2023-07-11   Provision of ICT Managed Service and Resources for On Premise and Cloud Infrastructure (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
Tusla invites applications for the provision of an ICT Managed Service to support its ICT On Premise and Cloud infrastructure. This tender also includes a draw down of resources to help aid Tusla ICT deliver its programme of works. View the procurement »
2023-06-29   Tender for the provision of Childcare Legal Services for Separated Children seeking International Protection to The... (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
In summary, the Services comprise: Childcare Legal Services for Separated Children Seeking International Protection (SCSIP). The Contracting Authority intends to appoint a single service provider contract. This is designed to cover the requirements that arise in relation to Separated Children seeking International Protection. Typical activity which arises will include but not necessarily be limited to; • Appearance in District, Circuit and Higher Courts to deal with complex and sensitive applications to … View the procurement »
2023-06-20   Provision of Secure Data Centre Co-Location Services (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
Provision of Secure Data Center Location Services for Tusla. View the procurement »
2023-05-16   Request for Tender for the provision of Cyber Security Advisory Services (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
Tusla requires the services of a specialised information/cyber security partner to provide expert advice and supporting services in delivering the organisation’s Information security programme. The range of services which may fall under this tender include the following (but not limited to) • provision of subject matter experts on-site and off-site, • assistance with the implementation of Tusla’s information security management programme • provision of support and advice on information/cyber security • … View the procurement »
2023-04-03   Fire Safety Consultants Service (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
Carry out fire safety risk assessments to all the Children’s residential dwellings and Special Care Units (SPUs) associated buildings nationally, outlining compliance with the Building Legislative Framework. Supply a full set of layout drawings for each property. Preparation (in consultation with centre management) of a specific fire safety operational plan, clearly outlining the evacuation strategy, maintenance of active and passive systems, describe the fire precautions and fire safety procedures in … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: FCC Fire Cert Ltd.
2023-01-26   Estates Fire Safety Consultants (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
Tusla – Child and Family Agency invites tenders to this RFT for the provision of Fire Safety Consultants Services In summary, the Services comprise: 1.2.1 Carry out fire safety risk assessments to all the Children’s residential dwellings and Special Care Units (SPUs) associated buildings nationally, outlining compliance with the Building Legislative Framework. 1.2.2 Preparation (in consultation with centre management) of a specific fire safety operational plan, clearly outlining the evacuation strategy, … View the procurement »
2022-10-28   The provision of residential services for separated children seeking international protection (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
Tusla, Child & Family Agency, invites tender responses from providers engaged in privately operated (non-voluntary) Children’s Residential Services to provide placements for separated children seeking international protection i.e., residential service with a specialty added 4 x 6 bedded centres are required for the Dublin and surrounding Area (Tusla organisational areas of Dublin Mid-Leinster and Dublin North East). This tender process is being conducted under Annex XIV of Procurement Directives … View the procurement »
2022-08-12   Co-design and delivery of a development programme to middle managers (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
Scoping, Consultation and design for a Tusla Leadership Academy and Integrated Talent Development Framework and review, co-design and delivery of a development programme to middle managers View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Ucd Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School
2021-11-18   Buildings Conditions Survey (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
Tusla operates out of approximately 300 buildings located in 26 counties nationwide; Tusla has a variety of buildings of differing types and age from residential, office and mixed usage including some protected structures. A nationwide condition survey of buildings in the Tusla estate is required to determine their condition and identify works required to meet ongoing maintenance requirements is one of the key projects identified in the Tusla estates strategy. Tusla now wishes to undertake a … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: AECOM Ireland Limited O'Reilly Stuart & Associates Limited
2021-08-25   The Child and Family Agency (Tusla) invites tenders to this request for tenders from suitably qualified and... (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
Tusla wishes to procure Private Foster Care Services to complement existing community based private foster care services. Tusla intends to meet this requirement by putting in place a Bespoke Panel Arrangement to complement Tusla’s existing fostering services and supports with suitable Panel Approved Provider (i.e. Non Statutory suppliers/service providers). Tusla’s service requirements are broken into five lots for the purposes of this tender competition. This tender process is being conducted under … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Five Rivers Ireland Fostering First Ireland Horizon House / FCI (Sorcha Homes Ltd) Orchard Childrens Service Origins Foster Care
2021-02-08   Legal Services Relating to Childcare (Including Education Welfare Services, Early Year Services, Domestic Violence... (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
Legal services relating to childcare (including education welfare services, early year services, domestic violence applications and criminal matters related to the minor) for Co. Kerry. This is designed to cover the requirements that arise in relation to childcare legal services. Typical activity which arises will include but not necessarily be limited to: • appearance in District, Circuit and Higher Courts to deal with complex and sensitive applications to protect minors including domestic violence and … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Comyn Kelleher Tobin LLP
2021-02-01   Legal Services Contract Management and Administration Services (Tusla Child and Family Agency)
The contracting authority intends to award contracts for legal services, pursuant to a separate public procurement process currently underway. The contracting authority wishes to maintain an element of management and administration to these legal services and therefore intends to appoint a single tenderer to provide legal services management and administration services. The tenderer appointed will be responsible for the following: • monitoring and reporting on cost and activity from firms appointed to … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Arthur Cox Consultancy Services