified will be placed on a panel that the Marine Institute will draw from over a 4-year period to provide such services.
A detailed technical description is available in the attached tender documents.
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2020-11-063D Bioprinter (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland)
Request for supply and installation of a 3D Bioprinter for our laboratory whose research is focused on the fabrication of 3D regenerative biomaterial constructs.
The 3D Printer should be compatible with a range of bio-compatible and synthetic materials/bioinks. The temperature of the print shelf/bed should be adjustable. Multiple extruders/print heads required. Extruder temperature should be adjustable. High resolution printing in X, Y and Z directions is necessary for the fabrication of constructs with …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Regenhu SA
2020-09-15DAFM - RFT for the Provision of Mycobacterium Bovis Culture & PCR Testing (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine invites tenders from laboratories to carry out laboratory testing to detect and culture isolates of Mycobacterium bovis. Applicants should note that culturing of Mycobacterium bovis may only be carried out in a laboratory operating at biosafety level 3 or higher. The testing and culture must be carried out under an appropriate quality system, and any testing laboratory must be approved by the TB National Reference Laboratory (NRL).
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:FarmLab Diagnostics Ltd
2020-08-14DAFM — RFT for the Provision of Gamma-interferon Sample Testing (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) is seeking tenders for the provision of Gamma Interferon TB Testing Services. The test must be carried out under an appropriate quality system, using the Bovigam Gamma Interferon Assay. DAFM will provide the gamma interferon assay ELISA kits to the successful applicant. Any testing laboratory must be approved by the Irish National Reference Laboratory (NRL).
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:FarmLab Diagnostics Ltd
2020-07-13LEE882C — NUI Galway — Preclinical Evaluation of Hydrobloc (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
NUI Galway wishes to source and appoint a suitably qualified and experienced Contract Research Organisation (CRO) to support the research and development requirements for their Preclinical Evaluation of Hydrobloc.
The goal of the project is to develop a novel stabilised gel for the treatment of chronic pain. Specifically, this 12-month project aims to develop the Hydrobloc technology and complete all necessary safety and efficacy testing in order for this novel medical device to be ready for first in …
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2020-07-10Provision of Alcohol and Drug Testing Services to Bus Eireann (Bus Eireann/Irish Bus)
The contracting authority proposes setting up a single party framework for the provision of alcohol and drug testing for a 3-year period. The contracting authority reserves the right to extend this framework for a further period of 12 or 24 months.
The successful contractor must have the necessary skills, competence, training and certification to carry out the services required. The successful contractor will be required to produce service delivery and management reports, to designated Bus Eireann …
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2020-06-24Innovating for Soft Plastic in a Circular Economy (Environmental Protection Agency)
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) falls under the category of pre-commercial procurement (PCP). The Environmental Protection Agency is leading a challenge under Enterprise Ireland’s SBIR Ireland programme to seek solutions to reduce the amount of single-use plastic packaging used in school meals and to reduce the carbon footprint of schools by cutting plastic packaging waste generation. Currently, meals are provided packaged in a range of containers and soft-plastic wrappers that are disposed of …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Radical Innovations Group AB
2020-05-12Supply of Vessel Services to the Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore, Co. Galway (Marine Institute)
The Marine Institute wishes to put a non-exclusive framework agreement in place, for the supply of vessel services. Successful applicants will be placed on a panel that the Marine Institute will draw from over the next 4-year period to provide such services. Vessel requirements will be identified for specific jobs and a mini-competition process will be used to award relevant work.
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2020-05-06Covid-19 Research Programme (Tourism Ireland CLG)
Tourism Ireland is seeking a service provider capable of providing quantitative and qualitative research about Covid-19’s impact on travel to the island of Ireland. Tourism Ireland needs to navigate through each phase of the crisis and in order to support us to do this, we need effective and timely evidence on which to base our decisions. We are looking for a service provider with the ability to complete the primary research we need in our source markets — both quantitative and qualitative. The …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Red C Research And Marketing Ltd
2020-05-05Request for Tenders for the provision of Specialist Education Services for ETBI (Education and Training Boards Ireland)
In summary, the services comprise: the provision of a specialist education services to deliver services on behalf of ETBI for the benefit of the ETB sector. QQI has developed a suite of quality assurance guidelines in conjunction with stakeholders to be used by providers designing programmes, establishing and reviewing their quality assurance policies and procedures. These guidelines communicate the expectations and the quality of provision, assessment and the teaching and learning experience in the …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:Colaiste De Danann t/a Cenit College
2020-04-20An End of Year Three Evaluation of the Access and Inclusion Model (AIM) (Department of Children and Youth Affairs)
The Department of Children and Youth Affairs seeking proposals from tenderers to undertake an end of year three evaluation of the Access and Inclusion Model (AIM). The Access and Inclusion Model (AIM) was launched in June 2016 to enable the full inclusion and meaningful participation of children with disabilities in the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Programme. The goal of AIM is to empower early years settings to deliver an inclusive pre-school experience, ensuring that every eligible child …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:University of Derby
2019-12-20Digital Aerial Waterbird Surveys of Donegal Bay (BirdWatch Ireland)
As part of the Marine Birds Work Package of the Interreg VA MarPAMM project, BirdWatch Ireland is seeking tenders for the completion of digital aerial waterbird surveys of Donegal Bay, with 2 surveys required, 1 in February to mid-March 2020 and a second in the period September 2020-March 2021. Precise timings of surveys within these time periods to be determined.
Data and imagery will be acquired using digital aerial survey. Deliverables include raw data, imagery, GIS files and, where appropriate, …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:HiDef Aerial Surveying Ltd
2019-10-22BDB067C- RFT for a Research Intelligence Database(s) and Related Research Analytics Service for Teagasc (Education Procurement Service (EPS))
Request for a Research Intelligence Database(s) and related research analytics service. The objectives of this tender are:
1) To provide a database, or range of databases, which will provide access to information on publications and citations in the wide range of topics which are the focus of the Teagasc research programme. We require the database to provide citation data and a range of bibliometric indicators. We require information on, and analysis of, the impact of journals;
2) To provide a …
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2019-10-08SD_Extension of Phase 2 SBIR Gully Monitoring Challenge (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council (DCC) announces its intention to extend Phase 2 of the SBIR Gully Monitoring Challenge in partnership with Enterprise Ireland. Phase 2B will introduce a bridging fund of 30 000 EUR inc.VAT(per company) for two companies that have participated in Phase 2 of the challenge. Over the next 18 months the funding will provide the companies with the 'support for initial tooling and interface development' which will be instrumental for the sustainability and future scalability of the solutions …
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