Supplier: Fujitsu (Ireland) Ltd.

One archived procurement

Recent procurements where the supplier Fujitsu (Ireland) Ltd. is mentioned

2013-03-22   UCDOPP481 - Provision of an External IT Support Service to UCD (University College Dublin ( UCD ))
University College Dublin invites responses for the provision of external IT Support Services. Primarily this contract is being put in place for use by UCD, however, the following organisations may wish to avail of the contract with the successful tenderer on this contract: a) Dublin City University; b) Trinity College Dublin; c) National University of Ireland, Maynooth; d) National University of Ireland, Galway; e) University College Cork; f) the University's strategic partners (or any future strategic โ€ฆ View the procurement ยป
Mentioned suppliers: Fujitsu (Ireland) Ltd.