Procurements: Repair and maintenance services of mechanical building installations (page 2)
2014-06-16CorpServ001 - Management and Maintenance Services for Corporate Buildings for Limerick City and County Council (Limerick City and County Council)
Management and maintenance services for 6 Corporate Buildings in the ownership of LCCC. Limerick Corporate Buildings should be taken to consist of the following:
1. Limerick City and County Council Corporate Headquarters, Merchants Quay, Limerick and all associated offices, including:
Mayoral Suite, Council Chamber, exhibition area, museum area, museum basement, glazed street and main administrative office floors. - District Court Building, including courtroom, court offices and custodial …
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2014-04-17Courts Bundle Public Private Partnership (PPP) (National Development Finance Agency)
Following on from the Prior Information Notice ("PIN") (RFT 80008), the National Development Finance Agency, acting for and on behalf of the Department of Justice and Equality (“DJE”) (as Sanctioning Authority ) and the Courts Service (as Sponsoring Agency) intends to procure the Courts Bundle PPP (the Project) to design, build and/or extend and/or refurbish (as outlined in the Project Information Memorandum/Pre-Qualification Questionnaire document attached to the eTender's notice), finance and maintain …
View the procurement » Mentioned suppliers:BAM PPP PGGM Infrastructure Cooperatie UA
2014-04-10NCTR 1415 - Mechanical Services Maintenance Contract (Dublin Institute of Technology)
The provision of both preventative and reactive maintenance services to the existing mechanical services installations at all of the specified DIT buildings in the greater Dublin area. The contract (if any) that may result from this Competition will be issued for a term of three years. DIT reserves the right to extend the contract term for up to two additional periods of one year each, on the same terms and conditions, subject to DIT obligations at law.
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2014-03-27CE/5218/GM - Mechanical & Electrical Services [Framework Agreement] (Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail)
Iarnród Éireann are advertising a call for competition for the establishment of a multi-party framework agreement. This framwework agreement will be split into 3 lots (East Region, South Region, West Region) with each lot containing a provision for Planned Preventative Maintenance Works, Un Planned Asset replacement Works, Planned Preventative Renewal Works (PPR), Provision of Technical & Skilled personal with Transport, associated tools, test equipment and CAD terminals; and Provision of Call Out / …
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2013-12-20FD/02/05/292 - Facilities Management Services (Irish Prison Service)
The Irish Prison Service (IPS) requires the provision of a
facilities management contract covering Mechanical and
Electrical planned and reactive maintenance.
Service provider must provide a fully managed service,
acting as a Prime Contractor with single point responsibility
for managing and delivering all the services at the specified
The scope of the contract shall be to provide a facilities
management service for the provision of specialist
contractor support with a managed service to cover …
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2013-11-082013/37 - 2013/37 Fabrication contract (Dublin Bus / Bus Atha Cliath)
Bus Átha Cliath invites submissions from interested parties to take part in a pre- selection process to form a tender lsit for inclusion on a tender list for the supply, support of Fabrication and Mechanical maintenance for Bus Átha Claith of its Buildings, Depots and Environs.
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2013-10-25TSD2014/0001 - Provision of Preventative Maintenance Services (Mater Misericordiae University Hospital Ltd)
I enclose herewith Invitation to Tender documentation for Provision of Preventative Maintenance Services to the Mechanical system of the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital.
The Hospital will be conducting this tender in accordance with public procurement guidance as issued by the Department of Finance.
As a result of this process the Hospital intends to appoint a single provider, who will be bear full responsibility for the delivery of the contract.
The scope of this tender will include Preventative …
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2013-09-25ITB13-13 Maintenance Services - Various maintenance contracts at ITB (Institute of Technology Blanchardstown)
Annual Maintenance (3 years) of Electrical services, Mechanical services, Fire Alarm Systems, CCTV and Intruder Alarm Systems, Lifts, Lightning Protection Systems, Water Tank Cleaning and Legionella Monitoring at Institute of Technology Blanchardstown. The RFT is for a number of different maintenance services in individual Lots. The tenders for each Lot will be evaluated and contracts awarded seperately.
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2012-10-23Mechanical Engineer (Irish Blood Transfusion Service)
IBTS require a mechanical fitter to carry out mechanical maintenance at the National Blood Centre, James St, Dublin 8. Location:
The mechanical fitter will be primarily based at the National Blood Centre, but will be required to also carry out maintenance at the other Blood clinics which are in the Dublin area.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at
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2012-05-10Frameworks for mechanical & electrical maintenance services & electrical minor works services (University College Dublin (UCD))
UCD is issuing this contract notice inviting expressions of interest as the first stage of a two-stage process for appointment to three multi-party framework agreements ("the framework agreements") as follows:
Lot 1 mechanical maintenance & operational services.
Lot 2 electrical maintenance & operational services.
Lot 3 electrical minor works services.
The purpose of the first stage is to obtain information from the applicants to determine their suitability on the basis of financial capacity, technical …
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2011-05-12Contract for the Removal of Machinery and Associated Remedial Works (Medite Europe Ltd)
Medite Europe located in Clonmel, Co Tipperary and has produced Medite medium density fibreboard (MDF) since 1983. The plant has a production capacity of 410,000m3 per annum, it also employs 165 people and, as well as supplying the Irish market, exports MDF to the UK, mainland Europe and beyond. The company has successfully established Medite as the leading MDF brand. It has pioneered a range of premium MDF products including Medite Premier, Medite Exterior, Medite MR, Medite Plus, Medite FQ., Medite FR …
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2011-05-02Framework Agreements for Mechnical Services and Energy Centre at Univeristy College Dublin (University College Dublin)
University College Dublin is issuing two separate Suitability Assessment Questionnaires inviting expressions of interest as the first stage of a two-stage process under the restricted procedure. The purpose of the first stage is to obtain information from applicants to determine their suitability on the basis of financial standing, technical competence and capability, and relevant experience to carry out any projects arising under the framework agreement. Please note this is not a tender document.
To …
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