Supplier: The Paul Hogarth Company

5 archived procurements

Recent procurements where the supplier The Paul Hogarth Company is mentioned

2022-11-11   Multi Party Framework Agreement for Integrated Design Teams for Public Realm Projects (Dublin City Council)
Multi Party Framework Agreement for Integrated Design Teams for Public Realm Projects. Typical services will mainly be landscape architectural and urban design services for the delivery of refurbished public realm projects, refurbishment of public parks and the development of new public parks. Urban landscape planning studies, strategies, land use strategies and policy formation etc. The framework duration is 4 years. Projects under this framework will vary in scale but will typically be similar in scale … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: AECOM Ireland Limited Áit Urbanism + Landscape Ltd. Bernard Seymour Landscape Architects Brady Shipman Martin Cunnane Stratton Reynolds Limited Dublin Dermot Foley Landscape The Paul Hogarth Company Urban Agency Architects Ltd
2022-01-24   MPF - Visitor Amenities, Interpretation, Branding & Wayfinding Plans for Greenways & Blueways (Fáilte Ireland-National Tourism Development Authority)
Fáilte Ireland wish to establish a multiparty framework of suppliers to work with pre-qualified Local Authorities and Public Bodies to develop Visitor Amenities, Interpretation, Branding & Wayfinding plans for Greenways and Blueways around the country over the next 3 years. The Department of Transport is currently looking at a funding mechanism to support the delivery, implementation and installation of the plans that are developed under this fund. The initial project under this framework will be for the … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Placemarque The Paul Hogarth Company
2020-02-07   Services to Prepare a Regeneration Strategy for Letterkenny Town Centre known as Letterkenny 2040 (Donegal County Council)
Provision of urban design and masterplanning services to prepare a Regeneration Strategy (Letterkenny 2040) for Letterkenny town centre including its communication and branding. View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: The Paul Hogarth Company
2017-03-15   Establishment of a Multi-Party Framework Agreement for Integrated Design Team Services for Public Realm Projects (Dublin City Council)
Dublin City Council and its partners (Dublin Local Authorities) wish to invite tenderers for the purpose of forming a multi party framework agreement to support the delivery of these projects and other public realm and parks projects as they arise. Successful tenderers may subsequently be invited to tender in mini-competitions for individual draw downs of the framework agreement as they arise. It is envisaged that the number of integrated design teams on the Framework will be a minimum of 4 and maximum … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Aecom Áit Landscape and Urbanism Bernard Seymour Landscape Architects DBH Architects Dermot Foley Landscape Architects Mitchell + Associates PKA REDscape Landscape and Urbanism The Paul Hogarth Company Urban Agency
2012-02-28   Destination Interpretation Planning and Design (Fáilte Ireland-National Tourism Development Authority)
Nationally, one of Fáilte Ireland’s five strategic priorities is Destination Development. Having examined where most of Ireland’s visitors stay and where there is a corresponding high level of product and service offering, Fáilte Ireland has prioritised work in a number of key destinations. The vision is to successfully initiate and implement a Destination Development Strategy in each of these areas to positively impact on the growth and sustainability of all businesses and communities through increased … View the procurement »
Mentioned suppliers: Agtel Haley Sharpe Design Limited Martello Media Tandem Design Telltale The Paul Hogarth Company The Tourism Company URS Wwt Consulting