Supplier: StatisticaMedica Ltd

One archived procurement

Recent procurements where the supplier StatisticaMedica Ltd is mentioned

2021-03-26   Clinical Research Services in Ten Lots (National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway))
Lot 1A: Clinical research full service โ€” device trials (full service including financial invoicing); Lot 1B: Clinical research full service โ€” pharma trials (full service including financial invoicing); Lot 2: Clinical research services: quality and regulatory services for clinical trials; Lot 3: Clinical research services: biostatistics and clinical study design services for clinical trials; Lot 4: Clinical research services: study co-ordination and management services for clinical trials; Lot 5A: โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Afortiori Development Common Sense Clinical DF/Net Research, Inc. MCRA LLC Rede Optimus Hospitalar AG StatisticaMedica Ltd TRIUM Clinical Consulting NV